

Scott nods a little. "Thank you. I... don't know what else I would do but... maybe it would be best, ya know? Clear my head. That sort of thing."

Sighing deeply, he leans back, pulling Hope with him as he lies on the car hood, his head now against the windshield. Gazing up at the sky, he points at the passing clouds. "I used to be able to guess what they looked like. Now... now it seems all imagination has left me. It's like... I have so many facts and hard figures that there's no room for imagination. I want it back... I want to think for myself again."

Sparky growls and leans forward to put his face in his hands. "I know," he mumbles. "I can't help it. I just... don't wanna lose something so soon after I got it."

Sighing, he straightens again and looks at his sister. "Thank you though... I'd be a total mess if I were here alone."

"Come on, Eric... I'm trying to help you." Jim struggles to keep the cold cloth on Eric's head as he tosses and turns in the bed.

Eric writhes with pain and fever, soaking the bedsheets with sweat that had started an hour ago. His fever had risen and he was shaking all over from cold chills as he burned up. Hearing Jim's voice, he nods, but just can't seem to hold himself still. "It's hot... hot."

"I know, but you gotta keep these blankets on," Jim persists. Sighing, he leaves the wet rag and goes for the phone. "Angel... this fever's just getting worse. I don't know what to do. You got anything stronger to try to get it down?"

"Hey, hon." JT lets himself into the little room that was now so familiar. Sitting down on the edge of Bree's bed, he takes her hand. "I just got off the phone. We can go home tomorrow." He smiles, hoping that she would be as relieved as he was to hear the news.

"David said they've completed everything for getting you a restraining order for your parents and their hired thugs, and no one from the hospital is to even think about accepting you again. How about that? You ready to go home?"


Hope can see the look in Scott's eyes and knows he really means what he said. It was hard to think about Scott doing anything but TJY. If it was going to make him happy and help him heal than it was worth it.

"I understand Scott. If you think its going to heal you heal than maybe it would be best."

Giving a smile and just keeps her arm around Scott. She would go through hot lava to be with him she new that much. It was hard to think of her life before she had started dating Scott. He though she holded him up, but he did the same for her too.

"If you move on Scott, to get a fresh start I'd follow and support you. You need to do whats going to be best for you because right now your who matters and getting well again is whats important."

Looking over at Sparky as he gets up and down up and down Annie shakes her head a little. She new Sparky was worry but she didn't think he was going to be this worry.

As Sparky comes back to sit down next to her again Annie puts a hand on his arm and smiles at him.

"She's going to be Sparky. Your going to worry yourself sick."

Something different

Scott breathes in deeply of the lake air, closing his eyes before looking to Hope after she speaks. "I love you." He takes her hand in his, locking his fingers through hers. "You're the one that makes me feel whole, you know that? I can doubt myself all day long but you're there... to pull me back together again."

Holding her hand up, he kisses it. "I just don't know how long I can do this. I've um... I've thought about resigning TJY. You know... get a fresh start. I just... I can't handle being around Agency people right now. I'm afraid I'll lose it. And Sapphire... having to work by her every day... I love her, you know? That'll never stop but... I just can't be around Gage right now. And he and her, well... they're together, so if I'm with one, I'm with them both."

He stops and sighs again. "Maybe I've served my time here. Maybe it's time I... I did something different."

Jade giggles. "I think we might too."

"No." Mick holds up a finger. "I know you will. Just don't set the barn on fire or anything, alright?" Shaking his head, he grins a little before turning around and heading back outside.

Jade gives Dan a squeeze and nuzzles her head into him. "Mmmm... I love you so much."

Sparky stands up once more to pace from the waiting room, down the hall and back again. He sits down then stands, studies the magazine rack, then sits again next to Annie. He hated waiting here. He hated not knowing anything until later. All he saw was Faith being wheeled down the hall and his hand waving after her. He'd promised he'd see her after. He'd promised. She had to be okay.

He stands again and walks to the door, then comes back to sit down again.


Sitting on the hood of the car Hope just listens to Scott giving him a nod here and there. Her heart breaking from how much term oil he was in again.

Finally when Scott is done Hope scoots a little close to him. Wrapping her arm around his shoulder and pulling him a little closer to her in a side hug. Giving a kiss to Scott's head Hope just holding him and rocks gently.

