
Lion's Den

Hearing Stacy's response, Eric doesn't even realize how much his eyes widen. Had she... just said his hair shone? Was that... a compliment? He would have been happy with a five from her. A nine with no hat was not what he'd expected her to say. Though his mouth opens slightly in surprise, his eyes latch on to hers before she looks away. Had she just embarrassed herself? A grin twitches his lips. Taking too long to respond, she walks away, leaving him standing rather dumbly with Jeff.

"Ahh, the black one." Jeff takes the black hat off the rack and hands it to him. "Maybe if you only wear it on cloudy days, you'll get a ten when the sun shines."

Eric's attention swings back to his brother and his eyes narrow before he whacks Jeff's arm. "Would you shut up?" he hisses.

Jeff just smirks and forces him to switch hats. "You better just keep me around. You're pathetic on you're own."

Having the black cowboy hat pushed down on his head, all Eric can do is glare. His face was still hot. "I don't appreciate being embarrassed... and I doubt Stacy does either. So you can cut it out now." Taking off the hat, he puts both back in their places. "Go... do whatever it was you were going to do."

Sighing, Jeff shrugs. "Okay. Be that way. Can't say I didn't try."

Finally left alone, Eric doesn't dare look around the store for several moments. Eventually, he musters up enough nerve and does glance around to find Stacy where she'd been by the boots. He really did not appreciate Jeff's teasing at all... and he was sorry that Stacy had been embarrassed, too. This day was turning out to be a mess. And yet... what she'd said... He tried not to believe he had enjoyed it.

After wandering around for a few minutes, he finds himself in the same aisle as Stacy. The boot she was looking at didn't seem to be her size - at least he didn't think so. Then it dawns on him. She must be looking for a pair for Ashlee. It looked as though the girl was going to get in the saddle one way or the other.

Starting to turn, he stops and glances back over his shoulder. Perhaps he could at least try to make up for his brother's stupid behavior. Coming closer, his steps are quiet and he pauses behind Stacy with his back to hers as he glances over some different boots. "If she's gonna be riding," he mentions over his shoulder, "make sure you get some boots with nice low heels. Rounded toe would be good, too. More comfortable for her."

Feeling awkward, he bites his lower lip and turns, ready to walk away again.

Ambling out of band practice and getting into his car, Rocky checks his phone. Listening to his voice mail, he grins. Michaela had actually called him. He's about to call her back, but when he notes the time, he decides he better not. He knew she was a night owl, but band practice had lasted much later than usual tonight. Besides that, maybe waiting a little while was better.

The next day proved to be busy though, and after a hard day of work, making phone calls wasn't on the list. But groceries were. So an evening trip to the store it was. Weary from the day, Rocky didn't bother going out in anything but his old maroon t-shirt and the jeans with holes in both knees. His old tennies were the most comfortable - why not?

Walking slowly up and down the store aisles, Rocky's cart fills with frozen dinners, toilet paper Doritos and cat food. Leaning his forearms on the shopping cart handle, he browses lazily, grabbing a box of cereal as he yawns. But all of a sudden, he realizes he's not alone in the aisle. And then he realizes it's actually somebody he knows. A grin crawls across his lips and he stops his cart near Michaela, making sure she didn't yet see him.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he dials the saved number and waits, just watching as Michaela answers her phone. Moving up closer behind her and hearing her answer, he clears his throat. "Tag."

Justin pulls both bare feet up on the couch to sit in a position that resembled a pretzel - like he usually did. Sucking the ice cream off his spoon as the movie played, he gives a sidelong glance to Beth at the other end of the couch. After meeting up with her at Brookshire, lunch plans had somehow wound up back at Justin's house along with a midday movie. It wasn't unusual, and maybe Justin was beginning to realize how nice it was to have a listening ear other than Danitza and Zora.

Letting the ice cream melt in his mouth, his gaze lingers on Beth. There was something on her mind. He couldn't pinpoint it, but it was there, in her eyes. A lull in the movie proves a good time to speak. "So... you've been kinda quiet today..."

Kip shrugs, not wanting to argue with Karla. He disagreed - he knew the band needed to preserve most of its consistency, but it was Kyle's call now anyway.

Looking over at her as she gets a brain freeze, he laughs. "You can keep the brain. I like going without one." He was glad when the subject of the band didn't come up again this evening. After finishing their ice cream, a little more time was spent walking before they finally parted for the night...

...It was a couple days later and Kyle looks at his watch for the tenth time before sighing again. He swivels on the stool behind his keyboard and looks around at the other band members in the living room. Theo sat behind a partial drumset, fiddling with his drumsticks out of boredom. Russ paces around in the corner with his guitar strapped on while silently mouthing the words to whatever song was running through his head. Erik stands at the window quietly, having given up on his guitar about twenty minutes ago. Twila fidgets with her electric violin while pacing behind the couch absentmindedly. They'd gone through several songs already, while they knew the neighbors wouldn't be bothered. Thankfully, Phil had given them a tip on someone's secure garage they might be able to use from now on, which would be far better than the small living space they had now - it wouldn't take much to have a little practice studio of their own, right on the edge of town.

Tonight though... tonight, their bass player was still missing. And though Karla was here, Kip hadn't shown up like he'd promised he would, nor had he answered his calls or texts. Kyle glances to Alice over on the couch, lifting one eyebrow. He felt comfortable leading the band now - it had taken a while for the role to switch from Erik to himself, but it seemed lately that everyone was at ease with Kyle taking the lead. But right now, he didn't know what to do. His eyes roam Alice's face, but at the moment, it was hard to tell what she was thinking. He didn't dare look at Karla yet... he knew that she was probably disappointed and maybe even worried at this point.

Another glance at his watch and Kyle stands up from his keyboard. "That's it. I'm going to go see where Kip is."

Erik turns. "Worried something is wrong, or gonna go wring his neck?"

"Neither." Kyle had been thinking about it for a long time and he was pretty sure he knew what was going on. "I'm going to go tell him the truth."

"Truth? About what?"

"The truth that we're not going to kick him off the band, no matter how hard he tries."

Twila's eyebrows rise and she looks around at the others, including Karla. "What?"

Kyle grabs his keys and leans down to give Alice a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll meet up with you later." Looking to Twila, he shakes his head. "Kip's tried long enough and it's time it stopped. He's gonna have to pee or get off the pot, but it's not gonna be me telling him to pack up his stuff. He'll have to do it himself if he wants it that way."

