

Skyline? Kip had heard of them. They weren't huge, but opening for them was nothing to sneeze at. And yet... was that what Kip's future really would be? He'd been so sure of everything... then those very things - his world - had fallen to pieces. Was a past dream still a dream worth hanging on to?

Kip's thumb rubs Karla's palm without him even realizing it. Walking with her was always nice. She always seemed to be able to calm his nerves just by being there. He lets the silence be, as the streetlights give them a clear path along the sidewalk. In no time, they'd gone several blocks and Kip moves to one of several benches lit by softer lights. Watching cars and passerbys, it really was amazing how many people were out and about after dark.

Sitting quietly for a few minutes, it wasn't long before Kip's ears picked up the sound of singing and an acoustic guitar. Glancing around, he spies the lone musician on a nearby street corner. His mellow song and strong voice was drawing a few curious people, along with a few dollars in his open guitar case. It wasn't too unusual to see musicians around the square, but there was something different about this one.

Glancing at Karla, Kip gives a short nod before standing and taking her hand again to come with. Wandering closer to the main square, he stops just a short distance from the musician. The man seemed to be very skilled as his fingers pluck the guitar strings or strum in rhythm. His voice really was strong, yet almost gentle. The song was just an older, popular pick that was just fast enough to get listeners to sway, but not so much to keep anyone from listening. There was something almost... magical - if Kip dared think that - about the scene.

As the song ends, the man looks over to Kip and Karla and he smiles. "Evenin'."

Kip hods. "Hey . Sounds good."

"Well, thanks." The musician grins. "Glad, since right after I got here, my pick broke and I haven't a clue why I didn't bring any extras. My fingers will be glad when I decide to call it a night."

Kip gives a soft laugh. Reaching into his jeans pocket, he pulls out a pick and tosses it to the guy. "Try this one on for size."

Laughing, the man catches it. "Not too many people walk around with picks in their pockets - unless they play."

Kip's face grows a little warm and he shrugs. "I do a bit."

The man holds out his guitar. "Take her for a spin?"

"Seriously?" Kip's eyebrows rise. No one in their right mind would let a total stranger handle their instrument. "You'd let me play your Taylor?"

The musician grins and pushes off the brick wall on which he'd been leaning. "Call me crazy." He felt like he was, but there was something about this young stranger that made him compelled to share. "Let's see what you got."

Kip gives Karla a sidelong glance. She knew he wasn't comfortable in the spotlight, but this felt... different. Letting go of her hand, he reaches out to accept the fine instrument, slipping the strap over his head. He didn't even think about the fact that Karla had never heard him play anything but his bass, let alone even know he could.

The man offers him back the pick, but he shakes his head. Strumming gently, he closes his eyes. "Looking in the rearview mirror,
The past is quickly fading.
Winding roads, worn out signs,
Lights blurred by the speed.
I don't know how I began,
I don't know where it started.
I don't know where this journey ends,
Or how I got so far.

Remind me of my origins,
Remind me why I'm here.
Remind me how I've come to know
This love. This love.
Remind me."

Kip's voice was soft but projected in a way of someone who sang often. As he continues to sing, the other man reaches in his case to retrieve a small egg shaker to provide a quiet percussion rhythm. He didn't know the song, though he's able to pick up on the melody enough to hum along in harmony. A few people stop to listen, but Kip keeps his eyes closed until the last notes die away.

The musician smiles broadly, his eyes twinkling. "You got talent."

Kip's cheeks grow warm again and he shrugs before returning the guitar. His eyes glance to Karla "Some people think so."

The man catches the glance and he nods. "She's right."

Kip would rather turn the tables - he'd been in the spotlight too long already. He didn't even know what had possessed him to play and sing. "So you sound great. Always a solo?"

The musician shrugs. "Usually. I just go where the wind blows and think maybe someday God's gonna give me a stage other than a street corner. What about you?"

Kip shakes his head. "The wind seems to be blowing me in circles."

The man points a finger at Karla. "Don't let him quit. He's too good to let all that go to waste." Leaning back against the wall once more, he begins another song to continue his night.

Kip listens for a few more minutes before taking Karla's hand again. He felt as though he should thank this guy for letting him play, but it was obvious that no thanks was needed. This musician loved music - no doubt. Otherwise, he wouldn't be out here tonight with such a feeling of peace. Without asking, Kip knew that's why the man played and sang - for the simple love.

