
No one

Waving to the thin air a small grin was on Trey's lips. The smokes he would be able to sell and add the money he already had and the favor well when he needed it he'd call on Alec for sure. It was always good to have something like that up his sleeve.


Taking a bit of her grilled cheese Beth's eyes had a new light in them. Thinking on his question for a moment Beth wondered how did she feel about Zach. When she thought about it butterflys did flutter in her tummy. Did that mean she liked him?

"He's really nice and smart too. He works at a shelter and selling cars. He also has a dog named Button."

Spooning her soup and bringing it to her lips and blowing it to cool it down. She couldn't help but babble though maybe she should tone it down a little as not to be to hyper.

"How is Jared doing?"

Angelica can't help but laugh even more and in doing so she loses her own balance and falls drenching herself. Slapping the water she continues to laugh, it was all she could do in the whole situation.

"My fault? You're the one who wanted to come here."

Shaking her head and leaning back a little to fix her hair wetting it down. Shaking a little to dry it off she just sits in the water by Reese the smile still on her face.

"No one is ever going to believe we did this you know!"

Giving a nod to Jeff and taking a sip of her juice Stacy lets it slide down her throat before replying. It was hard to think what Ashlee was thinking but from what she saw that was what she could tell.

"Yeah she seemed to be fitting in pretty good. Still some things we both have to get use too but all in all I think she's doing ok."

A small dimness goes over her eyes. Thinking about how her daughter was still sad for one reason.

"She does miss Dylan though. He was one of her ownly friends here. I think she just hopes he is ok too. She has a good big heart ya know?"


Jeff smiles as Stacy accepts his invitation. He figured since Dylan wasn't here at the moment, she might be okay at getting away, and he was glad she'd said yes. He hoped Ashlee would want to go too.

Stacy's question makes him chuckle. "I'm as alright as a broken down cowboy can be." He grins and takes another bite of his food before nodding. "Guess I wouldn't trade it though - living here, I mean. With family. Still gets a little lonely sometimes," he admits, "but I suppose that comes with the territory. What about you? How are you and Ashlee settling in?"

Doused with water - and a bit of seaweed - Reese coughs as some of the water went up his nose. Just standing there a moment, dripping, his eyes narrow. Flicking off the seaweed, he steps forward again. Unfortunately, there was a rock he didn't see, and as his bare foot hits it, pain shoots through his toe.

Recoiling too quickly, he loses his balance. With a wail of dismay, he falls backward into the water. Despite being right on the edge, he falls far enough to become completely drenched from head to toe. Sputtering and sitting up in the water, he blinks and stares up at Angelica, unable to believe he'd just done that. "All your fault," he accuses, trying not to laugh. His face was red from both embarrassment and the stifled laughter. "This whole thing... your fault."

Still sitting in the water, he splashes a little just for the fun of it. "At least it's warm."

Jason thinks for a moment, then nods. "Yeah... yeah, sure, a movie sounds good."

Taking her hand from his shoulder, he holds it for a few seconds before lifting it to his lips to kiss it. Standing, he slips his arm around her shoulders and heads for the door. "Come on. Let's go say hi to Carson."

Sitting down with Beth at the table, Justin lifts his eyebrows at her sudden enthusiasm to tell him something. Hearing she'd been on a date, he cocks his head a little, spying a new kind of sparkle in her eye. It was fantastic. She'd actually talked to someone and went out with them without someone holding her hand. It was a huge step for her to say the least and there was so much to be proud of. The difference in her between today and when they'd first met - it was amazing. Why then did Justin find himself needing to force his smile to surface?

Letting it go quickly, he does smile. "Well good for you. I'm very proud of you. That's great that you're making a new friend."

He picks up his napkin and sets it on his leg. "So... you like him?" he teases, tossing her a wink.

A long pause implies Alec is deep in thought over his options. He finally responds to Trey. "You got a deal. I'll get the smokes to you, and at that point I'll let you know when I'll need your services." He wasn't sure exactly when that would be, but it would be soon. He was tired of the Elite knowing his every move, and if he wanted to do anything outside his bounds, he needed them to be blind to it. "Later."

Nice Guy

Looking up at Jeff as he sits down Stacy gives a smile. She was in a pretty good move after having a nice heart to heart with Ashlee today. Things were settled there and everything seemed to be going smoothly.

Taking a sip of her water Stacy thinks for a long moment. Dinner with Jeff tomorrow, it would be a friendly thing to do and nice to just get out of the ranch for a little bit and have a nice dinner.

"Well I'll have to see if Ashlee wants to come too but if she does I am all for it. I think a nice dinner would be good. Ash really hasn't been away since we got here and I haven't had much quiet time. It might be nice."

Jeff was definitely a nice man and having him invite her and Ashlee out to dinner and ice cream was very nice thing to do. It would also be a nice chance to see where things around town were a little bit.

Cutting her pot roast Stacy gives a smile to Jeff before taking a bit and chewing her food. She loved eating here everything just seemed to melt in your mouth and made to perfection. Not one meal had been bad in her opinion.

"That was really nice of you Jeff thanks. So how have you been?"

Angelica can't help but laugh at Reese and his comment. It felt good to let go, to be free and just have fun. It had been such a very long time for sure. Getting a lot wetter from Reese splash than originally planning Angelica squinter her eyes and points her finger at him trying to look mad, the winkle still there though showing she wasn't.

"Oh sure you wanna play nice after you drench me huh?"

Bending down and cuping her hands rather largely Angelica scoops up a bunch of water and throws it in Reese way. Not till a big lump of seaweed hits him does she realize it was there. Bringing a hand to her mouth she does her best not to laugh but can hardly contain herself as it rolls over her tongue.