"Ohhh Scott....Your not weak, and I could never want anything more than who you are. Don't think just because your having a hard time I think your weak, and want someone else because I don't. To me your perfect. And I know who you are. You'd never hurt the people you love. You might have that information in your head but I know whats in your heart."

Hope just continued to hold Scott still rocking gently with him. Leaning her head against his and just looking out at the water.

"I can't even imagen how this must feel, but I bet its not good at all. But I also know you so strong Scott your so very strong that you can beat this. You have so many friends to Scott who love you and would never think anything different from you asking."

Letting out another sigh Hope thinks for a long moment before saying anything else. She just wanted to think before she finally spoke again.

"As for your sister, she still loves you Scott...no matter what you two have been though she loves you because you are her brother. The only one she has. She will love you no matter what happens. And the others from the Agency that are no reformed in time you will be able to trust them and when you look at them you will see good people. You just have to be paysent and take on day at a time. Its gonna be a long hard road, but I wont leave you."

Hearing Jade sequel and and seeing her run for him Dan catchs her in midair and spins her around, giving her a big kissing knowing she was happy.

Pulling away and letting Jade slide to the ground Dan continues to hold her as he looks at Mick giving a laugh.

"I think we are going to drive your dad crazy."

It starts

Scott takes in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. Leaning to the side, his head rests on Hope's shoulder.

"I feel like it is the beginning," he mentions quietly. "With me... being the weak one... the one with the problem. I wanted so bad just to... be the strong one, you know? You deserve better... you deserve a man who doesn't need a shrink every five minutes."

Picking at a thread on his jeans, he sits straighter again though his shoulders slouch. "I thought that... you know... once I was better that... that I'd always be better. Then I started having trouble seeing people connected with the Agency. I just... saw all the data that had been put into my brain instead of them for who they were. It was just all.... data. It's hard to explain."

It really was hard to explain... the attempted assimilation wasn't something easily grasped by anyone else, let alone by himself. "I... I started getting more and more angry for what had been done to me. I felt.... violated. Like they took my life without my permission. Like, the Agency is a part of me now and I don't have any control over it. Every time I saw someone who used to be there... Phinox... Carson... Alec... the people I knew the backgrounds on... I just felt... angry. And then..."

Scott scoffs and shakes his head, leaning forward to rest his chin in his hands. "Then my sister decided to date Gage. So... when she wanted me to teach him how to drive, I said sure. And... I warned him to stay away from her... I threatened him. I didn't like myself for it, but I did it. That's... that's why Sapphire and I are having problems now."

He takes a deep breath, giving a little shudder. "Now I'm having nightmares about betraying everyone I love. I had Dalton lock me out of TJY's security just to make sure I couldn't get in and actually do damage. Carson... he said it didn't work that way - that I was still in control but... I'm still scared. I'm just so confused and... look at me. I'm useless with this stuff running around my head and... and..."

His voice starts to quiver just a little. "I don't know how to conquer it."

Finally a smile emerges on Mick's face. His eyes still held some fear or disappointment... something that said he was still not in favor of losing his daughter, but he wasn't going to fight it.

"Just keep making her smile... I like seeing her smile."

Jade wanders into the barn after helping Becky with some dishes and cleaning, and skips past the horse stalls, humming and looking for Dan. Turning the corner, she skids to a halt, seeing both Dan and her father. Her heart skips a beat and her face pales slightly. "Oh, um... I... I... sorry to, uh... interrupt."

Mick lets go of Dan's hand and turns to Jade, quirking one eyebrow. "It's okay... I wasn't strangling him or anything."

Jade didn't know how to react, not knowing whether he was teasing or what.

Mick gives her a little smile and nod. "Don't worry. Just guy talk. And... I'm glad you're here."

"W...why is that?" Jade wanders a little closer, afraid she was going to get the tongue-lashing she didn't get earlier today.

"Because..." Mick cocks his head. "I... walked off before I had a chance to congratulate you this morning."

Jade's eyes widen, suddenly realizing that he wasn't going to yell at them. "You... you approve?"

"Mmm... I'm working on it," Mick admits. "Give an old man some time to get used to the idea, okay? But... I'm not going to get mad at either of you, alright?"

