
No idea

"Its gonna be alot of work, and I'm not sure who I am going to get to help me with the heavy lifting but It will be something to keep my mind busy, and bring in the money for the time being."

Taking a bit of her cookie and setting the bag down on the table Cassy gives a nod, and a small smile. It had been nice having Leo here, different and nice.

"Yeah, it is getting late, and you probably should go...but I don't see ether of us in a hurry to for it."

Cassy smiles again knowing if Leo really did have to go she understood. Just because she didn't feel like being alone quite yet, didn't mean she wouldn't be ok.

Still feeling a little weary about Scott just Hope knows he'll be ok with Dalton but she couldn't help a little worry anyways. She cared about Scott, and she loved him. Never would she want anything bad to even come to him. He was more than just a pashent and a friend to her now, he was so much more.

"Yeah that sounds good. Noon at the lake. I can't wait to see you. I miss you Scott!"

Hearing that Mick wanted to talk to her a little worry coursed through Rosetta. She could only wonder what was going on now, and seeing the look that passed through Mick's eyes it wasn't something to great.

"Sure, whats up?"

Hearing his question Rosetta can't help the shocked look on her face. She hadn't had a change to talk with Dan or Jade much since they had gotten home so the new was new to her.

"They are what? When did this happen? I had no idea."

Rosetta's eyes shown with her confusion proving she really hadnt known anything at all.

Aim to please

"Your own studio - wow. That's... that's great." Leo nods, his words genuine. "Lot of work but... worth it. Cool."

Setting aside his mug, he picks up the spoon and sets it inside with a little clank. Having the cookies offered to him, he thinks a moment, then shakes his head, even though the snack sounded good. "It's... getting late, Cassy. I should go." Even though he said it, he didn't rise from the chair quite yet.

"Um..." Scott thinks a moment. "I'll... I'll meet you there about noon, okay? I don't know where I'm gonna be before that."

Pausing again, he leans back in his chair, running a hand through his hair before rubbing his blind eye that was sore. He knew Hope had been worried and he really didn't know why he'd failed to talk with her earlier today. He just... didn't feel like himself.

"So does that sound alright?"

Mick can't help his grin and deep chuckle as Rosetta comes to him. Sliding his arms around her waste, he pulls her close as she kisses him. "Mmm...." Pulling back a little, he sways a bit, his eyes twinkling. "Well... I aim to please."

Kissing her again, he lets it linger a few moments before drawing away again. Sighing, he gives her a squeeze. "I, um... wanted to talk to you about something..."

Keeping an arm around her shoulder, he wanders farther into the kitchen to grab a glass and pour himself some iced tea. Sitting down at the table, he motions for Rosetta to sit next to him. After taking a long swing of tea, he runs a hand over his face. The twinkle was gone now and it was more of concern that shone through.

"Did you know Jade and Dan were engaged?"

Fresh Baked

Hearing Leo worked at an auto shop Cassy gives a thoughtful nod. It was good respective work and if he liked it than why not.

"Hey at least working in the Auto shop you can sit behind the wheel of some nice expensive cars and not have to worry about making the car payment on them huh?"

Finishing off her tea and setting the cup down Cassy gives Leo a smile. Almost all the liquor was out of her system now and her mind was thinking completely straight.

"Well...at the moment I am in the process of starting up my own dance studio to teach. I don't think it will be a permanent thing, but since I can't dance myself at the moment I might as well help those who can."

Cassy had been leery about starting her own dance studio, but it was a way to kill time and make some money while she couldn't dance. It gave her a small joy to, giving her skill knowledge to those so who could still dance.

Standing Cassy takes her glass to the sink rinsing it out before putting it in the dishwasher. Going to the cupboard she pulls out some cookies in a baggie and brings them back to the table opening them up and offering one to Leo.

"Would you like a cookie? They are fresh just baked they yesterday."

"Your never bothering me Scott. I like knowing whats going on with you so I don't have a reason to worry. When I don't know it just makes it worse."

Leaning back in her chair Hope closes her eyes for a moment. She had been so worried about Scott all day that now she felt so exhausted knowing he was ok and her body could slow down. Knowing Scott was going to spend the night with Dalton helped Hope feel a little more at easy as well. Just know if he needed anything someone would be there.

Hearing Scott would like to see her tomorrow make Hope feel good. Seeing Scott after not seeing him all day would be nice, she was defiantly up for that.

"I think lunch at the lake would be perfect. Would you like me to pick you up or meet you there?"

Turning around at the sound of Mick's voice Rosetta gives a smile. It was so nice being able to turn around and see him standing in the door. Having him home again was so nice Rosetta really had missed him.

Whipping her hands off on a towle Rosetta throws it on the counter before wondering over to Mick. He might be sweaty and smell a little funny, but that only meant he was working, and he was here with her. Rosetta loved him even than.

Slipping her arms around Mick's neck Rosetta draws closer to him. Smelly or not Rosetta didn't mind.

"I don't mind it all that much weather you need a show or not. Lets me know your really here. Not to mention your pretty sexy all hot and sweaty."

