
Many Memories

Hearing Justin's comment it hits deep and home in Beth's heart. He was right no matter what the time was when she came, and when she went it always was a long visit.

"Your right it is always a long stay, but I'd never miss a day."

Turning a little more to say something else to Justin Beth see that he has already turned around himself and was now heading to his truck like a zombie. Not being able to help it a laugh breaths forth and a smile spreads on her lips staying there for a bref moment before it was gone again.

Facing the hospetil again once more Beth makes her way inside again slowly walking down the halls she had been to so many times now. Brefly stopping at the nurses station she chats with the nurse on how her sister was doing and if today was a good day for Sarah. Finding out it was Beth nods and continues to head to her sister room.

"Sarah its me."

Knocking lightly on the door before entering Beth gives a smile to her sister who was sitting by the window. She was dressed for the day since Beth had come a little later someone else had done it. All she had to do was get her jacket on and than they could go for there walk.

"Hey there..see I told you I'd be here once again today and its a wonderful day outside too."

Now in the room with her sister Beth's eyes, voice and whole demeanor just seemed to soften. Taking her sister jacket she slowly takes her arms and puts them into the sleaves before zipping it up.

"Oh man...I think I'm going to have to buy you a new jacket this one is getting small on you. Any idea what color you might like?"

Searching her sister's lifeless eyes Beth tryed looking for an answer wanting to be able to get her sister what she wanted, but getting no answer or not even a clue it was hard.

"How about purple...I know you love that color."

Taking her sister hand she helps her up out of the chair as they slowly walk out of the room. Moving slow Beth didn't care how long it took..as long as she got Sarah up and moving thats what mattered to her.

"How about we walk about the flower gardens, I know the flowers are just starting and they look so pretty...just like you."

Eyeing Justin as he entered the office Dalton stays on guard. He normally didn't like people he didn't know just walking into his and Scott's office but earlier he had seen this man talking with Reese so he must be ok right?

Sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest Dalton's thinks for a long moment considering a few things. If Justin was helping Scott than it would be a good thing to let him answer questions right? He'd never liked councilors though since he had been forced to go to one himself and the only reason he was ok with Hope was because He little buddy was so in love with her.

Finally answering Justin Dalton's voice is low and a little rough to match his appearance. This was for Scott, he'd do it for him.

"I don't like people like you picking my brain but if helps Scott I'll answer a few questions. It's lonely not having him around here."

Sliding her helmet on and getting onto the back of Eli's bike it was familiar now, and just came natural. Wrapping her arms around her wast and giving a little squeeze herself to hug him.

The ride was long and Scarlet loved it never wishing it would end at tims she would just get lost. Even resting her hand on Eli's back for a moment to signal her approval. But soon the ride comes to an end as they pull up to Mom and Pop's. She'd eaten here once before but not since it came under new management she could only hope it was still as good.

Returning his kiss softly Scatlet's on arm that was still around Eli tightens just a little. Even the soft kiss he gave were nice, and there was just something about them.

Leaning her chin over his shoulder Scarlet gives a little sigh. She'd miss these rides, and by Eli's tone he would too.

"Mmm...yes you better make this one a good one. Than again though I wouldn't say this would be the last ride. Maybe my bike will break down a lot giving me the chance to ride some more with you."

Giving a small chuckle Scarlet gets off the bike and stands waiting for Eli to follow suit and get off as well. Her leather jacket crinkling a little as she waited the wind blowing her hair softly.

"You could always just come steal me away too that might be fun."

The ride was quiet with lots of music but Karla didn't mind. There was nothing to fear in the still sound of silence though she was full of her own energy that caused her to sing along to the music every once in a while before remembering someone else was in the car and feeling silly.

Coming to the rest stops were nice as she could stretch her legs and chat with the others. Carrying her desposible camra with her she made sure to take lost of pictures. Alice had asked if once they were devloped if she could take a look at them and use them. It made Karla feel good that she would want too.