Turning from the stove for a moment Beth smiles seeing the cookies. Justin's mother was so very nice. It was easy to tell Justin's must have gotten his kind heart from her too.

"That was very sweet of her you will have to tell me thank you for her."

Taking a spatula and taking the grilled cheese from the pan and putting them down on the plate Beth brings them to the table for herself and Justin. Going back for the soup and bringing it as well she sits down.

She was excited to tell Justin about last night and everything that had happened with Zach. Just leaving her food for a moment she folds her hands and looks across the table at Justin.

"I think I went on a date last night. A guy I've seen come into the bar a time or two but never drinks the alcohol asked me for coffee when I got out. His name is Zach and he's really nice. His Uncle stays at Brookshire too. Tomorrow we are gonna go and visit them than have lunch again."

Beth gives a smile to Justin. She was proud of herself and being able to make a new friend with someone else. She hopped Justin was as well. She was moving forward with life like he wanted.

Looking down at Jason Katie gives a small half a smile. Everything still felt so strange and she still found herself trying to talk with Jason from another room but it just didn't work. So there words were few over the last week and it Just didn't feel right not being able to feel at all.

"Yeah pizza sounds good. I haven't had there pizza for a while."

Katie leans against the bed and lays a hand on his shoulder. She hadn't shared with Jason how empty she felt. She didn't want to make him worried or feel bad. Maybe once a little more time had passed everything would be ok and she would get use to feeling something. After all even if she couldn't feel it she new she loved Jason right?

"Maybe after we can do a movie or something back at my place. I have a couch thats getting pretty lonely."

Giving a little jump as the phone rings it was the last thing Trey had expected. Just looking at it for a long moment, than the camera in his room than the phone again Trey picks it up not helping the wonder one who was on the other line.

"Yeah...whats up?"

Hearing Alec's voice on the other end Trey couldn't help but be a little surprised he was hearing from Alec at all. Leaning back on the bed again and Trey folds his arms. This could be his chance to be getting a few things he wanted. Or at least some stuff he could sell for money.

"It's not what I would take, but what are you willing to giving. What your asking wont be an easy task, but I can do it."

Trey thinks for a long moment what would he want, what would Alec give, and how much could he really get.

"Get me a carton of smokes and a favor later on down the road no questions asked when it happens. If you can do that You got yourself a deal."


Suppertime at the ranch was almost always a relaxing time. After any visitors had already eaten, it was just the families and ranch hands, able to sit and chill for a while. Though getting dark outside, a fire in the fireplace kept the atmosphere warm and inviting.

Getting his plate of roast beef and mashed potatoes and balancing it all, along with his cup of coffee, Jeff weaves through the tables before picking a spot across from Stacy. "Mind some company?" He smiles as he sits down.

Adding some butter to his potatoes, he works on his food for a few moments before looking up again. Taking a sip of coffee, he cocks his head at Stacy. "I was wondering if... maybe tomorrow night I could take you and Ashlee into town for some supper and ice cream or something?"

Reese blinks as he receives a new spray of water. All of a sudden he felt like a high school kid again, uninhibited by adult logic.

"Think you're pretty funny, huh?" Letting go of Angelica's hand, he reaches down with both hands and scoops up some water, throwing it in her direction. Only afterward does he realize that it was more than a little sprinkle, and as such, he was probably in for it now.

Trying not to laugh, he backs up a step into the water, holding up his hands in defense. "Now now, let's play nice..."

Justin grins as he's let inside Beth's apartment. She seemed rather cheery this morning, which was quite contagious. "Things are alright." He follows her towards the kitchen. "Long day yesterday but I survived."

Leaning on the counter out of her way, he sets the cookies aside. "Ma sent some cookies over for you. I was with her a while yesterday, taking her to see Jared and stuff." He still hadn't gone in to see his brother. He still hadn't had the nerve. And he didn't know which was worse - the simmering anger he still had against his brother, or knowing he was a coward.

Realizing he'd been caught in a stare, he blinks and forces a smile. "How 'bout you?"

"You wanna do supper or something?" Jason bent over to tie his shoes while sitting in the infirmary. Rick had made him stick around for a couple days of recovery, but now was finally officially released as long as he checked back in every day for a while. Though still a little weak along with a lingering headache, he was feeling fine.

Finished with his shoe, he glances up at Katie before standing. It was kind of strange. They hadn't talked a whole lot the last couple days. It was like a state of shock after everything had finally settled down. Jason still had a strange sense of emptiness whenever he tried to think of how he felt emotionally. He hadn't said anything to Rick though, figuring whatever this was would wear off after a while. He hadn't said anything to Katie either, not wanting her to think he suddenly didn't care or something.

"Maybe Mom and Pop's? I think I could handle a pizza."

"Trey... it's Alec Banks." Though it had been quite a while since seeing each other, Alec knew that Trey would remember him. Standing at the payphone, he fiddles with the extra quarter in his hand. He might look like he didn't pay attention to much, but while at TJY, he'd memorized an awful lot, much of which was still embedded in his brain. One of those things was the number for the phone in the room of the lower level where Trey was still staying. Alec had hoped he hadn't moved out yet, and it looked like he was in luck.

"Hey, listen... you know a bit about computers, right? What would it take for you to, say, hack into a certain little tracking system so the Elite would be blind to my whereabouts for, oh say, a couple hours?" Though they hadn't spoken in person in a long time, Alec knew good and well that Trey would have heard all about his fiasco with the Agency, trial, and where he was now. Everybody knew Alec wore an ankle bracelet to keep him under control.