Leaning in close Rosetta's eyes slip closed as she press her lips to Mick's. Just taking in the feelings and letting the passion take over. She could melt right there, in Mick's arms and not even think twice about it.

So confused

Leo gives a dry laugh. "Yeah... I don't think holding my head high will do anything to Ryan. She's the toughest chick I know."

Sighing, he drinks more of his tea, deep in thought until he finally shrugs. "J&J Auto. I'm a mechanic. Better dancer than a mechanic, but it's a job. I guess I like it. Fixing things. Making things run right. I guess maybe I'm more skilled with a car engine than my own life as far as running it right goes."

Pursing his lips, he looks down into his almost empty cup. "You? What do you do now?"

Scott looks down at the table as Hope talks, more depressed than he'd felt in a very long time. "I... I just... there's a lot on my mind ya know? And..."

He sighs and puts his head down on his arm, leaving barely enough room between his chin and table to hold the phone. "I didn't want to bother you and I don't know... I just... I haven't figured enough out lately to even try to explain."

Pausing for a long moment, her words replay in his mind. Her tone was so worried... he didn't like worrying her. And he knew he owed her more than his silence. He'd just been so confused lately. A tear forms in his eye and slowly rolls down his cheek.

"I'm... I'm gonna spend the night here with Dalton." He draws in his breath, sniffing a little. "I don't want to come in to work tomorrow though. I just... can't deal with it right now. But... could we... I don't know... meet at the lake or something? I know it's kinda cold but... unless you have a better idea?"

Dylan shakes his head as BJ walks away, muttering, "Shut up" under his breath. This place sucked. Plain and simple. And he wouldn't be happy until he left... until he didn't have to see these stupid animals every day... until he didn't have to see his father every day."

By now, Mick is drenched in sweat and breathing heavily, his heart racing from the physical exertion of chopping wood. Standing back from the split pieces, he sets the axe down and retreats to sit on the back porch of the house, staring at the mess of wood. Now he needed to pile it up, but he was too tired. At least he was beyond losing his temper now, but he was still upset. How many people knew Jade and Dan were engaged? Did Rosetta know? What would she think?

Hearing some noise from inside the house, he imagined she was inside, maybe cleaning dishes in the kitchen. He'd hated being away from her... he couldn't start up again now.

Getting to his feet, he wanders inside, his footsteps sounding from his boots on the wood floor. Finding Rosetta just where he'd though he would, he leans on the doorway, cocking his head and just watching her for several moments. A small smile comes to his lips. "I'd come wrap my arms around you and never let you go if I didn't know I needed a shower," he teases.

Don't Pretend

Though a little bit of emotion flickers in BJ's eyes at Dylan's comment he says nothing about it. Only picking at the corners of the instruction book he was holding quiet for a long moment.

Just sitting and listing to Dylan and his reasons for not liking it here BJ's mind starts to process. Some things he was slow in, but understanding and breaking down other stuff is where his skill came in.

Standing BJ continues to look down at the ground for a moment as his foot dug into the dirt. Maybe he understood a little bit of where Dylan was coming from. When he first came here, all he wanted was Sam again, and to be with her. Though he didn't show it, he didn't like it here ether. But things had changed since than, and though the situation was different, in a way it was kind of the same.

Looking up at Dylan BJ cocks his head a little to one side as his nose scrunches just a little.

"The people here...don't pretend there lives are perfect. They just know how to be happy with what they have. Because you can always be far worse. I'll see you later....Big Brother."

Turning around BJ brakes into a run leaving as fast as he came going back to the house the only thing on his mind now was his game and the excitement to play.

Hearing Scott on the other end of the phone Hope's heart races. To hear his voice and know he was ok brought small tears to her eyes. She had been so worryed something had happend, just knowing he was ok now it was a releaf.

"Oh Scott...I am so happy your ok. Don't worry about missing lunch just knowing your ok now its forgotten."

Taking in a deep breath Hope could tell there was more on Scott's mind and she only wish he would talk to her. He felt like he had to go through this alone but he didn't. She wanted to be there in body and strange for him.

"Scott....can we talk about whats been going on? I want to be there for you and I know its been more than what you have been telling me. I just....don't want to be left in the dark. I want to help you and be there for you because your not as alone as you think you are. I love you Scott and I don't want to see anything bad happen."

Looking up at Leo Cassy gives him a small smile as she takes another sip of her tea. His words were kind and made her feel a tiny bit better, but it was better than not feeling better at all and she did appreciate it.

"Thanks for not thinking I am to crazy. We both get dumped on the same day, and meet up in a bar after not seeing each other for a long time. Talk about a small world huh?"

Holding the warm cup in her hands Cassy looking up at Leo studying him while he continued to talk. The emotions as he talked about his ex was hidden behind his eyes well, but a little did seem to slip out. Cassy new he was hurting, and she could see he cared about her and did want her hurt. Its possable thats where some of his anger came from.

"I guess sometimes we need to learn the hard way huh? Though it still sucks and I am sorry she did that to you. She must not be a smart one to let you go your such a sweet guy. I could see how working with her would both you too. I couldn't do it, so I give ya credit. But I think maybe the best thing you can do is show her she didn't break you ya know? Just keep you head up and know there will be a tomorrow. Thats...why I am going to try anyways, don't know how well it will work, but its worth a try."

