
News Flash

The smile becomes a little more easy on Karla's face as ther conversation with Kip shifts, and some of the humor comes back. Though she was hurt still a little just talking about it with Kip had lifted some of it.

"We're gonna have a blast on this new adventure."

As the ice cream comes back into play again Karla moves a little closer to Kip so she could get a better reach as it. Dipping it in and holding it up so it touched his she nods in agreement.

"Here, Here!"

Bringing it to her mouth she stops for a moment watching Kip's face as her gets his own brain freeze. Sipping her's slowly another laugh erupts causing her to get a little bit of ice cream on her nose without even realizing it as she continued to laugh at Kip.

"Hey maybe if our brains freeze enough we will be able to get some sleep tonight."

Looking down at the man who was now laying on his back looking up at her, the woman couldn't help the smirk that formed on her lips. His comment proving he could be a smartalec himself if wanting to. Rolling her eyes though she waits for him to get off the ground and move a few steps back before going to the driver side door.

"Waiting for me to leave now would be a lot easier on your part and I wouldn't run you over."

Eyeing him for a moment the smerk still remains as she looks behind the car to see if she can see any other balls.

"I'll make sure to keep an eye out for them. The last thing I need to do is report a ball attacked me and than the next time you saw me would be the new flash that says Local woman Beth Parker thrown in mental hospital for thinking balls attacked her. I think I'd think to stay away from that headline."

Opening her car door Beth stops it just in time so it didnt hit this relatively good looking man that stood by her car. Standing for a moment by the door she shakes her head a little.

"Well good luck in the hunt and don't slink under to many strange cares. Some people arnt as nice as I am to warn you before pulling out."

Without warning

Though taking time made Kip a bit leery, he'd respect Karla's wishes. After all, he was the one in trouble here, not her. He wasn't exactly in a position to argue.

He looks down as she touches his hand, and a small smile slowly creases his lips. "I have a feeling you'll always be one of my best friends too, Karla. I'm... really glad that you're coming with us."

Turning his hand over so hers could rest in his palm, he gives it a little squeeze before withdrawing. Reaching back behind him, he grabs the ice cream again before it got too soft. Dipping his spoon in, he then raises it as if as a toast. "To friendship... forgiveness... and laughter."

Putting the whole spoonful in his mouth, it's then his turn to cringe. "Ohhh man. Shouldn't have done that."

Hearing a woman's voice, Justin rolls his eyes. Just his luck. Scooting out backward until he was free from under the car, his shirt rides up partway and he rolls over to look up at the stranger, the sunlight making it difficult to make out her features as he squints.

"If I wanted you to run me over, hopefully I'd be a patient inside, not out here in this embarrassing position," he retorts. "I happen to have lost a baseball and I was merely trying to retrieve it."

Picking himself up, he stands, brushing off loose dirt and little bits of gravel. "Now, if you would have come two minutes earlier you could have pulled out already, making my job of picking up the ball a whole lot easier, and you never would have witnessed the prowling lunatic."

Setting his hands on his hips, he backs up a step to give her more room to get into her car. "Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll just wait for you to leave. Watch it going out though - there's more baseballs closer to the driveway. They tend to attack without warning."


Listing to Kip speak makes Karla smile a little despite the mood. His words were nice, and kind and she new they were meant to make her feel better. In a little way they did to an existent. It was nice hearing she was special when Kip had met her even if she hadnt felt it one bit it was just nice to have someone see her like that.

Shifting on the bed again a little Karla looks up at Kip and trys to give a small smile again. She did need time and she happy Kip understood that and was willing to give it to her. If anything was to go farther that was an important factor giving each other time when they needed it.

"I still want to be friends to Kip. Your the best one I got, and thats not something to forget easily."

Moving her eyes to his hand that was still resting on her leg from where he patted it Karla looks up at him again searching his face for a moment. What would happen later down the road Karla didn't know. How much time would she need, she could only guess not long but she didn't want to make any promise. Resting her hand on top of his for a moment she smiles again.

"Anything else that happens, we will have to wait and see what lies around the bend. No matter what though you'll be my best friend."

