

Wyatt could hear a weariness in Hope's voice, and he wonders if it was more than her just being physically tired. But then... her boyfriend was still at Brookshire - that would be enough to make anyone a bit weary.

"How about tomorrow then? I can get her things together and bring her over on my lunch break, if that will work." He stands up again and watches as Domino slowly gets up from her bed and wanders to the window by the door. Putting her paws on the window sill she tries to look out into the dark street and just stays there for the longest time.

Susanne rolls her eyes. "I'm only ready if you quit with the compliments for a while. I can't handle so many in one night."

Tossing him a crooked grin, she goes to grab her purse and her jacket as well. "Let's go before I change my mind."

Getting outside, she locks the house then follows Chuck to the motorcycle. After putting on her helmet, she climbs on behind him and wraps her arms around his waist. Tonight... it didn't feel so awkward.

"Ryan, you..." Eli growls as she hangs up on him. Part of him couldn't blame her. He knew she was in love with Alec and he certainly knew how strong of a feeling that was. But he wished she had better sense than this. If it wasn't for the Agency, it wouldn't be so bad, but they were walking into a lion's den and it was stupid, to say the least.

Ty... Ty... Eli looks at the note again. His eyes narrow. Crumpling the paper in his fist, he throws it towards the trash can. It misses and goes bouncing onto the floor, but Eli is already gone...

...Ty props open the men's bathroom door as he cleans, mopping the floors, cleaning toilets then cleaning the sink and mirror. He didn't exactly enjoy this sort of work, but he sometimes liked being alone in the quiet and he could have a far worse job than this. Maybe sometime he could -

His thoughts are brought to a screeching halt as someone grabs him from behind. He hadn't been paying a bit of attention - he'd let his mind wander too far that he hadn't even heard anyone come into the bathroom. Being whipped around and slammed face-first up against the wall, he winces and tries to break free, but his opponent felt very strong. "Let me go!" he shouts.

"Not on your life," came the hissed reply.

Ty glares at the voice and shifts his weight just enough to bring an elbow back into his adversary's gut. Released for just a moment, it's the split second he needs to duck out from under the arms and twist around to see who it was. Startled, he pauses for too long and is slammed into the wall again, this time with a forearm up against his throat. "Eli..."

Eli's eyes flash with anger. "Good memory." He'd only see this guy a time or two when he'd come in to talk with Reese. "Where is my sister?"

"How should I know?"

"Where is she?! I know you helped her and I know she's with Carson. Now I want to know where they're going and I want to know now."

"I don't know."

"You do too!" Eli puts more pressure on Ty's windpipe. "Talk, or you'll regret it."

"North!" Ty lands a kick to Eli's shins, breaking free for the second time. Backing towards the door with his hands up, he tries to avoid a fight. "I don't know where they're at now, alright? We don't even know for sure where Alec is - it's all a guess until we get more intel. You've got to believe me." As he backs closer to the door, he suddenly runs into another body and jumps to the side. He's relieved though, to see that it's Hal.

"What is going on here?" Hal demands.

Eli sighs and throws up his arms. "Just someone not wanting to see his sister get killed."

Hal frowns. "Eli, right?"


"Mmmm... what's Ty got to do with this?"

Ty rolls his eyes. "I helped Ryan hook up with Carson and they went after Alec. That's it. If Eli doesn't kill me now, Reese probably will, so apparently I'm doomed either way."

Hal smirks a little. "Do you ever learn?" He shakes his head and looks back to Eli. "Well instead of killing anybody, how about you just calm that temper of yours and we sit and talk, huh?"

Carson glances over at Ryan, letting his imagination fill in the blanks about the phone call. He was sure that Eli was none too happy about all of this. And he couldn't blame him. But he and Ryan were on the road and they weren't about to turn around now. This was too important.

So the hours drag on as does the night. A stopover for sleep doesn't happen until the light of dawn begins to spread across the sky, and even then, the rest is over too quickly before they're driving once again. Wyoming never seemed farther away.

...It was early morning yet when they have to stop for gas and Carson pulls into a little station. "Want any breakfast?" he asks Ryan.


I promise

As her phone vibrates in her pocket Ryan closes her eyes for a moment. Before she even looked she new it would be her brother. If he hadn't called after getting her letter she would of wondered if it had gone over looked.

Not wanting to answer it Ryan finally get it from her pocket before glancing at Carson for a moment seeing Alec's down face in him and than turning to look out the window. She never noticed till now how much they did look a like.

Ryan can't even say hello before Eli lays into her and Ryan just lets him. Not arguing back, and not trying to get any words in. It was Eli's right to be angry with her. Once he was done Ryan lets out a long sigh.

"You might very well be right. We could be wrong about Alec, but I'm not turning around Eli. I have to find out for myself, and I have to look into Alec's eyes and see. I'll be back soon...I promise. I love you Big Brother."

Not letting anymore words be exchanged Ryan closes the phone and puts it back in her pocket. Leaning her head against the cool glass she looking out at the passing scenes. Everything wized by her mind just seeming to wonder. The rain that started to fall splatted on the window and made there long path down ward the weather seeming to match the mood.

Standing up a little straighter once Susanne comes into the room Chuck can't help but smile as he looks at her. His eyes seeming to twinkle. He'd never really though of birds as a pet he would want but he'd never scoff at someone else who did. Susanne liked them and they were a part of her so he likes them now too.

"Hey, I'm a little mad remember? I think we even each other out."

Giving a small laugh Chuck found humor in the whole thing even if some would be offended for being called mad it didn't bother him any. Seeing Susanne was ready he gives a smile again making note to himself at just how pretty she did look.

"I like your little family, even if they are birds, and there owner is even better. Shall we travel onward now?"

Picking up the phone and hearing Wyatt's voice and about how Domino was doing Hope lets out a sigh and leans back in her chair. It had been a few days since she had gotten the letter from Scott but she just wasn't feeling like herself yet. Maybe she had something in common with the little dog.

"Yeah, I can take her for you. Maybe right now...we both need each other because we are missing something."

In a way Hope couldn't wait to get back to work. It would keep her mind off everything but her last visit to the dr has said not yet. She still needed more strength and he didn't want her to over do it and get sick again.

"When did you want to bring her over? I pretty much am home all the time."

If she could help little Domino, maybe Domino could help her too. She'd always liked the little dog and new how close her and Scott were. Maybe this would be the only thing she had left of the man she loved so dearly so it was worth it.

A favor

"I'm always safe." Carson grins at Misty. Both knew that every time Carson went out on a case, he was far from safe. But he was as careful as he could be, and that's the most anyone could do. "I'll come back in one piece... I promise. And if Ryan tries anything, I'll lock her in the trunk and you can have her when we get back."

Eyes twinkling, he leans over to give Misty a long, slow kiss. Drawing back, he sighs. "I gotta go," he whispers. "Pray for me... and Alec."

Standing up, he heads to the bedroom for a few last-minute items and too quickly, he's gone once more. After stopping for gas and a few things to eat and drink, Carson makes it to Ryan's apartment right when he said he would. Leaving the car running, he waits until she comes out. And without any words exchanged, they hit the road.

...Eli enters the dark apartment, finding it a little odd Ryan wasn't still up. It was late, for sure, but she was usually a night owl anyway. But maybe she still wasn't feeling so good after the whole Alec thing. It had been a couple days, but Eli knew she was still pretty down about it.

Tossing his bike keys aside, he flips on the living room lights before throwing his jacket over the back of a chair. Feeling a bit thirsty, he wanders to the kitchen and aims for the fridge, but stops when he sees a piece of paper on the counter. Picking it up, he immediately recognizes Ryan's handwriting so he starts to read. When he's finished with the note though, it goes slamming back down onto the counter, followed up by an angry curse hurled into oblivion.

Digging for his cell phone, he immediately dial's Ryan and waits. Once he hears her answer, he waists no time. "Are you crazy?! Alec's running with one of the most dangerous groups on the planet and you wanna just walk right in there, take his hand and lead him out?! Carson's wrong, Ryan. He's wrong about Alec and he's wrong to take you with him. Do yourself a favor and turn around now before it's too late."

Hearing Chuck talking to the birds in the other room, Susanne smiles to herself. If he didn't mind the birds, that would be a plus.

