

"We don't have any guest house open right now. Have three family's staying with us right now that are in there. So the only thing open are the bunk houses. I can make sure the one closest to the dinning hall is cleaned up for her."

Rosetta gives a smile to her brother trying to best to brush off the feeling that was in the air for her brothers sake right now. He'd just gotten home why make a mess of it right away. Hearing Eric start to talk about the rain Rosetta gives a small nod. It has been pretty wet as of late. About to take note on it Rosetta is stopped as Dana cuts her off going into a story once more. Trying to keep her irritation down Rosetta looks to Dana, and than back to Eric once more till Mick comes over.

Just listing again to everything going on and all the words Rosetta takes it all in. She had so many mixed emotions she didn't know what to think or what to say. She wanted to be happy for her brother but at the same time she wanted to warn him, and protect him.

Hearing about how they met, and how long it had been Rosetta concern grew a little more. Her brother was good about keeping his head on but this...this was unlike him. As Dana speaks again and makes her comment about time Rosetta can feel herself stiffen up. She felt insulted once again. For anyone to even say something like that to someone they hardly new was rude.

"Sometimes time is best to consider when not knowing for sure where life is taking you. Sometimes time, is what makes two people stronger."

Drawing silent again and letting the conversation continue Rosetta's eyes move from Mick's, to Eric, Dana and than Micks again. She didn't know what to think and the tentions just seemed to grow and grow.

Just wanting to change the subject Rosetta shifts a little bit and clears her throat. Maybe if she got Eric a long later she could talk to him a little more but only if he was alone.

"So..how long you planning on staying around this time Eric?"

Shifting a little and seeing the tiny tear escape Justin's eye Beth's heart broke even more for him. If she had one weakness about anything it was seeing anyone cry. It just his her right in the heart.

"Sometimes helping others is easier than seeing our own faults. Its just easy to help someone else than admit we have something wrong ourselves. I guess thats why its good to have a few real friends."

Continuing to search Justin's face Beth's own mind processes things. If it wasn't for Justin things for her would still be like they always had been. Lonely, sad, and down right miserable. Justin had changed that for her and slowly, very slowly things where starting to change and a new world was starting to be formed for Beth.

"Things will work themselves out and I will be there as you friend to walk a long side you. You didn't leave me when I needed a friend, as long as you let me I would like to try and show the same kindness."