Heading out of the hospetil like she had so many times before a tall athletic looking woman simply stops taking in the fresh air of the afternoon. She'd stayed here longer than normal today but her sister needed her and she wasn't about to just leave her there. Now she had calmed down though and the woman had promised to be back tomorrow.

Weaving in and out of some of the cars the woman finally get to her own only to stop short as a pare of legs and half of someone's body sticks out from under it. Rolling her eyes at herself and wondering what on earth was going on the woman leans against the car for a moment just eyeing the man that was sticking out from under her car before finally saying something.

"Do I want to know what your doing under my car? If your hoping I'll run over you its kind of hard to miss you sticking out there."

The woman's voice wasn't cold, but it lacked a certain ton as well that came off maybe a little to sarcastic. She hadn't ment it that way it just had been a long day already and she still had to go into work explaining why she was late. Whatever the reason was it was to late to take it back now and she could only hope this person under her car could take it in good humor and not give her to much guff.

Try again

Kip smiles a little as Karla gets a brain freeze, though he refrains from teasing her this time. As she shifts around, he turns a little bit too to face her, bringing one leg up onto the bed.

Hearing her explanation, it seemed to fit what Twila had told him, which helped him understand better, though deep down he was starting to feel even worse. Licking off his spoon, he sets the ice cream aside, not caring if it got a little soggy.

Turning a bit more, he hesitates before giving her leg a pat. She looked so sad... disappointed. He couldn't help it that his own eyes showed how sad he was too... sad and sorry. "Karla, I..." This was awkward. It felt terrible. But he knew if they didn't talk it out at some point, this wasn't going to go away.

Looking her in the eye seems to give him courage. "I want you to know that... that you you are special. That you're very special. And... what I did today... it was because I'm not so special."

Kip swallows hard. "I've... had problems... telling people no... but it's no excuse. It just means that... I probably don't deserve a friend like you 'cause I'm always messing up." He forces a sad sort of laugh. "I've always been that way. Getting into trouble 'cause I don't think first. It's no wonder Erik's always on my case, and Twila... she's got good advice, but I haven't deserved any more than her treating me like a kid most of the time."

He knows he's getting off the point, so he closes his eyes for a moment, trying to get back on track. "You being special... it has nothing to do with anyone else 'cause... well, 'cause you make you special, not other people. You were special when I met you, and you always will be."

Kip tries to give her a little smile, though he felt just about as low as he could right now. "I don't have feelings for Whitney, I just... she always paid attention to me, even if I know it wasn't good. I don't have a reason for kissing her back today. She caught me by surprise, I wasn't thinking, and before I knew it, I was feeling stupid all over again. I've got... I've got a lot to work on, and I know it, so if you don't wanna be close to me anymore, I... I understand."

His head hangs and he doesn't even try to keep eye contact anymore. "But... I... I still wanna be friends and... and maybe after... after you've had enough time and stuff, we could... well... maybe try again... or something."

Leaving Scott on the bench near the walking path, Justin ambles towards the parking lot. His bat was slung over his shoulder, while in the other hand he lugged the bucket of baseballs he and Scott had collected. It had been an interesting day. Scott had talked more than Justin thought he would, and he had learned a lot about this patient who had been brought here against his will. It was an odd case... certainly unique, with bits and pieces that seemed unreal, in connection with this organization called the Agency. It was more like a sci-fi novel rather than reality. But Justin had enough people stating facts that he believed it, and he knew well enough not to share the information with anyone else, lest he himself get put on a list of people the Agency wanted to kill.

Once again, he doesn't stop in at the office. He had not been asked to report daily, as Dr. Hawks knew full well that Justin would refuse. He didn't like reporting every day - one day at a time was hardly a way to analyze these encounters. Eventually, he'd let the doctor know what he thought, but until he was ready, these days were between him and Scott.

Arriving at the parking lot, Justin heads for the beat-up, rust-red pickup at the far end. Halfway there though, the old bucket groaned under the weight of the baseballs, and one side of the handle gave way. Baseballs went everywhere, scattering all across the parking lot.

Justin stares at the runaway balls and stops to sigh a deep sigh. Wandering the rest of the way to his pickup, he tosses the broken bucket and the bat into the bed and begins to pickup the baseballs. One at a time, he zigzags across the parking lot to collect his stash, throwing them into the bed of his truck with pretty good aim. One ball in particular had rolled under a car and he finds himself on his stomach, crawling to try and reach the rogue baseball.


