

"Dylan?" Mick calls down the barn aisle and waits for a response but receives none. Wandering into the barn, he searches for his son, but comes up empty-handed. Pausing to think of where else to look, he shakes his head, muttering under his breath. "You've got to be kidding me." Two days in a row? Seriously? At least this time Ashlee was unable to go anywhere so it was just Dylan. But really now... this was ridiculous.

The boy hadn't shown up for breakfast, but Mick had thought nothing of it, since his son was most likely still in a bad mood and was known for skipping meals if he was upset. A while later, Sparky had asked him where Dylan was after he hadn't shown up for his riding lesson. Mick had volunteered to hunt him down, but now, after searching the barn and surrounding paddocks, and after glancing in Dylan's bunkhouse, he had seen nothing. After that, he'd taken a walk around the ranch to all the places his son normally went to sulk - all the places he'd visited the day before on the very same mission - but still found nothing.

By now, it was getting close to lunchtime. Mick had gotten very little done this morning and was quickly becoming irritated. He'd only asked a couple of the ranch hands if they'd seen anything and none had. Everyone else was too busy to notice him wandering around, and that was fine with him. He was feeling rather stupid for going through this routine the second time in two days. Deep down, though, he was also just a little bit worried. Yesterday, Dylan running off wish Ashlee was one thing. Today, the kid was upset, so who knew what he'd be up to? What if he went and did something really stupid? What if he got into trouble alone somewhere? What if the Agency nabbed him while he was in this vulnerable position? If something really did happen, Mick's guilt would increase ten-fold.

He shakes his head again. He'd go see if Dylan had shown up for lunch. And if not, at least there'd be more people there to question.

Getting to the dining hall, he lets himself in, seeing many had gathered already. The scent of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches wafted in the air. Mick's stomach growls but he ignores it.

His eyes find Rosetta across the room and he allows her to see his worry so she'd know that he'd been unsuccessful in his search. He'd vented to her the evening before about Dylan, the fight, and his own guilty conscience. it didn't help matters any though.

Clearing his throat, he waves to get everybody's attention, giving a short but shrill whistle.

Those standing or seated look in his direction. Jade had just gotten settled next to Dan and looks up quickly, surprised and wondering what it was her Dad looked so concerned about.

Mick purses his lips. "I know we went through this yesterday... but has anyone seen Dylan today at all?"

There were may heads shaking no.

Jim frowns from where he sat near Mick. "He's missing again?"

"Yeah. At least I can't find him." Mick grits his teeth and finds Stacy over to the side. But she didn't look like she knew anything either. He throws up his arms lamely. "Alright, well... if anyone sees him, please let me know." What he should do now, he wasn't sure.

Wyatt finally looks at Aerith and shifts his arm around so he could hold her close. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I should just take advantage of this in spite of why it happened."

He gives the top of her head a kiss. "Wanna run away with me?" he teases.

Smirking, he shakes his head. "I guess maybe I just need to accept that everything has changed. The Elite... Dad... everything. Not anything else I can do about it, so..." He shrugs. "All I can do is come see my girlfriend at wee hours in the morning and deprive her of sleep."

Confused, Scott looks down at the box. He didn't understand. What was it? Why was Hope giving him something?

After a hesitant glance at her across the table, his fingers slowly open the box. As his eyes come to rest on his camera, his heart jumps. His camera. His favorite camera. The good one. The one he'd used for all of his favorite pictures. He knew it wasn't just a replacement because he recognized a scratch on the side from when he'd dropped it once. It was the camera he'd...thrown away.

His gaze snaps up and locks with Hope's for a long moment. How had she known? Who had seen him give it up that day? Why had she kept it for him?

A lump rises in his throat. Looking back down at the camera, he carefully lifts it out of the box. His fingers wander around this precious tool, feeling at home on the cool surface. He suddenly feels tears pooling behind his eyes. He couldn't remember a time he'd received such a thoughtful gift. He was glad he'd come tonight.

Finally looking back at Hope again, a faint smile creases his lips. "Thank you," he manages. "I think I... I'm ready to try this thing out again." It was more than just a camera to him - it was part of him, his hobby, his therapy, his outlet.

A short bark brings a sudden end to the moment and he glances down at Domino who seemed quiet perturbed that her master was so preoccupied. He grins and shakes his head. "Spoiled brat."

She puts her front paws on his leg and wriggles, having no clue he'd just called her a brat, but simply loving it that he'd talked to her at all.

