
Warm Feeling

Hearing everything they were going to do tomorrow it just made Ashlee even more excited. The smells, the sounds it was all just wonderful when working in the barn. There she felt calm and at peace like it was where she belonged.

"I'll be up bright and early to get my school work done and than you expecting to see me waiting at the barn for you."

Giving Eric a wave Ashlee makes her way back to the bunk house. Letting out a sigh and than sucking in some air Ashlee can't help but smile. The night went from not so great to being a whole lot better and Ashlee was glad. Now to get some sleep before what seemed like an eventful day tomorrow.

Stacy gives a smile as a warm feeling of being needed came over her. And knowing her and her daughter were welcome there it really made her feel good.

"Thanks Jeff."

Getting back to the bunks Stacy new this were her and Jeff should part now. It had been a good night and she was happy he did her rounds with her. She liked the quiet but having someone with her this once was nice too.

As Jeff places his hand on Stacys shoulder she gives a nod to him. The night really had been nice. It was much needed and she was thankful for his offer. Just searching his face for a long moment Stacy can't help but smile again as she brings her hand up to Jeff's.

"Thank you as well for offering to take Ashlee and I out for the night. It was much needed and very welcoming of you."

Standing there for another long moment Stacy finally takes a few steps forward and gives Jeff's arm a soft touch showing she was thankful for the night.

"Sleep well Jeff and I'll see you tomorrow."

Listing to Justin as he talks about his brother Beth takes another bit of her food just giving a small nod. Though Jared's first impression on her had been a bad one she still didn't want to see anything happen to him. For Justin's moms sake, for Justin's and just because it was simply wrong. As Justin thanks her for cooking Beth smiles. She didn't mind and it felt good to be able to cook for him

"Well, seeing how your brother was before the accident I can't blame you for having a hard time wanting to go see him. Sometimes forgiving, and forgetting or just pretending it didn't happen is hard. But I believe its what God would want us to do."

Drawing silent for a moment to blow on her soup before sipping it off the spoon Beth couldn't even begin to start thinking how Justin might feel. And if she was in his situation would she be doing anything differently.

"I'll keep praying that God gives you the peace to go see him. If and when you do go if you'd like to not do it alone I would be more than happy to go with you. I've got to return your mom's dish anyways."

Beth gives a smile as she looks across the table at Justin. He's been her first friend, someone she trusted, and had grown close to. He'd also helped her though a lot so to be able to repay him made her feel good even if it was something simple like this!

Long Time

Eric can't help but chuckle at Ashlee's enthusiasm. He didn't think he'd ever seen another horse-crazy girl who loved to do all this work and still not have been in the saddle once. Most would beg to ride, no matter who it was that taught them. Eric wondered, given the chance, if Ashlee really would still refuse to learn from someone else. He hoped he still had enough time before her birthday to be the one to offer. He hadn't wanted to at first but... well... maybe his soft spot was a little softer than he thought. The temptation to tell her now returned, but... if he did, he wouldn't have anything else to give her for her birthday, so he refrains.

"Well, the farrier is due to come soon and we need to figure out which horses need their hooves trimmed. Then we gotta take a look at Static's leg." Eric was referring to his own horse. "He got cut on something the other day and I bandaged it but we need to take a look and clean it and rebandage it. And if there's still time left... we'll figure it out then."

"As far as I'm concerned, we still need you around here." Jeff glances at Stacy as they walk. "Even if Dylan isn't here, we always need more eyes and just having you make your rounds at night is a major worry off our shoulders."

He shrugs, then grins. "At least that's what I think. Besides, no one would have a good enough reason for you not to stay. Even if you weren't a lookout, there's plenty to do. And nobody would want to make Ashlee leave now either."

Nearing the bunkhouses, he knows it's about time to say goodnight, and he sighs. "Well..." He slowly comes to a stop. "I guess this is where I get off."

Turning to Stacy, he sets a hand on her shoulder. "Thanks... it's been a long time since I had such a nice evening."

Justin holds his grin as Beth talks. He didn't know if he'd ever seen her quite like this - bubbly and all excited, but trying to contain it. It was good - refreshing - a big step forward for her. She'd apparently found out a lot about Zach. Though hoping she wasn't getting in over her head, Justin knew that if Beth had received any bad vibes at all, she wouldn't be seeing the guy again. So for the most part, he wasn't worried about her. But why did he have this strange miniature ache way down deep? Maybe he was just being protective.

Having the subject quickly reversed to him, Justin holds up one finger and pauses the conversation for a quick prayer for lunch. When finished, he tears off a corner of his sandwich to dip in his soup, though he knows Beth was still waiting for an answer. "Jared's doing as well as can be expected I guess. Ma says the doctor told her that his body is working overtime to heal quickly, which is good. Seems that the internal damage isn't of huge concern anymore and everything is working properly as far as that goes."

Justin pauses to take a bite of his dunked sandwich. "Mm... boy, this is good. Thanks for cooking." He smiles before continuing the conversation. "I guess he's in quite a bit of pain from his ribs and shoulder but the doctor said that everything really is healing better than could be expected so..." He shrugs. "I guess that's about it. He still can't feel or move his legs though and so far he hasn't regained any memories."

Eating for a moment or two, he finally glances over at Beth. "I... haven't been in to see him yet though. Just not quite sure how to do that one."


Heading to the barn door with Eric Ashlee gives a small nod at he talks. She didn't totally understand what he was saying but finding a place was something she did. Even if it was for different reasons she still could relate a little bit.

"Sometimes finding where you fit is hard. I can't say I totally understand but I do get how sometimes it can feel like your in the way. Though I know its not true feelings are just feelings and we cant help it."

Walking outside Ashlee zips her jacket before sticking her hands in her pockets. Looking to Eric she gives a big smile. She really did enjoy helping and being around him. If someone asked why there would be no answer. Maybe somewhere deep down Eric had hit the fatherly cord in Ashlee's heart and now it just stuck.

"I'll definitely come and help you tomorrow. Where do you want to meet and what is it we have to do?"

Ashlee could feel the excitement that ran through her. She really couldn't help it, being around horses was even better than she ever though and having Eric actually invite her along was even better.

Continuing to walk along with Jeff Stacy things for a long moment. It was a good question he asked and honestly she hadn't really though about it. Now though that the question was brought up it was a good question.

"Well, I really would hate to move Ashlee again and she seems for the most part to like it here. If you guys would still need me, or the police force would let me work out of the ranch than I would stay. But if not than I would have to go."

Stacy looks sad for a moment at the thought. She really did hope they would need her here still, or she could commute from here into town. In a short time she really had taken a liking to the ranch and Ashlee had too. To have to pull her away now it would be hard.

"I've really started liking it here. It's quiet but not to quiet, and everyone is so nice. I'd really miss it if we had to go."