Jade can feel the tears rise in her eyes, but this time they weren't sad tears. Coming closer, she wraps her arms around her dad, burying her face in his chest. "Thank you... thank you."

Mick returns her hug and kisses her head. "I love you, baby... I always will."

Jade draws back and turns around to see Dan, her smile going from ear to ear. Giving a little squeal, she runs into him with a hug, giving him a big kiss on the cheek.

Mick chuckles a little and shakes his head, throwing up his hands. "And it starts."


Giving another smile to her husband Rosetta's eyes twinkled as Mick got up to leave the house once again. She was so proud of him, and everything he had accomplished. They could be no way she would ever stop loving him. He meant so much to her.

Working in the barn stacking the hay Dan didn't even know right away anyone was in there with him let alone watching him. Finally catching moment from the corner of his eye he looks up to see Mick staring at him. Not sure what he was going to say Dan stands there just looking back at him.

As Mick speaks Dan just looks back into his eyes, seeing the strange softness Dan is put at ease just a little bit. Than finally as Mick was done a small smile forms on Dan's face. He had Mick's blessing now to marry Jade and that made him happy.

"I don't plan on breaking her heart, or giving you the satisfaction of killing me."

A small bit of humor showed in Dan's eyes letting Mick know he was only joking about the last part and not being disrespectful. Seeing Mick's hand Dan reaches out his own in a strong handshake. It was a good feeling knowing Mick was for them now and not against them. To know Jade wouldn't hate her father. It was good indeed.

"Thank you!"

Hopping up on the hood on the car with Scott Hope sits close to him. Just happy to be next to him for now. Looking out at the water on the horizon she lets out a small sigh.

"It's ok, I was just worried and than I thought maybe I did something wrong. but I figured if that were true your tell me. So...I was just worried."

Turning her head to see Scott Hope squints just a little from the sun light. He looked so distant, so far away. It was almost like when she first had met Scott all over again.

"How about starting at the beginning thats always a good place."

Baby girl

So lost in his own world, Scott doesn't even realize Hope's car has pulled up next to his. Once she's already close and touching his hand, he gives a start before realizing it's her. The panic leaves his eyes quickly though, and he musters up a little smile.

"Hey. Good to see you too." Scooting his thin frame over, he pats the hood of his car. It was a good enough spot for now, and at the moment, he didn't feel like walking.

"I'm sorry, Hope... for... being so evasive. I just... I don't even know where to start."

Seeing the look on Ryan's face, Leo was immediately sorry for his biting remark. Enough hurt and anger remained though to keep him from apologizing. Looking back at his own car, he sighs. He needed to get to work - if not to win a race, then to make sure he kept his job.

Mick nods and takes Rosetta's hand in his, giving it a light kiss. He knew that whatever he decided, Rosetta would follow. But he still appreciated her words and advice. "I won't jump too quickly," he promises. "I just... gotta talk to them. Not sure what I'm gonna say yet, but I promise I won't fire Dan or send Jade away. They're far enough now that you're right - saying no is just gonna make things worse. I just... gotta say something before we meet again. I don't want to live in awkward silence."

Getting up from the table, Mick bends to kiss Rosetta's head. "Thank you... for being calm with me." He can't help a little chuckle. "You and the wood pile."

...It was a few minutes later and Mick was wandering through the barn, looking for Dan. What he said was true... he needed to talk to both Dan and Jade before it became an awkward mess.

Finally finding him near the stack of hay, he stops, watching him for a moment. Approaching slowly, he stops again and sets his hands on his hips, looking Dan in the eye. For the longest time, he just stares, searching for the man he'd been told was inside... the man he wanted to see inside, for his daughter's sake.

Stepping even closer, he doesn't break eye contact. His voice is firm but not angry and almost soft. "Don't break her heart, Dan Palmer. That's my baby girl you're gonna marry and... I don't want to have to kill my son-in-law."

Reaching out his hand, he offers it to Dan.


Rosetta gives a small nod to Mick. She already new they wouldn't see eye to eye. She had the way she felt, and he had the way he felt...they were two completely different views that clashed.

"I am sure we wont Mick."

