
Fresh Air

Breaking away from Pete once again like he had the other nights Trey wanders over to one of the tables and grabs a beer before wandering again taking sips. He new a few faces here now, and stops to chat with some but it was Ariel who caught his attachen and put a grin onto his lips.

Walking over to her slowly Trey takes another sip of his beer. He liked getting out of TJY even if it was only for a few hours and he got a verbal bash from Reese every time. Seeing Ariel here was nice too and it was hard to admit he might miss it if she'd didn't show up too.

"Your quite the party animal, people might think your out of control if you don't watch it."

Reaching behind him and pulling a extra bottle of beer from his back pocket Trey holds it out to Ariel if she wanted it. The grin still across his lips, as his eyes hold a dark glint with a small glow to them.

Looking around the group for a moment and than looking at the empty seat next to her Karla lets out a sigh. It had been three days since she had seen him and every time she tried to call he was not feeling to well to talk. Worry was starting to set in.

"I'll catch you guys later."

Seeing ...Getting up to Kip's place and being let in by Gran Karla gives a smile and heads to his room.the door cracked open a little Karla enters with a bag of McDonald food, giving a soft knock.

"Hey Hun, can I come in? I come bearing food."

Starting to walk Chuck's smile grows a little more as Susanne's hand slips into his. He was honored she trusted him enough. Feeling her hand tremble a little Chuck loosens his grip just a little but makes no mention on it.

Continuing to walk and listen to Susanne Chuck can't help but let his heart go out to here. How bad had she been treated in the past to now not think much of herself or that a guy would even like her? It was hard for him to explain how he felt, but it was just something about her.

"I know I don't know a lick about you, how your act, and who you are but give me a chance to get to know you, to lean more about you because so far I like what I see. Maybe you don't believe in love at first sight but I do, and I want to prove I am not just going to get what I want and than high tail it away."

Thinking about a moment letting the silence rain for a few seconds. He gathered his thoughts thinking about his next words for a moment before speaking them.

"As for telling every woman what I have told you, I probably could and get away with it but I haven't in over fifteen years. I had a pretty bad relationship back than, mentally abused words hurt a lot more than people think. So I never thought anyone was worthy of my attachen or what I had to offer. But the moment you came into my shop it was like a breath of fresh air hit me, and my heart wanted to open up to you."

Stopping and turning to Susanne again Chuck searches her eyes. He was a nice guy to everyone, and respected those around him but before Susanne his heart had stayed shut, just not willing to let those people in to love him.

But Susanne something had been different, maybe it was a peace he felt around her or just simply they mixed well.

"Your a special woman despite you quirks, I have them too. I just hope you give me a chance to show you before you write me off. and if you do deiced I am a jerk tonight, well...at lease we had a nice dinner, and ride."

Just not possible

Feeling Chuck's hand on her shoulder, Susanne's pulse quickens. Turning around slowly, her eyes remain lowered as she didn't understand his intentions or why he wanted to be this close. The gentle touch under her chin forces her to look up into his eyes. Though her body tensed, there was a strange, warm feeling that kept her from pulling away.

His words were soft, his voice one that Susanne couldn't help but enjoy. Something about his tone was just... nice. And he actually wanted to be with her? It seemed so strange to her. Why was this perfect stranger so concerned about going on this date? Especially after she'd insulted him more than once? It didn't seem to add up.

She starts to respond, but her mouth only gets partway open when she feels his hand on her face, brushing aside her hair. Something inside wanted so badly to lean into that warm, strong palm, but her nerves keep her rigid as her eyes continue to stare up into his.

More bike rides? He wanted more than this night? He didn't even know her. It couldn't possibly be anything more than a bizarre attraction he thought he had to her. To logically explain Chuck's actions, that had to be it. He just liked her for some reason and thought he wanted more than one date. But after this evening, she would probably never hear from him again. It just didn't work that way.

His comment about slapping him, brings a sheepish little smile to Susanne's lips and more color to her cheeks. Again ready to respond, she stops as Chuck draws nearer, closing the gap between them. Her heart begins to race and her eyes search his with a conflicting mixture of fear and want. The last time a man had brought her this close, she really had slapped him. But this time, her insides felt like mush and all she could do was stand there and receive his brief hug. He was very warm... so strong... and as his scent fills Susanne's nostrils, she closes her eyes for just a moment. This wasn't real. It couldn't be.

When Chuck pulls away, her eyes drop again, now feeling silly once more and she didn't even know why. She eyes his outstretched hand but then looks away again. She wanted to hold it. She wanted to feel him again. But it was downright foolish of her to consider trusting him to this extent without knowing anything at all about him.

"I like walking," she responds lamely. With hands still in her jacket pockets, she starts forward to walk around the pond. Though her gaze was kept down, the corner of her eye sees him walking beside her, and sees that hand still swinging freely at his side. She could handle herself if he went too far, right? Holding hands wasn't so bad... right? And if he tried anything, she knew what to do... right?

She swallows hard, not realizing that her walking pace was anything but relaxed. Finally letting her heart win out, her hand emerges from her pocket and slips into his palm, her fingers curling around his. She was sure that he would know now that she was trembling, and she didn't quite know how that made her feel.