When the apartment door closes after him, the room is quiet for several minutes. Twila purses her lips and finally puts her violin down. "Well... I vote on calling Tou Han's and gorging on Chinese food while we watch the adventure flick Theo rented today."

Theo cringes a little. "Don't you think that-"

"I think we oughtta relax a while and let Kyle talk to Kip." Twila glances down to Karla and Alice. "And in the meantime, we get to decide what to order."

...Hearing a knock at the door, Kip looks up from where he was lying on his bed. His eyes show his surprise at seeing Kyle and he sits up awkwardly, not understanding this visit. "Kyle?"

"Hi, Kip." Kyle enters the room and stands for a moment, studying his younger friend. "I've, um... heard about specific herbs or vitamins that help enhance people's memories. Ever try any of them?

"What?" Kip furrows his brow before realizing Kyle's implications. "Oh. Practice. Sorry."

"No, you're not." Kyle folds his arms. "You didn't even answer your phone. But you wanted to miss practice again, didn't you? You figure if you push things just far enough that eventually the band will ask you to quit." He scowls at Kip. "Then you won't have to work up the nerve to quit on your own."

Kip's cheeks grow warm as he stays seated on the bed. "My phone battery died, and you-"

"Am I right?" Kyle looks at him sternly. "Tell me I'm wrong, Kip. Tell me you're not that big of a coward."

Kip stands up to face Kyle. "I'm not a coward."

"Then why do you want to be kicked off the band?"
"Answer me!"

"I can't!" Kip paces in a small circle and runs his hands over his face. "Just leave me alone, Kyle. Get another bass player, move on with the band and just leave me alone!"

"Only if you come to the next practice and bail out all on your own."


"Why not?" Kyle throws his arms in the air. "If that's what you really want, then why don't you have guts enough to follow through?"

Kip doesn't answer but turns to stare at the wall.

"Come, on, Kip! You wanna quit? You wanna walk away? Leave this opportunity behind and go flip burgers instead of using your God-given talent? Is that what you really want?"

Images from meeting the musician on the street flash through Kip's mind. He remembers how he felt, loving the music. "No."

"Then what's your problem?!" Kyle throws his arms in the air. "We will not ask you to leave the band because we want you there. Not just because of your abilities but because you're our friend... you're family to all of us, including me." When Kip still doesn't respond, he growls in frustration. "Turn around, look me in the eye and tell me why you're trying to get us to walk away from you!"

Still nothing. Kyle stares at the back of Kip's head, frustrated, angry and confused. He could tell Kip right now he was out of the band and receive no retaliation. Yet Kyle knew that that's not what Kip wanted. So why was he trying to accomplish something he didn't really want? It made no sense and only made Kyle even more frustrated. "Dang it, Kip. Look at me!"

Taking Kip on the shoulder, Kyle spins him around. But as he faces his younger friend, his anger diminishes in an instant. And in that same instant, he now knows that this was much more than he'd first thought. His hand still rests on Kip's shoulder, but he doesn't even know what to say anymore. Even so, his heart begins to ache.

Kip stares back at Kyle, his gaze angry, but only for being cornered. Tears trickle down his cheeks, burning his eyes as he forces himself not to blink. His jaw was clenched tightly, willing his lower lip not to tremble. His stomach was in knots, even though he knew he deserved the tongue-lashing. His cheeks were hot from embarrassment, his whole body tense as all it wanted to do was run.

Kyle searches Kip's tear-filled eyes, now worried but still so confused. "Kip..." His tone was quieter now. "What's wrong? Please... talk to me."

Kip draws in a shaky breath. "I don't know." His voice quivers. "I don't know." Shrugging off Kyle's hand, he goes back to the bed to sit down, drawing his legs up to his chest and planting his forehead on his knees so his face was hidden.

Now Kyle knew there was no way he could walk away... not and leave Kip in this state. He had to get to the bottom of this. Easing down next to Kip, he sighs deeply. He had no idea what to say. All he could do was lift up a silent prayer for help. "Come on," he prompts gently. "You know you can talk to me. What's bothering you? Is it someone in the band?"

Kip shakes his head. "No," he mumbles.

"Is it stage fright?" They'd played at a few small events and Kip had seemed fine, but maybe he just covered it up well. Kyle didn't know.

Kip shakes his head again.

Kyle sighs. Then a thought comes to mind. Vague at first, but as it grew, it spread light on the entire picture. He sets a hand on Kip's shoulder. "Does this... have anything to do with... your dad?"

For several moments, Kip is quiet. Then he shrugs. "I don't know." His words were muffled until he raises his head slightly. "I feel like I can't do anything right... I don't even wanna try anymore."

"Do you think it's because of something your dad said to you?"

"I don't know." Kip draws in a ragged breath. "I just... I don't even understand. I wanted to come tonight... I really did. I just... I couldn't."

Now Kyle is sorry that he blew up at Kip, though he wondered if maybe that was the only way he'd been able to get anywhere tonight. But now what? It was becoming very apparent that Kip's problems ran deeper than stage fright. There was something going on inside of him that needed to be worked through, and Kyle would be willing to bet that it had to do with his past and his relationship with an abusive father. "Kip... I know this probably isn't going to sound like something you'd want to do but... would you..." He didn't even know how to ask. "...be willing to talk to someone?"

Kip looks to Kyle quickly, his eyebrows raised. "What, like a shrink? You think I need a-"

"No, not some crazed psychiatrist," Kyle counters. "Just... someone who can maybe help you work through some things. Help you think things through. A counselor."

"I... I don't want... no, I don't think..."

"What if it helped? What if someone could help you figure out why you don't want to come to practice? What if it helped make you feel better?"

Never once had Kip ever even considered something like going to a counselor. "But..." He focuses on the floor. "That... that means something's wrong with me."

Kyle chuckles and shakes his head. "No, it doesn't. Did you know that I've been to a counselor?"

Kip gives him a sidelong glance. "Really?"

"Yeah, really. It was after my dad died. Witnessing it messed me up there for a little while. I got down... just couldn't seem to pick myself back up again. At the time, I just couldn't put a finger on what was bothering me though. It just... felt all wrong. I didn't feel comfortable talking to my friends or family though. You'd think they would be the first people I'd go to but... it was just different. Then one day I blew up at Phil for something he didn't even do and I realized I needed some help. So... I took some time and I went to see a counselor that somebody at my church recommended. Funny thing was... I guess what I was going through was kinda typical for what I'd experienced. And since it was, they knew how to walk me through it, whereas on my own, I was just floundering." Kyle cocks his head, trying to see Kip's face. "There's nothing wrong with you, Kip. But maybe there's some things you've got locked away that are trying to get out and that's why you're not happy. If I knew how to help you, I would. But if I... find someone who could... would you talk to them? Would you at least try?"