Rummaging quickly through her closet, she finds the light sweater she wants then digs to find her comfy but nice jeans. A quick trip to the bathroom and she runs a brush through her hair before pulling it back at the nape of her neck, then freshens her makeup... but just a little... she'd figured out that Chuck liked her just as well without being dolled up.

I wasn't ten minutes later that she was ready to go and comes back to the living room. Grinning a little, she wanders over to him by the bird cages. "Now you've met the rest of my family," she muses. "They're a pretty chipper bunch once you get to know them." She laughs. "And it's a sure sign that I spend way too much time with them if I start treating them like family members. Are you really sure you want to know me more?"

Wyatt looks down to the corner of the kitchen where the little dog was curled up on her soft bed. Her toys had gone untouched for days and she hadn't been eating well either. A trip to the vet had concluded that physically, there was nothing wrong with her. Wyatt worried he knew what was wrong, but unfortunately, there wasn't much anyone could do.

Picking up the phone, he leans back on his counter and waits for Hope to answer her phone. "Hey, Hope... it's Wyatt. Sorry to bother you. Listen um... I heard you'd be back to work soon - we all miss you around the office." It was true - everyone was excited for her return.

"I didn't want to bug you with anything else to think about, but I got a little friend here that might be able to use your company again." He goes and squats down next to Domino, reaching out to scratch her behind her ears. She looks up at him and sighs but doesn't lift her head.

"Katie and I took turns taking care of Domino while you were in the hospital. I've got her again at the moment but... she just isn't happy. I'm guessing it's Scott she wants but, you're the closest thing to him so I guess I just wondered if you were feeling up to taking care of her again."

Letter Goodbye

Taking the helmet back and giving a smile to Susanne Chuck gives a nod. It did make more sense for her to drive him and than have him go from there to the movies. Why he hadn't thought of that himself beat him.

Shaking his head a little and pushing his helmet down Chuck starts up the bike and follows Susanne. It doesn't take long for them to get to her house and when she offers him inside he is a bit surprised. It must have really taken her a lot of courage to ask him in. He would of been happy just waiting out here for him but not that she was offering why not.

Heading inside with Susanne Chuck looks around the room once she disappears. The room was big and bright. Very clean and one could tell great car had been taken in every detail. Coming in a little more Chuck see the bird cages and can't help but smile. It looked like Susanne took great joy in the birds.

"Well Hello there, you must be the kids. Susanne told me a little about you all but she never mentioned how cute you all were."

Chuck smile at himself for talking to the birds like they could understand them but they really were pretty and it was nice to look at all there colors.

Heading inside Ryan takes a quick look around the room. Eli said he was going to be out late with Scarlet tonight as they took there rain check and went to a concert that was right outside town.

Heading to her room Ryan went to her room and grabbed her backpack. Throwing in some jeans, shirts, and a few other items she would need she new to pack light. Looking around her room Ryan lets out a small sigh. It was hard to look anywhere and not see Alec. He'd been such a big part of her lift over the last few months that now his mark was just left everywhere.

Heading into the kitchen Ryan opens the cupboard and grabs some snack bars throwing them into her back along with her clothing. Than taking a peace of paper and a pen from the counter she sits at the small kitchen table and writes.


I wont be home for a few days. I have deiced I need to see whats going on with Alec myself. Nothing adds up, and yes everyone thinks maybe he didn't change after all but there was no way he could of fooled me that well. No...I saw him, I saw the change and I saw the look in his eye when he said he loved me.

Don't worry big brother I am not going alone. Ty saw to that on and told Carson what I was planning on doing. So now I will be travailing with him. Please don't be angry with Carson. If he hadn't have let me gone than I would of gone alone and that would be more dangerous than it is now.

Carson said we are going to see if Alec will come back with us because he believe Alec is there against his own will. If he makes it clear he does not want to come back than we will have to walk away. I will have to walk away. I know how hard that will be for me to walk away from Alec once I see him again but at the same time I know how easy it will be too.

Wish me luck Eli, and I will see you again soon.

With all my love,

Placing the letter in the counter Ryan new Eli would see it when he got home and went for a beer. She hopped he wouldn't be to angry with her. This was just something she had to do.

Looking at Carson as he comes into the living room Misty new he would be leaving soon so she herself didn't want to get to comfortable. But coming a little closer she places her hand on his arm and gives it a loving rub.

Hearing Ryan was going to go with Carson Misty gives a little nod. She'd guessed that she would say she wanted to go. Misty could see the look in the young woman's eye from the short days she had bumped into her when Alec was still at TJY. It had been the same look of a strong will that Misty had, had at that age.

"Yes I'm still ok with that. I trust you Carson. Just let he know if she does try anything She'll have to answer to me."

Giving a little sassy grin Misty leans in and gives Carson a kiss. She loved Carson and though the past had been rough she trusted him now. He's changed a lot since than and she'd seen every step.

"Just be safe and don't get yourselves into trouble. I want you to come home to me."

Misty gives a smile though on the inside she wish she was coming with Carson this was not her battle and she had to stay behind. As long as Carson was safe and did come home in one peace it would be ok. She'd get to fight along side him another time.


"Okay." Carson might not agree with Ryan's decision, and he might think she was foolish to want to contact the Agency, but he did trust her word about walking away if it came to that.

"I'll come to your place in about an hour to pick you up then. Pack for at least three days - we might be gone longer than that, depending. We think he and Yvette are about a day away right now, but by the time we get there, they might have moved on and even once we do locate him, we're gonna have to find the right window of opportunity."

Carson nods with decisiveness. He wasn't going to go in half-cocked or without intel. He thought that Alec would want out and if he did, if they could slip in and slip out, it might be a very easy extraction. But if Alec really didn't want to come and Carson had read the signs wrong then it could turn into a mess if they weren't careful.

"Oh, and you might want to just leave your brother a note instead of telling him to his face where you're going." A wry grin avoided Carson's lips and instead, appeared in just his eyes. "I'd rather not have him beat me to a pulp for taking you along." While Carson could handle his own and was very skilled when it came to hand-to-hand combat, Eli knew how to street fight and Carson would just as soon avoid any confrontation.

"So get home and pack. I'll see you in about an hour." Giving Ty one last glance, he turns on his heel and heads for the door.

Ty still leans on his broom handle and watches Carson leave, then eyes Ryan. "Carson thinks Alec's clean. Reese disagrees. Good luck."

Once in his car again, Carson heads back home. He'd already made arrangements to be gone and though Misty knew as well, he wanted to let her know exactly what was happening now that he'd seen Ryan.

Getting home, he parks and goes inside, finding Misty in the living room, despite the late hour. "Hey, Babe." He wanders in and eases down on the couch next to her but doesn't get too comfortable. He needed to stay awake so he could leave in a little while and drive.

"Ryan said she wanted to go, so I'm taking her along." The possibility had been there before, but now that it was a sure thing, Carson wanted to check again to ensure everything on the at home would be okay once he got back. He looks at Misty for a long moment, searching her eyes. He wished it was her going along instead, but as it was, the circumstances called for something different this time. "You still okay with that?" He knew she trusted him, but he didn't want any insecure feelings to surface because he'd be traveling with another woman.

Susanne just shakes her head and laughs. Though she did find his compliments amusing, and though there was a part of her that didn't believe a single one, there was still a corner of her heart that felt oh-so good when he said those sweet words.

"Um..." She accepts the helmet, but hesitates. She had yet to reveal to Chuck where she lived. It had been a precautionary move before... what about now? She really would prefer changing into her jeans and a more comfortable shirt, not to mention she might like to freshen up really quickly after working all day. She hadn't planned on stopping at home, but now that he'd mentioned it...

"I... guess it would be nice to stop by home first. But I might as well drive my car there at least then you can just take me straight home later." She hands the helmet back to him. "You can follow me."

Did he know what a big step it was for her to allow him to her house? She didn't know. But as she turned to her car, her heart began beating just a little faster. She was going to let Chuck a little further into her safety zone... was it wise? Was it safe? There was only one way to find out.

It wasn't long before they were across town and Susanne was parking in her driveway. She gets out of her car and glances back to Chuck, giving him time to get off his bike before going up to the front door. Unlocking it, she steps inside first, flicking on the lights, and turning to let Chuck inside as well. "I'll just be a few minutes..." She gestures to the living room. "Make yourself comfortable... the birds will probably want to introduce themselves." Setting her purse by the couch, she heads down the hall, trying to not make Chuck wait too long.

