
For the Night

Sapphire shakes her head again and gives a laugh accepting Gage's kiss and returning with her own. She'd asked Gage if he wanted to go home and sleep but she happy Gage didn't want to and dinner was still on.

"Your going to be dead tomorrow, but I wont argue with you. Lets go get some pizza."

Turning back to the car and getting in Sapphire waits for Gage to get in as well an buckle up before she is off again heading twords Mom and Pop's. Not taking to long to get back there Sapphire pulls into the parking lot and hops out of the car making her way inside with Gage and taking her seat.

"Can I get you guys something to drink to start?"

Sapphire looks up at Thirteen and gives a smile and a nod. She was pretty thirsty after being in the sun all afternoon.

"I'll have an iced tea please."

Giving a nod and than taking Gage's order as well Thirteen was gone. Turning back to Gage Sapphire gives a smile.

"So what should we have on our pizza today? Anything you want we can have on it."

Enjoying the movie and even dozing here and there Ryan moves her head just a little hit as the credits start to roll. She didn't want to move yet, she was way to comfortable. Hearing her brothers question though Ryan gives a small sigh.

"I'd like to just lay right here for the night, but I guess I can't."

Now that night was coming to an end again Ryan's mind was able to work. This was be one of the first night she went to bed not talking to Alec at all that day. She fall asleep without his arms around her, and just this time it seemed so different.

"I guess I should probably head to bed. Thanks for spending the night with me though Eli. It means a lot."

Nikki can't help but laugh as she places a plate in front of Pete, one in front of her mom, and than one at her own place. She was happy Pete would eat a little more so the cheese cake wouldn't go to wast.

"I hope it turned out ok, it was the first time making a cheese cake. I tasted a little before I put it in the pie shell and it tasted ok to me."

Returning the look to Pete Nikki's smile grows a little more as the warm feeling enters her heart. Seeing the sparkle in his eye it made her own heart pump just a little bit faster as her returned look to him was one that said she really was pleased he was here.

Quite possibly

Gage's arm slips around Sapphire as he returns a gentle kiss and a smile. Tonight had been a blast and he couldn't be happier that he'd spent it with her.

"I'm hungry," he responds. "Can't go to bed on an empty stomach, right? And besides, if I'm dead at work tonight, they won't care anyway."

He leans in to give her another little kiss before releasing her so she could get in the car. "I'll be fine," he assures. "I'm not even tired, but I'm dying for some pizza."

Eli doesn't mind when Ryan gets comfy on the couch or when she uses his lap as a pillow. With his own feet up and relaxing, it was rather comfortable for him too, so he doesn't care.

His eyes only begin to grow heavy as the movie comes to a close and the credits start to roll. He likes the music though, so he doesn't stop it yet. Glancing down at Ryan, he purses his lips. Maybe it was good he was here right now. But... what if he wasn't? What if he wasn't around anymore? He knew she'd survived quite well on her own before he'd come here but... now that he was here, he did feel a responsibility towards her. Not to mention, he was just fine with being here for her if things with Alec fell apart. Would he really consider moving?

He sighs and ruffles his sister's hair. "Yo, Speedy... you gonna speed to bed or are you staying up a while yet?'

"Oh my word." Pete puts a hand over his full stomach as Nikki brings the cheesecake. "You didn't..." But she had. She'd remembered his favorite and had made it since he was coming over. He couldn't help it that it made him feel good inside.

"I thought I didn't have any room left but... I think I just found some more space."

Grinning, he looks up at Nikki, and for a brief moment, he remembers the evening before, looking up into her face as he'd discovered that quite possibly, he had more than friendship feelings there for her. His eyes give off a little sparkle.

Most Comforetable

Having fun at the golf course with Gage Sapphire wished the day would never end. It had been fun going out and doing something with him other than just sitting home and working. The added laughing was nice too and felt good. Sapphire always liked seeing a smile on Gage's face.

