

"Mmmm...I agree to a point. If we can save some lives and turn them to the good side, than we can gain information on taking the Agency down forever. I've mad some good friends out of reformed Agency, Everyone deserves a second chance. but its the ones that dont want to change I don't care about."

Sensing Jason was drawing closer Katie doesn't make any movements or signals that he was there. Keeping her hands in her pockets she paces just a little. Sometimes her talking with Jason came in handy, like this. They made an excellent team.

He seems on edge, wont look me in the eye. I would guess he's worried about Destiny, but something else seems off.

"How long ago did you start working for TJY?"

Looking to her left as Justin sits down Beth gives a small smile. Looking down at the two dogs she iches behind both there ears before looking up at Justin again.

"That was very nice of you to help your mom. I was just going to leave if you hadn't shown up in 15 minutes. Didn't want to be late to work. For some reason I don't think keeping a bench worm would make them happy."

Looking down at the small container that she was holding Beth turns it a little before holding out to Justin.

"I...made to much pie last night and...thought u would like some."


Chance manages a wry chuckle as Katie mentions him and Destiny getting along. "Yeah... yeah we get along pretty well."

Still listening, he quirks an eyebrow and shakes his head, hooking his thumbs in his pockets. "I have no remorse for killing Agency scum. Far be it from me to tell my superiors how to run the Elite, but if it were me, I'd do far less pampering of captured Agency people and start eliminating them. Get the numbers down 'til their extinct. Then things like today wouldn't happen."

Jason pulls into the Elite parking lot, and parks a ways away from the building. He can just make out Chance and Katie near the entrance, and decides not to approach yet.
You can be proud of me... I didn't blow up anything or cause any accidents.

Still sitting, he studies Chance from a distance.
What's happening by now, anyway? Is it still just me, or is there something up with Chance?

Justin comes slowly up the walk, Danitza and Zora obediently at his side. Spotting Beth, a smile emerges and he approaches quietly, glancing to her but not saying anything yet.

Easing down at the other end of the bench, he sighs. "Ma's bathroom sink started leaking and she had water everywhere this morning." He grins and turns to look at Beth. "I wasn't sure I'd make it here in time to see you or not."


Letting some emotions through for Jason that tugged on his humor to show she was giggle a little Katie shook her head.

No, sorry you can't blow him off the road. I think Reese would have a problem with that.

Walking outside with Chance Katie was happy he didn't try and protest. She would of insisted, she wanted free air too. She just killed someone and though it didn't bother her to much, it did stir some emotions she didn't like.

Standing with her hands in her pockets Katie takes a deep breath of air. It smelled light it might rain soon and if it did, than it would match the mood of many right now.

Looking up at Chance Katie's study's him for a long moment not being able to catch his eyes as he didn't look at her, but trying to read his body.

"I think your doing a fine job Chance. You didn't mean for Destiny to get hurt, and you didn't know this was going to happen. I think Destiny would argue with you too. She seems to be quite taken with you. You guys get along well."

Thinking for a moment and giving another small sigh thinking about today, and other days in the past that had been rough.

"Some days I hate my job too. On one hand, I don't care I killed an Agency skum bag, they have torchered my family, myself, and the people I love for far to long and I would do it again in a heart beat. But at the same time it still shakes me up a little every time. All we can do it just keep moving forward though ya know? "

Sitting on the bench outside the hospital Beth had been waiting wondering if she would see Justin today. So far he hadn't shown up and if he didn't soon she would have to leave for work without seeing him.

So sitting a small container in her lap Beth waited just a while longer to see if he would come, she would keep the bench warm.

Wrong guy

Leo was glad that Cassy was happy with how the little studio had turned out. He did wonder about her future though. She'd worked so hard to put this place together, yet she was planning to sell out once she was able to dance again. He guessed it really was none of his business though... if he were her, he'd probably be aiming to dance again too. Maybe this studio was simply a stopgap to her and nothing more.

