

Looking up from the game he was playing on his PS3 Trey lifts an eyebrow hearing Pete's voice and the hushed tone. Pausing the game he wondered if he heard Pete right, he wanted to take him to another party even after getting in trouble yesterday?

"Yeah, I'd love to get out again but wont you get in trouble by the boss man up top? He seemed pretty steamed about yesterday."

Turning his attachen back to the video game he was playing and he unpauses the game for a moment and starts to move his fingers on the controller just drawing silent for a long moment. Continuing to watch the TV he talks again to Pete.

"Why would you want to take me out again when you know you would be in trouble?"

Leaning on the fence that overlooked the pasture to the north Faith took in a deep breath of air. Though she was still weak and she walked with a cane for now, it was amazing she could walk at all. Her strength was slowly coming back to her each day and Angel was impressed with how well she recovered. Soon she'd be as good as new, and it was something she looked forward to. Being able to ride with Sparky again was something she truly looked forward too.

Watching as the sun would soon rise a smile spreads across her lips just thinking about him. He'd been so good to her since she had come here, and as she was recovering. Never minding helping her, and be there for her. He was truly a gift and she loved every moment spent with him.

She was up early this morning, knowing the sun would rise, and he would be working in the barn soon. Maybe she would catch him before he want to work, and they could watch the sun together.

Getting into the office and siting down at her desk Misty looks over a few folders before looking up at the blinking computer. Her tests from last night were done, and could be checked now. Standing and moving over to the other computer she rubs her eyes for a moment before flipping the monitor on and looking everything open.

Giving it a once over and looking away Misty quickly looks back again realizing what she had seen. Much of the DNA strings matched in both blood, only a few things were off but not enough to matter. But the only way for this to happen was if Jason and Trey were brother?

Moving quickly Misty pulls out a few more test pallets and gets to work completely forgetting about everything else for now. She wanted to run a few more test just to make sure this was correct before calling Rick. How could this happen, and to have Trey show up here of all place was a little to strange for her.

Out again

"Is she gonna be okay?"

Justin glances to the passenger seat at Scott as they drive back to Brookshire. "I don't know, Scott."

Scott rests his head against the window, utterly exhausted from the events of the day and even more emotionally distraught. He didn't have much else to say... what was there? Hope might very well die... he might very well have spoken to her for the last time. And now all that could be done was wait - the worst kind of torture.

Justin sighs and reaches for his phone, flipping it open and dialing. "Jenny... yeah, it's Justin. Listen, tell Linda that her car's at Franklin Hospital and try to get her not to press any kind of charges, will you? Naw, it's all fine. Tell Doctor Hawks I'm bringing Scott back now okay? Oh, and if Linda wants a ride back here for the car, I can bring her after I get there. Yeah... I know you can convince her not to be too angry." He smiles. "Thanks, Jenny. Bye."

Pete pokes his head around the partially opened door and scans the room for Trey. "Hey..." He grins and raps a knuckle on the door before putting a finger to his lips. "Shh... tomorrow night... wanna go out again?" He was busy with Nikki tonight, but tomorrow it was back to the lake. "Same bunch - lake again. Normally don't do it this often but somebody convinced 'em to. My passenger seat is empty if you wanna come again."

Seeing Axel come through the door, Quinn sighs. He'd had a small hope that he'd deal with a different mechanic today. No such luck. After hearing no word about his car, he'd remained at the hotel until he was bored out of his mind, then had finally called a taxi. Now at the shop, he'd inquired about his car and of course, it was Axel that had appeared. Leaning on the customer counter, his fingers fidget with a pen. "So what's the damage?"

"Don't know."

Quinn quirks an eyebrow. It was early afternoon... they'd had the rest of the day yesterday and half the day today and still nothing? "You're kidding."

"Nope." Axel wanders a little closer, crossing his arms. "As far as all eyes and computers are concerned... there's no reason for your car not to start."

"Well, there has to be a reason. Do I have to take it somewhere else?"

"You can if you want." Axel shrugs. "I don't care. But I have to say that I'm not convinced anyone else will find anything wrong either."

Quinn shifts his weight from one foot to the other, studying his brother's eyes. He wonders if Axel had visited the same reasoning as he had. "So... it's a phantom problem or what? Engine won't start. There has to be a reason."

"I said as far as eyes and computers were concerned," Axel repeats. "I didn't say there wasn't a reason at all."

"So what's the reason?"