Once back in the car with Kip Karla looks over to him and smile giving a nod.

"I'm holding up good. Was nervous at first but...I think things are going to be fine."

Moving a little closer to him and putting her head against his Karla pulls the camera up quick and takes a picture of them together. One of the many memories they would share.

Close friend

Justin chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm just the hired clown...er... counselor. Either one." His smile holds both a silliness and a seriousness that showed it was real business he was here for, despite the way it looked like he was always playing.

As Beth walks away, Justin catches her last statement and cocks his head, studying her. His tone is a little quieter... thoughtful... a contrast to his appearance. Who was she? She didn't act like a doctor or nurse. Nor did she appear to be a patient. So who was she visiting, and why? What pain had been dealt to her? "No matter the amount of time spent... coming here is never a short visit, is it?"

Giving her a little nod, he respects the fact that she's ended the encounter, and he turns to go his own way as well. Whether she's looking or not though, he has suddenly developed a severe limp, causing him to drag his one leg in the most peculiar manner.

Getting back to his truck, he throws his stuff in the back on top of the baseballs he had yet to put back in his garage. Thankfully today, the pickup starts up on the first try, and he's on his way again. But it wasn't home today. No, he was headed in the same direction, but passes by his road as he heads into town. He had another destination in mind. One that would hopefully hold answers...

...Parking in the large lot, Justin scans the other cars. It was afternoon and the lot was quiet, but he'd been told it was quite busy underneath the factory. Shrugging, he gets out and ambles to the door. He was straightened up with his hair at least combed, but he was still stained with red, green and blue, clothes, hands, hair and all. Once inside, he finds his way down to TJY's lower level and stops, gazing across the few rows of cubicles and seeing a lot of strange faces.

Justin takes another look at the folder in his hand, scanning the list of names and connections to Scott that he'd gotten from Dr. Hawks. Ambling forward, he feels awkward on the inside, but tries not to let it show. Nodding to a few faces, it was apparent that they wondered who on earth he was... either that, or where on earth he'd been to come in such a messy state.

After meeting up with the chief and talking briefly, Justin is on his own again, per his request, to scout around and glean the information he wanted. Taking his time, he wanders down the hall, finally coming to the office with two names on the half-open door. Knocking and letting the door open farther, Justin looks in to see Dalton, then looks back at his file folder before glancing back to him again. "Hi. I'm Justin Hawks. You must be Dalton."

Entering slowly, Justin approaches the desk and the big man who sat behind it. He studies Dalton's face for a moment, as if trying to sum him up. "I've been working with Scott Johnson the last couple days up at Brookshire and I'm just trying to get a feel for what he did everyday here... what his environment was like. I was told that you're pretty close friends with him, so I wondered if you had a few moments that I could pick your brain?"

Eli flips up the visor on his helmet, hearing Scarlet's comment. His cheeks rise, proven that though hidden, he was smiling. His voice raises above the loud motorcycle engine. "If I was waiting for someone else, I forgot all about them as soon as I laid eyes on you."

Making sure she's got her helmet on and her arms around his waist, one gloved hand finds hers, giving it a little squeeze before taking the handlebars again.

The ride was nice and long again, Eli taking the long route once more. Today it was Mom and Pop's he comes to. He'd gotten to know Carson well enough they'd wave at each other, but it was mainly the pizza that brought Eli back here frequently. Parking in the lot, he cuts the engine and lets the bike lean onto its kickstand. Taking off his helmet, he turns a little so he can see over his shoulder, giving Scarlet a grin. "Hey, Beautiful."

Waiting until her own helmet was off, he leans back and gives her a soft kiss on the lips. "I better make this a good date," he mentions wryly. "It might be the last one since you're picking up your bike afterward."

Kyle brings a hand to Alice's face, smiling down at her. He couldn't imagine if she hadn't been along on this journey with him. He more than likely would have given up more than once had she not been there for him, supporting him and picking him back up when he fell. It wasn't just his journey anymore... it was theirs.

"I love you," he whispers.

