

Walking with Dylan, Ashlee does her best to keep up. She didn't want him to think she was a wuss or make him aggravated so he would want to turn around. It was a quiet walk but she didn't mind. Hearing the natural sounds and having Dylan talk here and there was nice in itself. Not to mention, adventuring a little was nice too. Her mom had told her not to go into the woods alone so she had stayed out. Now though, she was with someone and it was fun.

Moving over rocks, trees and brush, Ashlee was careful not to trip or fall. A few holes made from groundhogs or snakes were avoided too. It was dangerous ground for someone who didn't have the right hiking gear but Ashlee didn't mind.

"Umm...let me see here." Pulling out the book from her bag, she continues to walk as she thumbed through the pages, looking up now and then to see where Dylan was. The ground and all that was on it was going unnoticed, along with the rather large hole just steps away.

"I am looking for Asarum canadense. They grow low to the ground, like the shade and almost look like a lily pad. They mostly grow under bushes and other shrubs. It also says here tha..." Before she could get the rest of what she was saying out, Ashlee feels her foot sink into the ground and a snap in her ankle was soon to follow as a shooting pain ran up her leg. Tumbling to the ground, the book goes flying along with a puff of dirt and leaves where she had landed.

"Ouch...my ankle...I heard something snap in it." Along with the extreme amount of pain Ashlee felt as she held her ankle, tears formed in her eyes and she can't help but feel embarrassed she had fallen in front of Dylan too. All she could do was sit there, the silent sobs coming out. She had fallen before, but nothing had ever felt like this. Beads of sweat formed on her face, mixing with the tears. Almost instantly she could feel her ankle start to swell. "I think it's sprained or broken. It hurts to move...move it."

Heading into the tent, Bree did her best to stay quiet and not wake Amanda. She didn't know how long she had been sleeping but nonetheless, she wanted to be quiet as possible. Unzipping the sleeping bag and slipping inside, she lets out her breath. She had successfully avoided waking Amanda.

Closing her eyes and ready to drift off into sleep, Bree's eyes snap open again at the loud yelp and crashing of pans from the next tent over. So much for not waking anyone. Amanda sits up straight in the tent at the sound of the loud commotion. Her heart raced, not sure what was going on. Anything from the thought of a bear to a bobcat passed through her mind. Only after hearing Gunner's voice and the laughter that followed did she know what was going on.

Looking over at Bree, whose eyes were now wide and her own chuckles slip out, Amanda just shakes her head as she holds her own smile. "Are you sure he's a vampire?"

Letting out another laugh, Bree nods at Amanda and she props herself up on her elbows. She had been startled herself, but just the images she was getting in her mind of what JT and Gunner must look like now was too funny. "I am sure he is. Not a very quiet one, but one nonetheless."

Once everything was calm again, and realizing no one was hurt too badly, the soft sounds of breathing and a snore here and there filled the air.

Morning came as most would say all too early, but to those camping, the early morning marked just another exciting adventure for them. Breakfast being cooked, the smells and sounds of what a morning it was.

Standing by JT and helping where she could, Amanda's face wore a big smile. It was nice and different not to be in such a rush this morning. Being able to enjoy something as simple as this was truly a treat.

Looking up at Gunner as Bree places down plates and forks, she gives a smile. Her blond hair shone in the sunlight, her eyes twinkled with the sunbeams. "I think a walk sounds nice, but no matter if my uncle moves slowly or not, we should never skip out on his eggs. As long as Amanda makes sure he doesn't burn them."

Getting back to TJY, Hope goes right back to her office after stopping for only a brief moment to let Reese know she was back. Though really much hadn't gone on except for a walk and talk with Kip, she still felt drained.

Sitting down at the computer, she starts to write up a report to put in Kip's file. Everything she learned about him, what she thought, and even how she might help him. It was all part of the job. Pausing a moment to collect her thoughts, a slight knock on the door brings her attention out of what she was doing. Odd. She wasn't expecting any other people to be stopping by today. "Come on in," Hope calls, waiting for whoever it was to enter.

Not seeing the door open right away, Hope wondered if the person on the other side had even heard her. About to call again, the door starts to slowly open. Seeing who was on the other side, she can't help the look of shock on her face that was soon replaced with a look of extreme happiness. "Scott!"

She had been tired, but now it seemed as though she had mustered up energy from somewhere to stand and quickly walk to him. Wrapping her arms around him and burying her head into his shoulder, Hope just holds him close. She had missed seeing him so much - to have him here, out of Brookshire, standing in front of her, it was a joy she could not hold back as a few tears roll down her cheek. "Oh, Scott, it's so good to see you again."

Talking into his shoulder muffled her voice but she didn't care. All she cared about right now was Scott standing there in front of her. Nothing else mattered. Not her paperwork, not that she was tired, and not that the door was wide open so anyone could see. Right at this moment, it was just them.

Continuing to watch the movie and just feel comfortable that Justin had stayed, Beth doesn't even flinch when her lap becomes a pillow. Forgetting about the movie, she looks down at him and just smiles. Running her hand through his hair just a little, she felt badly for him. With everything he had been going through, emotionally he was just worn out. She didn't even have the heart to try and wake him. "Even you have to slow down sometimes, huh?"

Very carefully, Beth slips from under Justin and lets his head gently fall to the couch. She didn't want to wake him but she knew she couldn't stay there all night either. Going to the closet, she takes out a blanket and pillow before returning to where Justin rested. Placing the pillow under his head and the blanket over him, she gives a smile. He did look peaceful while he slept.

...Sizzling bacon can be heard in the kitchen and Beth hummed to herself. The table was set with two glasses of orange juice. It had been a long time since Beth had cooked breakfast, but it really did feel good to again. Now she just needed to wait for Justin to wake.

Destiny's heart thumped in her chest. She wasn't sure what was going on, but being yanked from the van and seeing people who stood in front of her, she knew. Her heart thumped even louder...what was going to happen? Chance was there, so did that mean they were really going to do the trade? She couldn't help the tears that rolled from her eyes, down her cheeks and made little pools. She was scared and didn't know what to do.

Nate stands ready. Seeing Destiny, he knew all that would happen. It played out like a movie in his head so he wouldn't get an unexpected surprise.

Destiny jumps as the men fall to the ground and she is not sure what to do. But her legs carry her and she moves to where Chance is. She wanted to hug him - to do something - but there was nothing that could be done.

Moving closer to Destiny and Chance, Nate knew there wouldn't be enough time to sit and chat. That could be later - right now they needed to go. "Let's go, Chance. You're coming with us. Don't make me ask you again or I'll knock you out myself and carry you. Let's go before it's too late and we're all dead."

Destiny looks to Nate and then to Chance. Letting her hand slip into his, her eyes plead with him. She wasn't sure what was going on or why he wanted to stay, but she wanted him to come with her. "Please come with us? I don't want to go without you."

She'd gone far too long without him already and now after all of this, she knew she did have forgiveness in her heart for him. Just now was not the time for that. But her eyes might have betrayed her and given away everything.

"Let's go." Nate points up the way to the car where Wyatt was waiting. His voice was a bit irritated, but he had hoped that they would have been gone by now. There was no time for talking - there would be time for that later.