Kip sets his chin on his knees and thinks for several long moments. He really did feel like he was at a dead end. He didn't want to let the band down. He didn't want to fail. He didn't want to quit. But something just seemed to be holding him back and he didn't even know what it was. What if Kyle was right? What if someone else could help him figure out what it was? He just wanted to feel like himself again.

Finally, he nods. "I'll think about it."

"Good." Kyle gives his shoulder a pat. "I gotta go, but... I'll be calling you, alright?"

"Yeah, okay." Kip looks up as Kyle starts to leave, but stops him. "Hey?"


"Don't tell the others... yet... okay?"

Kyle smiles and nods. "This conversation stays here - you have my word."

"...Aw, don't tell me you all ate everything!"

Several look up from the living room as Kyle walks in, and Theo grins. "Hey! You made it back! And the answer to your question is yes... yes, we did."

Kyle smirks and shakes his head. "I shoulda known."

"Theo." Twila gives him a look and smacks his leg as she's sitting on the floor near him to watch the movie. She looks up at Kyle. "There's leftover chinese in the kitchen. But you can thank Alice - she fought tooth and toenail to keep some for you. Otherwise, Theo and Russ would have eaten everything - cartons included."

Russ is sitting by the couch on the floor and leans back just far enough to see Kyle. He gives him a silly grin. "What can I say? I'm a growing boy."

"Yeah, right." Kyle rolls his eyes. "Sorry I interrupted the movie."

"Don't be." Erik holds up the remote. "We paused it. You find Kip?"



Kyle looks at all the eyes staring back at him for answers. It was hard not to tell them everything, but he'd made a promise. "And his phone died... he's fine." He expresses his tone in such a way that said he would say no more on the subject, while the look in his eye warned no one to ask.

Erik quirks an eyebrow, but doesn't question him. "Well okay then... grab some food and come on in. Movie's only half over. I think you've seen it anyway."

Once Kyle gets himself some food and comes back into the living room, before he goes to the waiting spot next to Alice, he leans down to Karla for a quick moment, whispering so as not to distract the others from the movie. "You might wanna stop by Kip's tonight... he could probably use some company, even if he doesn't say so."

The guys at the shop had all somehow wound up looking over at Ryan as she talked on the phone, and now her little chide makes them grin and get back to work. Only Axel doesn't react as quickly. Cleaning a wrench with a rag, he stands a ways away, a small smile on his lips. But it wasn't a teasing smile like the others'. Catching Ryan's eye for just a moment, he tosses her a wink before turning back to his car. It was nice to see her smiling and happy.

...As usual, Tal enjoyed supper with Ryan and Eli. He brought the ice cream, as promised, and though watching the clock, he did relent and stay for a movie. Cuddled with Ryan on the couch for two hours was a perfect way to relax after a hard day at work, and it wasn't even awkward with Eli around. Big brother did a good job at letting them be, without any teasing or poking fun. It was very simply the three of them enjoying each others company.

Getting home, Tal's apartment seemed quiet, even with the street sounds. It always did after getting back from the McKade's though. "Hey, Holly... where are ya, Babe?" He wanders to the kitchen where everything was laid out comfortably for his dog. Finding her lying in her bed of blankets, he smiles. "Didn't want to greet me tonight, or what?"

She wags her stump of a tail and sets her ears back, excited to see her master, but she doesn't get up. Tal takes a knee next to her and scratches behind her ears, letting her give his face sloppy kisses. "What's the matter, hmm?" He runs a hand over her extended belly and feels movement. "I've got a feeling I'm gonna have to call in to work tomorrow. What do you think? We gonna see those pups tonight?"

Holly gives him a little whine and licks his hands, perfectly happy where she was. Tal grins and gives her another pat. Standing up, he goes to make a pot of coffee. Holly might just be a dog to some people... but to him, she was his companion, and if she was going to be up all night, so was he...

3:00 am. The kitchen light was still on, and the second pot of coffee was half gone. Tal sat on the floor next to Holly, pampering and monitoring her. Last time, he'd been clueless. This time, he knew that he'd better make sure everything was out of the way and the blankets and rags were clean.

Rising to his feet, he goes to the telephone. But before dialing, he hesitates. He'd asked Ryan over for supper once before, but had changed his mind at the last minute, meeting her outside and rerouting their date to eating out instead. His apartment was small... the wallpaper was coming off in places... the ceiling in the living room had a nice water stain and his furniture wouldn't bring ten bucks at a garage sale. He did his best to keep it clean, but even now the kitchen was unrecognizable if it weren't for a sink and stove. He hadn't had Ryan over for a reason... her and Eli's place was much nicer and Tal's apartment... wasn't something he was exactly proud of. But... Ryan wouldn't mind, right?

He glances down to Holly, remembering Ryan's squeal of glee on the phone when thinking about puppies. He could wait until tomorrow to tell her she could come see the newborns, or... he could give her the choice to see more than that. Her smile would be worth it, right?

Finally making up his mind, he dials, knowing he'd probably wake both Ryan and Eli at this hour. Hearing a sleepy answer, he grins. "Hey, Ryan... it's Tal. Sorry to wake you, but... if you wanna see some puppies being born, you better get to my place pretty quick. Otherwise, go back to sleep and the nursery will be open tomorrow."

"She just... fell to pieces. I've never seen her like that." Pete rests his elbows on his knees, letting the porch swing gently sway back and forth as he sat with Nikki. It was late evening and he'd come over after work. But it wasn't the light, happy atmosphere he wanted tonight. It had been a harder day than he'd like to admit.

"I used to see Cindy a lot before Gunner and I took that surveillance job in Texas. She was always so strong. Worried about Jason a lot, but strong nevertheless. I always respected that about her. Not that I don't respect her now at all, it was just... hard." He sighs, replaying the day in his mind. After Trey had walked out, Cindy had come back upstairs and simply crumbled. She'd cried so hard... Pete had finally gone to get Susanne who had taken her back to her office. He hadn't seen her after that. She'd talked of Jason, Trey, Wes and even Derek. Pete hadn't had a clue what to say in response. All he'd done was hold her and let her cry on his shoulder. "I've never... felt so helpless."

Pete chased bad guys. He followed them, chased them, shot them, got shot at, got chased, had his life in danger on almost every chase. But today was probably in his top ten hardest days, and he was tired. The whole scene with Cindy and Trey had bothered him more than he would ever tell anybody but Nikki.