Giving her hand a squeeze, he holds up the jeep keys in the air, giving a whoop. "All aboard!"

There are quick last-minute goodbyes, clamoring to make sure everything is ready, and everyone dives into their assigned vehicles. And this time, it was Kyle that led the way. They would take plenty of rests, and they would find a place to stay the night in Wyoming once they were halfway to Nevada. Tomorrow they would reach their destination. Kyle had already made arrangements with his grandparents to house the small group for just a couple nights until they could find a hotel or somewhere else. He'd made sure though, that no one mentioned a word of it to the rest of his family. He was well aware that there was a JetStream concert the day after tomorrow and he knew now how he would greet his family and friends.

Kip lets music fill up most of the quiet time in the car as they drive, not wanting to talk if Karla didn't want to. He was just as glad she was riding with him at all, so he didn't mind not having nonstop conversation. He did feel like he was ready to bounce off the walls though, but tried hard to contain his energy.

By mid-afternoon though, at one of the rest stops, he winds up in a friendly wrestling match with Russ, just to let off some steam. Everyone was getting tired, but they were all too wound up to find a night's stopover just yet. A couple more hours and they would.

Getting back to his car, Kip slides across the hood and slips in behind the wheel again, glancing over to Karla with a silly grin. "How ya holding up?" What he really wanted to ask was how she was doing now that most of the day had passed, and if she felt any better about him, but he refrained.

Techno Color Zombie!

Turning to look at the house a little herself with Kip Karla lets out a small sigh. She hadn't spent to long here but it was long enough she could of called it home. Erik's family had opened the door to her, his mother letting her work around the house, and giving her a place to sleep and eat. Being on on her own in the world she new to well and maybe could help the other but here...this had been her shelter for a short while a place that had changed her life. It was sad to see it go even if she would be back one day. After all she had left some items behind in her room.

"Everything is going to change...for the good. I'm happy I get to share this experience with you."

Giving Kip's hand a squeeze and taking a deep breath Karla gets into the car and once the door is shut she rolls down the window to rest her arms on it and continue to look out. She'd never dreamed life would have taken her down this path, but God was amazing and had a plan for everything. To know part of his plan was her sharing this experience with the others it was exciting. She would hold the title as manager and help the band the best she could that was exciting too. Karla was read, the whole words awaited them.

Alice wore her own smile as she looked back at Kyle. What and adventure they had, had and though the adventure was continuing it, going home felt like one chapter was closing so another could open.

"I remember those days of just driving behind the bus. The excitement, the adventure, the world was at our finger tips and it's far from over."

Taking Kyle's hand in her own Alice can't help but let her smile grow even more. Some people hated being on the road but Alice wouldn't change it for the world. She formed a strong bond with Kyle, and all the lessons that had been learned along the way had been well worth it. Alice's eyes twinkle in the moonlight that was left.

"We are ready for this...together. Lets go home."

Hearing the engen rev outside a smile cross Scarlet's face. Leaving the bathroom after putting her hair back in a low pony tail she hears into the kitchen to turn off the light and than makes her way down the hall again grabbing her leather jacket along the way.

Exiting the house, locking the door Scarlet finally it making her way to Eli's bike but before getting on right away she couldn't help the bright smile that had formed on her lips just from seeing Eli on his bike.

"Hey there Handsome, are you waiting for someone or mind if I ride with you?"

Still standing on the sidewalk Beth can't help but quirk an eyebrow as she continues to watch Justin. Not letting the twinkle in his eye go unnoticed, but keeping herself from falling into there depths as well witch seemed like it would be so easy to do.

"I guess I'm just the lucky one who gets to wonder what on earth your doing all the time."

As Justin holds out his hand Beth looks down at it for a moment she wasn't trying to be rude but actual contact with someone else was not her strong point, though if he had kept his hand out longer she would of shook it. A little releaf comes over her though as his with draws his hand making the comment about what he had being catchy.