Sitting on the bed cross legged from Kip Karla takes the spoon nodding her head in thanks. Reaching for a scoop she slowly licks the cold treat before popping the whole spoonful in her mouth so it didn't melt all over the place.

"Don't be silly Kip, If I hadn't wanted you in here after all I wouldn't have left the door open or told you to come in. However I guess I can't blame you ether for not knowing if I wanted you here or not. After all us girls are pretty cryptic sometimes. As for riding with someone else tomorrow, I'll have to wait till than on how I'm feeling."

Taking another bit of the ice cream Karla closes her eyes for a moment tight as the whole side of her face goes numb for a quick moment signaling she might have been eating the ice cream a little to fast.

"Ahhhh...brain freeze."

Keeping her eyes closed for a moment Karla finally opens them again giving a stupid little laugh though her mood was crappy for the moment at least she laughed.

"I guess I should slow down a little on eating."

Shifting on the bed again Karla moves so her back is against the headbored and her legs are stretched behind Kip. Letting out a small sigh she just study's him for a long moment. He looked sad, and so confused himself on this whole thing.

"I'm sorry Kip. I guess I really don't have a right to be mad at you but I am anyways. I know your sorry and I forgive you, I know your confused on why I am so hurt but its hard to explain. I guess I felt special....you made me feel good. I never felt special before I met you. I always just felt like a pile of nothing going in and out of jobs. and than when I saw you kissing that other girl I just...didn't feel so special anymore because even if the kiss was small what we shared had been shared with someone else too."

Karla rolls her eyes at herself before moving on the bed again. Going to the edge she lets her feet dangle to the floor. She didn't felt like she was making any sense let alone probably making even less to Kip. She just felt like talking it out, maybe making Kip realizes why it hurt so much.

"I know you didn't mean to hurt me, and I know you didn't mean to make me feel this way and maybe I am even to blame a little to...I just...I don't even know what I am saying now."


Seeing Karla that weary and really not wanting to see him, Kip feels like just turning around and leaving. He'd tried... he'd thought his effort would count for something.

Sighing, he sees her walk back in, but sticks around long enough to hear her next few words. Was she inviting him to stay? Was she saying she did want the ice cream? Or was she just trying to blow him off nicely? He wasn't even sure. But he'd bungled things up enough today, what was one more spill?

Trudging into her bedroom, he sits down on the bed, seeing that she was packing things up. He hoped he hadn't ruined the excitement for her. They were all looking forward to setting off tomorrow. Handing her a spoon, he takes a bite of the ice cream with his own spoon, unsure if she really wanted the treat or not, but figuring he'd make it easy for her.

Sucking on the mouthful and letting it melt, he eyes Karla for a moment. "Sorry... I know you said you wanted to be alone. I guess I thought if you had too much time to think, you might conclude I wasn't worth the effort. But... maybe that wasn't so smart of me either." He sighs and drops his gaze to the ice cream. "I'll leave if you want. And... tomorrow... if you'd rather ride with Twila and Theo, I'd understand." He'd be disappointed, but the look in Karla's eyes since earlier told him there was a good chance she would feel more comfortable riding with someone else.


Folding a few more shirts Karla puts them into her suitcase. She didn't have much to pack but she had enough that if she wanted to get everything she needed she'd better start now. Not everything was going with her Erik's mom had told her this was her home too just like Erik and Kip what she wanted to leave she could so when she returned it would be here. It made Karla feel good knowing she had some place to call home, but still the dark cloud loomed from the events that happened a few hours before.

Going to the large closet again and grabbing some more clothing than coming back out to fold it again Karla hears the knock on the door followed by Kip's voice. Putting the cloths in the bag Karla rolls her eyes a little just continuing to listen to Kip. Did she want company right now maybe, from Kip not really. She was still upset and felt hurt even if there was a part of her that forgave him. She just wanted the time to heal and deal but he wouldn't even give her that.