Though the house was not large, the living room had plenty of space. A couch was angled at once side, close to a small entertainment center for a television and a few movies. A soft gliding chair was also present, next to a small table and lamp where a few gardening magazines were kept.

The walls were cream-colored with a green ivy border around the top, stenciled with paint, proving great care and time. A few pictures that adorned the walls were mostly paintings of flowers or landscapes. Hanging in one corner was a lovely green plant - not alone as there were several more houseplants about the room. The back portion of the living room though, was dedicated to several bird cages. And at the bottom of each cage were handmade nameplates. The birds had been named after variety of flowers, and each also bore the meaning of that particular flower.

On the end was a little red canary named Mallow - the meaning listed was "delicate beauty." Next were two lovebirds, the first yellow one was named Honeysuckle, meaning "bond of love," while the second was green and red, named Gloxinia which meant "love at first sight." In the middle cage was a whitefaced cockatiel named Olive for "peace." And on the far right were two blue parakeets - one named Snowdrop for "hope," and one named Periwinkle for "sweet remembrance." Roomy cages and plenty of toys proved the owner's care for these twittering, whistling pets that cocked their heads and stared at new company with cautious curiosity.


Can I?

"I make them up spur of the moment. It's easy when there is someone like you who I can give them too."

Walking over to the bike Chuck picks up the extra helmet and hands it to Susanne before taking his own. Looking back to Susanne and giving her a wink Chuck can't help but smile again.

"Did you want to go home first or go right to dinner?"

Looking back at Carson and hardly flinching as he told her all he new even if she was breaking on the inside she wouldn't let it show. Alec had killed, he was with this other woman and what else was he doing?

Hearing Carson was leaving to go out of town soon Ryan straightens a little. So Carson was going to try and help Alec before anyone else could get to him. So Carson did care, in a way it shocked Ryan. Hearing him ask her to come along Ryan was surprised once again. Could she walk away once she saw Alec? If he didn't come back and was bound to that life again would she leave?

"Yes I want to come with you, and yes I can walk away if I have too."

Up to you

Though Susanne rolls her eyes, her cheeks do flush slightly. "Do you have a list of lines you practice or do they just come to you on the spur of the moment?"

Her head leans into his hand a little bit. "I don't think I feel qualified to be shown off, but I'll tag along at least." She bites her lower lip. She was just an unattractive homebody... Chuck on the other hand... well... he was the one that could be shown off.

Carson isn't surprised at Ryan's words and he gives her a short nod. "Yeah, that's what I figured."

He sighs deeply. "I was at Alec's apartment today. Did a little more nosing around. Put a few more pieces together in my mind. And... I think there's a good chance Alec is innocent, as far illegal activity goes." Alec's shenanigans with Yvette were beyond a doubt, but as far as leaking Elite information or killing anyone... that was up for debate. "I think Reese might agree with me on a certain level, but the Elite's hands are tied."

Carson looks Ryan in the eye, not wanting to spare her any details. "He and/or Yvette have killed - the count is four so far and we're pretty sure there will be more. Cheating on you is the least of the Elite's worries. And what they want to do is go in and extract Alec, no matter the cost. If he lives, he'll be contained, and if he dies, he's one less thing to worry about. But they are going to go in after him. He knows far too much about the Elite to allow him back into the Agency. Right now, we just hope he hasn't shared too much. Personally, I think he must have good reasons for taking off and he's just biding his time."

Carson pauses again. "In one hour, I'm heading out of town and going north. Ty helped me get into the TJY records to find out where they've been tracking Alec and we think he's going to be in Wyoming next - where, exactly will be tricky but I think we can find him, though it'll take a few days." He'd already told Misty and she knew he was inserting himself into this case for the sake of Alec - she and Ty were the only ones that knew though. Those running the restaurant only knew he was on a TJY case and that was it - not even Dani was aware of his plans. He knew Reese would try to stop him if word got out.

"I'm giving you one chance to go with me - I'd rather have you in my sights than off on your own getting yourself killed. If we find Alec and he does want out like I think he does, we can bring him back. And if we find out that he truly has turned, then we leave him for the Elite to handle."

Carson cocks his head, giving Ryan time to process the information. "Up to you. But if you decide to come, I have to know that you can walk away if we don't find what we want."

Looks of the past

Crossing his arms over his chest Chuck does his best to try and hide the smile that wanted to come through so badly. But even if he held his lips from moving his eyes betrayed him as they did all the smiling.

"Yeah there was this woman I was waiting for. Something about dinner and a movie tonight."

Not being able to help it anymore the smile finally spreads across Chuck's face and he lets his arms fall to his side for a moment. Than bringing a hand up to Susanne's face he gives her cheek a gentile brush with his hand just feeling her soft skin under his fingers.

"How could I not be excited about getting to show someone as pretty as you off?"

As the strong arm goes around Ryan's neck she gives a little gasp taken by surprise. Bringing her hands up to the arm she can feel her heart start to race as the cold barrel of a gun is pointed at her head. Hearing Carson's words that followed and than being shoved Ryan turns around quickly and glares at Carson.

Looking to Ty as he says his sorry and he didn't want her to get hurt a look of pain flashes in her eyes. She should of known better than to try and trust someone linked with the Elite.

Turning her attachen back to Carson Ryan's eyes were filled with pain, a little of everything that had been wearing on her. She had to know for herself about Alec, she had too.

"I will find Alec. I won't rest till I do. Nothing adds up and I need to know why. I can't wait for weeks on end. So I can rest in peace I need to know sooner. So stay out of my way, or help me."

Ryan's look was full of determination. Maybe a look that had been seen in others faces of the past as well. The love for someone over taking all reason till the truth would be revealed. Something so many in the past had faced as well.

You're dead

The door to TJY opens and Susanne wanders out, scanning the parking lot. Spotting Chuck, she grins. Wandering over to him, she gives him an obvious once-over before looking up at him. "You look like you're waiting for someone," she muses.

After tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she folds her arms. "Seems to me you're rather enthusiastic about picking someone up."

"Ryan... hi." Ty leans on his broom, studying her for a moment. "Yeah... I think I got what you need. I got a name of someone you should get in contact with."

Before anything else can be said though, a figure slips from a cubicle without any warning. A strong arm wraps around Ryan's neck from behind in a chokehold, while at the same time, a pistol barrel is pressed to her temple with a sickening click as it's cocked.

Ty doesn't flinch. He does nothing but stand still, his face lacking expression.

The unseen figure gives Ryan a little jerk before pulling the trigger. But all that comes is a sturdy click. The gun was empty. "Bang... you're dead," Carson hisses. Releasing her and giving her a little shove towards Ty, he returns his gun to his side before setting his hands on his hips. His eyes glare at Ryan. "You think this is a game? You think being all brave and wanting to face the Agency is a good idea? Do you even realize how quickly you would be dead?" He snaps his fingers. "Just like that. As easily as I caught you here, they'll put a bullet in your head and then you'll never have the chance to find out what's really going on."

Ty gives Ryan a sidelong glance. "I'm sorry. But I didn't want to see you hurt. So I told Carson what was going on."

Day and Night

Sitting outside TJY Chuck waited for Susanne knowing she would be out soon. They were going to be going to dinner and than the movie Susanne wanted to see. Chuck was excited even if it was a chick flick. Spending more time with Susanne was always a plus to him.

Putting the kickstand down on the bike and getting off Chuck's leather jacket crinkles a little bit as he straightens it. Running a hand through his hair he makes it stand on end. Even if he was going to put the helmet on again at least he would look good for a few moments when Susanne first saw him.

Later that night....

Entering TJY Ryan slipped her hands in her hoodie pocket her keys only giving a soft jingle as she walked. It was late, but the time Ty had told her to come. He's have the information for her and than she could move on figuring out where to go from there.

Stepping onto the main floor and seeing Ty Ryan's lips curl up a little bit. He was right there like he'd said he would be. Not that Ryan didn't believe him but she thought for sure he would back out.

"Ty, hey. Your right it does seem a lot quieter this late at night. Got the information for me?"



