
Not ready

Tapping his fingers on the outside of the door as his arm hung out the window Crash was quiet his tension, patients, and nerves ran high. Tonight was not going to be the night for anyone to get in there way...or be in Roth's way.

Hearing Sketch's lie Crash looks over at him for a long moment the lights from where the race was being held coming into view.

"Right, but...we are always to check to make sure everything is in order...but...we...were running late today, and we didn't want him to miss the race so we figured since the guard Dog was outside, and everything was locked we figured it would be ok."

Crash gives a nod even though the look on his face was anything less than sure Roth would not crack there skulls. It was a known face they might be part of Roth's circle but that didn't mean they wouldn't get the crap kicked out of them if anything went wrong.

Seeing the truck pull into the lot loaded up with his car Roth was in a fowl mood to start with on Crash and Sketch being late. Crossing his arms as they stop in front of him Roth gives a growl.

"I give you idiots a few simple tasks, to be on time and make sure everything is ok with my car and you can't even get the one simple thing right. Lets hope for your sake you can get the other part right. Bright her over to the parking area, there is no time for you to unload it here."

Once Roth had his back to them and was storming back to where the car would sit before the race started Crash looks to Sketch.

"We are in serous trouble here. Should...we just tell him now? Save him a little bit of embarrassment?"

Feeling Leo's hand on her face Cassy leans her head into it still looking up into his eyes. His skin felt so nice on her even his they had a small rough tone to them. They were the hands of someone who worked, of someone who could take care of another..they were a true man's hands.

Hearing his words about the music made her smile more. He new just how to make her feel good and that she liked. Even if she never said it, she needed that feeling because it helped her know she was really worth something.

Wishing the moment wouldn't end or that Leo would say what was in his eyes Cassy's though about it is cut off with his mention of going home. Giving a small sigh Cassy's smile still stays not wanting to make Leo feel bad.

"I'm not ready to go back the night it still young but I understand if you want to head back. It's defiantly been one of my better days."

Long day

Looking down into Cassy's eyes, Leo studies them, becoming enveloped in the light and life reflected through her gaze. His own eyes held so many things that were not being said... so many things on his heart that were not uttered on his lips. Though his mouth is poised to speak, his voice does not bring to the surface that which he longed to say.

He doesn't know how long he just stands there not saying anything. The music had stopped for him, long before this. But did it have to be that way? Even Cassy, with her world torn apart, could still hear it and let herself be lifted up by the melody. Why had his world become silent... still... lacking of life?

Without thinking, Leo's hand slips from around her to rise to her cheek. His fingers brush over her skin lightly before tucking a wispy lock of hair behind her ear. "To hear the music is a gift," he whispers, "and a telltale sign of an inner beauty."

Swallowing hard again, he slowly backs up a step, his hands falling back to his sides, though his eyes remain on Cassy. "I should get you back," he reasons, clearing his throat. "It's been a long day."

"Okay... right... right." Sketch nods while the wheels in his mind turn. "Let's get this thing loaded and get out of here before anyone else sees."

It doesn't take long and soon Sketch is steering the pickup down the road, pulling the trailer with Roth's car. Silence had ruled since leaving the shop, neither man wanting to admit how nervous they were. But as they get nearer and nearer to the race, the tension only rises.

"Someone else already had the car ready," Sketch reasons as he comes up with a lie to save their hides. "It was already on and the tarp over it so we didn't see a thing... we just pulled out." He gives Crash a sidelong glance. "Right?"

Never stops

Just staying close to Leo Cassy didn't even take note that there movements had almost stopped. She was so comfortable that to her they were still moving, and just being this close this time with Leo it seemed different that it had in the past. It felt nice, more unity, almost like Leo was more accepted of it.

Finally though the music had stopped even if Cassy still could hear it softly in the background, Leo's words come to her. Pulling away just a little her fingers were still locked with his as she looked up into his eyes, a soft smile on her lips, her voice no more than a whisper.

"The music never stops for those who are willing to continue listing."