Scott sighs. Setting the camera aside, he turns sideways in his chair and lets Domino up in his lap where she really wanted to be. She's quick to accept, sitting right down on his legs and giving a little huff of approval. She looks over at Hope and gives a happy whimper as if telling her she was quite content now.

Scott rolls his eyes but gives in and lets his hand give her some loving. Eventually though, he does look back over to Hope. He was glad for this little interruption... it gave him an excuse to cease eating without making her feel bad he hadn't finished his plate. "I, um..." What was he really trying to say? Maybe he didn't even know. "Thanks for... for still believing in me... even when I didn't."


Exiting the barn Dan closes the doors behind him. There was a storm coming and the last thing he wanted was for anything to blow away, horses to get loose, or any damage done. So he had taken it on himself to make sure everything was locked down. He'd be getting up in an hour or so anyways to start chorus anyways. So the early start didn't bother him.

Hearing a noise Dan squints through the dark down the drive way trying to make out the figure with the truck. About to go after whoever it was Dan stops as a flashing of lighting reveals who it was. He'd heard from Jade about the fight, and now Dylan was running away once again. Letting out a sigh he turns heading to the mess hall to get some coffee. He could try and stop Dylan but at the moment that would do no good.

"Maybe you need a vacation?"

Aerith leans into Wyatt once he puts his coffee down. Everything seemed more clear now. He was having mixed feelings about a lot of things to the point that he didn't even know what to feel, how or why. She didn't know what he was going through but she could only imagine it was hard.

"As much as you hate it maybe you should take the time off you have been given and just get away for a little bit. Evaluate the situation and just relax."

Giving a slight nod Hope listened to Scott. She was sure Reese would let him come back to work starting off as part time. Everyone missed Scott and he had been so good at his job. She was sure Dalton would have no problem share his office again either.

"Starting out small and working your way up is definitely a good goal. I bet your gonna do just fine."

Remembering something suddenly Hope holds up a finger motioning she would be right back before moving her chair and heading out of the kitchen and into the living room. Only gone a few moments she returns with a box and hands it to Scott with a smile.

"I've been saving this for you and now it will give you something to do."

Tucked inside the box gently was Scott's camera and film he had thrown away after getting to Brookshire. She had saved it this whole time for him in hopes to one day be able to give it back to him. It was important to him, so it was important to her.


Scott tries not to let the surprise show on his face. Not that he thought Hope was one to go out dating guys all the time, but he thought for sure after he'd sent that letter, that she would have found companionship with someone else. But...she hadn't. Why? He wondered if he knew.

He's glad when she changes the subject though, diverting his mind to something else. Taking a sip of water, he shakes his head. "I... really don't know. I'm not really sure what to do."

He looks down for a moment, watching Domino. "I suppose I'd like to go back to work if Reese will have me. Maybe just a little... like part time or something... to see if I can handle it." He'd be the first to admit he wasn't sure how much he could handle at this point. It would all be trial and error from here on out. "If I can't then... I guess it'll be flipping burgers somewhere or something." Tucked away in the back of his mind was his photography. His hidden dream had always been to make a career out of his hobby. Now though... he didn't know if he still had it in him or not, and besides that, he'd need to get a new camera and they didn't come cheap.

He forces a smile and takes another bite of food, trying to at least eat half of what was on his plate. His taste buds loved it. His stomach not so much. "There's always jobs around," he concludes. "I figure something out."

Jason returns a light kiss to Katie's lips, glad to see she wasn't too upset over this whole thing. What did bother him, though, was the strange sensation - or lack thereof - when receiving and returning Katie's affection. At least he thought it was affection. Well it was, right? Obviously. So why did it...
He stops his mind from going there. He was just tired. That was all.

Catching Katie's eye, he holds his gaze, letting her words linger. He was glad, for her sake, he had survived this battle. Glancing over to see Rick and Misty were still busy at work, he moves over a little in his bed even though it hurt. Making room, he pats the blanket next to him as an invitation. Letting her lie down next to him, he turns on his side and wraps an arm around her, burying his face into her neck and hair. Closing his eyes, he sighs deeply. "We don't have to think about that now," he mumbles. She was safe. He was safe. That's all that mattered.

Why, then, did he feel so very empty? It was as if, along with their connection, all emotion had been completely drained from him. And along with it...

He scrunches his eyes closed tighter. He didn't want to think about it. He just wanted to rest here close to Katie and feel...