"I just hope she's okay," he concludes quietly.

Sitting in a corner booth at the Bullseye is a man who had come in only after his target had. Drinking alone for a long while, he watches as Trey downs one drink after another at the bar. It becomes apparent when Trey had had at least one too many, even though he continues. It's only now that the man finishes his single beer to amble up to the bar, taking a stool next to Trey. He looks to the bartender. "Gimme a shot of whiskey."

Waiting for the stronger drink, the man gives Trey a sidelong glance. Though the young man is inebriated, he knows Trey is still lucid enough to listen and remember if he didn't drink much more. "Yeah... I know this must be tough," he muses. "Getting dragged here... kept prisoner... your birth mother shows up... your brother is dying..." His words prove he had made an assumption about how much Trey knew about his real family.

Receiving his drink, he only takes a small sip. "Yeah, Jason's lasted longer than we thought, but I'm sure that Elite doctor has figured out it's only a matter of time." He casually glances around the smoke-filled bar. "Of course... there is a cure." He leans his arms on the bar and takes another sip of whiskey. "You give this to the doctor." He pushes a small, folded piece of paper towards Trey. "And there might be hope for Jason to live. Otherwise..." He shrugs. "Well, I suppose you've done without your brother for this long, maybe it won't make any difference to you. But at least deliver the message. If you don't, we'll just find another way."

The room was stark - void of any window. The walls and ceiling were white with only a digital clock with date and time. A simple cot with one blanket and pillow was the the only piece of furniture. A toilet and sink were in the corner.

The door opens and a tall, slender woman with dark hair pulled back into a smart bun enters the room and lets the door fall shut as she pockets her key card. A smile is offered to Destiny. "I see they gave you the best seat in the house," she muses. "I thought you might like something to eat." She sets a wrapped sandwich and juice box on the cot. The sleeves of her white collared shirt were rolled up to her elbows and her tight jeans were accented with the high-heeled boots she wore. Setting her hands on her hips, she sighs. "Don't worry. Soon as Chance shows his face here, they'll let you go."

Chance sighs, finding himself once again sitting in front of Destiny's house. Her car was still here. Apparently she really had changed her mind. So why should he bother trying again? He wants to just drive away, but he can't. He just... can't. Not without hearing it from her that she didn't want to see him again.

Finally getting out of the car and going to the door, he knocks... knocks again... rings the doorbell... waits... and knocks again. She didn't have a second car, did she? Something deep down in his gut warns him that something wasn't right. He tries the doorknob to find it unlocked. Letting himself inside, it takes only a split second for his gun to be drawn. Though stunned by the mess he saw, his eyes flit wildly about the room as his pulse begins to race. "Destiny?" He calls more loudly. "Destiny? You here?" A cautious yet fast search, room by room, ensues. But there's no sign of Destiny. By the time he circles back to the kitchen, he felt sick. What had happened here? Had the Agency actually come? Was Destiny okay? Was this his fault? Had someone followed him to find her? Had the cops already been here? Was this a robbery? Kidnapping? Did she know about this? Had she even been here?

Leaning against the wall to try and gather his thoughts, his eyes fall to the table. Only now does he see the folder and newspaper clipping. Fingering both, the realization slowly dawns on him. And it makes him feel sicker. The Underground. If it had been the Agency, they would have taken the file. And the obituary... the Underground had killed Destiny's parents.

"No... no, no, no..." He sifts through the papers for any more clues but finds none. "No!" His fist slams down onto the table. Why now? What did they want? Were they going to use Destiny like they wanted to before? Were they going to use her as bait? To get to the Agency? But wait... they had left these clues for someone. If they just wanted to kidnap Destiny, they wouldn't have had any reason to leave the folder and clippings. They had wanted someone to find them... they had wanted... him... to find them.

"Aw, no!" Chance sinks down into a kitchen chair, putting his head in his hands. This was all his fault. He'd thought he was under radar, but he'd been wrong. They knew he'd come here last night and knew he'd be back. They wanted him. They knew he wouldn't come on his own - he'd put up a fight. So they had stolen one thing they knew he'd come for.

Yanking his phone from his pocket, he frantically searches his long list of numbers. Finding the one he wanted, he dialed while standing up to pace the house, still looking at the mess. Finally, a male voice answers and he bristles. "Where is she?"


"Where is she?!"


"So help me, Ken... tell me what's going on, or I will hunt you down and there will be so many pieces, nobody will ever be able to identify you."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... look, you want information, you'll have to come in. Where are you?"

"Don't give me that crap. You know where I am, and if you don't, you're tracing me anyway. Tell me where Destiny is, or I'll make good on my threat."

"Look - you called, so you already have it figured out."


Chance hurls a curse into oblivion as he slams his phone shut. Going to the bathroom, he splashes some cold water on his face and finds himself staring into the mirror. He looked terrible. Awful. He should march right down to the Underground right now and confront them for what they'd done. Unfortunately, Ken was right - he'd figured it out. He knew what they wanted.


An hour later, Chance stands in front of Reese's desk, clean shaven, hair combed and a shirt that wasn't wrinkled. Reese looks up at him, trying to figure out why he was here. "You know I told Hal to let you in. But I could just as easily tell him to come get you and throw you downstairs. You do know that, right?"

Chance nods. "Yes, sir." Every fiber in his being wanted to run and fix this thing himself. He loathed asking for help - let alone from someone like Reese, or the Elite in general. But he knew if he tried to do this himself, he'd be walking straight into the lion's den, and it wasn't just his own life at risk this time. Destiny's well-being was at stake and that wasn't worth the risk.

"Why are you here, Chance?" There was enough other chaos going on right now - Reese wanted answers and wanted them fast.

"The Underground has Destiny and I need your help to get her back."


Hearing her name, Stacy looks up from the smaller size boots that just happened to be close to her view of Dylan. She thought maybe she could get Ashlee a pair since she was here and her daughter would love them. Not to mention her birthday was close by.

Leaving the boots for now and walking to where Jeff and Eric were, Stacy looks between them both. Hearing the question and seeing the color on Eric's cheeks, she found a little humor in it, though she could feel her own getting warm. Cocking her head a little as if really thinking, she thinks a long moment, throwing one more glance over her shoulder at Dylan before answering.

"I'd have to say with that hat he is a seven. The black one is an eight. But in all honesty, with the way your hair shines in the sun, I'd say you're a nine with no hat."

