
Blown Cover!

Giving a nod and following Justin outside once again Beth goes to her car. She new Justin drove decent so she would have no problem following but she had his cell number just in case.

"I'm ready when you are."

Getting into the car and pulling out of the parking lot Beth follows close. Maybe today she would try and fish herself though she didn't know how much she would like it. At least she'd be trying something new and if it ended up she hating it she new she would have fun with the dogs.

Pulling up to the dinner Nikki pulls down the visor for a moment and flicks some of her hair into place that had been blow by the open window. Pushing it back up and rolling her eyes at herself Nikki finally gets out of the car. Dressed a little differently now than before she had, had time to get ready before coming to meet someone. A pretty button up red shirt with the first two buttons undone, so it was not to low but not choking her either, along with a pare of nice jeans, and dresser sandles.

Walking into the dinner she wondered if Pete would be here again or not. He's been busy early and though she wanted to believe he wasn't just brushing her off, she couldn't help but have the feeling in the back of her head maybe he was.

Letting her eyes scan the dinner like they had before a smile spreads on Nikki's face when she see Pete, He had come after all. Walking over to the table and pushing her one side of hair behind her ear her smile grows even more just from the excitement of seeing her friend again.

"I'm in the clear now to talk to you right? I don't wanna blow your cover."

Her bright green eyes twinkle and its easy to see she wasn't upset about earlier and now it was out of pure fun she teased him. She was happy he was here, and happy to see him again it had been a long time.

Sitting in her normal spot with her car Ryan sat on the hood. It was still a little bit early but races always got there a head of time to show off there cars. It was just something they did. Tonight Ryan would be up against some new competition and she was excited to have a challenge. It was going to be fun, and having Alec here to watch would be even better.

Looking around for a moment she trys to see her brother or anyone else she new to wave them over. Having her friends close was always a lot of fun and she enjoyed letting them in on her spot light to. They were infact and important part to her life too.

Leaning into Alec a little Ryan places her hand on his leg before turning her head a little and placing a kiss on his lips. She'd given him a ride tonight and enjoyed having him here early with her.

"Mmmm...did I ever tell you how lucky I am to have a hot car, and an even hotter boyfriend?"


Standing by the sink, Justin cocks his head a little, not missing the smile that briefly passed over Beth's lips. Maybe they were making progress... little by little. Maybe one day he'd see that thick shell gone.

"Nah, don't worry too much about the water. You've been there once already, so this should be old hat to you." He gives her a wink before finishing off his drink and setting the glass in the sink.

"Alright. Gimme five minutes and I'll be ready to go." Heading down the hall, he grabs a different pair of jeans and t-shirt from his room before closing the door behind himself in the bathroom. True to his word, it's only five minutes and he's finished rinsing off his sweat and throwing some old but clean clothes on.

Grabbing his backpack, he takes a couple bottles of water from the fridge along with a couple granola bars too, just in case anyone got hungry. "Okay, I'm ready."

He motions to Beth, offering her a warm smile to let her know he was still here and still proud of her for being willing to do this today. "Let's get out of here."

Pete grins a little, glad to know that at least Trey was enjoying his food. He'd have to remember this as a place they could come again sometime.

It's too soon though that the meal is over and the reality sets in that they need to return to TJY. Pete remains casual with Trey, not being pushy or making him do anything to stay within sight. Back in the convertible again, it's another fast ride back to base until Pete walks Trey back inside. He does mention the next morning though, implying they might slip out again.

The day grows long, and the hours seem to drag by. Finally though, seven o'clock rolls around and Pete finds himself outside the little diner once again. He hadn't gotten any phone calls, so he was assuming Nikki would come, though he had his doubts. He'd been pretty cold to her earlier - she might have gotten the impression he didn't want to see her, and he hadn't even gotten her number in case she didn't show.

Boots, blue jeans and a black tee left untucked, Pete tucks his sunglasses into his collar before sliding into a booth to wait. He turns down any food from the waitress for now - he'd wait and see what happened.