Susanne can't help a little laugh and she shakes her head at Chuck. He was silly for asking, since she'd just suggested the movie herself. Not that she minded... it meant he really did want to spend more time with her.

"Yes... yes, I think I will. However, I must warn you, it's a sappy musical." Her smile turns into a sly sort of grin. "But I have a feeling even if you hated the movie, you'd come anyway just to lay on a little more of that charm." She looks at her hand he had kissed. "You might want to be careful... lay it on too thick and I'll start dripping."

Eli didn't mean to look so surprised, but his eyebrows did rise as Ryan talks about wanting him there. He'd figured she might miss him, sure, but maybe he hadn't realized that how he felt about her was how she felt about him. He loved his sister dearly - he just hadn't thought she really cared one way or the other where he was. Realizing that she did want him here... maybe even needed him here... it made him all the more glad that he'd decided to stay.

As the conversation shifts, he lets the other subjects drop, figuring it was best. He wouldn't make her talk about things she didn't want to - a distraction would be good.

"I would love to watch a funny move." He nods and stands up and heads to the cupboard to nose around. "As long as we have popcorn. Popcorn is a must." Searching a little more, he finds a box of microwave popcorn. "Eureka! Now we're set. I'll let you choose the movie though - I'm too indecisive."

And time moves slowly on...

Finished with his shower and getting dressed, Alec eases down at the kitchenette table in the hotel suite. Taking a swig of coffee, his gaze lingers on the table, his mind far away. His face was pale and dark circles were under his eyes. One might be surprised to discover he'd only been away from a healthy lifestyle for a few days. But during those few days, much had happened... much had changed.

"Mmm... you smell good." Yvette comes up behind him, slipping an arm over his shoulder and down to rest her palm against his chest as she takes a breath of his wet hair.

"It's the coffee," Alec responds dryly.

"Oh, I don't think so." Yvette slides her head down to kiss his ear then his cheek. "Nope... it's definitely you."

Alec takes another sip of coffee. "Where's our next target?"

Yvette sighs and straightens up. "You're certainly a stick in the mud this morning. Bit of a contrast to last night, don't you think?"

Alec quirks an eyebrow before slinging a glance over his shoulder at Yvette's scantily clothed figure. "No focus, no job." He points to the table. "Target?"

Rolling her eyes, Yvette retrieves a map from the counter and tosses it on the table in front of him. "Brummel Hotel on the other side of town. We go in, kill the guy and get out. In the meantime, we keep our cover here as newlyweds for two days or until we receive our next destination coordinates."

Alec only grunts in response before studying the map and following the road with his finger before reaching the red ink circle. "You'd think I'd never done this before," he mutters.

"I was only repeating our instructions."

"So repeat them to the mirror."

Yvette scowls and aims a backhanded slap to his face, but her wrist is caught midway. Alec's grip tightens and he glares up at her. "Wanna try that again?"

Yvette wrenches her arm loose and rubs her wrist. Leaning down to put her face in front of his, she eyes him without fear. "Don't forget who I am," she threatens.

"Oh that's right, you've got pull with the big boss." Alec's eyes wander down her figure then back up again. "I wonder why."

Through the angry glare, a faint grin appears at the corner of Yvette's mouth. "You're smart enough not to wonder." Cocking her head, she leaves a tantalizing kiss on his lips. "And I'll see to it that you never do wonder."

Left alone again, Alec downs the rest of his coffee and focuses on the map once more. Hearing the shower running a few minutes later though, he gets up to wander in that direction.

For the tenth time that morning, Carson finds himself standing in the kitchen with his thoughts so very far away from the restaurant. What was going through his mind had been bothering him all yesterday and all night. He'd picked up the phone twice to call Reese, then had changed his mind. How could he be in his right mind to even consider giving Alec the benefit of the doubt? It was ridiculous. All the clues added up - he and Reese had proven that. There could be no doubt. Anyone with half a brain would see that Alec had turned his back on the life he had now and had returned to the Agency. He'd robbed, he'd run from the law and he'd killed. He was back to smoking, doing drugs and he was doing who knows what with Yvette. So why on earth was Carson's conscience bothering him so? Why did he keep thinking back to that stupid deck of cards? It was ridiculous!

Growling in frustration, Carson takes off his apron. "Dani, take over," he hollers. "If you need help, call Herb."

Dani's eyes widen as her brother walks to the front door. "But..." They were just starting for the day and it was looking to be a busy one. "Carson!" Too late. He was already gone.

Driving across town, Carson's mind continues to work overtime. By the time he reached Alec's apartment, he didn't even know what he was looking for. But he had to find something to prove one theory or the other.

Getting to the apartment door, he easily picks the lock and enters. Wandering through the one room that served as both living room and bedroom, he goes over everything, even knowing that Reese had already had someone down here to search for clues. They'd turned up nothing. But surely there had to be something more decisive. Something more concrete.

He checks the mattress, checks the window sills, under rugs, under chairs and behind the television set. The kitchen was next. It shouldn't take long - it was tiny enough. But he does take his time, checking every nook and cranny. The last place was the far cupboard. Removing the few canned goods that were there, he stops. Turning a can over in his hand, he read the tomato soup label. But... this can weighed a whole lot less than it should. He shakes it. His ears don't hear liquid - instead, they hear something light and solid. What on earth?

Carson runs his fingers around the edge of the can. It didn't look like it had been opened. Oh, wait. His thumbnail lifts up the lid. It had been cut around and below the lip instead of inside of it, forming a nice lid that was almost impossible to see. Finally able to see inside, Carson's eyes widen. He pulls out a roll of cash. They were big bills too. Fifties, twenties and at least a couple hundred dollar bills. There had to be several thousand dollars here.

The first thought that would cross anyone's mind was a payoff from the Agency. But Carson, as much as he hated to admit it, knew better. If it was a payoff, Alec would have taken it with him. He hadn't left in a hurry and forgotten the money - it was obvious that he'd been very systematic about his departure. He had left his money here on purpose. But why? Who would do that? Anybody would want all the money they could get.

Whether Carson liked it or not, he knew the truth. He knew it, and he had to do something about it. Putting the money back in the can, he takes the whole thing with him.

The ride to TJY was a quick one. Thankfully, Reese was free.

"Alec didn't turn." Carson dumps the can on his desk.

Reese looks at him in confusion. "What?"

"The can. It came from Alec's apartment. I was just there. He's got at least several thousand dollars in there."

Reese's eyebrows rise. "Yeah, I knew he had that. But what does that prove?"

"You knew?"

"Yeah, I had someone keeping an eye on him. He got it through winning bets for underground fighting - the same as what you were involved with before."

"And you didn't arrest him for being involved?"

"Technically, he wasn't." Reese gives him a wry sort of grin. "He had a guy at the car races who did all the dirty work and got a cut of the winnings for doing it. Alec had a nice little deal going on with him. I figured he could be in worse trouble so I let it go."

Carson rolls his eyes. "I wish I would have known that. Regardless though, if you were heading out of town, would you leave that much cash behind?"

"Probably not." Reese leans back in his chair, curious. "But we can't just think he's innocent because of-"

"And the fact he stole my car and left his watch for us to find."

"You think it was on purpose?"

"When was the last time an Agency agent like Alec was sloppy? His watch was easily identified as his. He could have erased his phone's voicemail. Him stealing my car made him traceable until he switched vehicles, pointing us in the right direction."

"You have a point, but still..." Reese sighs. "You're part of the reason we formed this opinion of Alec, you know. Your perspective means a lot and I respect it - you have had no trust for Alec up until now. You explained away everything and now you're telling me the opposite. What changed?'

Carson fishes in his pocket for the deck of playing cards. "These were his. There are two extra aces in here."


"He's cheating."

"Well, obviously, but-"

"No. Not cheating with cards. He's cheating the Agency. He's trying to beat them at their own game."

Reese isn't convinced. "Carson, that's pretty far-fetched. Don't you think that-"

"It's something we used to do," Carson explains. "Agents used to leave each other messages with cards all the time because it would be overlooked by the police or anyone else."

"Why didn't you say something before?"

Carson swallows hard. "Because I didn't believe Alec was innocent. I didn't give him the benefit of the doubt."

"You now think your instincts were unreliable?"