Letting out a long sigh Cassy sets her tea down on the table moving the tea bag around in what little tea was left before looking at Leo again.

"Where do you work?"


Leo bypasses Cassy's question for now, feeling as though he should at least say something in response to her explanation.

"I'm sorry. No one should feel like dead weight." He takes a sip of his tea, finding that it tasted pretty good tonight. "If he dropped you now though, it's just as well that you found out what he was really like rather than even further down the road."

He looks over to see Cassy's emotion-filled eyes. "You're not crazy either, by the way. I know the look you're talking about."

Sighing, he stares down into the tea, the steam gently rising. Her question still was unanswered and he knew it was only fair that he now took his turn at explaining. "Yeah... yeah I guess it was a dark cloud that led me to the bar tonight."

He shrugs lamely, still somewhat in a state of shock over the whole thing. "Girlfriend dumped me today. She didn't say it straight out, but I know it's because of another guy and he's bad news. But I guess if she wants to take that risk rather than sticking with someone like me then that's her choice. Better to be rid of her than have her hang around while her eyes wander elsewhere. Sucks I gotta work with her every day though."

Scott takes the phone and nods numbly to Dalton. He didn't know if he would be staying or not. His mind was just in such a state that he could only think of one thing at a time and right now he knew he needed to call Hope.

Dialing, he listens to the rings then finally her voice answering. "Hope... it's me. I... I'm with Dalton. I, um... I'm sorry about lunch today. Had a rough night and totally spaced it. He said you were worried so I thought I would call."

He bites his lip, feeling sorry for making her worry. He'd just felt like he'd been half-dead all day long and he knew Hope would be able to sense his weariness in his voice. "I...I don't know if I'll be in to work tomorrow either."

Dylan scoffs as BJ sits down. "If you're so smart, how come you talk like a five-year-old?" He knew good and well about BJ's speech problems, but a biting remark was what he'd wanted.

Hearing BJ's question, he rolls his eyes. "Well for starters, I can't even get any time alone without some pain-in-the-butt little kid coming and bothering me. Second, I hate Dad and I don't want to be around him. Third, I hate horses - they stink. Fourth, I don't want to spend my days looking at all the happy-go-lucky faces around here of all the hypocrites who pretend to have perfect lives."

He knew he was talking over BJ's head, but also knew the tone would get his point across. "Now for the last time... go away and leave me alone."

Brain Rotter

Dalton gives a small nod and holds out his cell. He new his friend needed some time. Though it maybe wasn't the best for him only jumping on him would make it worse.

"Here ya go Buddy."

Grabbing one of the pizza boxes and balancing his cup on the top Dalton new Scott might like some time on the phone with Hope. He didn't need his big ears listing in to his ever word.

"I'll be in the living room seeing whats on the old brain rotter if you wanna join me when your done. Then offer to stay here is still open to and its no trouble. I have the spare bedroom all set up already."

Blinking at Dylan again BJ just stands there for a moment. Though his eyes never seem to change to those of someone who had been hurt. Dylan's remarks just didn't seem to faze him.

"Nope, I am eight..but I'm smart so I can play this game, and you shouldn't be so grumpy it makes your face look funny."

Moving over to the tree next to Dylan BJ sits down. Opening the instructions again he is quiet for a long moment trying to read the words on the page and doing a pretty good job.

Finally looking up again BJ squints in the sun light.

"How come you hate it here?"

Turning back around to the cabinet Cassy trys to pick witch tea she should brew. Finally settling on some peach tea she takes it down. Starting the kettle, she thinks for a long moment about Leo's question. It was a hard subject, still an open wound but he asked she might as well tell him now.

"Yes, they are connected. The stuff in the box belong to my ex boyfriend."

Drawing quiet for a moment she waits till the tea pot whistles and pours the hot water into the cups dipping the tea bags in. Slowly limping over to the table she sets one down for Leo, pulling out a chair for herself and sitting down.

Running a finger along the rim of the cup she just thinks for a long moment before finally speaking again.

"This morning, Tom my ex decide since its been a year and I cant dance anymore there would be no way of him making it to the top with...dead weaght I guess would be what you call it."

Cassy takes a sip of her coffee letting the hot liquid roll down her throat. Emotion filled her eyes showing the wound was very new, and stung very much. From the get go Tom had told her he'd stick it out and he loved her. So to have this happen now really did sting.

"More than likely he's already found some other dancer that could take him to the top. He didn't say it...but its just one of those things you can see in someones eyes. I know crazy but...I just could."

Letting out a long sigh and sitting a little straighter in the chair Cassy's eyes drift to Leo and she gives a small smile.

"Anyways, he didn't live here but most of his time was spent here taking up residence on the couch and using my extra room to store things so he has a lot of crap around. I'm just trying to get it together so I dont have to have him hanging around hours on end just making things worse."

Taking another sip and than just looking down into the liquid as the tea bag floats Cassy does her best to compose herself before looking up at Leo again.

"So, is the dark cloud behind your eye the reason for being at the bar tonight?"