He swallows hard.


Wyatt digests Aerith's questions, just letting her do the talking for a few moments. He didn't really have good answers though. It had been a long time since he'd felt this messed up about anything.

"We're all overworked," he finally responds. His eyes remained fixed on the ceiling. "Not that he doesn't have a right to react to it, but that's nothing really new I guess."

He lapses into silence again before figuring out his next answer. "I do like Angelica. I mean, she's alright and all." He shrugs. "I guess in the beginning, I thought it was cute Dad was dating someone. Now it just feels weird. I mean we all work together. I walk down the hall and there she is." He waves. "Hi... Miss Lockhart? Angelica? Dad's girlfriend? Future stepmother?" He grimaces. "Cute has turned into ew."

Smirking, he takes another sip of coffee then sets the cup down on the table for now. Leaning back into the couch, he resumes his upward stare. "And no I haven't said anything to him. It's been like walking on pin and needles around him lately. If I were to say anything remotely close to negative about Angelica, he'd pummel me."

A new sigh emerges. His fingers still toy with hers. "I just feel like I don't fit what he wants in the Elite anymore."

Heading back to his bunk, Dylan didn't look back. He felt a strange little twinge down deep, but let it go. Ashlee was nice and all but there were some things he just had to do...

...Thunder rolled in the distance, a stale breeze blowing through the ranch. The air held a tantalizing scent of rain, but no drop had fallen yet.

Dylan laid awake on his bed, his eyes drifting between the dark ceiling and his digital bedside clock. It was three in the morning - late enough that no one was up anymore, and early enough that no one was awake yet. It was as Dylan had planned the evening before. The hardest part was getting under Stacy's radar, but even she slept each night after her late rounds. And right now, the timing was perfect.

Another roll of thunder subtly vibrates the bunkhouse. Dylan throws off his blanket to reveal he hadn't undressed from the prior day. Slipping on his sneakers, he then grabs his backpack and slaps a baseball cap on his head. He'd laid out everything so he wouldn't need to turn on his light.

Quietly exiting his bunkhouse, he takes a quick glance around to find the ranch deathly still except for the breeze. Taking a route that was safely within the shadows and out of reach of the ranch lights, he heads nearer the garage where several vehicles were parked. Carefully opening the pickup door, he tosses in his bag. Straightening to glance around again, he slides into the pickup and puts it into neutral. Thankfully, there was just slight enough of an incline that a hefty shove would get the vehicle silently rolling. Walking with one hand on the wheel and one on the open door, Dylan struggles to push the truck down the drive way. The nearing thunder muffled the crunch of gravel and the dogs seemed not to care much about someone they knew. No house lights caught Dylan's eye - the coast was still clear.

By the time Dylan reached a good distance down the driveway, sweat was trickling down the sides of his face. Letting the pickup roll to a halt, he looks back over his shoulder. Was he far enough away? He hoped so.

Waiting a few moments, he takes note of distant lightning then counts until he hears the thunder. Once satisfied, he reaches in his pocket to draw out a key he'd swiped from the office yesterday afternoon. Sliding in behind the steering wheel, he pulls the door shut as quietly as he can, then waits. Seeing the lightning, he counts, then turns the key just as the thunder rolls. Taking several nervous glances in the mirrors, he finally puts the truck in gear and lets it crawl the rest of the way down the driveway until he reached the road. Left or right was the only decision remaining before he steps on the gas pedal and heads towards town.

New Day

Enjoying the meal Hope took note to how slow Scott was eating but it didn't both her one bit. It was nice to just seeing him eating this time around. It was the baby steps that matter no matter how slow or how fast.

Hearing Scott's comment about her having a date every night brings a chuckle that slipped from her lips. Searching Scott's face Hope couldn't help but wonder about Scott's question.

"No no...no dates. Unless a date on the couch counts with Dick VanDike!"

Taking another bite of her food Hope throws another smile to Scott. If he really though she had a boyfriend she now wondered if he was surprised that she didn't. Her heart still belonged to Scott even if he had let her go.

"So now what are you going to be doing since your home again?"

Getting up and steadying herself a little Katie gets closer to Jason's bed before sitting down next to him and taking his hand in her. Running her finger over his Katie gives a small nod agreeing.

"Thats right, I'd rather lose something less important than lose you thats for sure. Even if it doesn't seem like it, I really am happy. I think I'm just a little drained still."