Once they are done, and there balls, and clubs are turned in Sapphire links her arm with Gage's as they head back to the car. Stopping in front of it she leans up and gives him a light kiss on the lips before pulling away a little bit.

"I know we said we would do dinner, but we stayed here longer than I had planned. Did you just want to go home now so you can get some sleep before work? I don't want you to be dead at work."

Sapphire always worried about Gage not getting enough sleep and that was one reason why she didn't mind when dates were missed or spent inside so he could rest. Last thing she wanted was for him to get over exhausted.

Ryan give a shake of her head and a laugh. Eli was on the ball tonight that was for sure and she could never be happier. Being with what family she had left was the best thing she could of asked for and for now.

Watching the movie and finishing dinner Ryan felt like she couldnt eat another thing but when Eli brings the ice cream somehow she found a way to down it and for now all sad thoughts of Alec not calling were down with the ice cream.

Once finished and putting the bowl on the table Ryan makes herself comfortable moving a few different ways to get comfortable before finally she moves closer to Eli. Scooting down a little farther on the couch and laying her head in Eli's lap she found it the most comfortable to finish watching the movie.

Nikki can't help but laugh a little at Pete as she smile grows even more seeing her mother smile. It was nice having another person there, almost like the old days when the table would be filled with friends and family.

Dinner continues and the chatting is kept light. Memories, new storys and chatter from Carol filled the dinning room. Dinner dragged on and was longer than maybe some planned but it didn't seem like anyone cared how long they sate there just talking and having a great time.

Finally when the meal was finished though Nikkie started clearing the table putting everything into the dishwasher and bring more small plates out and bringing them to the table along with a chocolate cheesecake and setting it down.

"I think I remember you loved cheese cake. With mom's help we made it home made specialty for tonight."

Giving a smile to Pete as she sits down again starting to cut the cheese cake and dishing it out to everyone.


"Mmm, I don't know." Pete tosses Carol a wink before grinning at Nikki. "I don't think either one of you have received too much credit."

Taking a sip of his water, his grin remains. "We'll just say you're both great cooks and leave it at that before I get into trouble for bringing it up."

He takes another bite of food, savoring the flavor. "I do a little cooking, but I usually wind up with unrecognizable blackened food, so then I eat out too much."

Pete really was enjoying the meal. It was different than hanging out with his buddies. This was... family. Some guys might prefer not to eat with Carol too, but for Pete, it was a bonus. He missed his mom a lot some days, and having Carol around reminded him of maybe what it was like. And maybe without even realizing it, in this very short amount of time, he'd adopted her, for as long as she would still be here with them. Even after he'd scraped his plate clean, staying at the table just to talk felt good.

Alec quirks an eyebrow as Trey walks away, and he shakes his head. He wasn't impressed. Turning back to his room, he shuts the door so the tennis ball can't escape again, and flops down on his cot once more. As he does, his eye catches sight of his cell phone. Once again, he considers contacting Ryan. Misty had almost convinced him early to call Ryan, but after he'd let it sit and had thought more about it, he no longer wanted to. She'd yelled at him for no reason other than defending himself against her crazed ex-boyfriend. And telling him to stay home if that's the way it was going to be? So be it. She wasn't going to put rules and restrictions on him - not when he was trying so hard to get out from under that sort of thing.

The tennis ball flies again, whacking the wall and flying back to smack into his palm.

"Hey, hey... vampire," Eli corrects. "Vampire." Chowing down on another fry, he settles back to watch the movie.

Even though it had been a long day, Eli manages to stay awake through the movie, eventually clearing off the dishes and returning with some ice cream for them both. It was a quiet evening... different not having Alec show up. But Eli had to admit to himself that it was kind of nice.

Gage laughs and nods. "Mmm... I think I could handle having my arms around you."

Following Sapphire around the course, one would never know that Gage hadn't laughed this much probably his entire life. Though the sky grew dim and the lights came on in the course, Gage was perfectly content just having a good time with Sapphire and letting time pass as it would. He had to work later but he had a few hours yet and he wasn't going to miss this for the world.