"I don't know. Maybe I just had a personal grudge against him because of what he did with Dani and because having him around reminds me of my father." Carson sighs. "Maybe I've just been selfish and I wanted to prove I'd been right. Well... maybe I was right about him. But maybe he's changed and I just didn't want to see it."

"Why wouldn't he alert us, rather than giving in to the Agency?"

"I don't have an answer for that."

Reese stands up and paces for a moment. "We're still tracing him - or rather, following his wake of destruction. He and Yvette have hit two hotels - four people dead, including that first gas station attendant. We always arrive too late, but Gunner and Nate are working on tracing a pattern and if we can find out his next stop, we might be able to snag him. If he's innocent, why is he involving himself in those things?"

"I don't know. But when the Agency latches on, it's hard to shake them and sometimes you just have to do things to save your own hide."

"You think Alec would kill rather than be killed?"

Carson shrugs. "I betrayed the Agency so TJY wouldn't kill me. All I'm saying is that there's something else going on here that we can't see. Alec wanted us to know it was him and to be able to trace him."

"What if it's a trap?"

"The Agency is too cocky for that. They'd rather meet someone head-on rather than lure them with bait like that - especially Alec. He's a guns blazing guy, not someone who is patient enough to lie in wait."

"I have to admit, you're pretty convincing. But I still don't know..."

"What do we have to lose?" Carson holds his hands out to the sides. "If we go in after him and he's guilty, then we've captured him and put a lid on him leaking any more information about the Elite. If he's innocent, then we've rescued him."

Reese sighs deeply. "Look, Carson... I understand what you're saying, and I want to believe Alec is innocent too. But we have to look at the facts. Whatever his intentions were, he is now running with the Agency and he's killing people. If it were just a woman or just the drugs, I might be able to let it go - but it's bigger than that. You know it, and I know it. I can't tell my men and the local authorities to make sure Alec isn't harmed. When we go in, we go in to extract him - dead or alive. You know how it works."

Carson's shoulders drop slightly. He never thought he'd be defending his brother, but he was tired of fighting his gut instincts. Something just wasn't right, and he knew, without proof, that whatever was behind Alec's actions were motives that had yet to be seen. Unfortunately, he also understood Reese's position. "So you're gonna send in Elite men who will team up with local cops wherever the hotel is, and go in after Alec and Yvette to arrest them. Without giving Alec a chance."

"I didn't say he wouldn't have a chance. But I'm not going to walk in, unarmed, and try to negotiate with him. I'm not going to try to call him first and ask him to repent or else. Whatever his intentions were, he went too far, and I'll not play this game. I don't care if the Agency forced him to return to them - he still had a choice, and he chose to join and kill."

...It wasn't five minutes later, that Carson was leaving TJY. He was frustrated... frustrated that he didn't know the real truth behind all of this, and frustrated that Reese wouldn't at least give Alec a chance to return on his own... and he was frustrated that he understood completely why Reese was taking the stand that he was. Reese was right - Alec was a murderer on the loose, and that wasn't good. But there was something... something that just wasn't right here.

"Hey, Carson?"

He stops at the exit and turns to see Ty. He lifts his eyebrows, a little surprised. "Yeah?"

....Midnight. Ty cleaned the TJY main floor just as he had two nights ago. He looks at the clock. This time, a visit wasn't going to surprise him.

He sweeps out the next cubicle and empties the trash, absentmindedly cleaning some dust off the desk as well. His mind wasn't on task though. It was quite a ways away, really. But he knew what he was going to tell Ryan once she showed up. He'd said he would help, and he would.



Sitting at the little desk in her house Hope holds the letter from Scott in her hand. He eyes scanning the page. She'd been so happy to receive the letter. To finally hear from Scott had had warmed her heart. She missed him so much with every day that had passed, being alive and on the mend she couldn't wait to be able to see him.

But as her eyes continued to scan the paper soon Hope's heart became heavy as it pounded in her chest. She understood what he was saying but at the same time she didn't understand. He wanted her to be free? To be full of joy? How could that even be possible. The love of her life was just breaking up with her. Oh how her heart flooded with pain.

Standing Hope slowly walks over to the window and stands by it. The letter still in her hand. Scott was no long her boyfriend, and her heart was breaking. It hurt more than anything else right now. To lose someone so close to her. Pressing her hand against the glass she remembered her sessions with Scott. She remembered there laughs and there love, but now...it was gone. Now there was a hole. All the stuff she could tell other people about moving on, and in time it would be ok, but now coming to her own self, it just didn't seem like it would help much.

Following behind Susanne as she makes her way back to his bike Chuck can't help but smile. Her own words just seemed to float on the air so pleasing to his ears. Walking a little faster to catch up with her Chuck takes his hand in his own for a moment and brings it to his lips as he hears her mention of the movie tomorrow.

"Susanne, would you like to join me at the movies tomorrow?"

Chuck new she would say yes since she did just mention it but he wanted to ask anyways. It only seemed right rather than just assuming. Not to mention he liked asking and hearing Susanne say yes!

Still looking down at her own bottle as her brother talks Ryan can't help but let out a long sigh. Maybe Alec hadn't changed? She refused to let her own mind believe that but what her brother said did make sense and it seemed from what Ty said it was that way too. Even if he had run away, if he was with another woman not only was he cheating on her than that meant he really didn't care after all. It was just all confusing to her no one had ever been able to pull one over on her like this before.

"Yeah, I just...I guess I just wish I could find out for myself what was going on. You know I've always been hardheaded unless I can see it with my own eyes."

Letting out another sigh Ryan leans back in her chair for a moment. Hearing Eli talk about his job offer and how he wasn't going to take it Ryan's head snaps up as she looks across the table at her brother. He was going to stay? He had the offer of money but he was going to stay anyways?

"You...but...Eli, I am happy you choose to stay. On top of everything else I don't think I could handle my brother leaving me too. It would be way to quiet around here without you and I'd miss you something terrible. I love having you here. So thank you."

Ryan new Eli was making her feel better and even if she did a little still the whole thing with Alec was heavy on her mind. It was one big mess, but soon Ty would have the information for her and she could get to the bottom of it herself. Than maybe...she could move on.

"Want to see about finding a funny movie to watch?"

Letter Goodbye

Justin laughs and shakes his head. "I don't think I could get tired of your pie." He pats his stomach. "However, I might have to start working out more if you keep feeding me. I just can't say no."

"I don't know." Eli sighs and gives Ryan's shoulders one last loving squeeze before moving around the table to take a sip of his beer. "Some people just... refuse to actually change." He shrugs. "You know Alec wasn't my favorite person in the world, but lately even I had to admit that he was doing pretty well... he seemed... I don't know... more mellow. I guess I'm just as confused about this as you are."

Taking another swig of beer, he swishes it around in his mouth before slowly letting it slide down his throat. "I guess the only thing to do is move on, ya know? If he's getting himself in as much trouble as I think he is, even if he does come back, it'll only be to put him behind bars." Reese and Carson hadn't said so, but Eli assumed by now that if Alec was running with the Agency, he wasn't being an angel.

Easing down in a chair opposite Ryan, Eli is silent for a few minutes, reading the back label of his beer bottle for no real reason. Finally though, he looks back up at his sister. "I... never told you that I had a real good job offer back in Florida." He gives her a crooked grin. "Woulda been for about a year or so... maybe longer. I, um... didn't think I could pass up the money... woulda been able to pay off some of my debt and pay you something too."

He spins his bottle between his hands, trying to collect his thoughts. "In the end though, I decided to stay here. I... know you don't need me and I imagine having your apartment back to yourself is probably appealing. But I guess I'm the one that didn't want to leave." He gives her a little nod. "I guess it was me that decided I had too much here to leave. I got a girl and I got a sister that's absolutely amazing." He shrugs. "No matter what happens here with Alec... you're still amazing. I guess I just wanted you to know that."

"Mmm." Susanne sighs and looks up at Chuck. "The sun and the moon say it has to end. I guess that means we're really not in a fairytale, doesn't it?"

She smiles. "But when one day ends, it only means another is about to begin."

Giving his hand a little squeeze, she finally lets go and starts slowly towards his motorcycle. "You know... tomorrow night, one of my favorite movies is playing at the dollar theater..."

Scott paces his room like a caged animal. It wasn't like him to be this unsettled before bed. But the nagging feeling in his gut hadn't ceased. The face he continued to see in his mind would not fade. The voice he heard would not leave.