Just listing still and not yelling for him to go away Karla had to admit he was at least trying and sounded cute in doing so even if she was mad. Going to the door Karla waits before opening it hearing about his fingers freezing she can't help the small chuckle. It was a funny image she got of Kip trying to play the base minus one finger.

Finally taking hold of the door handle Karla opens the door her voice following it was soft the tone tired to match what little energy she felt.

"You don't really listen to the whole give me some time thing huh?"

Turning and going back over to the bed Karla new Kip would come into the room on his own but thinking maybe her comment would keep him from coming in she looks up at the door holding one of her shirts.

"But if your fingers fall off it will be my fault the band doesn't have a bass player and who can turn down ice cream anyways right?"

Hearing the alarm go off Hope slams the button to her alarm clock. It felt like she had just fallen asleep and she hurt all over still. Lifting her head from the pillow Hope glances at the clock. It was seven o'clock already.

Laying her head down on the pillow again Hope could feel her eyes wanting to close one more. Just a half hour more thats all she needed than she would be fine. Stress had just caught up to her and now she must be coming down with something. Whatever it was though hit hard and fast.

Just a little more sleep than she would be ok to head into work before going to the hospital. Dr. Thomas would be waiting for her, and she new if she didnt come in he would be calling wondering where she was.

Messed up

Kip continues to search Karla's eyes, so sorry, but so confused as well. Why was she this hurt? Why was she angry? He wants to say more, but apparently he'd already caused enough damage.

Letting his eyes drop, he moves out of the way so Karla can go inside. Trudging to the porch steps, he flops down to lean his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands. What had he done wrong? He wasn't even sure, yet he still felt guilty. What was he supposed to do now?


His head shoots up as he feels Twila's hand on his shoulder. "Huh?"

She chuckles, not having meant to startle him. "We got lemonade - figured you woulda come in by now."


Twila cocks her head at his dismal tone, and eases down next to him. She'd seen Karla walk through to get some lemonade just a few minutes ago and had noticed her offish demeanor, even if she hadn't said anything. Was this related? "Something wrong?"

"I dunno. Yeah... maybe." Kip shrugs. "Guess I messed up... again."

"What happened?"

Kip really didn't want to explain, but he did need help figuring this out, and Twila was good at that sort of thing. "Whitney came by." He looks at her pleadingly. "Don't tell Erik."

Twila purses her lips, knowing full well the trouble he'd gotten into before. But there was such desperation in his eyes that she finally relents. "Okay. But what happened?"

"Well, she... she kissed me and... I kissed her back."

"I see. And?"

"And Karla saw it."

"Ah." Now Twila was starting to understand. "Was she... upset?"

"I guess so. I mean... I'm not sure why."

Seeing he was utterly clueless, Twila takes it slow. "Well... are you two more than friends?"

"I don't know. I mean... I kinda maybe kissed her the other day." He gives Twila a sidelong glance. "It wasn't anything big though. We were just celebrating and.. and... and it just sorta happened."

"Aw, Kip." Twila looks at him with sympathy, even though she was gently chiding. "And you didn't really mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"Your affection?"

Kip could feel the heat in his face again. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. "Well, I... I... I did... I think?" He swallows hard. "I like her and... we're close and..." He stops and looks at Twila's waiting expression. "Yeah... yeah, I guess I meant it. It would take a blind man not to see Karla's special. I... I do like her, ya know?"

"Mm-hmm." Twila wasn't going to say that everybody could see that those two had gotten close. They all knew it was only a matter of time before they actually admitted they were a couple. "And you think that little kiss you gave meant nothing to her?"

"Well...well, I don't know. It's not like we talked about it."

Twila bites her lip and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Kip... when you kiss a girl, it means something to her. Trust me on that one. You like each other and even if was just a little kiss, you were still giving her that special attention that's meant just for her." She pauses. "Unless you don't mean it anymore."

"No, no, I do... I... I still like her."

"And you kissed Whitney today."

Now Kip was starting to get it. "So... I prolly really hurt Karla's feelings, huh?"

"Yeah, probably. Put yourself in her shoes. You're her hero, Kip. She thought she was gonna be your special one. And now she just witnessed that it wasn't true."

"But it was. My feelings haven't changed."

"And so you kissed Whitney because..."