Letting her fingers tighten around his a little tighter for a moment she than released the grip but still kept her fingers locked with his as she looked up into his eyes. The soft lights from park, the glow from the foutain, and the moonlight that shown down from the sky just seemed to set the tone.


As Cassy moves closer and rests her head on his shoulder, Leo's eyes drift shut. His movements grow smaller so they're barely moving from one spot, turning and gently stepping over the bricks under their feet. He could feel her breath on his neck and knew she was relaxed and comfortable here in his arms.

This moment in time almost felt unreal, as if it was a dream or something impossible. Leo's hand instinctively moves so his arm is wrapped around Cassy just a little tighter. And as the seconds pass and become minutes, the dance grows less and less until they're barely moving. And the music fades softly into the shadows.

Leo stands, his movements stilled, though Cassy was still resting against him. He swallows hard and starts to lean down but stops and releases his hold on her instead, though his one hand remains in hers. His mouth opens slightly, words on the tip of his tongue, but they're withdrawn and replaced.

"Hey," he prompts softly. "I... I think the music stopped."


Crash can't help the cold chill that ran over him fear was still very clear in his eyes. He liked to think he was tough and keep up with Roth's rough nature but having him be mad at them that was something he didn't want to do. Roth wouldn't be scared to take his anger out on them at any time.

"Well....do you...think its wise we....we don't call him...or...some...something. I mean...Ummm...its it's pink."

Blink once again as if maybe it was a dream and when his eyes opened again the car would be back to normal he shakes his head the car still the same and a chuckle gets stuck in his throat. Maybe more from a sicking feeling than from thinking it was funny.

"Just...hurry up and throw the tarp on it. We...we have to go....just pretend we didn't see anything. We are going to be so dead, but maybe if we act like we don't know it will save a little pain."

Letting herself come closer to Leo Cassy's eyes stay on his face. Searching his eyes, watching the light in them and seeing the calmness that came forth while he got lost in the dance. It was calming, it was nice, and Cassy didn't care about those who stopped or what they thought.

Moving with Leo Cassy almost felt like she was in a fairytale. Just moving perfectly lined up with him it was a perfect moment that they were in sink. Feeling so comfortable Cassy brings herself even closer to Leo. Bringing her head to Leo's shoulder she just lets head rest there, her face nuzzled into his neck, her breath brushing his skin. Just letting the music they sheared continue as they sheared the dance together.


Leo looks down at Cassy, a little smile quirking the corner of his mouth. Studying her eyes in the soft light for a moment, he seems to hesitate, but then finally takes her hand. His touch was warm and gentle as he pulls her a little closer, his hand going to her waist. She didn't have to hum... he heard the melody that only one's heart could detect.

Swaying and turning slowly, Leo's steps are light. He leads the way around the brick patio, turning as they glide around the fountain and under the glowing lights. It was as if an orchestra was playing just for them, but nobody else could hear it.

A few passersby stopped and took note of them, but Leo didn't notice. His eyes were on Cassy's, feeling her flowing motion as she danced with him.

"Uh..." Sketch stands lamely, still staring at the car. "I... I don't know how... how it... we... we can't call Roth, are you kidding? What do we tell them? 'Your car's gone girly'?!"

Sketch blinks. "No, I tell you what we're going to do." He bunches up the tarp and passes it off to Crash. "Here. We're going to load it up and we're going to cover it, and take it... just like it is. And... and... and when we get there, we'll just park and... and let Roth do whatever he wants. I mean maybe he wanted..."

His eyes drift back to the car and he shakes his head. "Naw... just... we'll just take it."


Hearing what Leo had going on this weekend Cassy gives a small nod and when her question was left in the air she didn't push it. If he called her to see if they could do something than great, if not that was ok too and she was sure they would catch up later.

Seeing Leo gets up again and wanting her to follow Cassy does so just enjoying the night air, and the cool breeze. Getting to the center of the park where the little fountain was Cassy looks around at everything and takes it in. Everything looked so pretty she couldn't help how her own eyes lit up.

Taking a few steps back at Leo talks Cassy closes her eyes for a moment as she listened and than opened them again. Looking around she envisioned everything Leo said and it put a smile on her face. Getting to know just a little bit more of him and his past. It was nice to just know who Leo was, and something as simple as one story could open a whole new door.

