

Taking in, listing and trying what Ty was showing her Libby had a little trouble but soon got it down. At least she would know something and not feel helpless anymore. She was happy that Ty had agreed to showing her a few moves.

Hearing they had to say goodnight already Libby gives a little sigh. She wish there were three beds to a room. Something about being in the big hotel room alone seemed to make her uneasy even if they were right next door, but she would have to deal with it knowing it had to be this way.

Going into the other room with Trey out of Rick's eyes she gives a large smile. Bringing her hand to the side of her face Libby runs her fingers down the side of his face her eyes connecting with his.

"You will always be welcome. I am happy to have been able to come along."

Leaning into him Libby presses her lips to his and just lets the the moment linger. Letting her feelings flow through it so it could last till tomorrow when they would see each other again.

Finishing tieing up his nice sneakers as her hears Pete's voice Trey stands up. Dressed in a nice white button up shirt, the top few buttons undone, along with a part of nice jeans. A gold chain hung around his neck and a soft smell of an aftershave was present.

"Yeah Yeah I'm ready."

Opening the door and grabbing his wallet along with his smokes from the boxes beside the door the rest Trey grins and steps out of the room before closing the door slightly behind him so if anyone glances down the hall it looked like he was still here.

Following closely behind Pete his keeps his voice down and moves the same ways he did making sure not to go out of line not sure how much sneeking they really needed to do anyways. As far as Alec had told him the only way was really to get that kid Ty to help. But he'd over herd that for the night he was gone. Did that mean Hal was distracted some how as to not see them? Or maybe the cameras were off.

Once there were in the clear and outside Trey takes in a deep breath of fresh air. It was nice to get out of the stale air and just breath. Walking with Pete over to his car Trey gets in before turning to him a little bit.

"So, where is this party?"

Giving a laugh again as Erik and Wayne go back and forth. Sitting back in the chair she just watch them and takes them in listing. As Twila joins in though she laughs again as she sits up. She though it was humors and seeing Erik turn a little read was funny too.

"Oh yeah, it's so hard to deal with that huh?"

As Twila walks away Jackie's eyes twinkle with humor in the light as she gives another small laugh. This really was like a family, and so it would seem Wayne and her had been accepted into the family and it made her feel good.

"Hey, It's not always a bad thing being a long. The quiet can be nice sometimes."

Say goodnight

Wayne smirks at Jackie and rolls his eyes. "Think of something better. You already know what I do in my spare time."

Erik lifts his eyebrow again. "Oh, but I don't. Do enlighten."

"I sit at home. Alone." Wayne's eyes narrow, his voice lowering. "Every night. And I stare at a television as it drones on and on until..." He leans forward dramatically, now whispering. "...I fall asleep." Grinning a little, he sits back up again. "There you have it." He reaches for his glass and pours some pop.

Erik grins and looks to Jackie, seeming to enjoy the torture on poor Wayne. "Seems he has a fantastic social life."

"Yeah, well why don't you spice yours up?"

Erik turns to look up at Twila. "Got a suggestion, Miss Nosy?"

Twila laughs and shakes her head. "No. Find a girl, maybe?"

Erik snorts with sarcasm. "That's likely."

"Only because you, sweet Erik, like your "alone time" so much." Twila smiles sweetly. "Ta-ta."

Watching her walk away, it's Eriks' turn to roll his eyes before his gaze swings back to Jackie. "See what I've been dealing with?"

Returning Jess' kisses, Axel moves down slowly until they're both lying on the couch. Eventually tired, it's Axel who ends up with his head on her shoulder, his arm around her. It was a switch that he was using her for a pillow instead of the other way around, but maybe... maybe it was the only way he could ask for comfort without being able to ask with words. Even with his sudden realization that it really, truly hadn't been him all those years ago, today had been a horrible rollercoaster of emotions and he was completely drained and still tormented with Quinn having reappeared. He just... didn't know how to express it verbally, even with Jess. He simply hoped that his actions would be enough to let her know that he was grateful for her presence and thankful that she had stuck by him.