Turning back to them, realizing what she had just said, Stacy's cheeks are even more red. Shifting a little, she coughs. "I should get back to watching Dylan." Turning quickly, Stacy returns to her post at the boots, only stealing one more glance at Eric and then looking away quickly.

Karla takes a bite of her ice cream and just thinks for a moment. She couldn't help but still wonder what Kyle would say if he knew.

"I don't think it would be too much of a shuffle, but that's just me." Giving Kip a smile, Karla takes another bite of her ice cream. Not being able to enjoy the bite, Karla brings a hand to her head and cringes for a moment before looking up at Kip, trying not to laugh.

"Brain freeze. Guess I have one after all, huh?!"

Eating her pie and listening to Lydia, Beth couldn't help but feel bad for her. It was easy for Beth to see how hurt and torn she was. There were so many questions Beth knew she couldn't answer. All she could do was sit and listen. maybe that alone was at least some kind of help.

Once Lydia finished talking, Beth reached across the table and lays her hand on Lydia's, giving a soft smile. "I'll let Justin know I've been talking to you and see if he wants to see you. I have no doubt in my mind, though, the answer will be yes."

Beth was sure that is what Justin would say. He loved his mother and missed her. So why would he say otherwise? "I am going to have lunch with Justin tomorrow. I will ask him then."

Ryan couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips as she talked to Tal. There was just something about him that seemed to draw Ryan in. "Ice cream is perfect. See you around six."

Hanging up the phone, she looks around the auto shop at all the faces that looked back at her. Quirking an eyebrow, she rolls her eyes. "If you guys stand there minding other people's business all the time, you're going to get less done than you already do."

Turning back around to her car and hiding her face, another smile slips out as she gets to work.

Getting Rocky's letter, Michaela grins. It was kind of silly to write when they lived this close, but it was fun, too. Looking over at Sassy, who was sitting on the table, she rolls her eyes. "Why must you sit on my paperwork, huh?"

Reaching out and taking her phone book from under the cat, Michaela writes down Rocky's number. Looking at the clock for a moment, she grabs her phone. She didn't know when Rocky had practice but there was only one way to find out.

Waiting and getting the voicemail, Michaela was a little relieved. She hated talking on the phone. "Tag, you're it. Give me a call back. 326-5183. It's Michaela."

Leaning against the wall as Pete leaves, Trey gives a long sigh. The woman who gave birth to him was only rooms away. Something pulled on his heart, wanting to leave the room and go to this woman, but there was anger that clouded that even more.

The silence didn't last long as the knock came to the door. "Awww... Pete. Can't you just leave me alone rig..." Trey's words are cut off as he looks up and sees Cindy. This must be his mother. The woman he'd grown to hate.

Not really knowing what to do for a moment, Trey just stands there. She sure was pretty. Even more than he had dreamed as a kid. The shock doesn't last long though as Trey pulls himself back together and the shock turns to irritation. Crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes become cold.

"You have some nerve just barging in here, lady. That's considered trespassing, seeing as this is my room." Just looking back at her, Trey shakes his head before turning and picking up his hoodie. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to talk to Cindy and the only way that was going to happen was if he got out of there.

"You have seen me, now you can leave me alone. I don't want to see you again or even talk to you. You gave up that right when I was born."

Trey can't control the small glisten that formed in his eye. Since he had been a child, he had been able to push all feelings he had about any real family away. But now, with his birth mother standing only feet away, everything came rushing back to him. He felt like a child again and he hated it.

"I'm out of here." Not saying anything else, Trey pushes his way past Cindy and out the door, keeping his head down. He wasn't sure where he would go since Ariel was more than likely working.

Walking down the street and trying to get his brain to stop racing, Trey didn't know how long he walked. But finally stopping and looking up, he finds himself outside the Bullseye. Giving a shrug, he thinks back to one of his many conversations with Reese. He never said he couldn't go to a bar - only to stay out of trouble. Entering and going to the bar, Trey sits. "Give me something strong."

At least this would keep his mind busy for a while and not thinking about what happened today. One drink turned into another as he tried to forget the strange guilt he felt for what he had said to Cindy. So, more drinks followed until he wasn't even sure of his own name.

The night had been restless and sleep was something that just would not come. Destiny had so much on her mind, so many emotions and thoughts that her mind was just racing. Tears had started and stopped, started and stopped again many times. She'd thought the nightmare was over, or at least at bay for now, but then Chance had to show up and it just felt like her heart had been ripped open ten times over again. She hated to love him and loved to hate him. It was a wicked circle of emotions.

Getting up once again, this time for a drink of water, Destiny growled in frustration. Why it had to be this hard was the only question she had. If she could walk away from Chance, would it make this feeling so much easier to push away?

Taking a sip of the water and turning to head back to bed with the rest, Destiny's foot steps in something cold and wet. Strange - she hadn't been away from the counter to have spilled any water. Squinting in the dark, she can make out a trail of puddles on the floor and her heart starts to race as she could make them out to be footprints.

Turning around quickly and reaching for the phone, she never even had time to grab it. Cold hands grabbed her, and a sharp object was pressed against her throat cutting off her air from even screaming. This had to be a dream. She had to wake up. This couldn't happen - not now. Would she die alone? Everything came to a halt in Destiny's mind as a foul smell hit her nose and the world went dark. The sound of a starting car and gruff voices were the last things she would remember. Chance would never know she forgave him.

Morning birds chirp as the rays of sun shoot through the windows. Outside, the world was normal, peaceful, and ready to start the day. But inside Destiny's house it was dark and much danger could be sensed, just from looking around. Furniture was turned over, pictures and trinkets were out of place. But the piece that would strike a sickening feeling into anyone's stomach that would know better was the folder that laid on the kitchen table that held all the Agency information Destiny had first brought to the Elite. A clipping of Destiny's family obituary was on top... a sign for one person they knew would show.



Hearing Ryan's excitement, Tal laughs. He always got excited when the puppies came, but he'd never had anyone who really shared that excitement. "Don't know how many pups... could be five... could be eight... I'm hoping for eight."

The thought of Eli forcing him to go over there for supper makes him laugh again. "Yeah - like I'd refuse. Six sounds great, and I'll bring the ice cream for dessert."

Ending the call, a smile is still on Tal's lips. It really was nice having someone to do things with... to share time with. He'd lacked that for too long. And he and Ryan? Well... who knew? Maybe he hadn't started out with the intention of dating her but... who was he to argue? Maybe him wanting to make her feel better was just the open door that was supposed to be there.

