

Squinting at the top of the TV than at Tal, than the TV again Ryan shakes her head a little bit before looking back at Tal squinting still. Her nose all scrunched up too made it that much cuter.

"My eyes...my eyes...I can't see anymore...my ey..."

Ryan stops talking for a moment and gives a blink of her eyes before opening them a little more to see better.

"Oh there we go I guess it helps when I open my eyes huh?"

Chuckling again Ryan moves a little so Tal can get up and put the movie in before leaning against him when he sits again. Drifting off to sleep here and there on Tal when he gets up to leave Ryan knows its probably a good idea. Tomorrow would come to early again and sleep really was a must.

Following him outside to his car Ryan stuffs her hands in her pockets as she walks down the sidewalk. It was a little chilly out, but really not to bad. The warm weather would be here soon on a non stop bases and she really couldn't wait.

Stopping at his car and just listing to Tal for a moment Ryan raises one of her eyebrows at him. He's said it before to her, and now he was saying it again didn't he get the point if it bothered her any she would of probably told him already?

"I swear to goodness Tal, if you say that one more time I am going to sock you."

Ryan gives a chuckle and a shake of her head.

"If it bothered me I would of told you like I said before, so stop saying it ok? I got the point, you got the point across lets move on and just be happy now ok?"

Moving a little closer Ryan places a kiss on Tal's lips before pulling away but not to far and just smile up at him. In the moonlight his eyes seemed to shine more than normal.

Finding a twig on the pouch Karla picks it up and toss it at Kip so it lands in his hair softly to get his attachen as she tilted her head and looked at him sternly.

"You know darn well that will never happen Kip. In fact the guys wanted me to let you know they have a gig lined up and they would really like there bass player to be there. So I think you should call Kyle and talk to him. Everyone does miss you Kip, even me."

Continuing to look at him Karla's heart went out to him, though she was at her wits end on what to do. Kip wasn't recovering and it was getting more frustrating. She would abandon him in the least, but she just missed the real Kip.

"So, its nice out today. We should take a walk."

Walking the grounds Stacy looks up hearing a car coming up the path. Seeing it was just Mick's truck she continues to walk for now. They had made it back ok thats good. Stacy had been worried about them leaving without her but she was not going to stand in Mick's way if he didn't want it. She was just happy seeing them return.

Going around on of the barns she figured later she would get a hold of Mick and talk to him about a few things. He was probably tired now and wanting to get any horses he go inside and ready for tomorrow. He'd find her or she would talk to him a little later.

Dearest Cindy,
What perfect timing. I just happened to be able to sit down to the computer and I got your email. Gotta love how amazing God is like that. I'm sorry to hear things with Jason arnt getting any better, and everything else is going wrong. It pains me to know I am not there for you. Your a strong woman my love I know you can get thought this. Please let Jason know I said I was rooting for him. I will pray for you even more my dear love, and not a moment goes by I don't think of you and Kali as well. I miss you guys to death and hope to be home soon. I love you Cindy.

Love Always,