"I... didn't tell her no." Kip hangs his head again. "I did mess up, huh?"

"Yeah, I think ya did." Twila gives him a little squeeze. "Quit letting Whitney control you. You know she only wants you around because she can tell you what to do. But Karla... she really cares about you... for the right reasons. Whether you two start having a dating relationship or not, you've been leading up to it, so on a certain level, it feels like you lied."

Kip is quiet for several moments. "What do I do?"

"That's up to you. Just ask yourself what you really want. Then stick to it."

Left alone for a while, Kip sits and thinks, glad that everyone else was inside right now. Finally though, he lets out a long sigh. Dating relationship in the future or not, he had to at least make this right.

Getting up, he wanders into the house and slips down to the kitchen instead of to the sun room where everyone else had congregated. Retrieving what he wanted from the freezer, he glances in on the group, noting that Karla wasn't with them, so he heads upstairs to her room. Finding the door shut, he figures this was where she was.

Knocking softly, he pauses a moment. "Karla?" He swallows hard. "I, um... I got some ice cream here and..." He fiddles with the cold Ben & Jerry's in his hand. "It's got chocolate and some peanut butter and... it's too much for me to eat. Well... not really, but I don't wanna make myself sick and if nobody shares it with me, then I'll end up just downing the whole thing."

Kip waits, biting his lip. "And it's getting really cold... and freezing my fingers. And that would be bad 'cause if I lost any of my fingers it would be really hard to play my bass after that."

Waiting a few more moments, he speaks again, a little softer. "I got two spoons... if... if you wanna share..."

It was Scott's second encounter with Justin the next day. He found himself not minding the new company. Justin seemed to be non-intrusive, never seeming to invade Scott's private space nor talk about things unless Scott wanted to. It felt good to have someone at least seeming to not be trying to fix him or be worried about him. If Justin was simply doing his job, he was very good at it, but Scott sensed it was more than that. Justin had some deep layers himself, and to Scott, he was genuine. He may have been called in for this job, but his attitude and outlook was real. And that was why Scott didn't mind spending his time with him instead of Dr. Hawks.

Crack! The baseball goes flying across the clearing, sailing into the trees on the far end. Scott lets the baseball bat hang as he watches to see where the ball ends up.

"Wooee." Justin grins and picks up another ball out of his bucket. "You play baseball in college or something?"

Scott gives a little scoff and repositions himself. "You kidding me? I've been the nerd ever since elementary school. I couldn't have made the team if I'd been paid to."

Strike. The bat cuts through the air, the ball landing back behind Scott.

Justin rolls another ball in his hand before lining himself up with Scott again. "You got some aim though."

Crack! Another ball flies. Scott shrugs. "Two out of three. I guess it's alright."

"If you didn't learn in school, where'd you learn to aim?"

"My job." Scott concentrates on the next incoming ball as their voices remain at a loud tone so they could hear each other.

"I thought you were a tech guy?"

"I was. They put me through the basics though. I learned to hit targets." Another ball is shot into oblivion. Scott's heartrate has picked up and he's starting to breathe more heavily. Just this little exercise was hard after not having been active for so long. "Wasn't enough though," he mutters.

Justin had heard him, but asks anyway. "What's that?"

"I said it wasn't enough," Scott answers more clearly. "I wouldn't be here if I'd had more training."

Justin throws another ball. "And how's that? You woulda fought off the orderlies?"

Scott can't help a little smirk at the joke before he gets another strike. "No, I woulda never gotten caught by the Agency."

"The Agency, huh?"

"Don't pretend like you don't know," Scott counters. "You wouldn't be here if you hadn't been given my files."

A smile spreads on Justin's face and he lets another ball fly. "You said yesterday not to beat around the bush. I should have remembered."

Scott nods with satisfaction. "Thank you." Crack!

"Well... I never knew anybody who could fight with a bomb," Justin comments, tracing a line in the ground with his toe before taking a pitching stance again.

"I coulda run faster."

"To where?"

Scott's eyes narrow as he focuses on the next ball. There had been no way out of that house. And even if he'd been faster, he might not have lost his eye, but he still would have been picked up by the Agency on the other side of the tunnel. "I coulda been smarter and gotten the doors unlocked so I could get out."

