

Getting to Gage's house Sapphire smile when she see him coming to the car before she even shut it off. It was good to see him smiling again today, and not to tired though she still didn't understand how he was even walking. She'd be dead on her feet by now.

"Hey there...oh Chinese sounds...."

Having her words cut off by a kiss from Gage Sapphire wouldn't complain as the warm soft feeling washing over her. As he pulls away Sapphire gives a smile as she brings her hand to the side of Gage's face and runs her finger on his cheek.

"I think that was better than Chinese, but I guess we should head out now."

"I'm not picking you up Chance the only one who can do that is yourself. I'm simply cleaning the wounds because its the right thing to do, and I know somewhere inside, you are a good guy."

Bringing her hand up to Chance's face again Misty continues to clean him up. She felt bad for him and hoped he would be able to pick himself up. There was good in him somewhere she new there was. The look he had in his eyes when he had been here before, it only proved somewhere, there was good.

"Tilt your head up a little, let me see your lip."

Tilting his head a little and and patting his lips before putting some cream on it. Doing a few more things around the to clean him up Misty was done. Gathering things up she looks at the cuffs on the table and gives a sigh. She didn't want to cuff Chance again but she new she had to.

"Sorry I have to do this."

Taking the cuffs and going behind Chance Misty gently puts the cuffs back on him and than resting his hands behind him against the chairs.

Continuing her work Ryan stays focused on what she was doing keeping her mind off of many other things Alec seeming to be in the middle of them right now. Ryan just wish she wasnt hanging in limbo.

As the time moves on and work was done Ryan laughs and smile with the other pushing her feelings away the best she could. Seeing Leo joking with the other was good, and a sudden feeling washes over her almost a longing, or a thought of something that once was.

Watching as Leo starts to sing and comes sliding across the floor Ryan gives a laugh and a little shake of her head. A look passing through her eyes and she had to admit she missed Leo and his quirky ways. Was this normal to miss an ex or had she really made the wrong choose?

"Alright you crazy...wonderful...crazy man lets get some more pizza before you sing anymore."

A grin forms on Ryan's face to show she was joking before she holds her hand out to Leo to help him up. Not looking him right in the eye right now so he could tell the feelings she felt. This wasn't his concern, She'd made the desition she had to deal with it. At least she had her friend ship.

"Hey you guys ready or what? I think Leo's getting a little delirious here me too."

Ryan pulls Leo into a half friendly hug as she leans her head to his for a moment her own voice chiming in.

"Pizza, pizza here we come, pizza pizza our work is gonna have to wait to be done."

Giving a little laugh Ryan shakes her head before looking around.

"I guess I shouldn't quit my day job."

Better things to do

"Food..." Gage talks to himself as he goes to take his shower. "Mmm... Chinese. Yes. I still have yet to try different things. It shall be... an adventure."

Showered and in a clean set of clothes, Gage amuses himself with some television for a little while, but winds up pacing, checking his watch and pacing a little more. It was way too boring when he was here alone.

Eventually though, he gets the call and goes outside to wait, pacing up and down the sidewalk, counting squares until Sapphire arrives. When she does, his smile goes from ear to ear and he gets in quickly so she doesn't have to turn off the engine.

"Chinese," he states, first thing. "But before that..." Leaning over, he gives her a soft kiss to the lips. "Okay... now Chinese. Twelve hours at the mill and I am famished!"

Leo laughs and shakes his head, going back to his car. "The day I beat you is the same day pigs will fly. But that doesn't mean I won't keep trying."

The morning goes quickly as the others filter in and the noise and motivation picks up. The guys give Leo a bit of a hard time about his appearance, but he shrugs it off, giving a brief explanation but not letting it grow into a full-blown conversation. Bantering with Miles leads to laughter, and though they were covered in grease and sweat, there was a satisfaction in the air for the work they were accomplishing.

Once lunchtime rolls around, the guys put their work on hold in order to go to the pizza box for their free hour. Leo, put into a silly mood by Miles, uses his wrench as a microphone and sings along with a rock song on the radio. Throwing in a couple dance moves, he spins around, then slides on his knees in front of Ryan, head thrown back as he sings at the top of his lungs. However, instead of the right lyrics, he winds up with his own words. "Baby it's pizza time, yeah! Quit your work and hustle on out, 'cause it's pizza time!"

Miles whistles and he and Ron clap, Jed and Axel laughing and clapping as well at the silly performance.

As expected, Chance remains silent upon Misty's presence. He doesn't fight her, but rubs his wrists gingerly where the cuffs had dug into him. As she cleans the cuts on his face, he flinches, cringing at the stinging pain.

He does finally speak, though his mouth is so sore that it's a bit mumbled. "Don't bother..." He swallows hard, his eyes closing. "It doesn't matter."

Reaching up, he stops Misty's hand. He deserved this pain. "You've got better things to do than easing Reese's conscience by patching me up."

In the clear

Giving another laugh at Gage mixed together and broken words she shakes her head. A little slired words would be normal for someone who went without sleep for twenty four hours. She just felt a little bad she had contributed to his lack of sleep. But lunch was lunch and after he said he would rest.

"Ok, I should be going on my break here shortly. Let's say meet me hour side in a half hour. And decid what you want to eat I picked yesterday."

Finishing up her conversation with Gage Sapphire gets back to work making sure she could get her work done in time so she could see Gage. There wasn't a lot of work, but she did need to get it done. What she couldn't she'd finish when she got done with lunch.

