
You know how...

Though everything was dull and dark the mind wrapped around the soft words of a song. Clinging, not giving up, straining to listen to those words. Though eyes were closed, and breathing was slow maybe it was the words alone that helped her hang on and keep total darkness at bay.

As the mintues passed and everything happened with the ambulance showed up loading the girl inside a police officer had arrived to the scene as well. Pulling Phil the the side the office pulls out of pad of paper ready to jot some stuff down.

"Did you see the accident? Were you involved? Explain to me what you saw?"

Jotting down all of Phil's answers and getting his name and address the office gives a nod thanking him for saving this young woman's life. Finally letting him go the officer gets into his own car and speeds away heading in the direction of the hospital while fire trucks and other office stay behind to take care of the still burning car.

Opening her door and smile at Dani Misty nods. She had come here with the intention to walk a little in the park. It was a nice day out and she was happy Dani wanted too.

"Of course we can. I also have some ice cream sandwiches we can eat here too."

Reaching into the back seat Misty grabs the two ice creams that had been in the little cooler staying cold. Handing on to Dani she takes one for herself and than gets out of the car. Coming around to Dani's side she waits for her to get out as well. Giving a smile she nods as she takes the paper off her ice cream.

"Ice cream makes everything better."

Coming out of the hospital after finishing her visit with her sister Beth starts down the sidewalk. Looking up at she came to the bench that Justin had been sitting on when she went in now it was empty. Giving a little sigh Beth couldn't help the feeling of being a little disappointed. Why she wasn't sure, it was a strange feeling.

Continuing along the way Beth gets to the parking lot passing a few cars before stopping again seeing a pick up with a familiar pare of legs sticking out of the tail gate. Feeling her heart jump into her throat Beth slowly moves to the bed and looks over at him. Seeing his chest moving up and down a little she relaxes a little.

"You know how to scare the crap out of a person than don't you? I think you need to see someone about your head. See some one here or I am driving you to the hospital not to far away."

Hoping, praying

Looking down into the young woman's eyes, Phil tries to comfort her with a little smile. But as she slips into unconsciousness once again, the worry on his face returns. He may have been handling the situation well on the outside, but inside, his pulse was racing with adrenaline, his heart pumping, wanting to get up and do something. But he had to wait. Had to wait for the ambulance.

"Hang in there," he prompts. Feeling her breathing was growing shallower, he says a prayer, doing his best to make her as comfortable as possible. The wind blew hot through the flames of the nearby car, embers and smoke creating a hazy cloud that blanketed the two huddled on the roadside.

Finding the woman now unresponsive, Phil checks her pulse again, muttering about ambulances taking too long to arrive. Alone in the silence, he starts to hum, trying not only to soothe her, but keep himself calm as well. Words gently roll off his tongue, backed up by the sound of flames, a night breeze and a coyote howling in the distance.

Hold out your hand, cradle the wind.
Close your eyes, life begins.

Run beyond the hills of time,
Let freedom be your guide.
Race with raindrops falling down,
Dance the ocean’s tide.

Breathe in deep, capture the sun.
Stop to hear, hearts beating.

Run beyond the hills of time.
Let freedom be your guide.
Race with raindrops falling down,
Dance the ocean’s tide.

Phil takes his thumb and softly wipes grime from the girl's cheek, brushing aside more of her hair that was matted with blood and sweat.

Catch the breeze, ride the stars.
Hold the light, today’s the day.

Run beyond the hills of time.
Let freedom be your guide.
Race with raindrops falling down,
Dance the ocean’s tide.

Sirens. Phil's heart skips a beat and he turns to look over his shoulder, seeing the ambulance approaching. Thank God. He needn't wave - it was obvious where they were.

As the paramedics arrive, he's bombarded with questions, while needing to step back out of the way. Watching the young woman being placed on a stretcher, he felt helpless, and hoping that she would be okay. Hoping he'd done the right thing.

Dani nods to Misty and blows her nose again, grateful for her presence and the extra tissues as well. "Thank you, Misty. I... I don't know what I'd do if I was alone through this. If I didn't have Carson and you and... and Dalton."

Looking down at her lap, the tears have slowed a little bit. Telling someone about her living nightmare - her memories - it seemed to help just getting it off her chest. She had to. She knew she couldn't bottle it up inside where it would fester. She knew she had to work through it and put it behind her, and admitting what had happened was the start. Talking it through brought it into the light where nothing could hide, even if it was a scary process.

Taking a deep breath, Dani looks out the window at the peaceful little park. "Can we walk for a few minutes? Some fresh air would be nice."