Giving an audible growl, he sits down on the edge of his bed and puts his hands in his lap. He hadn't been able to concentrate on anything all day. Not even his session with Justin - though it had gone much better than he'd anticipated. But it wasn't thoughts of the Agency that were haunting him. It wasn't even something bad. But bad or not, it was frustrating.

All day he'd deliberated. All day he'd jumped from one perspective to another. And still, he was unable to take a side. But he had to. He had to make up his mind. It wasn't only his heart at stake here and he had a responsibility. A responsibility to the one who was holding on to love.

Retrieving a pad of notepaper from his dresser, along with a pen, he eases down beneath the window to write by the light of his bedside lamp.

Dear Hope,

I'm sorry you have not heard from me sooner. It was such a shock and relief to know that you were on the road to recovery, that I'll admit it took me a while to realize my grief need not be anymore. I had imagined you gone. I had imagined life without you. I had been encouraged to remember all of the things worth living for and not just one. Even so, I never forgot you.

It's with a heavy heart I write these words tonight. And I can only pray that God will guide my words to your own heart. I looked in the mirror today and I realized that I am not the same man I once was. I realized that though I believed I had recovered at one time, now I see how the Agency stole a part of me that I will never gain back. What you did for me before - it was not in vain, nor was it untrue. It was simply a stepping stone on this path I walk. Had the assimilation data remained dormant, I believe my recovery, with your help, would have been complete.

But today, as I stare at the walls of this room... this room that has become my four-sided world, I see that the only life I have right now is a life in which I can only focus on conquering that which is inside of me - not only the Agency data, but the remnants of hate and anger I have yet to destroy.

The energy and willpower it requires to triumph over my daily sessions with Agency data is exhausting. I can focus on nothing else, lest I be too spent and fail - either refusing to try or being conquered myself and dragged into a dark hole that I never wish to enter again.

I feel my words sound prideful - that it sounds as if I care only about myself and no one else. Oh, how far from the truth that is. My reason for writing tonight is not for myself, but for you.

My distance from you, both physically and emotionally, has taught me a lot about hope and perseverance - though I would never wish to go through it again. Today though, as I begin to see more clearly my path, I have begun to understand the necessity of remaining apart. It pains me to write these words, but please know that it is not you or your actions that have brought me to this conclusion - no, it is I and my circumstances.

Each day, each step I take is a stressful exhaustion. Each night I have nothing more to give but the energy to fall into bed and sleep a restless sleep. Each morning I have nothing to give but my attention to recovery. Each moment, there is nothing more but the strain of conflict - the battle within myself between victory and total loss.

Unfortunately, you have already been caught in the crossfire of my unstable condition for far too long. It is my fault for keeping you there - keeping you wondering and waiting - and I am sorry. I am so very sorry for forcing you to hang on to but a shadow of the man I used to be.

That is why tonight I

Scott's pen hovers over the paper as tears fill his eyes. He blinks and swipes his eyes, wincing as he rubs his blind eye too harshly. This wasn't fair. This was so very unfair. But he had to do it. It was the right thing to do. Swallowing hard, he continues to write.

That is why today I release you. I don't want you to be caught in a world full of dark clouds like mine. I don't want you to be forced to cling to that which only brings nightmares. I don't want you to suffer as you endure me - a man incapable of showing love, for the interference of war.

I am not ready yet to face the world. I am not yet ready to face the ones I love. Until I am, I need this time. I need the solitude in order to learn and recover. Had I realized these things before, perhaps you would not have suffered for so long. I blame myself - for the pain you've endured with me.

So when you read this letter, please do not think you have done anything wrong. No, on the contrary, you have done everything right. You have done more than you ever should have. But it is time to move on. It is time to allow growth and allow healing. But for that, for me, separation is the doorway. My recovery demands my full attention, and you deserve so much more than that.

My fondest memories of you remain my strongest. And when I am well, I will look forward to seeing you again. Always know that though there was sadness and pain, you did what was right. You have played a bigger part in this journey than you may even realize - a part that deserves more gratefulness than even I could supply.

You will always remain in my heart. But life demands sacrifice. I pray that you live life to the fullest and that you will be blessed with a second chance at

Scott stops again as more tears roll down his sunken cheeks.

a second chance at love. For you deserve the best.

Goodbye for now, my precious Hope. May your heart be filled with joy, not sadness. And when we meet again, may we both embrace the paths that are laid before us.


And when the letter is folded and sealed, a teardrop stains the return address. And when it is mailed the next day, another tear follows. And the following day when Scott knew Hope would be receiving his words, he stands at his window and places his palm on the glass, soaking up the warmth of the sun through the cool glass.


Cherry out!

Beth can't help but let her smile grow again. Justin was right everyone did needs friends. She'd just recently learned that herself and now having one, letting Justin in to know her she new what she had been missing and how much now she enjoyed he'd gone out of his way to become her friend.

"Well I was thinking about steak on the grill I finally pulled out, and baked potato and corn on the cob."

She really did love cooking for Justin and it made her feel even better that he liked her cooking. It made her feel good to be able to cook for someone and have them enjoy it.

"And than I was thinking about making some cherry pie. If your not all cherry pied out!"

Looking up at her brother Ryan found it hard to control her emotions. Her brother had always been there for her, and a shoulder to cry on. Why she just couldn't let him show in front of him now. Maybe because she felt a fool, or just silly she wasnt sure.

"I just don't understand Eli."

Looking down at her beer bottle again and picking at the label. Ty's words still played over in her head. Alec was with another woman, they were travailing together. She could put two and two together on what was going on there.

"It doesn't add up. Why?"

Walking around the pond with Susanne Chuck kept his fingers linked with Susanne's. He's been having a really nice time with her and there conversation had been nice as well.

"Being a little insane is not always a bad thing. As long as its not the bad kind."

Chuck cocks his head before shaking it a little. Sometimes he made no scene at all. But as long as Susanne didn't mind to much it was ok. Coming back around to where they had started again Chuck lets out a small sigh.

"Does the night really have to end?"



For some reason, Justin finds himself looking down as an almost-sheepish grin curls his lips. Why Beth's last words made him react so, he really wasn't sure. But for some reason, it didn't seem like the description of a good friend applied only to Scott.

"Yeah, well..." He tries to think of a way to shrug it off, but his mind draws a blank and he just laughs. "I guess we all need a friend, right?"

Still smiling, he shakes his head and looks to Beth again. Things had been a little rough lately, especially as the days without hearing from his mom continued to add up. But Beth had definitely been a bright spot.

"So what are we doing for dinner tonight anyway? My creativity for the day has run completely dry."

Eli doesn't even try to smile. He just didn't feel like it. He knew his sister was hurting without her saying so, and in turn, it made him hurt and made him mad - mad at the man who could hurt his sister.

Nodding at the offer for a beer, Eli retrieves his own bottle and opens it, taking a swig. Wandering to the table, Ryan's question makes him sigh. "No... no, we didn't do anything tonight."

He sets his beer down and moves behind Ryan, putting his hands on her shoulders and giving them a gentle rub to try and get her to relax. "I was too uptight and I wanted to be here in case you came home. So... I took a raincheck with her."


Beth can't help but let her smile grow at Justin's complement. She'd never had one of those in a long time. Her first instinct was to try and brush it off, but for once why couldn't she enjoy it? Justin was her friend after all.

"Thank you. I just...wanted something different to make me feel good. So I got it done this morning."

Leaning back a little and hearing that Scott did want Justin to come back Beth gives a little nod. Not only would she be able to see Justin for dinner, but she would see him in the day time as well. So even on days there was no dinner because she had to work Beth could still see him and that made her happy.

"Well good. I'm happy Scott wants you to keep coming back. He's got a might good friend trying to help him. That is for sure."

Turning around to look at her brother Ryan lets out a long sigh looking down at the beer bottle she held. She wasn't going to come home tonight. She'd thought about driving to the river, or just siting under the starts but no matter where she went she'd see Alec so what was the point.

"Yeah just peachy. Couldn't be better, I guess. Want a beer too?"

Ryan takes a sip of the beer before moving over to the table and sitting down. Letting out a long sigh she gave her head a shake to try and chase those tears away that wanted to come so bad.