Looking down at Leo's hand Ryan would of rather giving him a friendly hug but maybe the handshake was best. Linking her hand with his and giving it a strong shakes she nods. A friendship still with Leo was important and going out for pizza with everyone and having Leo come along too sealed the deal with Ryan that at least he was trying.

"You already said you were sorry Leo, nothing more needs to be said on it. Whats done is done, and I've moved past it, your in the clear with me."

Letting go of Leo's hand and just watching him for a moment Ryan finally gives his arm a little wack with her rag as she see some of the other guys starting to filter into the area.

"Alright get back to work slacker, lets see if you can beat me today huh?"

Giving gives a grin to Leo. It was going to take a while to form a strong friendship like they had but it was a path there were both willing to take now and thats what was important.

Back at her car she leans to look into the engine and for a moment she just looks letting out a long sigh. Still no call from Alec, and it made her wonder. What she being to stubborn, to bull headed not to try and call him? But if he cared, why hadn't he called her? And if she did call him would she be giving in? Not sticking to her guns and showing she was serous about him trying run who she hung out with?

Letting out another sigh Ryan shakes her head a little. She had to have a clear mind so she could work and not worry about this right now. She could think about this later and figure stuff out.

Looking up as Hal came into the office Misty gives a solom nod listing to him. She was shocked and saddened to hear about what had perspired with Chance. He's seemed like an ok guy who had really been fond of Destiny just from the simple look in his eye she had seen the day she had been shot. Maybe he had cared but just got turned around, or a bad intention only to realize he cared about this woman. Whatever the case was she now had her own job to do.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do with him."

Standing and takes the keys from Hal Misty gathers a few things together to fix cuts, swelling and making Chance as comfortable as she could. Taking her bag and make her wait to the irrigation room she enters.

Just standing there for a moment Misty can feel the awkward tension in the air and always hated it. But it was her job so she had to plug along anyways.

"Hey Chance, I'm going to clean up some of those cuts and what not you have ok?"

Not really exspecting an answer Misty sets her bad down on the floor before walking around the table to where Chance sat. Keeping her self awair of what was going on in the room just incase.

"Ok, lets get these cuffs off you and let your arms rest a little."

Once taking the cuffs off Misty sets to work on cleaning Chance up making it swift and trying not to hurt him all that much. Making him comfortable was important to her no matter what he had done.


Reese thoughtfully considers Katie's suggestions, while nodding. Silent for a moment, he leans forward, folding his hands. "We're short on hands right now, but I don't want to keep you from your vacation to see your family. If you have plans, go - I don't want you burning out."

Thinking about Jason, he sighs. "Yeah, I wondered about that. Would you mind asking him and seeing what he thinks after this debriefing? It's a start, and for now, Gunner's there, so we're okay. But I want Destiny to be comfortable too. I feel we've done her an injustice, even if it wasn't our fault."

An hour later, Hal emerges from the interrogation room, putting his watch back on and going to wash his hands. They were unable to extract information from Chance on where the Underground headquarters was or who was running it. But they were convinced that no other Elite members, at this point, were involved. Chance had been the "chosen" Elite to be the one to infiltrate and share information. Without him, the Underground would be on their own, or would have to prey on another Elite member.

Even without all the information they wanted, Reese had called a stop to the interrogation. Chance was suffering enough and they would find the Underground on their own - they were bound to cross paths again.

After cleaning up, Hal enters the infirmary, gesturing to Misty. He briefly explains about Chance, then hands her a set of handcuff keys. "He's in the interrogation room. Reese would appreciate it if you looked after him, then left him there until it's decide where he will go." The look in Hal's eyes was a weary one. He didn't like this part of the job, but Chance hadn't given them much of a choice.

In the interrogation room, Chance sits in a chair several feet from the table. His hands were cuffed behind him and his head hung. Blood ran from new cuts to his mouth and his left eye was swollen and bruised, adding to the other marks on his face. What Jason and Destiny had started, Hal had finished and Chance was now a mess. He knew that Reese had allowed it only because what Chance was involved with was such a security risk. He knew that under normal circumstances, the Elite didn't use brute force, but Chance was different - he provided a different kind of risk, and therefore, he was treated the same as someone from the Agency. But even despite that understanding, there was a dull angry ache that burned beneath the surface. He was too weary to fight anymore though. He was just too tired.

Swallowing hard, it hurt just to do that, and he shifts a little in the metal chair, his hands testing the cuffs again, only to find that they were still securely in place. So head hanging, he just sits and waits... waits for his fate.

Leo pops the hood on the car and starts to tinker as Ryan approaches. Her offer for him to join them for lunch raises his eyes to hers. Straightening up, he fiddles with the wrench in his hand.

Shifting a little, he considers it, wondering if he really wanted to socialize today. The other guys had yet to question him about his appearance and he wasn't looking forward to explanations. Then this whole thing with Ryan... But he did want to bury the hatchet, right?

His eyes drift down then back up again to the eyes that he'd fallen for. It seemed ages ago now. "I think that... pizza sounds great." A smile surfaces, making an almost-funny picture with his beat-up face.

Reaching out, he offers a handshake. "Truce?"

"Any time. Soon as you're on break. You pick. Soon. I don't care." Gage laughs at his own clumsy speech. "Just call before you get here so I got time to throw on my shoes and meet you outside. And yes, fine, I'll sleep afterward. Promise."