Once Leo was done Cassy stepped up to him again her eyes giving a twinkle. In her mind she could still here a soft melody playing. Looking at Leo her eyes just continue to hold there shine as if saying maybe she heard something else he couldn't.

"I don't think its crazy at all."

Giving a small bow Cassy holds out her hand to Leo as in offering a dance to him. She need not say anything as she new he would know thats what she was doing. Having someone else who shared a love for dancing singles could be made with no words easy. A soft hum came from her lips, the same melody she had herd in her head now Leo would be able to hear too.

"Get the door, do this do that what do yall think I am? If it not Roth ordering me around its you."

Starting to go to the door Crash stops and gives a growl as his friend was not coming over to him saying there was a problem with the car. Thats all he needed was something else to be wrong so there were even later at the race and Roth could bust both there heads in.

"What? Whats the pro...."

Crash's own voice comes to a complete stop as he stands next to his friend and just looks at the car. His eyes widen as he takes in the hello kitty logo, and the flowers. For a moment it felt like his head was in his throt as his hands became extremely clammy.

"...How...how did this happen? Whats going on? There...there is no way this...if this is some kinda joke its not funny. We are dead....I...should...should we call Roth?"

We got a problem

Even though Leo's eyes continue to flit about the park, Cassy's suggestion for doing something this weekend had not escaped him. "Only plans I got are to sleep in and I got to go down to Baxtor's Sunday night."

Was that a yes? Why all of a sudden was he having trouble just saying yes or no? It shouldn't be hard. He liked spending time with Cassy and he really had nothing going on this weekend, so what was the problem?

A car backfiring makes Leo jump and he laughs, knowing he must have looked terrified for a moment. "I must have had too much punch - I'm too wired for this late in the evening."

Standing up, Leo still leaves the question of the weekend hanging. Instead, he starts to back away, gesturing with his head for Cassy to follow him. "Come on." Leading the way to the center of the park, there was a large brick circle with lights and trees all around it. Not many people came to the city park after dark, so not many experienced the fairy-tale like world.

Ambling to the center of the circle, Leo looks down at the bricks, scuffing one with his sandal. "I have a memory of when I was little... I couldn't have been more than six years old. My mom had brought me here... not sure where Dad was. It was late and way past my bedtime, but she'd let me stay up. I can't remember why it was a special night. But she took me for a walk and we ended up here."

Standing still, Leo looks up through the trees to the navy blue sky, his hands slipping into his pockets. "She took my hands and started dancing with me." He chuckles. "She didn't know how to dance but I didn't know that. She didn't care that other people stopped and stared like she was crazy. I'd never had so much fun. She laughed and I laughed and we spun around in circles until we were both so dizzy we fell over there in the grass and looked up through the trees, listening for crickets."

Stopping, Leo gives Cassy a wry grin. It all sounded kind of silly now and he really didn't know why he'd wanted to tell her that. Perhaps he sensed she'd been trying to get to know him and it was the best he could do, without ever having really shared about himself before. Come to think of it... he'd never really told these types of things to even Ryan. He just... wasn't used to talking about himself.

A little color comes to his cheeks as his grin widens. "Crazy, huh."

"Yeah, yeah, we're on our way. Got hung up. I'll get the car there on time, no sweat. Later." Sketch stuffs his phone back in his pocket, never to admit his annoyance to Roth's face. Never did anyone question why Roth wouldn't trailer is own car to the races.

Sketch ambles across the dim shop, whistling as he went. Reaching the car, he yanks off the tarp, automatically starting to roll it up. "Yo, Crash, get the door and we'll..." his voice trails off into oblivion as his gaze finally lands on the bubblegum-pink car in front of him. "What the..." Coming closer, he looks inside to discover that this was indeed Roth's car. His face pales at the same time his stomach lurches in the most horrid manner.

"Wha...Cr... uh.... Crash?" He waves his friend over as he backs up to see Hello Kitty in full view. "We got... we got a problem."