She wanted to sleep, she wanted to run she wanted to do something to forget at least for even a little while. But though she felt drained she new she wouldn't be able to sleep. So drinking was the only thing she could think of that would do any good. It would be a long night, and work tomorrow would be heck but right now she didn't care.

"Did you end up going out with Scarlet tonight?"



Joined by Beth, Justin grins. "Forever can be hidden in a moment if we just look hard enough."

Watching her sit down, he cocks his head, his grin widening. "Yeah... yeah things went pretty good today, actually. I think Scott finally had a breakthrough... seems he wants me to keep coming back again. Maybe he'll get out of here one of these days after all."

Still grinning, his eyes twinkle. "You're looking awfully cute today."

Hearing the door open and close then movement in the kitchen, Eli slips from his bedroom and wanders down the hall. Reaching the kitchen, he leans on the doorway and just watches Ryan for several moments.

"Hey, Speedy..." He hadn't been sure she'd even come home tonight. He'd been worrying about her all evening. "You alright?"

Carson sits at the little kitchen table in the apartment, shuffling the deck of cards absentmindedly. He didn't know why he still had them. It was the deck taken from Alec's place. If anything, he should have left them at TJY, but he'd forgotten to take them out of his pocket. He should have given them to Misty to take back, but for some reason, he found himself fiddling with them instead.

It was late at night. He and Misty had gone to bed a couple hours ago, but he'd been unable to sleep. Finally getting up, he'd read his Bible for a while then gotten something to drink, but was still restless. Finding himself at the table with the cards, he had nothing else to keep his mind occupied at the moment - other than that which he didn't want to think about. The subject of Alec weighed more heavily on his mind than he'd thought it would. He'd have his car back tomorrow, so what more was he supposed to be concerned about?

Laying out the cards, Carson stacks seven rows to play solitaire. Yes, what more should he be concerned about? Alec was a half-brother, but that didn't matter. Right? Ever since he'd arrived, Carson had battled with that thought. For sure, he didn't trust Alec, nor did he want to socialize with him as part of the family - especially after Alec got Dani in trouble so early on. And yet there was a small voice way deep down that reminded Carson that family was family, no matter what. He remembered what it was like to have a family... to be close to his sisters, even if their circumstances hadn't been the best. As far as he knew, Alec had never had any of that. But was that Carson's fault? Alec was still someone he didn't trust.

Three... three... jack of hearts... three... Carson turned over the cards three at a time, fishing for cards to play. Six of spades... ten of clubs... ace of.... wait, what? Carson frowns. He'd already played the ace of diamonds. Sifting through the cards in his hand, he realized he had two extra. He knew he'd counted the stacks right so... why were there extra? Confused, he gathers up all the cards and turns them over, sorting through them one at a time. In the end, he had one full set, plus two extra aces. That was odd. If Alec liked to cheat at cards, he certainly wouldn't have stored the two aces in the deck, lest someone find them.

Carson's mind automatically reverts back to finding the deck in Alec's apartment. The phone, the chain, the note... everything had all made sense. But why the deck of cards? The phone - a signal that he no longer wanted to be reached. The chain - a sign that he was done with his girlfriend. The note - his reason for taking off. The deck of cards - .......? Carson drew a blank. Come to think of it, he didn't even know why they hadn't questioned that in the first place. He and Reese had been so busy putting other pieces together that they hadn't asked each other why Alec would have left the cards there. Unless they went along with the chain and it was something between him and Ryan. But... why the extra aces?

Then a new thought strikes him. He wasn't sure he liked it, but what if it were true? He studies the cards for a few more minutes. Why would he be thinking this? It didn't make sense, did it? Surely, it didn't add up. But the more he thought about it, the more it did. The watch. The car. The deck of cards. The voicemail message.

So which theory was right? This one, or the one he and Reese had from the start? Alec siding with the Agency was the most reasonable, simple answer. It was obvious. This new theory was...

Carson shakes his head. No. It couldn't be. It was a silly thought. Stacking the cards all together again, he returns them to the box, including the two extra aces. But as he continues to sit at the table, his thoughts continue to wear on him. He needed to go back to bed before Misty woke and missed him, but his mind seemed to not allow him that luxury. No, sleep wasn't going to come easily tonight, no matter what.

Passing under light after light, the drive down the highway droned on and on. Alec kept one hand on the steering wheel, the other taking care of his cigarette. Yvette's words bounced off the inside of the car, some registering in his mind and some not.

Old habits never die,
Heading back to what I was.
Choices lead to gallows high,
But I don’t care.
Robbing hearts and stealing faith,
Hope don’t mean a thing.
Renegade on the loose,
I’m running… running.

"This wasn't part of the plan."

"So plans change." Yvette hands Alec the gun. "They want proof."

"Aw come on." Alec takes the gun and cocks it, flicking his cigarette out the parked car window. He looks out at the night sky before his eyes return to the little gas station. "They want to get me caught is what they want."

"They want to make sure you still know how not to get caught."

"Are you kidding me?" Alec scoffs. "I haven't been gone that long."

"Mm... I'd say you have." Yvette yanks him closer to plant a deep kiss on his lips. "Now go rip off the poor sap, shoot him and let's go. We're running out of time."

Alec's eyes narrow, still only inches from her face. "I call the shots," he hisses. "And I'll go when I'm dang ready."

Three minutes later, a shot shatters the peaceful night air.

Don’t look back. Shadows ahead.
Darkness fills my heart.
Fear breeds hate and hate I love,
Fighting unseen enemies.
Kill the one that holds the law,
It don’t mean tears for me.
Chains of guilt bind my soul,
But I run anyway.
Vengeance slays with bloody hands,
And I run anyway.

"Hotel Luxury. Here we are."

"I have eyes." Alec steers the car into the lot, checking the clock. "Five minutes early. And they thought I was rusty."

Yvette throws him a sly look. "You're anything but rusty, hot stuff."

Alec quirks an eyebrow as he parks the car. "Don't get used to it. We got work to do."

"What's a little work without a little pleasure?" Yvette gets out of the car first, starting to grab their bags.

Alec follows suit and within minutes, they're inside, checking in. "Yes, we're Mr. and... Mrs. Barrington."

"Oh yes." The man at the counter smiles. "The new couple. Welcome." He hands them the key cards to the newlywed suite and tells them where it's located. "If you need anything, please feel free to take advantage of room service."

Yvette grins. "I don't think we're going to need a thing." She links arms with Alec. "Come on, Honey."

It doesn't take long to be on the fifth floor and into the large suite. Yvette dumps her bags on the bed and takes a look around while Alec investigates windows and vantage points, setting up their laptop. "And... we're set to go. Twenty-four hours from now, the target will be down and we'll be gone."

Yvette leans over his shoulder as he sits at the computer desk, then moves her attention to kissing his neck. "That's an awfully long time from now."

History repeats itself,
Shouldn’t be surprised.
Lighting splits the worlds apart,
But I don’t care.
Crushing peace, loathing truth,
Freedom beckons me.
Renegade on the loose,
I’m running… running.

Don’t look back. Shadows ahead.
Darkness fills my heart.
Fear breeds hate and hate I love,
Fighting unseen enemies.
Kill the one that holds the law,
It don’t mean tears for me.
Chains of guilt bind my soul,
But I run anyway.
Vengeance slays with bloody hands,
And I run anyway.

Waking up at four a.m., Alec can feel Yvette sleeping soundly in his arms. Slipping noiselessly from her, he slides out of bed and pulls on his jeans before wandering to the kitchenette for a drink of water. Padding quietly to the bay window in the living room area, he looks out over the city lights. His course had been laid.

Fear an option never taken,
Love forgotten evermore.
Time means nothing,
Heart of steel.
Useless dreams erased.

Don’t look back. Shadows near.
Darkness fills the air.
Fear breeds hate and hate I love,
Defying unseen enemies.
Kill the one that holds the law,
It don’t mean shame for me.
Chains of guilt bind my heart,
But I run anyway.
Vengeance slays with bloody hands,
And I run anyway.
I run anyway.


Continuing to just look at Ty Ryan lets out a small low sigh. It was hard to keep everything in check right now when it seemed she was mixed with so many emotions. It was hard to figure out what emotions over road the other. But pain....pain seemed to ring through clearly. Pain for her heart being broken, or pain from anger she was not sure.