I'm always free. Well, not always, but I don't have a life, remember? Most weeknights I'm free at some point, before or after band practices and Bible studies. And if you want to get together sooner than a month from now, how about giving me a call? 555-3490. You realize it's absurd to rely on letters when we live this close together, right? lol

Rocky smirks and rolls his eyes as he folds his letter and puts it in an envelop. Either he really was funny or he was incredibly dumb. He hoped Michaela didn't think it was the latter. He was kind of having fun corresponding with her, and having included her with the band's after-concert party recently was fun too. If she really did want to get together, he was game.

Trey's response really didn't surprise Pete, but it still disappointed him. He hadn't meant to make it sound like Trey was just a side stop for Cindy... he'd just been trying to avoid it sounding like Cindy was being overbearing. Apparently his tactic had backfired. It probably wouldn't have mattered though, no matter how well Pete would have said it. He could see the anger, hurt, and maybe some confusion in Trey's eyes, but there was nothing he could say that would help unless Trey was willing to listen - and at this point, it was apparent that he was not.

All Pete can do is shrug. "Okay. I'll tell her." He turns to leave, pausing just once. "I'll catch you later, Trey." Slipping from the room, he does as requested, and closes the door softly. Heading back upstairs, his steps are heavy, as is his sigh. At the end of the hall he sees Cindy pacing on the main floor, and his heart hurts just a little. Cindy was a good woman and she didn't deserve all of this.

Cindy's eyes were on the floor until she catches sight of Pete. Seeing him alone, her heart skips a beat and she steps towards the hall to meet him, her eyes desperately searching his expression for hope. "What did he say?"

Pete's entire face wore an apology. "He said no."


"I'm sorry, Cindy." Pete tries to be as gentle as he can. "We talked about this, remember? We knew he might not want to see you."

Fresh tears pool in Cindy's eyes. "Yes, but-"

"It's going to take time." Pete sets a hand on her shoulder. He remembers seeing her at TJY often before she'd gone to live in Texas. She'd been so strong... so brave. It hurt to see her crushed like this. "This is a lot for him to process."

Cindy swallows hard, her eyes darting down the hall, then back up at Pete's face. "Will he... ever want to see me?"

"I don't know." Pete gives her shoulder a squeeze. "We can hope and pray. But pushing him may just make things worse." Seeing her tears makes it hurt all the more. "I'm sorry. Can I walk you to your car?"

Cindy shakes her head and backs away, turning to leave. But after a couple steps, she stops. The exit sign becomes a blur as her tears finally overflow to trickle down her face. As her emotions churn, her fists ball up at her sides and she spins back around. "I have a right." Her hoarse voice quivers. "I have a right to see my son. And no one... not even he can take that away from me."

Pete's eyebrows rise slightly. "I understand, but-"

"No." Cindy's glistening eyes flash. "My husband is overseas, my daughter is back in Texas, I'm losing one son...." She chokes on a sob. "I am not going to let Trey get away that easy." She takes a step forward but is stopped by Pete's arms. "Let me go, Pete," she warns.

"I can't let you do this." Pete takes her arms firmly. "You're upset... you're not thinking straight, let's just-"

"I said let me go!" Cindy tries to rip her arms loose, but his grip is strong. All of her pent up emotions seem to boil over at once and she throws a punch at his shoulder. "You can't keep me from seeing him!"

Pete winces but doesn't let go. "I can and I will." His voice remains calm, even though he was panicking on the inside. "You don't want to do this."

"I want to see my son!" Cindy tries again to free herself. "Everything that's important to me is being taken away - I will not let Trey be one of those things!" Lunging for the wall with all her might, it's enough to knock Pete off balance and for her to be free. She slams into the wall and spins around, on guard in case Pete tried to stop her.

He stares back at her, knowing he could physically stop her if he wanted to. But at this point, was it worth it? He eyes her with pity. "If you go down there, is it really going to be worth it? Is it really going to be worth any more pain?"

Cindy's eyes narrow. "Put yourself in my shoes, Peter Duncan." Several new tears slide down her cheeks. "What would you do?"

Pete's shoulders drop and he holds up his hands in surrender. "I'd probably go down and try to see him."

Cindy's lower lip quivers as she spins around and marches down the hall. Hitting the staircase, her path blurs and she swipes angrily at her eyes. Making it to the lower level, she looks around, trying to find her way. It only takes a few moments for her to find the closed door, and she knew it was the right one. Drying her eyes on her sleeve, she sucks in a ragged breath. A quick knock is the only warning she gives.

Swinging open the door, she stands in the doorway and her eyes immediately attach themselves to Trey. She blinks and her mouth opens slightly as some kind of words want to come, but they become lodged in her throat instead of being spoken. Her gaze takes in everything about Trey... what he looked like... his eyes... his hair... his features. He did resemble Jason, but not enough that she'd ever guess they were twins. Yet Trey looked much like her own father had when he'd been young - enough so that any doubt that lingered was erased. Something like an electrical shock spreads through her veins. This was her son. This was her son that she never even knew she had. This was her son that she should have had from birth... that she should have been able to hold, right along with Jason... that she should have seen grow up, and care for and raise and love. This... this was her child.

A new onslaught of tears begins to rise and she lifts both hands to her mouth to muffle the sob that tried to come out. And she just stands in silence, unable to take her eyes off of Trey's face.

Chance wasn't sure if he should dare start to hope or not. The look in Destiny's eye... was there anything there that still cared? Was there anything there that felt anything for him? That faint glow... was that it? Her gaze was so clouded with anger and pain, that he couldn't be quite sure.

He was thinking so much that he barely heard her words. He blinks. She was willing to see him? He'd get a chance to talk to her? To...to maybe mend things? Maybe? His heart stirs.

Opening his mouth to say yes, he doesn't even get the words out before he's staring at the closed door again. And staring at it is all he can do for several long moments. "Yes," he whispers. "I'll meet you."

Eventually, he pries himself from the house, despite his screaming desire to stay. She wanted to see him again... that was all he could ask for, and more than he could expect...

...The night is long and sleepless. Though used to sleeping in his car, tonight, it felt more cramped than ever. Tossing and turning, Chance gains only a small amount of rest. By morning, his eyes were tired and hurt, and his whole body was sore. But he didn't care.

Making it to Mom and Pop's early, he waits in his car for a while, keeping an eye out for Destiny. by eight-thirty though, he'd seen no sign of her. A sinking feeling warned him that she might have changed her mind.