Leo looks up at the clock as he slouches on the couch. He'd made it through the day alright, but was still feeling miserable. Even though physically he was okay now, he knew it had been a stupid thing to do - going and getting drunk. But he had yet to find another way to get rid of this frustration inside of him.

He was getting over Ryan... right? But every time Cassy moved closer, he pulled away as if he still was attached to someone else. Maybe just wasn't ready. And this long day hadn't helped things much as he'd had way too much time to think and over-analyze.

Leaning his head back, he sighs. He'd never turned to drinking before - why he had this time, he wasn't even sure. Desperation perhaps. But he wasn't intending to do it again. The consequences weren't worth it.

He turns and looks at his nearby phone. He hadn't called Cassy yesterday... or today. Had she really expected him to? Had she really wanted to do something? The answer was probably yes on both counts. So why didn't he just pick up the stupid phone and call? He felt like a jerk not doing it.

He looks down at his hands. It was getting dark. The races would be starting soon. He needed to thank Eli for bringing him home the other night anyway. He didn't need to hang out with the McKade's or Alec if he showed up too - he could go see other people too, right? At least it would give him something to do other that sitting around here and staring at the walls... right?

Making up his mind, he stands and goes for his keys. Maybe he wouldn't stay long, but he just needed to get out and that was as good a place as any right now.


Taking his head a little and giving a chuckle Trey take his sandwich and looks at it for a moment before taking the mayo on the table and adding more. Taking a bit and chewing Trey just savers the taste. He loved the food in Mexico but he always loved the cheese steak from the US. His friend use to bring them to him all the time after there late night trips to the border as his payment.

"This tastes like heaven!"

Reaching for his glass of water and taking a sip to wash down some of his meal. Leaning back again just taking it slow on his meal Trey was quiet just enjoying it all. After this he'd be back to the dungeon and stuck in a crappy room. Might as well enjoy being out while he can.

Talking with Justin a little more while he was up top and playing with the dogs Beth was having a nice time. Being outside was nice, and breathing the fresh air was nice too. Finally as Justin comes down the latter Beth's eyes lock with his for a moment. It was a mistake, but for that moment she takes in his eyes, and see a light in them, and a strange feeling forms in her stomach.

Finally breaking her gaze from his Beth wraps at arm around herself before following Justin into the house. Taking him in again for a moment as he stood at the sink the sun reflects off of him and gives him a sorta glow that catchs her eye. Not even realizing it Beth gives a small genuien smile as that feeling in her stomach grew just a little.

"Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Still gotta little worry about the water though."

Turning the smile was gone, but still it had been there as another part of the wall had been chipped away so something new could flourish.

Next time

Pete's eyes drift over to Nikki at Trey mentions her. On the inside, he bristles slightly, though his face doesn't show it. Instead, he grins and swings his gaze back to his table partner. "You think I'd wanna risk you taking a chunk outta a girl who's showed interest in me?" His eyes spark with humor. "I think you're more the fiery redhead type. You need a girl who likes those rules you like to make yourself."

"Here we go, gentlemen. Enjoy your meal." The waitress sets the plates down in front of both of them. "If you need anything else, let me know."

Pete watches her walk away and calls after her, but not loudly enough for her to hear. "My friend here could use a date..." When she doesn't turn around, he shrugs and picks up his fork. "Better luck next time."

Digging into his food, silence reigns for a while, other than the surrounding sounds of the restaurant. Every once in a while, Pete steals a glance in Nikki's direction, but he does so discretely, not drawing any attention to her or him and Trey.

Justin climbs the ladder, making it to the top but he doesn't venture onto the roof yet. "Mmm.... gutters," he muses in response to Beth.

Fishing around inside the gutter for a moment, out comes a handful of leaves, twigs and who knows what else. "Watch your head," he calls. Down it goes a ways away from Beth in a dirty heap, only to be joined by another handful.