Making the best of this was all they could do about it. Getting use to it was just going to have to happen. She still loved Jason she new she did so she would have to train herself and that was it. Leaning in Katie gives Jason a small kiss before backing away a little bit and searching his eyes.

"I don't know what I would of done if you hadn't made it through."

Continuing to listen to Wyatt Aerith gives a nod that she was listing even if she hadn't said anything. It was becoming a little more clear on everything that was going around in Wyatt's mind and what was bothing him. What surprised her though was his short comment about Angelica. It was a simple comment but it held a bit of jealousy on it.

"Maybe you Dad is over worked? Maybe he needs a vacation away just you and him like you told me you guys use to do. All that paperwork he does is for the Elite maybe its just starting to get to him. As for Angelica....I thought you liked her...I mean as least you dad has someone to talk with right?"

Aerith didn't know what about Angelica specifically was bothering Wyatt or why but she could tell it was something. Maybe because Reese didn't spend as much time with Wyatt anymore it was bothing him, or having another woman move into his dad's life made him feel odd.

"Have you tried talking to your dad about it calmly? Maybe he doesn't even realize these things are bothering you!"

Watching Dylan turn to leave Ashlee gives a wave and watchs him go. She this whole thing would be solved or blow over soon so she could see Dylan again. She'd like to think they had started to become friends and he seemed like a really fun person to hang around.

Letting out a sigh and turning back to lay down on the bed she lets out a sigh. There was a new ach in her heart even if it seemed silly and childish it was still there and she couldn't help it. Tomorrow was a new day and she wondered how many of those would have to happen till she would be able to see Dylan again.


Dylan was glad Ashlee wasn't hurt any worse than she was, but even more than that, he was relieved she was talking to him at all. Whether Mick had accused him out in the open or not, he hadn't needed to fire back like he had, and was sorry if he'd made things worse on Ashlee.

Her question brings his gaze to the ground for a moment before looking back up to the window again. "Yeah, I'm okay." He shrugs. "I've been through a lot worse than this." His eyes were dim tonight... dimmer than usual. But he gives Ashlee a crooked grin anyway. "I always said homework was detrimental to my health."

Glancing over his shoulder, he knows he can't stay long, lest he be spotted. "I better go. See ya around."

Wyatt leans his head back to look at the ceiling, one hand holding his coffee mug on his leg, while the other was still in Aerith's grasp. He could tell she was confused - that was no surprise. So was he. This whole thing just seemed so stupid.

"I don't know." Yes, he'd always said he loved his job. And he had. But was it time for a change?

"It's just..." His phrase lingers as he tries to collect his thoughts. He really did want to talk it out, but just wasn't sure where to begin or what really was on his mind.

"Things have been different. I mean, of course they were different after we came out into the open and we have stricter rules because of it, but all that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is Dad lately. The rest of us can't seem to do anything right. He's never happy. We tried to fix a certain situation tonight, figuring we were saving more than one life. Only afterward did we learn Dad had other plans, so he flipped out on us."

He shakes his head. "He's never kept things from the team before - not like that. And when he raked me over the coals, it was like since I was his son, he was going to use me as the example or something." He shrugs lamely. "I just don't know if it's worth it anymore. All he's got time for is paperwork and Angelica. It's like he doesn't even see the Elite's true purpose anymore."

The bit about Angelica had unintentionally slipped out and Wyatt hoped Aerith hadn't noticed. He wasn't sure if he was ready yet to voice the feelings he had about that whole thing.

Jason caught on to something in Katie's voice that hinted she was less than happy about this whole thing. He still didn't know the full story of how the Agency had gotten involved and exactly what information they'd wanted in return, but his mind was too tired to try and put it all together anyway. As far as Katie went... no matter how they'd gotten here, it didn't really surprise him that she'd be unhappy. She was always the first to want them to stay connected and he'd always been the one fighting it.

Still to sore to move much, Jason remains in bed, his eyes following her. "No... I don't sense a connection at all," he admits. "Kinda quiet." He'd meant it as a tease, but the humor seemed to deflate as soon as the words left his mouth. "Things could be worse - I could be dead. Or you. What's a minor adjustment in the big scheme of things?"

Settled at the table, Scott listens to Hope, feeling badly that she'd been so sick - it was apparent her daily routines had been forced to slow down some.

As she sits across from him, her words bring a little heat to his face and his question again lingers in his mind. But he couldn't ask...not yet. He wasn't even sure how to respond to her last comment.