Giving smile to Mick and reaches out brushing her hand along his cheek. Stopping at his jaw line to whip some dirt off.

"Like I said, I'll stand behind you but don't tell Dan short to quick is all I ask. He's a good guy, with a strong christian faith of his own. He's made mistakes like us all but he's learned. So all I asked it just...not to jump to quickly."

She just wanted Mick to know how she felt, but no matter what happened she still would be behind him. Giving him the support he needed. Right now Mick was going to need all the help he could to stay on his own right path. If Rosetta had to sacrifice a little for him, than that is what she would do to help him all she could.

Working on her car Ryan doesn't even notice Leo coming into the shop. Lost in her own little world today thing just didn't seem to be going right. She'd made it to work on time but since she had been here her brain just wasn't with it.

Hearing Jed's voice Ryan looks up for a moment, but seeing he was talking to Leo and no one else she looks back down at the car engine. She had to get this right, she had to get this done. But hearing Leo's comment back Ryan couldn't help but snap her head up again. She cheats....Those words sent a gut ranching feeling to Ryan's stomach, her eyes locking with Leo's the pain that surged through them was nothing that had ever been seem before, and the the sick feeling could of almost made her double over right there. She was a rock, a stone wall but something about what Leo had said really hurt.

Finally looking away from him Ryan looks down at the wrench in her hand just twirling it for a moment. She could feel the wet sensation build in her eyes. The fire hot tears that wanted to pour over even though she willed them not to. She wouldn't cry, not here. She was stronger than that.

Turning back to her car and behind over the engine Ryan continues to work once again trying to block out all else. Tonight she would race, tonight she would get lost in the rush, she just had to make to it tonight...when she could be free.

Pulling her car up along side Scott Hope gets out with a small basket in hand. Getting out and making her way over to Scott who sat on the hood of his car. Giving him a smile she reached out to touch his hand. It'd been a day maybe even almost two since she last saw him, and oh how she had missed him.

"Hey there...You sure are a sight for sore eyes."

Beat the clock

Mick nods a little at Rosetta, just trying to let his mind think through this whole thing. He understood what she was saying - he did. But maybe his views were a little different, being Jade's father.

"Thanks... for supporting me. I just... I don't know. I guess I wish Dan would have come to me first. But then, I was the drunk in rehab so maybe I didn't deserve the luxury of telling him yes or no."

Sighing, he was kicking himself on the inside. He knew he really wasn't to blame... or was he? "You know... someone once said once that if a girl didn't get attention from her father... emotional... physical like hugs, kisses, that sort of thing... that she'd go looking elsewhere. Maybe in all this... me not being there for Jade to grow up... I don't know." He shrugs lamely, not quite sure what he was saying. "Maybe I'm blaming myself for her running after a guy like Dan."

Taking another sip of his tea, he gives Rosetta a sidelong glance, along with a wry grin. "You know good and well I don't approve of this whole thing. Honestly, I don't know what I want to say to them yet but... I have a feeling from what you just said that... you and I might not quite see eye-to-eye on this."

Scott shakes his head numbly at Dalton. "No... thanks, though."

Falling back into silence, he is pretty quiet the rest of the evening, though does manage to drink half a can of Mountain Dew. Curling up on the couch for the rest of the night, Domino and a blanket kept him warm, though his mind wandered too much to sleep well. It was a nightmare that woke him at three in the morning, and sleepless hours followed until he finally dropped off again only to sleep so soundly that he missed Dalton leaving for work.

Eventually he wakes to Domino licking his face, and he forces himself to get up for the day. Making it out and to his own house to get his mail and pick up his phone seems to take all morning and he doesn't even know why, but by noon, he's made it to the lake and is waiting for Hope. Domino stayed in the car while he had gotten out and sat cross-legged on the hood of his car, staring out at the lake. It was a fair day today with a light breeze blowing. Scott's eyes were far away... so far away.

Leo gets to the shop about ten minutes late the next morning, having slept through his alarm and rushed to get ready for the day. His hair was a bit messed and his clothes were wrinkled, but he was here.

Into the shop and clocking in, he heads straight for his car, barely greeting the other guys. Getting to the car to work on, he glances over to Ryan's space, remembering Cassy's words from the night before. He shakes his head... he couldn't do it. He couldn't act all tough and brave and pretend his heart hadn't just been ripped in two. Or... could he?

