
Would it...

Eric wishes there was some way he could help Ashlee more, but maybe this was just a little bit of growing up she'd have to do on her own. No matter what friends her mom made or if her mom ever decided to date someone or even get married, to a certain degree Ashlee would have to accept it.

Sighing a little, he looks around the barn. "Well, we're pretty much closed up here. I did want to go check on Buttercup once more though. She's due to foal any day now. Wanna come with me?"

Jeff feels comfortable walking with Stacy, enjoying it that she liked this part of the day - so did he. Coming up beside her and leaning on the fence, his eyes gaze across the dark expanse. "Mm... yeah. I lived in the city for a while but never could get used to it. Out here is just... different. It's so big yet God feels closer."

Quiet for a moment, his thumbnail finds a small splinter in the fence rail to pick at. He did like it here. He did like the closeness to God and the wide open spaces. But while there was all that, there was still a piece of him that was lonely.

Giving Stacy a sidelong glance, he notices the light shining in her eyes and he smiles. "Would it be inappropriate if I told you how pretty you are?"


Leaning aganst one of the stalls Ashlee let's out a little sigh. She wasn't so sure if it had been Eric if she would of felt the same. She like spending time with him and adding her mom in the mix that sounded fun.

"I know she needs friends and I'd never want to stop her from that just...I don't know. I guess I will get use to it."

She'd have to get use to it. It was only fair to her mom to do that. No matter how strange if felt. Just something about Jeff hit her funny.

"Anything else you need help with?"

Stacy gives a smile as she starts out with Jeff. Doing a quick check to make sure she had everything. Leading the way her smile grows a little more.

"It sure is a nice night out today. I always enjoy this part. Quiet time helps me reflect on the day."

Continuing to walk Stacy finally stops coming to one of the fences. Looking out over one of the pastures Stacy just studys the harizon for a long moment.

"It's nice to see all God had created. That's why I like it here. There isn't lights and smoke clouding the nature he put in front of us."

The moonlight huts Stacy just right letting her face light up more than it already was.

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