"Yeah alright. A few days and than back here at midnight. Thanks Ty, I owe you one."

Giving a nod and turning Ryan makes her way back across the floor again and back up the steps. Getting outside and taking in a deep breath of cool air it stung her lungs but she didn't let it bother her. Just closing her eyes and standing there for a long moment she tried to calm her quivering breath.

Starting up again Ryan gets to her car and gets in. Taking a swipe at her eyes and wipes the escaped tear from her eye. She felt foolish for crying. It wouldn't change anything so why would she? Starting the car it doesn't take Ryan long to get home. She didn't know if Eli was home or not but it didn't matter she really didn't want to talk one way or another.

Getting into the house and going right to the kitchen Ryan grabs on of the beers. Opening it and just taking a sip a new felling seemed to settle in. She was alone, Alec was always over, he always spend the night...but now...she was...alone. It had been a long time since she had felt like this, and she swore never to feel alone again but now...now she remember why she had made that vow. Because it hurt more than anything.

Giving a sigh Katie sits up a little bit and searches Jason eyes. She new if she didn't go spend a little time with her family she might make Jason feel worse, but how was she to have a nice time when she would be worrying even if he told her not too.

"Ok, I'll go visit with them for a little bit. But if you need anything or anything changes will you please call my cell phone?"

Katie new Jason didn't want her to worry but she would. It was hard not to while they weren't connected. Not to mention on top of that she felt so...different. Like she didn't even know who she was. She felt like a whole different person.

Coming down the sidewalk Beth's stride was slow like normal but today there was something slightly different about her. Taking a closer look someone might notice she got her hair cut. It was now shoulder length with a cute style. Much different from the normal but it made her feel good, and pretty in a way. It had been a giant step for her but she had done it.

Getting to the bench Beth gives a smile. It was good to see him here again. That meant that his friend really did want his help again and Beth new that would make him happy. She also wondered if Justin would notice and if he would like it.

"It seems like such a long time ago was the first time I ment you here. When really, it hasn't even been a year yet."

Giving both the dogs a gentile pat on the head Beth moves around to the other side of the bench and sits down next to Justin. Over the last few days they had really become good friends. Mean with each other, talks it really was nice to just have someone else there. It really did make her feel good.

"So how did it go? Better?"


Ty wasn't sure if Ryan had reacted to the news of Alec's activities or not. He was a little surprised, perhaps, that she hardly batted an eye. Did she really even care about the guy? Maybe she wasn't surprised - maybe Alec had made a habit of running around on her. No matter the reason, Ty shrugs it off. This whole thing really was none of his business.

Thinking for a moment or two, he finally shrugs. "Yeah, I can help you. Wouldn't be the first time I did something under their noses around here. I'll need a couple days though so nobody gets suspicious."

He grabs his broom again, letting his glasses fall back on his face, and he sweeps up some dirt he'd missed earlier. "Come back here two days from now... but come later than this. About one in the morning is when it's the most dead. I'll have something for you."

He pauses his work and looks at her again. "In the meantime, lay low. The last thing we want is any attention drawn to yourself if you're gonna hook up with someone from the Agency."

Jason sighs a little and lets his thumb run over Katie's hand in slow circles. "You're right... there's absolutely nothing for you to be sorry about. If anyone should apologize, it's me."

Thinking a few moments, he tries to pull himself up to sit a little straighter. Hiding the pain, he manages not to wince like he wanted to. "You really should see your family though. I'll be fine here for a little while - I promise." He lets go of her hand to brush her cheek softly. "One day you'll run out of 'see them anytimes.' I'm probably in better health than your dad is anyway."

He tries to prompt Katie to stop worrying so much. "I'm awake now, I feel fine, and I'm not going anywhere. Besides all that, this thing won't kill me in the next couple hours so you have plenty of time to go enjoy your visit then come back. I'll still be here."

Walking slowly up the sidewalk with Danitza and Zora, Justin spies Scott to the far right on the familiar picnic table. Jenny had told him that Scott had been sitting there for the past several days - a sign that he was not only willing to see Justin again, but wanting to.

Approaching cautiously, he takes a seat across from Scott and quietly tell the dogs to lie in the grass. Looking at Scott for several moments, he cocks his head. "Hi."

Scott looks back at him, then lowers his gaze, his hands staying safely tucked in his pockets. "Hi."

"So what's up? Heard you wanted to see me."

"Yeah, I... I guess so."

Justin lets a pause linger. "Still hate me?"

Scott's eyes shoot back up again. "Just partly."

A wry grin curls the corner of Justin's mouth. "Fair enough. So what is it you want to see me about then?"

"You already know." Scott's look is a dry one. "Dr. Hawks called you, told you everything, and you just want me to explain so I'll verbalize it."

Justin leans his arms on the table and gives a little sigh. "Back to that again, are we?"

Scott shrugs. "I just..."

Justin waits. "You just what?"

"I'm still mad at you for not telling me about Hope. But you're the only one that has any idea how to help me."

Justin manages a small smile. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not telling you about Hope."

Scott's eyes wander then come back up to Justin. "I thought you figured it was best."

"I did it because I knew it was Hope's wish to not make things harder for you. If I hadn't respected her so much, I probably would have told you. I know it felt awfully unfair when you found out. And for that, I apologize."

Scott mulls it all over for a few moments before shrugging. "I guess I... well I guess I can't stay too mad at you then."

Though Justin's facial expression and body language showed a quiet confidence and understanding, inside he was relieved and happy... happy that perhaps he was getting a second chance with this. "What about your sister? And Dalton?"

Scott's jaw tightens.

Justin wishes Scott could have seen the look on Dalton's face when he'd informed him that Scott didn't want to see him anymore. "Wasn't easy telling them not to come back here."

"Why not?"

"Because they care. I knew it hurt them." Justin cocks his head. "My own mother has rejected me. I know how it feels. But I did it to those who love you anyway because I knew you'd just get upset if they did show up."

"I still would."


"They betrayed my trust."

"So did I."

"That's different."


Scott sighs. "I don't know why. It just is."

"Maybe it's because you care about them so it hurt more."

Scott picks at a splinter on the table. Maybe. He loved his sister. And Dalton was his best friend. He could understand Justin keeping something from him, but not them. They should have told him about Hope.

Justin watches quietly for a few minutes before reaching into his backpack and pulling out the familiar deck of cards. "How ya feeling today?"

Scott eyes the cards as a shiver of fear runs down his spine. But instead of shrinking away, he looks back up at Justin. "I'm feeling like kicking some Agency butt."

Justin's smile couldn't have been wider. Determination. It really was there. Finally, finally after so many long months, Scott's will was returning. "Sounds awfully good to me."

Scott nods and watches as Justin spreads out the cards face-down on the table to begin the matching game of Agency-related faces that would trigger his data. "I... I guess maybe I realized the other day that... that if I could control this thing then maybe... I could use it against the Agency. I was able to retrieve some data on my own to help with a case and... maybe I realized it would be a waste of a whole lot of valuable information if I gave up."

Justin sits back, his head cocking slightly. Even with a revelation like that, Scott's attitude change was still a miracle. It wasn't going to be easy. No, just because he was determined today didn't mean he would be tomorrow. But it was a step - a definite step. And with or without the change in Hope's condition, or Scott helping with a case, Justin knew that when it really boiled down to it, God deserved the credit for this one. He'd always had hope for Scott and knew that a breakthrough was possible, but if looking at the raw facts and going over all that Scott had been through - he should be in the permanent mental ward here, not still trying to get out. Yes... today marked the day of one small step. And now Justin felt the burden of making sure that no steps were taken backwards. "Couldn't have said it better myself."

Scott nods then looks down at the cards. Though his hand trembles, he reaches for the first one and turns it over...

It was a couple hours later that Justin is finally walking back down the sidewalk. Satisfied but weary, he eases down on the same old bench, the dogs automatically lying in the grass. He sighs deeply and runs his hand over the back of the bench. He'd met Beth here so many times - it really was amazing to see how far they'd come since then... to see how much Beth really had grown.

Opening his backpack, he fishes to find a granola bar to temporarily satisfy his growling stomach. He'd already made plans to meet up with Beth here while she visited her sister, then they would meet later for supper.