"Guess I better not shake your hand than, don't want someone to think I'm turning into a techno color zombie. If you put a limp in your walk you might look like that too."

Beth's mouth turns up into a half smile that was gone as quick as it came someone would have to have a keen eye to have caught it in time. Continuing to study Justin Beth shakes her head at the fleeting thought they he was good looking even if he was a mess right now maybe they just added to it a little.

Turning to continue her rout inside Beth stop and calls over her shoulder a little hint of teasing in her voice.

"So when I come out I'm not gonna find you under my car again am I? Because you might have a long wait. Today is not a short visit!"


Hearing Karla's decision to ride halfway with Twila and Theo, Kip tries to hide the disappointment in his eyes. He'd so looked forward to the ride with her, even picking out music he knew she liked, though he hadn't told her so. He really had messed up this time.

Even so, he forces a little smile and nods, respecting her wishes. Everyone else had paired up... Erik and Russ, Kyle and Alice, Twila and Theo and now Karla... Kip was used to being the odd man out though, so this really wasn't something new.

Ready to head to his car, he's stopped when Karla speaks again. Surprised, his eyebrows rise a little. He was confused she'd changed her mind, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. It really was as bit of a relief, and a grin spreads his lips.

Reaching out, he takes her hand and nods. "That offer's always open. I don't wanna go it alone either."

Kip steps down beside her so they can walk together to his car. Arriving though, he turns and takes one last look at the house. This had been his haven for many years. It was where his family was, that he never would have had, had it not been for their love and Erik's friendship. He'd be back, he was sure, but he'd miss this big place. Gone were the days of living in a mansion. They all would be fine and enjoy living a bit simpler, but there were parts of all of them that would miss some of the luxuries they'd gotten used to.

"Well... this is it." He opens the door for Karla.

Kyle waits by Alice's jeep, leaned up against the driver's side door. Joined by her, he smiles. With hardly any sleep last night, a part of him was tired, but he was mainly too hyped up to be sleepy, and they had plenty of Mountain Dew to share on the road. "Looks like we're back on the road." He pats the jeep. "Feels like just yesterday we were taking off and I was looking through the back window of the bus at you."

Laughter twinkles in his eyes. "I feel like we've come so far, yet hardly moved at all." Pausing, he searches Alice's eyes. "Are we ready for this?"

Eli chuckles, but agrees. "Alright, I'll pick the spot this time. I'll swing by your place about noon and we'll do lunch, then I'll bring you back here."

"Eli!" Sandy reprimands him as he's pacing behind her and the phone cord gets wrapped around her head. "Would you quit flirting and get back to work?"

Eli chokes on a laugh, not having realized he'd entwined poor Sandy. Working with the tangle, he tries to finish his conversation. "I gotta go. Noon. See you then." Hanging up quickly, he gives Sandy a sheepish look. "Sorry."

Though she smirks at him, there was humor in her eyes. "Just be glad I don't complain that you're using company time for your dates?"

"What? I'm shocked. You know Scarlet's a customer."


"Well... so what if I decided to date her, hmm? And besides, I've been putting in extra hours so I have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Then get going and get some of those hours in." Sandy points to the door.

Eli grins and ruffles her hair before turning to leave. There were days he hated his job, and days he loved it.

Noon on the nose, Eli's pulling up to Scarlet's apartment again, revving his engine to let her know he's there.

Still aiming for the parking lot, Justin stops as he sees Beth. One eyebrow quirks at her greeting, though he can't help his grin. "We have got to stop meeting like this," he muses, shaking his head at her question. "There are days that I'm rightfully unsure as to whether or not I'm an escapee. They haven't held me yet though, so I'm still pretty sure I belong on the outside."

Chuckling, his eyes sparkle in the sunlight. "By the way..." She'd dropped her name yesterday but he hadn't done the same for her. It was only fair. "I'm Justin." He starts to hold out one hand, but realizes it's covered in dried dye, so he hesitates then retreats. "You... might not wanna shake my hand. Whatever I have might be catching."