At eight-forty-five, Chance goes inside and looks for her, but still not seeing her, he takes a corner booth, hoping no one came in who would recognize him. And at nine-thirty, he still sat, sure now that Destiny really didn't want to see him. At ten, Chance was ready to leave town. But sitting in his car at a stop sign, his heart simply won't let him walk away. So he turns left... back to Destiny's house.

It seemed like a bad dream all over again. It was all the same. The small apartment... the dingy windows... the slight musty smell from a leak no one could find. Most furnishings were still there though, minus anything that had been hung on the walls or any small things that had been sitting around.

Alec glances around the living room/bedroom, feeling as though it were yesterday that Reese was bringing him here for the first time - for his first taste of freedom from TJY. Today though... today it was a taste of imprisonment.

"There's a couple days' worth of food in the kitchen," Reese informs. Having Alec back at TJY for a few days since the court hearing had given them enough time to prepare the apartment. Reese would have done less, had it not been for the request from Susanne to at least make sure Alec had food.

Alec doesn't respond, but just stands numbly in the middle of the room.

Reese watches him for a moment, then shakes his head. "There will be someone to pick you up tomorrow morning. I suggest getting a good night's sleep tonight."

As if. Alec knew that sleep wasn't going to come easily. He should be thankful he wasn't in prison right now... but there wasn't much to look forward to. Being picked up in the morning meant time for his sentence to be served. From the sounds of it, he'd be working with a road crew, digging a trench along one of the highways. He remembers what seems a lifetime ago when Gage had been forced into similar work, while Alec had gotten off easy, held at TJY. Now though... now it was different. A few doors down, Gage was a free man, and it was Alec who was still in custody. Sure, he had his apartment back, but... he glances down to see the all-too-familiar ankle bracelet. "Don't trust me not to skip town, eh?"

Reese scoffs. "You kidding? We've got you on radar, Alec. Screw this up and you're done. Everybody deserves second chances, but this is your last."

"What happened to my bike?"

"Your motorcycle? Sold... two hundred bucks for the Elite."

Though Alec's face doesn't change, inside, his heart sank just a little bit more. He knew he deserved all of this, but... everything was gone. His belongings, his freedom... his dignity. He'd worked hard on that motorcycle - it had been the one thing that could get him away from everything, even if only for a few hours. Now he was back on foot... working for no other reason than to break a sweat and be taught a "lesson," and he was back to a lousy allowance that gave him just enough money to buy enough food to survive, without time to find a real job - not that anyone would hire him anyway. Humiliation didn't begin to describe it. But he wasn't about to let that humiliation show.

He finally looks at Reese. "How far can I get before you send your dogs after me?"

"Right now? No farther than the sidewalk. Behave yourself and we'll expand the radius of your free zone."

"I might as well be locked up at TJY again."

"I can arrange that."

Alec glares at him before snatching the apartment key from his hand. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Reese starts to say something, then decides not to waste his breath. "Yeah."

Once he was alone, the apartment felt way too quiet. The sounds from the nearby street didn't even help. Wandering to the couch, Alec flops down and stares up at the ceiling. He had no one to see... no one to talk to... no one to call. Even if he wanted to call someone, he had no phone. Not yet. He would though. He was going to get right back up where he'd been, if it killed him. Who cared that he had to work hard labor for a while? He'd manage. And he'd show them all that he couldn't be broken. He might have made some stupid choices lately, but he still deserved respect - and freedom would follow.

Kip was used to holding Karla's hand by now, but it brought no less enjoyment, knowing she still cared and still wanted him around. Giving her fingers a little squeeze, he stands with her, waiting for their ice cream. Her comment, though, loosens his grip just a little. He shrugs. "Not much place for anything else, and if I played something else, who would be on bass?"

His eyes study the menu, even though they'd already ordered. "Twila can play the bass... Erik too. In reality, if Russ would play lead and Erik bass, they wouldn't need me. Just gives the band a fuller sound with both of them on their guitars."

Seeing their order was ready, he retrieves the ice cream and leads the way to an outdoor table. Taking a spoonful of the cold treat, he just lets it melt slowly in his mouth. "Nah," he resumes the conversation," I doubt Kyle would want me on anything else - it would shuffle things too much."

Though Lydia's eyes drift to the table, Beth's words were still heard, and she nods slowly... sadly almost. "I know... that what I have chosen is not completely right, but... when you must choose between two evils, which is the right one?"

She sighs deeply and sips her coffee in thoughtful silence. "I know I alone cannot help Jared. He is stubborn and his heart is cold. But if I choose to bring Justin back now, Jared will be gone for good. Or worse, Justin will force him out because he is angry." She glances up to Beth. Her accents shows itself a little more, proving she was relaxed around this new friend. "You seem to know Justin well. Do you think if I called him, he would not be angry at Jared? Do you think he would not come right over and tell Jared to leave?" A little smile tugs the corner of her mouth. "I think we are both smarter than that. Jared is stubborn, and Justin is just as stubborn when he wants to be. If he knew I missed him, the wound between brothers would only grow."

Finishing her pie, Lydia savors the last bite before speaking again. "Sometimes I wonder what their father would do, if he were still alive. I do not know. But most days... most days I feel like I have failed as a mother. So I choose a path... and I pray to God I am making the best decisions I can."

She cocks her head, just studying Beth for a long moment. "I cannot do as much for myself as I want. It has been that way for many years. My back has failed and I cannot walk or stand very long. That is why Justin always helped me. I cook and clean but I have many places to sit and rest. I have never driven - Samuel always drove and I have rides to church. Now I live in a house that is paid for... but I do not live on much. I have the...the..." She searches for the correct word. "Disability. Also, Samuel's brother helps me - he is a very good man."

Pausing, Lydia shrugs. "So you see, I have nothing much. I do not know what Jared wants. He has plenty of money and is already helping me buy food." She shrugs again. "I can only think that he likes power... and he likes making his brother suffer."

She glances at the clock, obviously keeping track of the time, afraid Jared would come home early. "I do not know if I will call Justin or not. Perhaps if I could meet him somewhere while Jared is out so I can explain. I just do not want to make things worse."

Her eyes question Beth. "Would you see if Justin wants to see me?"

Stacy's comment sends more heat to Eric's face and he gives her a sidelong glance, trying to relax. He realizes now that his little fuss may have done nothing but make her even more uncomfortable than if he'd just gotten in the truck like a normal person. "Yeah..." A little sheepish grin quirks the corner of his mouth. "Sorry."