"You don't even know me," she states quietly, her eyes remaining on the ground as they walk. "You've seen me and talked to me for no more than fifteen minutes total. You know nothing about me, who I am, how I live, or even what my personality really is. It would be nice to believe you already wanted to spend more time with me but... that's just not possible."

She didn't want to offend Chuck, but it was the truth to her. "You're very charming and you know how to make a woman feel good - but I'm sure you've said these same things to a lot of women. So... please forgive me for not putting too much stock in your words."

Susanne knew she probably sounded harsh, and she didn't even like saying those things when Chuck was making her feel so good, but she couldn't believe it. She would only disappoint herself, waking up tomorrow to realize that it really had been just a one-time thing based on nothing more than a silly notion. Whether he actually thought she was pretty and was genuinely attracted to her or not, it wouldn't go beyond tonight's date and she knew it. There was no point in fooling herself just to maker herself feel good for a couple of hours, even if it was so tempting to fall into his sweet affections.

Slowing to a stop, she turns to look up at him again, her hand still trembling in his palm. "Romances at first sight simply don't exist. It would take a whole lot more for me to believe you were genuine and not just out for a good time."

She searches his eyes, not knowing how much fear shone in her own as she musters up a small smile. "I won't let that spoil our evening though. I'm looking forward to dinner with you, even if it does end in goodbye. You seem very nice and if I can get a rise out of my friends, then mission accomplished, right?"

Looking over at Misty, the sharpness in Alec's eyes seems to soften some, and his shoulders drop just a little bit as his defenses are lowered again. "Yeah... I know." He sighs and continues with his food, his temper flare from Carson subsiding. "Just not used to not having a handle on things, I guess. That's one thing the Agency does... it makes you feel powerful, so when that's stripped, it's murder."

Letting the whole subject drop, he finishes off his piece of garlic bread and nods. "This really is good," he compliments. He had Ryan's cooking sometimes, but with Eli around it was usually steak or pizza, or they ended up eating out a lot. Back at his own place, Alec hardly cooked anything. So a meal like this... it was something rare and he was maybe enjoying it now more than he'd admit. Maybe he really had missed out on something when he'd decided those years ago that family wasn't important.

Realizing that he was still looking at Misty, Alec quickly drops his gaze, not wanting her to think he was trying to make a pass at her. It was fun to tease her around TJY, but in all seriousness, he had no ill-intent... not anymore.

"You're still not?" Kyle lifts an eyebrow and glances around at the others while he's on the phone with Kip. "Okay... well get better, man, we need some energy around here. ...Yeah, okay. Bye." Flipping his phone shut, he shrugs and flops back down on the couch with Alice. They were back at Theo and Erik's - it seemed to be the main gathering place now for some reason. Perhaps because they actually had the room. They were still one short though, and some of the band members were just a little worried.

"You think he's okay?" Twila questions. Almost three days, Kip had stayed at Gram and Gramps', saying he wasn't feeling well. It just wasn't like him at all.

"Maybe he's got the flu," Theo suggests.

"Well if that's the case, I'm sure Gram's taking care of him," Kyle assures.

"He didn't say it was the flu tho, did he?" Erik questions.


Erik purses his lips. It was just very unusual for Kip to be sick at all, let alone for two whole days and not even be more specific than "not feeling well." "I think something's up."

"Like what?"

"Don't know. It just doesn't feel right."

Kyle glances to Alice before his gaze falls back to Karla. He wondered if she knew what was wrong or if she was as clueless as everyone else.

"Well... at least practice went well this morning," Russ chimes in cheerily, trying to steer the conversation back around to something positive. Unfortunately, his unintentional implication is caught by everyone else and he only realizes it after receiving a glance from Twila. Then his face reddens. He hadn't meant it went well because Kip wasn't there but... come to think of it, it had been the smoothest practice in ages and... well, Kip wasn't there. "I didn't mean-"

"Who wants pizza for supper?" Kyle interrupts. "On me tonight."

"Woo!" Theo throws up his arms. "I'm in."

Kip's stomach growls, complaining about the lack of food today, but he ignores it. Sitting on the back porch, there wasn't much of a view, but it was better than lying in his bed like he'd done all day. He wasn't sick... at least not his body, and he wished the others would stop calling him. No, he didn't want Twila coming over, no, he didn't want Russ' advice on kicking a cold, and no, he didn't want supper with the others. He just wanted to be left alone. Or have company. Or both. But that didn't make any sense. He didn't know what he wanted. All he knew was he was miserable when he shouldn't be.

Ariel wanders from the bonfire, away from the noisy group. No one really got too rowdy here - it was kept pretty clean and trouble-free. But she rather liked the quiet on some nights. She'd looked around for friends, but there were only a couple people here that she really enjoyed talking to, and they'd come with other people. Some nights, she wondered why she came at all, but there was an element that she did enjoy... just getting out and doing something different. This group didn't always have these lakeside parties, but lately it seemed they'd grown more popular, so as long as someone brought beer hamburgers or hotdogs, the party was on again.

Ariel's gaze sweeps the scene once more, wondering if Pete and Trey might show up again. Pete wasn't exactly the party animal type so she'd been a bit surprised to see him the first time around, but maybe he'd surprise her again. And it wouldn't be so bad to see Trey again either - he'd seemed nice and everyone needed to have a few friends if they were new to the area.