

Looking at Kip Karla can see he was lieing and inside he was indeed hungry. Why he was lieing to her, and himself she didn't know other than it having to do with everything that happened. The last thing Karla wanted to let Kip do was shut down and slip father into a state of depression.

"Nah, If your not going to down for something to eat I don't really want to go either. I always feel odd being around Gran and Gramps without you."

Karla had gotten use to the family, and how they worked. She'd made new friends and learned not to be as shy as she use to but still without Kip around sometimes she just felt strange. It was easier to face her shyness with someone else than a long.

"I know that I don't have to stay. I am here because I want be here."

Giving a soft smile to Kip Karla was there because she wanted to be not because she felt like she had too. Kip meant a great deal to her and being around him always made her happy. So now just offering her comfort to him made her feel good too and she found it important.

"Maybe we can get a movie later and hide out in my room eating pizza and watching movies all night. Sounds like a good plan to me anyways."

Letting out a sigh Hope leans back on the bed again. Scott wasn't any better but he wasn't any worse that was good right? No episodes lately was a good thing too. That ment his mind was safe for now. Even if Scott wasn't seeing Justin anymore witch did peek Hope curiosity at lease he was seeing Dr. Hawks.

"I'd like to go see him if he would let me. I miss him, and I want him to know I am going to be ok. I don't want him to keep worrying now."

Hope new Scott wouldn't be able to come here again to see her but if she could go see him that would be nice. But only if he wanted her too. And she hopped he would because how she missed him.

Giving a laugh and heading out with Eli Scarlet can't help the smile that crossed her face. Spending time with Eli no matter what time of day was always nice and today he seemed to be in an extra good mood.

Taking her own helmet from her bike and putting it on Scarlet mounted the bike behind Eli. Bringing her arms around Eli Scarlet links her arms and holds on bringing herself close to Eli. She loved her own bike, and she loved driving it but there was just something about being on Eli's and being this close to him she liked too.

Coming to the park Scarlet didn't mind. It was a nice day out and there weren't many people there. Helping put the food out and finding a nice comfortable spot next to Eli Scarlet says a small prayer for the meal before taking a chip and nibbling on it. Hearing Eli's mention of making his desition she couldn't help but wonder. No matter what things would work out, but still she did hope for it to go one way.

"Did ya? I was wondering about that the other day if you had or not. What do you think your gonna be doing?"

Holding her own cup of tea Beth just sits on the couch with Justin. Letting him lean on her she had no problem. If he was comfortable than it was ok with her. Taking a sip of the warm tea and letting it slide down her throat Beth leans her head on top of Justin's for a moment. Just listing to his words and mulls them over and process them in her own head.

"Your job has nothing to do with your own problems or getting a cold. Maybe there is a little more stress than most jobs but you can't tap out, not yet. There are to many people who still need you. I....still need you."

Pausing for a moment Beth ponders her words for a moment wondering her own meaning behind them. She needed Justin still...his friendship? His comfort? His encouragement?

"There is still a long road ahead of me and to know I have a friend to face it with helps all on its own."

Looking out the window Destiny lets out a sigh. She been in her apartment now for a few days with no bodyguards. After Jason had become sick and someone else filled in for him Destiny just didn't see the point. The Agency hadn't been after her and if she didn't provoke them maybe they would leave her alone. It wasn't a sure thing, but it was worth a shot.

Now being a low Destiny was faced with her own thoughs even more with no one to distract her. So the thought of Chance came more often, and the remembrance of what they once sheared was at every turn reminding her that now...she really was alone.

Moving away from the window and to a box that sat on the table Destiny pulls out a few pictures. Family, friends, her job...everything seemed to hold a good memories but was followed by a cold one. Was staying here, in this apartment worth the memories or would a change be better? It was a question she faced now, and one she considered. Chance wouldn't be back...no matter how long she waited he wouldn't be back...did she even want him back?

Sick in the head

Hope's question was not a surprising one, though Reese had hoped that perhaps it wouldn't be asked today. He holds his smile though, doing his best to remain positive but not lie. "Scott is... about the same." He wasn't too much worse anyway.

"He, um..." Should he tell her everything? Perhaps just enough that she'd have a general idea but not too much to upset her. "He opted not to see Justin anymore. I... think perhaps he was having a hard time dealing with the thought of losing you." He looks at Hope kindly. "Even if he pushed you away, I know he still cares for you." Pausing again, he chooses his words carefully. "Dr. Hawks has been continuing to work with him. As far as I know, he's had no bad episodes recently, so that's a good thing."

Reese manages to smile again. "He's going to be very glad to hear that you're awake."

"That's a no-brainer." Eli grins, his eyes twinkling. "You think I'd pass up the opportunity to have your arms wrapped around me? It's my bike today." Pulling Scarlet along with him, he heads back through the garage and stops at his locker on the way so he can grab his jacket. Once outside, he aims for his bike, letting Scarlet get on first, the sliding into the driver's seat. Firing up the engine, he revs it a couple times just for the fun of it.

Making sure Scarlet had her helmet on and was secure, he sets out of the parking lot and down the street. Though cloudy, it was a nice day, and Eli takes the long way around town, letting Scarlet pick where to get lunch. Getting it to-go though, Eli keeps going until they reach the park. It was nice and quiet today, which was to his liking.

Parking, dismounting and helping with the food, he aims for a nice spot under a large shade tree. No table, but he didn't care much and knew Scarlet wouldn't either. Easing down in the soft grass and dividing up the food, he ponders a moment before speaking. "So I made my decision about that job in Florida."

Justin sighs and lets his eyes fall closed again as Beth goes to the kitchen. While his ears hear her cleaning dishes and preparing the tea, his mind wanders in and out of lucidness and back and forth between reality and a strange, twisted world where time didn't exist.

Beth's reappearance brings Justin back to the present and he forces his eyes back open again, doing his best to think clearly, but it wasn't easy. Being offered the tea, he pulls himself up to sit, though keeps the blanket wrapped around himself. Accepting the hot drink, he blows on it a little before taking a sip. The liquid felt good and he hoped it would help his stomach settle and not upset it again. "Thanks."

Curling his hands around the warm cup, he leans back, sliding a little to the side until his head was resting on Beth's shoulder. "Ya know... I've spent countless hours," he mumbles sleepily, "helping other people deal with their problems. Then when I've got a couple of my own, I'm a mess." He scoffs quietly. "Flu on top of it. What are the odds?"

He lifts his head for just a moment to take another sip of tea before resting back on her shoulder again. "I'm not sure what's worse.... being sick or... or sick in the head." He sighs. "Maybe it's time for a career change."