The ride was a quiet one, though Jeff manages to break the silence several times. Without much help from Eric though, he finally resorts to the radio if only to try and rid the cab of the awkwardness coming from Eric's way. Thankfully, by the time they got to town, Eric had relaxed somewhat and the tension wasn't quite as high. He'd finally managed to quit thinking about being in such close quarters and at least hoped that he hadn't made Stacy feel any more uneasy.
Getting to the shop, the group spread out a little bit, each browsing for the items they came for...

"...This one?"


"How 'bout this?"

"Mmm... nah."

"This one?"


Eric sighs as he puts yet another hat back on the wall peg. His eyes narrow at Jeff. "You realize I wouldn't know if you were being honest or just tryin' to see how many hats I'll actually try on in one day, right?"

Jeff's mouth twitches as he keeps his arms folded. They were surrounded by horse equipment, clothing and more. The scent of leather was strong and the atmosphere peaceful. It was a favorite stop for those at the ranch, even when there were no plans to buy anything. Today though, Dylan and Sparky were browsing saddles as planned, and Eric was trying to find a new hat. Jeff just happened to be the self-appointed critic before he browsed for "just a little something" he'd come to get.

Eric throws him a smirk. "You ain't any help." He grabs a gray hat and checks himself in the mirror before grimacing.

"Maybe it would help if you got a haircut," Jeff suggests.

"What? And spoil my irresistibly handsome looks?" Eric runs a hand through his wavy hair. He rolls his eyes and puts that hat back too before grabbing a dark brown one with a tasteful band. "Here." He looks in the mirror again and adjusts the brim, cocking his head.

Jeff shrugs. "It's alright." He glances around for a moment. "Hey, Stacy, come here a sec," he calls.

Eric's eyes widen. "What are you-"

"Stacy..." Jeff gestures to Eric. "On a scale of one to ten, how irresistible do you think he looks in that hat?"

Eric could feel heat crawling up the back of his neck. "Why you-"

"One being downright unattractive and ten being sexy." Jeff licks a finger and swipes the air with a sizzling sound.

Eric sets his hands on his hips and looks at Stacy, helpless against the redness spreading on his face... again. He was going to kill Jeff by the time this day was over, plain and simple.


Thanking Lydia for the coffee and taking her own bite of pie, Beth just listens to what she had to say. The pain was clear in her eyes and Beth could sympathize with it a little. Though different in many ways, the loss of someone still hurt.

Just thinking for a long moment, letting the silence linger, Beth searches for the right words, not wanting to quote anything wrong. "I can see how the desire in your heart to help Jared is great, but we have to remember that it's not always in our hands. Sometimes we need to let go and give it to God."

Taking a sip of her coffee, Beth lets the warm liquid slide down her throat. "Justin does miss you and he misses everything he used to do for you. I think maybe calling him so he knows you don't hate him is a good start. Then you can go from there."

Beth held her sweet smile. She liked Lydia a lot. In some ways she reminded her of her own mom. Just some of the things she did seemed familiar to her and it caused a smile.

If your nails were long enough to be claws, I might start to worry. I am happy all is well though.

Thanks again for keeping things up and running for me. That means a lot to me. Hopefully it won't be for too long, but it makes me feel better someone else is there too.

*Yawn* Coffee sounds good. Let me know when you're free and we will totally do that. A little conversation with a friend is always good.

How do you think Sassy got her name? I tell ya, she is worse than living with parents sometimes.

Well, I better get going. Kids are done with their history exercise. Talk again soon.


Hearing about the puppies, Ryan gives a little squeal before looking around the shop quickly and composing herself before anyone could say anything.

"Wow, that's really cool. I've never actually seen a puppy just born before. Do you know how many she will have?"

Chewing on her pen for a second and thumbing through some paperwork, Ryan was happy Tal would be coming over for dinner. "Good. I would have hated to have Eli force you to come over. How does six sound?"

Dropping the conversation for the moment, Karla looks up at the ice cream board trying to figure out what she wanted.

"I think today I am going to be bad and have the double fudge brownie." Karla looks to Kip and grins, waiting for him to order his own. Once he had, Karla slips her hand into his again as they wait.

"I think sometime you should see if you can try playing something different in the band. I think it could be fun for you."

Looking up from one of the comics Haden had sent him, Trey gives a half wave and a smirk to Pete. "Yeah, it was good hanging with Ariel too. She is cute enough and can hold up a good conversation."

Seeing the look on Pete's face, Trey knew there was more to him being here. Putting his magazine down and swinging his legs over so his feet were on the ground, he studies Pete for a moment. "Alright, what else do you have to say?"

Listening to what else he had to say, Trey could feel his face getting red, and an anger seemed to build inside of him, or maybe it was hurt. What right did this woman have to throw him away and then just come back? She didn't even come because she wanted to.

"She came for other things, so I'm just a side stop? That's really great. I love being the afterthought."

Shaking his head and moving back on his bed again, Trey leans against the wall, picking up his magazine again. "Tell her to go away. I'm better off not knowing her and making her go through the trouble. Shut the door on your way out too."

Hearing Chance's voice was like a cool shower on a hot day. Even if it was filled with many things, Destiny couldn't look past how it still made her feel.

"Not everything can be fixed once it's broken. Even if you glue it, cracks still remain." Destiny couldn't help the single tear that rolled down her cheek. It made her feel so many conflicting emotions. She wanted to hate him but at the same time, she wanted to be held and feel safe in his arms.

"But repairs can always start, and maybe with luck it can be held together." Shifting her weight a little, Destiny didn't know if what she was doing was smart or not. Chance looked sincere, not as though he was trying to trick her again.

"Meet me tomorrow for breakfast at Mom and Pop's at eight. After that, we will see how it goes."

Not knowing what else to say and for fear of breaking out in tears right there, Destiny turns, going back inside and closing the door behind her.

Getting into the truck and waiting for the others to join her, Stacy can't help but hear the conversation outside with the two brothers. She found it odd but said nothing, not wanting to get in the middle. But she couldn't help but wonder if it had to do with her or not.

Finally as both men get in, Stacy smiles and starts the truck, only stopping again by the movement next to her. Not turning her head right away, she sees out of the corner of her eye Eric trying to get comfortable and not touch her. Just letting it go on for a few minutes, Stacy finally turns to Eric and raises an eyebrow. It was odd enough being cramped together with people she hardly knew but she knew she had a job to do. Eric was making it harder than it had to be.

"I promise I don't have cooties so it's okay if you lean against me."

Giving a laugh, Stacy looks back out the window and pulls out after the other truck, rolling the window down a little.