"Yo, Leo!" Jed hollers. "I'm putting my money on Ryan beating you to the clock today."

Leo straightens up, tossing his wrench in the air and catching it. "You kidding me?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Don't ever put your money on Ryan, bro. She cheats. It's my turn to win today."

Stand behind you

Rosetta gives a thoughtful nod as she listens to Mick. She could understand where he was coming from and why he felt this way. It was a lot to take in at once, and Jade was still a little young. But at the same time Rosetta could see the kids side to.

"Well, I do agree with you. It is a lot, and Jade is young. but at the same time I think she is also very mature for her age and understand more than we think. If they keep both there sites on God, and a healthy relationship than we should just take one day at a time."

Picking up her coffee mug that have been sitting on the table before she has started the dishes Rosetta takes a swig. Thinking for a moment before she spoke again.

"Not only that, but your blood runs though Jade, she is bullheaded and strong willed just like you. If you tell her no she can't marry Dan than it might just turn out worse. I'd rather know what was going on than have them sneaking behind our back where something more major could happen ya know?"

Letting out a small sigh over the whole situation Rosetta new this was hard. She was now in the middle. She had very own views on this whole thing and no matter what someone would be angry with her. But...even if she didnt agree Mick was her husband. She had to trust he new what to do, and they could talk more on any desitions together.

"No matter what ends up happing though Mick, I'll stand behind you, as long as we can talk about it first."

Looking up as Scott enters the room again Dalton gives a smile. Pulling his long legs closer to him he offers Scott the other end of the couch. The pizza box lay on the table with only four slices left.

"Of course I don't mind if you stay still. I am the one who offered after all."

Flipping through the channels again Dalton can't find anything to watch. The normal shows he liked weren't on and nothing else seemed to grab his attachen. Turning to Scott a little Dalton's studys him for a moment. He was happy Scott would be staying but he was still worried about his friend.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Giving a soft smile and a nod Cassy understood what Leo was saying. Though that was the last thing from her mind, it was probably a good thing he left for the night. She needed a little sleep herself.

"It was get catching up Leo. Remember to keep your head up at work tomorrow. Everything happens for a reason."

Following Leo to the door and saying good night Cassy lingers watching his car drive down the road. A small faint smile was on her lips as her arms wrapped around herself. Everything was messed up, everything wasn't right, but it would be ok in time. After the pain healed, she and Leo would be...ok.


Leo smiles, knowing what Cassy meant. He didn't feel like going yet either, but he knew it was getting late and he should go. "We're both lonely tonight, Cassy... that's what I'm afraid of." His eyes are gentle and he gives her a wink, knowing she would understand. More mistakes was what neither of them needed.

"Thanks for the tea and the conversation." Taking his jacket and fishing for his keys, he heads for the door but turns around once more. "It was good to see you again. Good luck with your studio and... if you ever need work done on your car, look me up. I could get you a good deal."

"I miss you too." Scott is silent for a few long moments before letting out a sigh. "Good night, Hope. I'll... see you tomorrow."

Ending the call, he hangs up the phone and just sits a while, hearing the television in the other room. He looks down at his slice of pizza and takes one more bite, but then pushes it away. He hadn't had an appetite for days... maybe weeks, he couldn't remember. If he wasn't careful, Rick would get after him, but for now, he just didn't want to eat.

Getting up from the table, he wanders into the living room and finds the end of the couch to sit, pulling his feet up too to rest his knees against his chest. He was so thin, it was easy for him to do as he wraps his arms around his legs and stares at the television. "I'll take you up on your offer to stay," he mentions to Dalton. "If... if it's still okay with you."

Mick was a little relieved that Rosetta didn't know this either - at least he hadn't been purposely left out of the loop. "Christmas morning, apparently. I guess Dan went up to see Jade and asked her and she said yes."

He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "They just told me a bit ago... I didn't know what to say so I just walked away before I said something I'd regret. I just..." He shakes his head. "Can't believe it or I don't understand or something. I don't think Jade has any idea what she's getting herself into. I mean, to date Dan is one thing but... but to marry him? I just think it's a little much at this point... for her... for her age, I don't know."