Pete rolls his eyes a little, but grins and waves at Trey. "Yeah. Later." Shaking his head, he makes sure everything is put back in its place. One day... one day Trey would learn that getting into trouble was not something to live for. He obviously liked the thrill, but there was a difference in causing troubled and getting into it, especially around Reese and the Elite. The chief didn't miss much and if Trey didn't watch it, he'd be locked up.

Shutting off the lights, Pete wanders up the stairs two levels to head back out to the main floor. Waving at a few fellow agents, he heads out as usual to kill some time before returning...

"...Yo, Trey." Pete wanders downstairs to find Trey. Maybe it was a cell but at least the guy had free roam of this level instead of being cooped up in the spare room next to the infirmary.

Pete heads across the open area, noting the partly open door. He was in black jeans and boots, a midnight blue silk collared shirt tucked in. It was a warm night, not requiring a jacket, even with the top down on his convertible. "Trey..." He knocks on the door. "We got three minutes to get out under radar. You ready?"

"So when someone goes to grab you, you just block and step to the side like this, then grab the arm and press on the shoulder, like so." Ty demonstrates the self-defense move to Libby, then lets her try, letting her put him in the vulnerable position. Bent over with his arm cockeyed, he laughs and cringes. "There you go... you can let go now."

Rick watches from one of the beds, a little grin on his face. Watching those two this evening had been enjoyable, even if he'd given them a hard time. "Alright, you two..." He points to the open door that led into the adjoining room. "Say goodnight."

Ty sighs, knowing he needed to let Libby go next door while he and Rick stayed in here. Going to pull her close, he eyes Rick, then takes Libby's hand and pulls her into the other room out of Rick's sight. Grinning, he takes Libby in an embrace and kisses her gently. "Goodnight, Libby. Thanks for coming."

Rick quirks an eyebrow at not seeing the two "youngsters" but he doesn't say anything. He remembered how it felt.

I was born

As Wayne and Erik go back and forth for a moment her being in the middle it seemed Jackie's eyes widen just a little. It was nice to see Wayne interaction with someone even if he was being picked on and it wasn't much. Jackie new he liked to keep to himself so seeing this was nice.

"Oh sure, you guys throw me into the middle. I see how it is, I'm gonna have to remember that one."

Taking another sip of her water Jackie can't help but laugh. She wasn't use to being in the middle and though she tried to hide it her cheeks were a little flush still. Shaking her head her eyes twinkle with her own humor.

Composting herself for a moment Jackie turns back to Wayne and gives a smile. She didn't want to call him out again on being quiet but she didn't want to just ignore them either.

"I was just wondering what you liked doing outside work, and trying to get you into the conversation. However it seems you did a good job there."

Sitting sideways on Axel's lap Jess arm goes around his neck and other resting on his check. The movie was playing again but Jess didn't listen to it her focus was on Axel still and the flutter she had in her own heart.

Leaning her head on top of his and giving his back a gentile rub. No words spoken yet as she just softly let the silence but the tv linger. But hearing his own comments to her Jess lifted her head a little bit.

"You are special to Axel, and you always will be to me."

Leaning her head down a little bit Jess brings her lips to Axel's face and than down to his nose giving it a little kiss before looking eyes with him. Bringing her lips down to his she press them fermily to them letting her passion and words speak through the kiss. Pulling away and looking into his eyes before returning to the kiss again.

"Trouble, I was born for trouble. But I'll see what I can do about staying out of Reese hair."

Trey gives a little laugh as he straitens a little. So far other than being bored and bugging people to go outside he hadn't though he got into a lot of trouble. Though he could tell some people did think he was irritating not that he cared.

Turning around and heading twords the door Trey gives Pete a half wave.

"I'll see you later, You know where to find me."

Leaving and heading back up to the top floor Trey makes his way to his room. Looking through his bags he looks for something nice to wear. Though he didn't dress up much he did like too and he looked sharp in doing so.

"Alright, I will call once I am done. I don't think I will be to much longer. I just want to get these tests in so tomorrow I can do some other stuff as well. Kinda want to be one step a head. You know me."

Hitting a button and hearing the equipment come to life Misty stands and walks back over to her desk writing some things down. Now she could work on a few other things before she had to do anything else with the blood and than let it sit to analyze for the night.

"Ok, I'll let you get back to work now. Take care Babe and see you later."