

Rayne's eyes seem to sparkle even more at the price Tom had given her not to mention that he was willing to take payments. This was a blessing indeed.

"Wow, that price is to much to pass up. If the car drives good for me I can give you 2 thousand now, and than if I can pay you on hundred a week that would be great thank you to much."

Taking the keys from Tom Rayne goes to the car and gets in. Looking over at Phil she nods about going to see Axel just to make sure everything was up and up. Staring the car up and hearing the engine sound so strong Rayne gives a small laugh. Her accent making her statement sound funny.

"Purrs like a kitten."

Soon Ryder was asleep but Thirteen stays awake to watch the movie. Half way in seeing the nurse come in again she gives her a little smile and a nod as she mentions the cot.

"If you can bring him another blanket I will. I have to keep him warm."

Giving another smile Thirteen wouldnt mind setting up the cot next to Ryder's bed as long as he was warm and comfortable.


Tom cocks his head, seeming to give Rayne a once-over before mentioning a price, almost as if he were deciding based on her instead of a prior decision. "Three thousand."

Phil quirks an eyebrow, getting the feeling that Tom had had a higher price in mind.

Tom nods. "And I'm more than willing to take payments or however you need to do it."

It seemed too good. Phil sets his hands on his hips, squinting at his older friend. "You-"

"Eh... what's the point of receiving when you can't give? It's the best I can do." Tom holds out the keys to Rayne. "Take her for a spin. If you're a friend of Phil's, I trust you."

Phil looks to Rayne, smiling a little and agreeing to her request. "I'll come along. We can take it over to see Axel if you want."

"There we go." Ryder lets Thirteen settle in beside him, running a hand through her hair. He felt like crap, hurting and still a bit sick to his stomach. But the easier he made it for Thirteen, maybe the less she would worry about him continuing to work at the zoo. It looked as though he'd be getting a bit of a break anyway, if what the doctor said was true.

Trying to stay awake for the movie, Ryder mumbles a few comments here and there, but it doesn't take him long to eventually fall back into sleep.

As the movie drones, a nurse returns. She takes a breath to chide Thirteen for being in bed with Ryder, but seeing him asleep, she sighs and ends up smiling a little instead. She'd been in that kind of position herself once and she hadn't wanted to be chided.

Moving closer, she lays a hand on Thirteen's arm. "We have a cot," she offers gently. "He should have the bed to himself."

Make or Break

Thirteen gives a small smile as she stands and climbs into the bed with Ryder. Even if she new Ryder hated when someone waited on him at least this once he wasn't saying it. It felt good to be able to take care of him for once, and it made her feel like she had grown in her independence a little more doing so.

"Mmm...we can't have your getting cold now can we?"

Being very gentile not to hit Ryder's leg Thirteen crawls close to him laying her head on his chest and draping her arm over him as well. Moving her head a little to be able to comfortable watch the movie. No matter how she liked taking care of Ryder she still loved having his arm wrapped around her.

"This is much better."

Giving a thoughtful nod as Tom talked Rayne takes another trip around the car. Only coming to a stop when Phil steps in and asks his question. She didn't mind at all, when it came to cars she could change the oil, and figure out what the little things were wrong were but other than they she really had no idea. So to have Phil ask was no problem.

Hearing she could test drive the car Rayne perks up and gives a big smile before looking over at Phil.

"Phil will you come with me?"

Rayne holds up her arm that still had the cast on it. She could drive with it no problem she just feel better having someone with her.

"I'd feel a whole lot safer if you were with me. Not to mention you could look out for any odd noises for me."

Slightly turning back to Tom she continues to smile very thankful for his offers. She did only have one more question for him and it was a big one that would make or break this whole thing.

"Before I drive it though...can I ask how much your asking for it?"


Ryder smirks a little, but returns Thirteen's squeeze to his hand. "Yeah, well just for the record..."

He was going to say that he didn't like roles being switched and didn't like being waited on, but he held his tongue. Perhaps Thirteen needed to be needed sometimes too. "...thanks for being here," he finishes.

Scooting over a little on the bed, he bites his lip, trying to ignore the pain in his leg and hoping the new dose of medication kicked in soon. He pats beside him where there was enough room for Thirteen's small frame. "Let's make the nurse really mad," he teases. "If she complains, I'll tell her you're keeping me warm."

Tom smiles and nods. "Well, this baby is an automatic. Sixty thousand miles on her... had some work done on her just recently. Work on the carburetor, new fuel pump and brakes."

"How come you're selling her?" Phil didn't want to interfere or seem he didn't trust Rayne's own judgment in handling buying a car, but he did feel somewhat responsible. If she went with a car he'd aimed her toward and it turned out to be a lemon, he would feel badly.

Tom sighs. "Finances have gotten tight. We got payments on two other cars so something had to give. You can take it to a mechanic if you want and have them confirm how she runs. I had it worked on down at uh... J&J Auto. The mechanic was...." He thinks and snaps his finger, trying to think of it. "Odd name... oh yeah, Axel."

Phil chuckles and nods. "Yeah, I know him." He looks to Rayne with another nod to her. "Good guy. Honest and great mechanic."

Tom pats the top of the car. "Take her for a spin if you like."


Thirteen gives a small chuckle after the nurse leaves and she is alone with Ryder again. Stopping flipping through the channels and looking at Ryder giving a grin.

"It's just a little change in rolls. I'm giving back to you now, what you've given me. It's kind of nice to stand on my own and take care of you. I kind of like it. But that does NOT mean you can get bit all the time. You'll give me a heart attack."

Reacting over to the bed Thirteen puts her hand in Ryder's and gives it a little squeeze before just resting her hand on his. Still flipping through the movies she finally lands on an action movie that she thought maybe they would both enjoy.

Giving a smile at Tom as he comes over Rayne returns his hand shakes introduces herself before getting into anything else about the car. Once that was done though her smile remains but she gets down to business.

"I'm not really looking for anything inpatuculer. Other than the car being an automatic and getting me around for now with it having a good price."

All Rayne really needed for now was something to get her around and since Phil had helped her and this was his friend she would trust what he said about the car. To her so far it looked good.


Wandering behind Rayne, Phil just lets her look, not even knowing if this was anywhere near close what she wanted. "Yeah sure." He nods. "Keep looking and I'll go see if Tom's home."

Leaving her for a moment, he heads to the porch and rings the doorbell, waiting for his friend to come. He did, and is quick to join Phil and Rayne out in the yard where the car is. Tom was in his forties with nice eyes and a kind smile. He approaches Rayne and offers his hand. "Hi there. Phil says you're looking for a car."

Being summoned, the nurse follows Thirteen into Ryder's room, going to his bedside to check on him. "Hurting a bit?"

Ryder nods. He might as well be honest about it. It was hurting badly enough that he didn't mind saying so.

The nurse prods a little around his bandages, not seeming too pleased with what she saw, but not worried either. "You're the one that got bit by that alligator today, aren't you?"

"Crocodile," Ryder corrects.

"Mm-hmm." The nurse injects his IV with some more pain medication. "Anything else I can get for you?"

"Some water might be good."

"How do you feel otherwise?"

"Kinda queezy in the stomach."

"It's probably the medications. I'll get you some crackers to eat too, to try and settle your stomach."

Ryder shrugs. "Okay." Watching her leave, he turns his head back to Thirteen, watching her for a moment. "You do realize how much this stinks, right? Me over here, can't move or do anything? I'm the one that's supposed to be taking care of you."