

Hearing the bit of concern in Leo's voice it makes Cassy feel a little good on the inside to know her friend did worry about her, and would stand up for her if needed. But like he had mentioned maybe it was good He wasn't here when Steve was or things could of gotten a lot messier.

Looking up and giving a smile Cassy nods a little too reassuring Leo she would be ok.

"Just a little shaken up..but I am ok. Thank you for asking Leo, and for helping out once again."

Look waves to the food he was putting on the plates very thankful for everything he had, and was doing for her.

Soon everything was set up, and the chairs facing out to where the dance floor was. A few people started to file in and Cassy greeted them, offering punch and munchies. At first it was slow, and she could feel her heart sink a little though she didn't expect a big turn out she was hopping for more. But as if someone could read her mind people started to file in and soon all the chairs were filled.

Soon after everyone had food and drink Cassy took the stage as a soft music started. Nothing to intense, but enough to show she new what she was doing in dance Cassy did a little ruteen. Soon the music died and Cassy stops taking a swig of her water.

Looking around her eyes find Leo and a smile spreads across her face just seeing her gave him a strength. People didn't bother her, but talking in front of them did make her a little nervous, but keeping her eyes on Leo she new she would be ok.

"A dream starts as a small speck, something the mind makes up and gives us that glimpse of hope that maybe it could happen. My dream was this place, and I was determined for it to happen. After people told me I couldn't, and my construction team quit I was driven even more. And with the help of a very dear friend, my dream was born into a reality."

The smile stayed on Cassy's lips and she continued talking her voice so strong as she talked about something she loved so much. This was her passion, her dream come to life.


Realizing he'd made Cassy jump, Leo was sorry, but as she moves on, he does as well. As he's helping put out the food though, he finds out the real reason behind her uneasiness. The mention of Steve makes him bristle.

Though his eyes were on the plate as he helped with the food, his motions were absentminded. Steve was a jerk, no doubt, and he had no right to have shown up here. Leo almost wished he hadn't waited so long to come. He would have given Steve whatfor. Maybe it was good he hadn't come until now.

Pausing with the help, Leo turns to watch Cassy for a moment. He knew she was determined and strong-willed, but somewhere, surely there was still some hurt.

"I'm proud of you," he mentions honestly. "I'm sure that wasn't easy."

Looking back to the table, then to her again, he tries giving her a smile. "You okay?"

Sticking around

Once Steve was gone Cassy had gone back to work just moving around the studio. Almost everything was ready and it was looking great she was very please with how things were turning out despite the unwelcome visitor she had earlier in the day.

Hearing and knowing it was Leo's voice Cassy couldn't help but jump a little anyways. She wasn't scared Steve would come back but the first time had been enough to startle her a little. Turning quickly and seeing Leo Cassy gives a smile.

"Of course I don't mind your here early. I was just placing the food out. People should start showing up shortly and I still need to mix the punch."

Continuing to smile Cassy new that her uneasiness would not pass by Leo and the last thing she wanted was Leo to think it was him.

"Sorry to be a little jumpy..."

Cassy gives a nod to the table and the food that needed to be placed on the plates having Leo help her.

"...Maybe about an hour ago Steve was here. He startled me because I wasn't expecting it, and he fed me some line about how he was wrong and he missed me and wanted me back."

Cassy takes some punch and pours it into a big bowl along with some ginger ale, and sherbet. Looking up at Leo she gives a small smile, and a little nod of her head.

"I sent him packing again and told him I wasn't interested."

She gives another smile, and accomplishment for sure had been over come. Even if her and Leo only always stayed as friends, Steve now new she was not sticking around and waiting for him.

Killing time

Leo rakes a hand through his hair, feeling it was mostly dry after his shower. Slapping on a bit of cologne, he finds a nice pair of jeans and a navy t-shirt to throw on. It was a casual evening - he goes for his flipflops, not bothering with socks and shoes.

Puttering around his apartment for a while longer, he glances at the clock again. Still a bit early. He'd gotten done at the shop earlier than expected, but didn't want to show up at Cassy's too early and just be in the way of her preparations. She could always need help with something though, right?

He shrugs. He'd take his time driving and maybe stop for gas. Then he'd get there only a little early. Maybe if he showed up early and stayed for a little while, it would make up for him leaving at a decent time if he wanted to make it to the races. He wasn't sure he wanted to go, but he did want to see what would happen with Roth.

Grabbing his keys, Leo heads out, locking his door behind him. After driving a little slower than normal and stopping to fill the car's tank, he makes it to the new studio, parking a little further down the street to leave room for any visitors.

Ambling up the sidewalk, he enjoys the late afternoon air before making it to the studio door. As usual, he lets himself in, though makes sure not to just barge in on whatever Cassy was doing.

Leo pauses inside the door and glances around, hoping he wasn't intruding by showing up early. "Cass?" he calls, wandering into the main room. Seeing her, he smiles his greeting. "Hey... I'm killing time. Hope you don't mind."