Justin had done his homework. "It would have taken you too long to go back to the computer and hack back into the system."

"So if I'd been faster - "

"You would have gotten blown up in the office instead of escaping."

"I coulda been wiser and never gone in there in the first place."

"Which friend would you have chosen to take your place?" Justin aims he final ball too far to the right.

Scott's bat slices the air, the ball way too far out of his range to even nick. He looks questioningly at Justin, who had, up until now, thrown perfect pitches.

Justin takes off his glove and picks up his bucket. The strike had been entirely because of his bad pitch."Sometimes... it just isn't our fault." He gestures to the treeline. "Lets go find us some baseballs."

Scott rests his bat on the ground, watching Justin walk away for a moment. "Sometimes it just isn't our fault." There had been nothing he could do about missing that ball. What about the bomb? Sighing, he leaves the bat where it is, and heads after Justin, tired, but willing to try and collect the balls.


Unable to go inside again Karla started to feel a bit frustrated and irritated she just wanted to go inside and try to sort through everything that had been running through her mind. She didn't want keep here trying to make up reasons, and trying to get her to understand when the simple line was, it was not ok, and it hurt. Leaving her feeling worse then when she had first met Kip. Would she be ok? More than likely if Kip would give her some time to sort through everything.

"Just because your leaving it behind tomorrow doesn't mean it was ok to kiss her today and what if you ever come back? Will you be able to say no than ? I can't help I feel hurt even if I did miss think that we were more than friends."

Letting out another sigh she felt redickulace herself. This shouldn't be bothering her so much, and she should be making a big deal out of it but she couldn't help it how she felt was just..how she felt. Letting out another sigh Karla continues to look into Kips eyes.

"Thank you for your explanation, and for you apology. Just give me time to get over being angry and hurt, I can't turn that off in a snap of my fingers and pretend this didn't happen. It doesn't work like that. I have feelings and they can't just be turned off. Now may I please go inside?"


Kip doesn't even know how to respond. He hadn't planned on Whitney showing up, or kissing her, or having anyone see them for that matter. It had just... happened. It seemed he'd never been able to say no to her, and today was proof of that. But how lame did that sound? "Oh, well, I didn't want to kiss her, I just couldn't help myself." Yeah, that would be great.

The knot in his stomach seems to tighten, the more he realizes that he'd apparently hurt Karla's feelings. They'd gotten close lately... closer as friends and... he had kissed her the other day. It had been on impulse and it hadn't been anything grand but... but he couldn't deny that his feelings for Karla seemed to be growing beyond just friends. So why then had he just hauled off and kissed Whitney back? It was also obvious that Karla was questioning the same thing.

"Karla wait... please?" He doesn't let her inside just yet, starting to reach for her, but stopping himself, unsure if she would want him touching her or not. The lemonade wasn't important. Straightening this out was, even if he had no clue what to say.

"I'm... I'm sorry." It was a lame apology, but he didn't know what else to do. "There's nothing... really... between Whitney and me. She's just... well, she's..." What was she anyway? Kip could recall several things Erik had called her. "She's the reason Erik was leery about me bringing you here," he admits. "And... and I have trouble... telling her no."

Kip cringes. He was on a stupid roll, that was for sure. No matter what he said, it was all coming out wrong and he felt like a total idiot all the way around. "Can we just... I mean... I... I..."

Sighing in frustration, by now his face was beet red. "I've never sounded so stupid in my entire life." Looking Karla in the eye, his gaze is one of apology. "I'm leaving everything behind tomorrow... including Whitney. I... I don't want to leave you behind too. Please don't let this change anything between us. I'm sorry."


About to walk inside Karla comes to an abrupt stop as Kip slids in front of her. Almost slamming into him she has to take a few steps backwards to catch her balance. Looking up at her she new her own gaze reflected everything she was feeling. Even if she couldn't sort it out it was still there as plane as day and it hurt.

Hearing Kip stumble over his words Karla looks away for a moment letting out a quivered sigh before looking at Kip again. Her voice was soft, and a little shaky from the emotions that were running though her.

"You don't have to explain anything to me Kip. It was my fault for thinking there was something more there with us than what really was."