Finally pulling himself from the scene to continue their walk, Kip sighs deeply. His fingers give Karla's hand a squeeze. "I feel like late-night ice cream. What do you think?"

Quinn continues to play on the street corner a while longer, waiting to be met by Anastasia who had promised him a late coffee. It had turned into an interesting evening, and he couldn't wait to tell her.

Mick sighs, but nods. Even if it felt hopeless, he did appreciate Stacy's words. "Thanks. I guess at this point, even if Dylan hates me, as long as he's safe, that's the main thing. Seeing those guys today..." He lets the sentence slide and just shakes his head. He hadn't been that scared since BJ got hurt. "We'll keep talking about it. For now, just keep a close eye on things."

Dylan glares at the four walls of his bunkhouse. His eyes burned and itched, but he'd tell no one about the tears or the terror that had coursed through his veins earlier today. Was this his lot? Was this how he would live from now on? Always looking over his shoulder? And it wasn't even his fault.

Growling, he tries to concentrate on his schoolwork, but isn't very successful. Chores are done in silence, and come suppertime, Dylan had reverted back to old habits. Having sneaked in to get his food from the dining room, he'd slipped back to his bunk to eat alone on the porch. Part of him wanted nothing to do with anyone else tonight. And part of him was so lonely. How different things would be, had he never been pulled down the wrong path. And now he was afraid of his own shadow.

Eric sits at one end of the dining room tables during supper, finding himself sitting alone. No one was avoiding him, but he'd come in late and had found a quiet spot near the window. He watches everyone around him as he eats slowly. He really did appreciate the home-cooked meals after so much time on the road. Even if the food was good and even if his family didn't hate him though, he was still feeling rather out of place.

Sipping his glass of water, his eyes eventually land on the table where Stacy and Ashlee sat. It seemed Sparky and Faith were keeping them company tonight. The two seemed to be settling into the ranch nicely - even Ashlee at her age seemed to be adjusting well. Perhaps Eric didn't realize how long his eyes remain at their table, or how long he studies Stacy from this safe distance.

A knock at the door, followed by Trooper's low growl and bark startles Jason from his lethargic state on the couch. He'd just finally gotten to sleep after an afternoon of battling against throwing up every time he tried to eat, a splitting headache and exhaustion that was countered by insomnia. He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to see who was here. If it was Katie, she had a key, and anybody else, he didn't want here.

Another couple persistent knocks finally gets him up and he slowly limps to the front door. He felt too sick to be cautious, so he opens the door groggily. Who he saw though, woke him up immediately. "Mom?"

Cindy smiles, though her eyes were filled with worry - and no less worry after seeing her son's pale face. "Can I come in?"

Jason hesitates, but only from surprise and he finally backs up, trying to shake the cobwebs from his mind. "Yeah. What... what are you doing here?"

"I... came to see you." Cindy jumps as a cold nose brushes her arm and she looks down before giving Trooper a pat on the head. "Hey, big fella. You're looking mighty fine."

Trooper wags his tail and sniffs her over before he's satisfied it really is her, then he goes back to the living room to lie down.

Cindy looks back to Jason and just stares at him for several long moments. He looked even worse than she'd imagined. "Oh, Jason." The tears wanted to come, but she bravely holds them back. Stepping forward, she wraps her arms around him in a tight hug.

Jason returns the hug and rests his head on top of hers. He knew without asking why she was really here. Maybe part of him could be upset if he thought about it long enough, but he knew she was only here because she loved him - not to make things harder. Finally backing away, he does his best to look well, though if he knew how poor he really looked, he wouldn't even try. "Where's Kaylee?"

"I left her in very capable hands back at the ranch." Cindy chuckles, remembering Clint and Wendy's willingness to take care of Kaylee... and Angel and Luke... Jim and Becky... Jade... the list went on. "Many capable hands, actually."

Jason nods slowly. "First time you've left her, isn't it?"

"Mm-hmm." Cindy shrugs. "I already miss her something awful but... I knew that this trip was probably best taken alone. And I know she's well taken care of so I don't have anything to worry about."

Jason manages a wry grin. "Yeah, but you do anyway."

Cindy grins too. "Just a little."

A pause follows, and Jason knows he really needs to go lie back down or at least sit before he collapsed right here. "Um... you wanna sit?"

"Sure. Yes. I'm sorry - did I wake you?"

"I was just... resting." Making it back to the couch, he eases down gingerly, propping his leg back up again and leaning into the corner to try and get comfortable... a near-impossible task.