Clearing his throat, he turns a little in his seat, letting Domino gnaw on her toy by his feet. "Well I guess... it's good to be missed." His inner voice chided him that it was a lame response.

Getting started with the meal, at least eating took up time and not as much needed to be said, though there were a few awkward pauses. Scott does his best to show Hope he enjoyed her cooking, but he knew he was eating at a very slow pace.

Eventually, the burning question gets the best of him. Chewing another small bite of food, he glances across to Hope, studying her for a moment. "Things can't be all that boring," he muses. "Not for someone like you." He forces a wry sort of grin. "Figured you might have a date every night by now."

Made Day

Laying in her bed and just looking off into space Ashlee's mind wonders. She was tired from the pain killers Angel had given her and more so from the crying fest she had, had after the visit. Having her mom tell her she was disappointed hurt and Ashlee wasn't sure how to handle it.

Hearing the voice outside her window brings her attachen around. Shifting around on the bed so she was closer to the window and could whisper Ashlee looks to the door. She moment wasn't there right now so she didn't have to be to quiet. Ashlee looks over the sill to see Dylan.

"Hey, I didn't think I'd see you for a while after what happened today."

Ashlee had been embarssed today beyond anything else. She could only imagen how much worse it must have been for Dylan. To have your personal problems, or issues from the past just blurted out like that in front of people could not have been fun. She had felt bad for him and now yet here he was at her window. Ash couldn't help but smile a little thinking this was like something from a book.

"Angel said my ankle was severely sprained but nothing was broken. For the next few weeks I am going to have to use crutches and slowly start walking on it again. All in all it could of been worse for sure."

Letting out a long sigh for a moment Ashlee searches Dylan's eyes. She could tell he was still upset and he had a right to be. She just wished this hole mess hadn't happens to start with. Everything just got worse than it really had to be and it sucked. If there was a way to fix it all Ash would have done it in a heart beat. The last thing she wanted was to lose her friend.

"How about you? Are...you ok?"

Just sitting in silence for a little bit Aerith didn't mind it one bit. Silence could be just as good as talking and she new in time words would be said. She was in no rush so there was no point in hurrying the conversation alone.

As Wyatt starts to talk and Aerith listens a look of surprise cross her face as he mentions he was put on probation. She couldn't image what he would have don't to deserve that or why Reese would do so if his son was doing the right thing. It seemed strange and confusing all in the same breath.

"Probation? For what? I know you can't go into detail but if you were doing the right thing with or without all the details how is that worth probation?"

Locking her fingers with Wyatt's Aerith could tell the whole thing was really getting to him. Part of her wondered if it was just work or maybe something more to it. His comment about quitting made her wonder even more. She'd seen him stressed with his job before but never to the point of quitting. This was something completely new.

"Oh Wyatt? Would you really want to quit? You've always talked about how much you love your job."

Jason's question of if that was a good thing lingers for a long moment as Katie rolls onto her back before swinging her legs around and sitting up. A good thing? She felt empty, lost, and not understanding how to feel. Yeah that was a good thing alright.

"It saved your life thats really all that matters. You living, taking another breath and being able to live your life is a good thing."

Katie gives a small smile letting Jason know it was a good thing. Maybe at this point it was good he couldn't feel her but than again if he did feel her she wouldn't be feeling nothing, and than...Jason would also be dead. There was no good end point to this so Katie was just going to have to find the a way to deal.

"Thats what the people from The Agency said. As far as I can see right now...I can't feel anything."

Those words felt bitter on her tongue. True but bitter and she hated saying them. She only hoped they didn't come across as cold.

"How about you? Feel anything?"

Moving around the kitchen putting stuff into bowls and placing settings at the table Hope gives a smile to Scott. Hope could see the awkwardness in his eyes and hear the hesitance in his voice. She tried to make the atmusphere as comfortable as possible but she new it would just take time for Scott to feel completely comfortable again.

"You're very welcome. Things here for me are pretty normal. Not much has changed other than getting tired quickly and going to bed around nine because I have nothing better to do."

Hope gives a small chuckle. Sometimes she wished she could get out and do more but all in all it didn't bother her to much. She really didn't have anyone to do anything with anyways. But now that Scott was back, maybe...just maybe that would change.

"I'm happy you did show up at TJY.." Hope places the last bowl on the table before sitting down across from Scott. "..it sure did make my day. I missed you very much."