Axel hesitates. It seemed too far-fetched. It seemed crazy, illogical and he could only imagine what the others would think. He opens his mouth but closes it again, trying to find the best way to say it, and not even sure if he had the guts.

Quinn's fingers tighten around the pen as he stares at his brother. He could feel his stomach take an odd turn and his jaw tenses. "You think it's God, don't you?"

Axel swallows hard. "There's been an awful lot of coincidences in two day's time."

"For what purpose would He keep me here?"

"Reconciliation?" Even that seemed far-fetched and Axel could feel his pulse quicken.

Quinn wasn't sure he was ready for that one. He sets down the pen and finally lowers his gaze, turning to pace the waiting area. "That takes two willing parties," he counters.

"And you're not one of them?"

"I thought you weren't."

Axel's mouth turns up in a wry but sad grin. "Yeah... I'm not sure either of us is willing. You think I betrayed you, and I think you abandoned me. Both of us have solid ground to stand on with our perspectives and we're both stubborn enough not to be moved."

Quinn faces him again and stands still. "I suppose so that means we're just gonna have to wait out God."

"At least we probably won't get swallowed by a big fish."

Quinn almost smiles, thinking about them versus Jonah. "I haven't received a direct command, have you?"

"Naw..." Axel shrugs. "But then... sometimes I have trouble hearing the still quiet voice, so I might have missed it."

Quinn had always wondered if Axel still held a faith. It was hard to believe a man convicted and sent to prison would have remained a believer...if he'd been guilty. But it was pretty obvious that Axel wasn't just making these things up - he meant them... And they also struck Quinn down deep. "Me too."

Sighing, Axel looks up at the clock on the wall. "I know you have to leave town. We could always try having a decent conversation and see if that works."

"You mean for my car?"

It sounded ridiculous, but Axel shrugs again. "Why not? If it doesn't work, all we did was waist a little bit of time and you can take your car somewhere else."

"And you?"

"I won't make you stay."

Quinn shifts uncomfortably, weighing his options. Did he want to work things out with his brother? His mind wanders to the conversations with Anastasia... to the conversations with his own conscience... to his desperate prayers. His inner being knew what was right. His inner being knew that remaining as they were was not right. Yet his humanness fought against these things. He wanted to hold onto his grudge. He wanted to remember the past. But... what was the harm in a few minutes of time with Axel? What did he really have to lose? "Okay."

Axel couldn't help it that his eyebrows rise. He was very surprised, but tries to maintain composure. "How about my place?"

"Well, obviously, I don't have a ride."

Axel points to the ceiling. "Won't need one. I... live above the garage..."

...Quinn's eyes roam the apartment, taking notice of everything, even the little details like the color of throw pillows on the couch. It seemed to be clean and neat - that fit Axel's personality as far as he could remember. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, and Quinn wasn't surprised to see a fishbowl with fish over in one corner. "Nice."

"Thank you." Axel opens his refrigerator, glancing inside. "Jess and I finished up the orange juice this morning... but I still got some pepsi, milk and water. Want anything?"

Quinn bypasses the question. "She live with you?"

Axel straightens and lets the fridge door fall shut. His gaze is a cold one for seeing that Quinn actually felt the need to ask. "No." He cocks his head. "I've actually managed to live with integrity, despite my reputation. It's called purity. What about you?"

Quinn's jaw tightens, but he supposes that he'd deserved that. It hadn't been any of his business whether Axel's girlfriend lived here, spent the nights here, or did nothing of the sort. However, it was now obvious that Axel was living with a clean slate. "I'd like to think I saved myself for someone special."

"Where is she?"

"In a fairytale somewhere."

Axel searches his brother's face, his initial irritation subsiding. There was something mellow in Quinn's tone... sadness? Nostalgia? Either way, it appeared he didn't have a girl at the moment. Interesting. "You want something to drink or not?"

"No... thanks."

Axel sighs and turns to the living room, offering Quinn a seat. He takes the chair while Quinn takes the end of the couch, and for several minutes, there is only silence. Axel clears his throat awkwardly, feeling the need to be the first to speak again, but what to talk about, he really didn't know. Discussing the past seemed a task neither of them could handle. "I saw a guitar case in your car," he muses. "Looked like an acoustic."


"What kind?"


Axel quirks an eyebrow. "Nice."

"You still play?"

"Once in a while." Axel rubs his hand. "I fill in for someone every now and then."

Quinn couldn't help it that his curiosity was piqued. "For who?"

"Ever heard of Cryptic?"