Karla gives a little shake of her head so many things running through it right now. So many questions, and one of the biggest was should she really be going with Kyle Mitts as there manager? That title it was a special title, ment for someone and right now she didn't feel very special. She felt like a loser bumb who had been played for a fool.

Swallowing hard Karla looks up at Kip once more trying to manage a smile but knowing she pulled it off very lamely.

"There is lemon aid inside from Shirley and Alice wanted to know if you had seen her leather bag."

Finishing her sentience Karla steps to the side a little to see if she could slip past Kip and inside. She really didn't have anything else to say. Who was she to voice how she felt over who Kip kissed? She wasnt his girlfriend so why would it matter?


Too engrossed in kissing Whitney, Kip doesn't even hear Karla's first call to him. Leaned back against the wall, he seems to melt as Whitney's fingers run through his hair and wrap around the back of his neck. She always did know just how to keep him from saying no.

Suddenly though, Kip's ears catch Karla's voice. Yanked back into reality, his eyes fly open just in time for his peripheral vision to catch her disappearing back around the corner. Pulling away from the kiss, he stares at Whitney for a moment, catching his breath. He moves to walk away, but she holds him in place, her eyes giving him a sly warning glance.

"Come now, Kip. Don't tell me you're embarrassed to be caught by that little girl."

Kip's face grows hotter and he bites his lip. "Let me go, Whitney, c'mon."

"Aw, that's all I get? You're moving out of state, and all I get is one measly kiss?" She tugs at his shirt collar. "Come to my place tonight and you can have more than that."

Kip swallows hard. "I... I can't. I mean... I... I shouldn't... and...."

"And what? You might get punished? You're such a baby." Whitney's finger runs down the side of his face and she flashes him a smile. "You know... you don't have to go at all. You could still get out from under these stuffy fussbuckets, but you don't have to move that far away. You could just come to my place. I won't hold you back with all the silly little rules that keep you from having the fun you really want." She leans in and gives his lips another tantalizing kiss.

Kip gropes the garage wall with his hands, trying to move away again, torn between leaving and enjoying another kiss. "Umm-mm," he tries to say no as she kisses him. "I gotta... I gotta go. It's... I want to."

"And leave me behind?" She pouts again, giving him puppydog eyes.

Kip's eyes fall to the ground. Why couldn't he just tell her no? He'd never been able to. Those eyes... that voice... everything about her just seemed to grab hold and not let go. "I... I'm sorry."

"Prove it." Whitney moves in again.

This time though, Kip ducks out from under her arms and backs away. "I have to go. They're... they're looking for me."

"And you don't want Erik to catch you and slap your wrist." Whitney crosses her arms in irritation. "Fine. But don't expect me to wait around for you, Kip. There's plenty of other fish in the sea, most of which would love to be in your shoes."

Kip was sure she was right. He also knew there was no way she wasn't seeing other guys even now. He opens his mouth to say something, but then clamps it shut again, feeling utterly stupid. His face still red, he turns around and skirts back around the corner of the garage in sight of the house.

Looking around, he searches to see if anyone was back out here or not. He knew Whitney would probably find her way out like she normally did, so he doesn't look back. As his eyes ricochet around the property, they stop dead at the house porch, catching sight of Karla. His stomach lurches with guilt.

Seeing that she was just ready to go inside, he suddenly doesn't want her to. He didn't want Erik to find out Whitney had been here again, let alone anyone else. There were enough mixed feelings toying with him right now that he didn't want to have to deal with a reprimand. Then there was Karla herself. Was there enough between them for her to be upset with him now? Unfortunately, there was only one way to find out, and the sooner the better. Waiting was the more risky of the two options he had.

Sprinting for the porch, Kip makes it to one end and vaults over the railing to land in several strides, sliding to a halt in front of the door. Out of breath, he stares at Karla, seeing now the confusion in her eye and feeling even more guilty than he already had. "Karla, I..."

He stops, feeling stupid again and his shoulders drop. What on earth was he supposed to say now? Did she even really care he'd been kissing Whitney?

"Um... I..." He reaches behind his head to run his fingers through his hair, still studying her gaze and finding more than confusion. There was hurt as well. "Please... don't go inside yet," he asks lamely.