"Few weeks ago I noticed this thing was clogged up and all the rain was just coming down over the edge in a nice curtain in front of the porch instead of draining. Just haven't gotten around to cleaning these out yet but it's definitely time."

After just a few minutes, he crawls up onto the roof, releasing Beth of her duty for now. It was hotter than he thought it would be and after a while, he's soaked with sweat. He works his way around the roof though, not quitting before the job is done. He tries to carry on a light conversation the best he can with Beth, and in between he just lets her play with the dogs who were enjoying the extra attention.

Finally, the gutters are all clear and Justin is exhausted and parched. Having Beth hold the ladder again, he slowly climbs down. With his feet on the ground again, he manages a grin as he wipes the sweat from his brow. He knew he was filthy and stinky and a bit of color shows in his face... or was it from the sun?

"Well... that's that. I'm not gonna rake all that up now though, it can wait. Right now, I need some water before I keel over."

Back inside and to the kitchen Justin fills a glass with water but forces himself not to drink too quickly. Leaning back against the kitchen counter, he takes a deep breath, trying to gain a second wind. "Ready to fish?"


Trey leaned back in the booth once again listening to Pete he makes a grunt sound in his throat that resembled almost a laugh. Not that Pete's story was funny but for a moment he contemplated the idea himself. But finding it completely crazy he pushed it away.

"Thats good it worked out for you. Me...I'll stick with making my own rules, girls dig that to ya know."

Giving a shake of his head Trey lets his eyes drift over to where Nikki was sitting watching her over his shoulder for a moment. Leaning back from the table only a moment when the food came before looking to Pete again.

"You could of asked her to have lunch with us. I promise I wouldn't have bit, to hard anyways."

Following Justin outside Beth listened to him while petting the two dogs on the head as they followed. She thought it was quite funny to see them so interested in her but at the same time it was nice because she liked them and there cold wet noses felt good on her hands.

"I think...for now I'll keep my feet on the ground and help hold the ladder."

She gave a small smile to Justin. She was willing to try new things, and open up a little bit at a time but taking her feet off the safety of the ground she was not ready for.

Grabbing the ladder Beth looks up watching him climb it while she held on. Continuing to watch she leans into the ladder a little bit and calls up to him.

"What do u got to do up there anyways."

Ain't so bad

Pete wasn't too surprised by Trey's response. He knew enough about this whole thing that he probably hadn't needed to ask, but he was glad to see Trey's side of things anyway.

He chuckles at Trey's own question. "Naw... I hated the law there for a while. Never got myself thrown in jail but I came pretty close a few times. I guess I finally realized that if I really wanted to change anything, retaliation wasn't the answer. You familiar with the phrase, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"? Well... that's me I guess. Had to take orders and grit my teeth for a while but... once I got on Reese's good side, I got more breathing room."

Leaning back in his seat, he spreads out his arms. "And hey... I get paid for hanging out and having breakfast. Girls... food... this life ain't so bad."

Justin laughs at Beth's comment about dealing with drunks. "Nah, not too often. Once in a while." He tosses her a wink.

Standing up, he stretches then nods. "Why sure. You want to help, that would be great. If not, you can play with the dogs - totally up to you. Might be nice to have someone hold the ladder though."

He starts to walk from the office, talking over his shoulder. "Last year I cleaned them out, wind came up and I went flying."

Making it to the front door, he motions her to follow, knowing she was still a bit timid. "Come on."

Once outside, he heads to the old garage where he retrieves a ladder. It was a pretty hot day - not one he really cared to spend on the roof, but he'd been putting this off for ages. And the reward would be fishing, so it kept him motivated.

Back to the house, he sets up the ladder, making sure it's steady. In the meantime, Danitza and Zora are quite curious about their visitor, following Beth around and sniffing at her heels and her hands, liking the attention she gave them.

Getting the ladder situated, Justin starts up. "Alright, if you wanna grab hold while I get to the top, that would be great. 'Course, if you want to come up on the roof too, you're more than welcome, but it's pretty hot up here."