Cindy takes a chair. "I... brought stuff to stay a little while. I wasn't sure where I'd be staying. I was told I could use the guest room at TJY if I wanted, but I'll probably find a hotel instead."

Jason shakes his head. "You think I wouldn't let you stay here?"

"I don't want to invade..." Cindy bites her lower lip. "But I guess I just did, didn't I?"

Jason gives her a soft smile. "Yeah but that's kinda what moms are for, right?"

Cindy chuckles, still holding her tears at bay. Jason's voice sounded so weak compared to the last time they'd spoken. "I guess I'll always want to run and put a bandaid on your scraped knees."

Jason's grin remains, and he leans his head back tiredly. "It's okay. But I don't think a bandaid is gonna fix this one."

"I know, I just..." Cindy sighs, as it grows harder to hold back the tears. "I wanted to see you and... and just, um... spend some time with you, because when-"

"Mom, don't." Jason stops her gently. "You wanna bring your stuff in?"

"Yeah... it's just two bags. I can get them. Are... I mean... I was hoping I might be able to cook you a few meals or... or something."

Jason hadn't been eating much lately, but he wouldn't be able to turn down his mother... not and that look on her face. "Katie's been staying over here to help me out but... I might be able to keep down some of your homemade vegetable soup."

Cindy's smile returns. "Okay. If you can't, I won't be offended, but at least it will keep my hands busy."

Once she's out of the room to go get her bags, Jason slides down a little farther into the couch, reaching over his head for his cell phone. He hits the speed dial for Katie, hoping she wasn't in the middle of anything important at work. "Hey, Hero..." He pauses as new pain hits like a wave, starting from his skull all the way down to his toes. Gritting his teeth, he manages to finish. "Didn't want to bother you. Mom showed up at my door a few minutes ago. Guess she wanted to see me. I still want you to come over after work though - I just wanted to give you a heads-up."

Tal's smile lingers as Ryan pulls away. he gives her cheek one last brush with his hand before finally turning to his car. The ride home seemed a little longer than usual tonight. And when he gets home, he finds himself, instead of in bed, on the living room floor in front of his couch, watching stupid late night television. His hand absentmindedly strokes Holly's head that was in his lap. "What am I doing, huh?" he questions her quietly. "Am I crazy?"

Kind of like it

Feeling Tal's hand on her face, Ryan can't help the smile that spread across her lips. It felt really nice to just feel the calm nature from Tal. Different for sure, but nice. Kind of a reminder she was a woman still and needed something calm and stable once in a while too.

"Tomorrow for sure. I like having you around. It's kind of become normal now and..." Ryan pauses for a moment before starting again. "...I kind of like it."

Leaning in and giving Tal another soft kiss, Ryan takes a step away, knowing if she didn't then she would never let him leave.

Karla could see a bit of interest flash in Kip's eyes and it made her own heart jump. Was the spark a good thing? Would this be what Kip needed?

Looking down and seeing the empty MD bottle, Karla grins and stands, following Kip. "Yeah, Kyle said to give him a call. You guys would be opening for Skyline. We all would really like you there too. Just not the same without you."

Taking Kip's hand in her own as they walked, Karla just enjoyed this time with him. Even if they didn't talk much, Karla liked knowing he was there close to her.

Getting Cindy's letter again brings a smile to Wes' lips. He knew all of this was hard on her even if she didn't say it. But seeing she was trying to keep her head up was a start.

"Yo, Captain, we need you out here."

"Alright, I'll be right there." Giving a sigh, Wes knows work calls and for now, another letter home would have to wait. He hated it at times, but he could only hope it wouldn't last too long.

Stopping behind Dylan as he and Mick continued their conversation, Stacy remained quiet. She didn't want to butt into what was going on, but she did need to talk to Mick.

Hearing what Dylan had to say, it really didn't surprise Stacy. Believe it or not, having a reaction like this was normal. Not to mention, it seemed like there was a lot of other things in the mix as well.

As Dylan turns and glares at her, Stacy remains quiet, but watches as he walks away. Turning back to Mick, she gives a smile. "It's to be expected he would act this way, really though. If I was in his position I might feel the same. But maybe we can work something out so he won't even know I am around."

Stacy puts her hands in her pockets and draws silent for a moment. There had to be a way to accommodate everyone. The situation was bad - she didn't want to make it worse. Studying Mick for a long moment, she could see the look in his eye that he longed to be close to his son.

"Don't give up on the father son time yet. It will come. God will see to that. Keep working on it slowly."