"Well, I better be going. I got a car I gotta finish today, then hopefully I'll have enough time to clean up before I come back over here tonight."

Ambling towards the door, his hands are tucked in his jeans pockets and he turns once to look at Cassy for a long moment before shaking his head a little. "See you later, Cass."

Rick shrugs at Misty's question while he goes to wash his hands. "Who knows... they probably figured if she wasn't dead, they could make her talk. I'm sure she knows a lot she shouldn't from her father."

Shutting the water off and wiping his hands to dry them, he sighs. "I feel badly though... after all she's been through, then to get shot on top of all that... nobody deserves that."

Yeah, okay.
Jason sighs, his fingers strumming his steering wheel impatiently.
I just got stuck behind a slow-moving truck. Can I blow him off the side of the road?

Having Katie say she was coming with, Chance hesitates. He opens his mouth to protest, then stops, a smile surfacing. "Okay."

Walking with Katie outside, he leans back against the bricks, closing his eyes a moment to take a deep breath. "I hate my job." He shakes his head. "I wasn't cut out to be a bodyguard, and now Destiny's hurt because of it. Maybe this will convince Toby he had the wrong guy for the job."


Giving a nod and a bit of her doughnut Cassy had though about the replacement for her. That would be a job in herself with how picky she was.

"Yeah I'll find a replacement or let people know ahead of time that I will be closing. More than likely find a replacement if I can though since so much work has gone into this."

Eating the last of her doughnut Cassy looks around again admiring there work. It really did feel nice to have this place up and in running condition it was a good feeling.

Working quickly with Rick Misty helps him all she could. Sometimes there wasn't much excitement around TJY but she was thankful for those times so when the bad stuff came along she was ready.

Getting thing prepped it didn't last long that Rick had to dig the bullet out soon Misty was sewing Her up and letting her rest in peace for an hour or so.

"I am happy the Agency didn't want to use poison this time. You think they were trying to keep her alive for a little bit?"

Out in the hall Katie paces herself back and forth herself now that everything had calmed down a little and they new Destiny would be ok Katie had a chance to think. She'd killed someone today, yeah sure she had in the past when on missions but today it was point blank killing it felt completely different.

Looking up as Chance says he is going to get some fresh air Katie stops and thinks for a moment. Maybe because she really didn't want to be alone ether and the face Jason said to watch him she takes a few steps forward.

"I think that sounds good actually. I could use some too. I'll come with ya, Rick knows we are here if anything else happens. I could use the company right now anyways."

Giving a small smile Katie takes a few steps forward to the exit with Chance.

Chance and I are heading outside, we will see you when you get here.

My fault

Leo chuckles a little, but doesn't say anything in response to Cassy's comment. He knew he'd done his fair share around here, but he didn't like getting any attention for it.

"Guess you'll have to find a replacement teacher once you get the feel of the floor again and get to go back on stage, huh?"

Chance grits his teeth, trying not to worry too much. He wasn't used to worrying. It wasn't fun. And he wasn't the one Destiny should be thanking - it was Jason. Chance had been a stumbling idiot, unprepared and distracted. He should have been on his game. This shouldn't have happened.

Arriving at TJY, he's quick but gentle, helping getting Destiny inside and into the infirmary. His shirt and hands had blood all over them - stark evidence that she'd lost a lot of blood.

Having the door burst open, Rick whirls around and steps up with Misty without hesitation. Taking a closer look at Destiny's shoulder, then looking in her eyes, he directs his speech to Chance. "How did it happen?"

"It was my fault," Chance states. "We got ambushed and I didn't see it coming."

"At the funeral?"



"Pretty sure."

Rick purses his lips and nods, then preps to dig out the bullet. "Give us some space - Katie too. Go wait in the hall - we'll call you when we're through." Once the room was empty, Rick relies on Misty to assist him, giving Destiny several shots to get her to sleep and to ease the pain. Digging the bullet out wasn't easy, but they triumph in the end, and Rick has Misty sew up the wound.