Quinn had, actually. It wasn't a huge name, but he'd heard it a few times and even caught a song or two on the radio a once or twice. Was Axel actually connected to them? "Yeah...?"

"I run sound. Backup vocals... fill in drums or guitar once in a while if needed."

Quinn blinks. He'd had no idea that Axel had kept up with music at all, let alone with a real band. "Impressive."

"Not really." Axel shrugs. "You?"

"I do my own stuff." Quinn doesn't try to make it sound great - it really wasn't. "Nothing incredible. Small gigs."

"On your way to a gig now?"

"Kind of. Just... heading west. Pick up interest where I go. One day I'll hit the right town."

"Oh." Axel cringes inwardly at the new awkward silence. He hated it. Maybe they should just quit beating around the bush, whether it was most comfortable or not. "I'm sorry you had to run into me," he finally states. "I know you didn't plan it."

"You're telling me." Quinn scoffs. "I guess I figured I'd never see you again."

"And... you would have preferred that?"

"Yeah." Quinn wasn't going to lie. His eyes meet Axel's head-on. "Never thought it was worth it to try and see you."

"Because I was guilty?"


Axel nods slowly, then bends forward to rest his elbows on his knees and stare at the floor. He'd determined not to beg, not to defend, not to try and convince. But... if he didn't try one more time, would he not always wonder? "I wasn't guilty, Quinn." His voice has quieted. "I was innocent."


"There is none."

"So you still expect me to just blindly believe you."

Axel looks up once more. "What's blind about believing in someone's proven character?"

"So because you were a good guy, I'm supposed to believe you could do no wrong."

"We all make bad choices," Axel reasons. "But rape? Me? I've never understood how you could believe it, even through all the accusations."

Quinn didn't know either. "There was proof. Evidence."

"And it's impossible for there to be liars in the system or tampered evidence, right?"

Quinn swallows hard, beginning to feel more uncomfortable. Searching his brother's eyes, he isn't even sure if he wants the truth. If he were right all these years, then he was staring at someone who didn't deserve to live. If he had been wrong, then he had a terrible guilt. "Did you do it?"

Axel stares back at him bravely. And for the first time, he could respond with confidence. No more questioning himself. No more questioning his innocence. "No."

The truth in his tone was undeniable. Even to Quinn. He looks down then back up again, not even sure what to say now or how to react. The air is still thick, the tension still high, both men shift uneasily. And both at the same time decide to stand and pace. Almost running into each other, Axel sits back down and allows Quinn the floor.

Quinn wanders over to the window and looks out, sighing deeply. "What now, AJ?"

Axel looks up quickly, not having heard that in years. "I guess we..." He hesitates, not knowing the answer. "I don't know. What do you want?"

Quinn shrugs lamely, still looking out the window. "I don't know. I thought I wanted to see you pay or something. Or just be able to reject you out of spite."

"And... and now?"

"I just want this whole thing to end."

Axel leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Me too."


Receiving the goodbye kiss from Scott Hope didn't want to say good night but she new it had to be. Would Scott be back? She didn't think he would. Not because he didn't want to but because he probably shouldn't have left to start with and to do it again might cause him never to get out.

Giving a smile and a slight nod as Scott leaves Hope leans her head back again and closing her eyes. The room was quiet other than the sound of the different equipment hooked up to her. Feeling so tired Hope closes her eyes and finally drifts off to sleep again not being able to stay awake anymore.

Sitting, waiting, standing and pacing Sapphire waits, and waits a little longer. Every passing moment was like an eternity. Not knowing what was going on with Gage was the worst, and it made her worry even more.

Finally seeing the Dr come out to her Sapphire stands her heart thumping in her chest. It felt so loud to her she thought it might jump right out of her chest. Just listing Her heart dosnt slow as she hears what is wrong. Lack of sleep...he was taking something to stay awake? Feeling this was a little bit her falt Sapphire wraps her arms around herself.

"Yes I'd like to see him, thank you Dr."

Heading down the hall Sapphire follows the directions and gets to Gage's room. Entering and seeing everything hooked up to him a sick feeling hit her stomach. Pulling a chair over to the bed Sapphire slips her hand into his. It felt so close, he looked so small and tired in the bed.

"Oh Gage, you didn't have to stay awake for me. Please don't leave me now..your the only thing good in my life."

Bringing his hand to her lips she gives it a kiss saying a silent prayer in her head. She'd never met someone she felt so strongly about before and now to have him she didn't want to have to say good bye. She felt complete with him in her life.