Once finished, they put Destiny in a clean robe and get her into the bed with an iv to let her sleep for a while. "She should be fine," Rick states with confidence. "She's young and healthy and I didn't find any traces of any poisons or anything - just a straight bullet."

Out in the hall, Chance paces a little before realizing how much blood he had on himself. Going to clean up, he washes his hands and rolls up his shirt sleeves before joining Katie in the hall again. He's quieter than normal - his usually cheery face is downcast. Pacing a little more, he finally stops and cocks his head down the hall. "I'm going to get some fresh air," he informs Katie. "Come get me if anything happens."


Taking a sip of her own OJ Cassy gives a small nod and takes a look around herself. It looked alot different from when she first got this place. But it wouldn't have gotten that way if not to Leo's help.

"Don't sell yourself short just yet, you deserve as much credit as I do. I couldn't have done it without you Leo, so thank you."

Cassy smiles her eyes sparkling. She wasn't sure how long this place would be open with her wanting to get back into dancing and all, but it was a nice way for her to stay in shape. Having Leo's flair to it was nice too.

Giving a laugh at Chance's comment it causes Destiny to cough followed by a wince of pain that shot through her. Though the smile was still slightly on her face her eyes looked so tired, this was just one more thing to add to everything else on her plate.

"I mouse...can...can be quite scary, but...I think...think...the bodyguard that came rushing in to save me was worth it."

Continuing to drive Katie new she was speeding but she also new that police officers new her plate numbers so they wouldn't pull her over knowing she was Elite.

Glancing into the review mirror Katie watches Chance for a moment a funny feeling coming over her. There was a look in his eyes that said maybe Destiny was a little closer to him than just a job, and yet at the same time Katie could see something else, something deeper and maybe darker and it gave her a chill of her own.

Finally getting to TJY Katie parts right by the front door and gets out of the car. Directing Chance to get out with Destiny Katie helps bring her inside acting fast. She'd already lost so much blood.

Kicking the door to the infermay open Katie enters with Destiny now blood stained on her own clothing.

"Rick, Misty Destiny's been shot in the shoulder, the bullet is still in there and she's lost a lot of blood."

Looking up from her desk and hearing what happened Misty didnt wait to hear anymore she was already up and throwing on her white coat to protect her cloths from blood. Looking over to Rick and giving a nod Misty would start getting stuff togther and sanitized while he was looking Destiny over waiting to hear his next order.

Taking a few steps back Katie stays in the room keeping her eyes in sight of Chance doing what Jason said and making sure he stayed.

Alright, I'll make sure he stays put till u get here.

A few words

Leo laughs and shakes his head, finally pinning the paper in place. Coming down the ladder, he quirks an eyebrow. "Seeing as though breakfast was not on my list of things to do this morning... a doughnut sounds pretty good."

Getting some orange juice and a doughnut, he stays standing, surveying the room and all the work that had been put into it. "Ya done good, Cassy... I bet you'll have plenty of sign-ups tonight, then you'll be on your way."

Chance looks down at Destiny, worry in his eyes. Maybe he was here now, but he hadn't been there when it counted. He'd failed at his job - he'd let her get shot. That wasn't part of the plan and seeing her hurt caused a greater stir of emotions than he thought it would.

He continues to brush aside her hair from her face. "I'm sure a mouse in a linen closet is scarier than a bullet, huh?" He grins. "Besides, you're too tough to get put down by this."

Jason heads back to the small crowd, trying to maintain control and keep them away from the dead body. Calling for backup, it's quick to come and soon there are more Elite and police officers to handle the situation. After giving a fast verbal account of what happened, Jason is released and is able to head to TJY. He knew the others ought to be there by now, and hopefully Rick and Misty would be able to get the bullet out of Destiny without much trouble. As for Chance...

I'm headed your way. Don't let Chance leave if he tries, okay? I think I need to have a few words with him.