

Scott sits at the table, his fingers playing with a napkin until he finally decides to eat a piece of pizza at least. Being reminded of Hope, he groans. "I can't believe I forgot we were supposed to do lunch today." He sighs and shakes his head. "And my phone... is home I guess. I... I just didn't want..."

He shrugs and takes a sip of Mountain Dew, though after just a couple bites of pizza, he'd already slowed down as if he wasn't going to eat any more. "I wanted the quiet? I don't know." Sighing, he nods. "If I can borrow your phone, I'll call her."

Leo follows Cassy into her apartment, taking a look around and noticing the boxes but he doesn't ask about it yet. Moving to the kitchen, it had a pleasant feel to it and he chooses to sit at the table. Given a choice of warm drink, he thinks as moment. "Uh... any kind of tea. Surprise me. Easier than making a batch of coffee."

Looking around again, he folds his hands and squints one eye at Cassy. "So... are half-packed boxes and a visit to the Bullseye connected?"

Dylan rolls his eyes at the instruction book. "Real smart, kid. You do realize you're not ten yet, right? Or don't you know that either?"

He waves the boy away. "Leave me alone. And stop calling me big brother. I don't want to play a stupid game and I don't want you or anybody else around. Go find your daddy. He likes playing with you." He points in the direction of the house.

Good Progress

Just giving a blink at Dylan BJ's tiny eyes squint just a little. Cocking his head to one said BJ moves just a little bit closer to Dylan looking down at the instruction book.

"This is not a kids da....d...da...gaje....fram...g...ame...."

BJ tried his best to sound out how Dylan had said game, but still found it hard. Finally though breaking the g from the rest he was able to somewhat say the word. Holding the instruction book out to Dylan he points to the one corner.

"See...it says ages ten and up."

BJ's smile grows even bigger as he draws closer to Dylan not even really paying to much attachen to his mean comment or the fact he wanted to be left alone.

"I'm not picking on you Big brother, thats silly."

Giving a nod to Scott as he follows him, and Domino not trailing to far behind Dalton understood why maybe Scott didn't want to go home. It was possible a part of him didn't want to take Dalton's invitation but maybe another part did and thats why he feel asleep. Dalton didn't know but one way or the other he was happy Scott was here now.

Grabbing the pizza from the top of the car it doesn't take long to get inside. Taking down plates and than getting a bowl with water for Domino. Pouring some Mountain dew for in each glass and opening the pizza boxs Dalton looks at it with a hunger in his eyes. He'd missed lunch today and was now famished.

"Dig in, and pig out. I plane on it."

Reaching for his first slice Dalton lets the silence just rule as he takes a bit, chews and savors the taste. Oh how good food tasted after going a whole day with non. Finally giving himself a little breathing room he lets his mouth work to make more room.

"Hope was pretty worried about you today when she tried calling you and got no answer. You might want to call her so she knows your ok. Oh yeah, Angelica, and David said they are making some good progess in making it safe for JT and Bree to come home."

Getting out of Leo's car and walking just a little ways down the sidewalk Cassy shows the way. It wasn't far from where they parked and being all lined up in a row it was hard to hit exactly in front of the house unless you were lucky.

Unlocking the doors and flipping on the first set of lights a hall way stretched in front of them. To the left was a large room that one could tell was a living room, a dinning room branches from there and than a kitchen wrapped around behind. On the right side was a din, a laundry room branches off there, and than connected with the other side of the kitchen. Straight in front of them down the long hallway was the bathroom, than to the left a bedroom, and the right another bedroom with the door closed.

"Here we can go this was to the kitchen. You'll have to excuse the mess...I'm....in the middle of having somethings packed."

Leading the way through the living room boxes layed out across the floor filled with tights, shoes, book, and a few other odds and end. In the kitchen was a bar with stools in the middle, it was painted a light colors blue with wood cabinet.

"Mmm...make yourself at home. You can sit at the bar there or over at the table."

Cassy flips on a large light that brightened up the whole room. Going to the cubord pulling out a few coffee mugs. Turning and leaning on the counter a little to take the weight off her knee she gives a smile to Leo. Everything was a little foggy still but after the fresh air it was starting to clear up.

"So Leo..would you like coffee, or the many different kinds of tea I own but hardly ever drink?"

A little while

Hearing the tap on the window, Scott's eyes snap open from his light sleep. Turning quickly, he sleepily takes in Dalton's form, his fears immediately put to ease. Domino jumps and looks up, giving a short bark before hearing Dalton's voice and wiggling her little tail.

Scott nods groggily at Dalton's offer for supper. Just now waking up, he was stiff from sitting in his car for so long and still wasn't thinking quite straight. Following Dalton numbly was all he could think of at the moment.

Straightening up and getting out of the car, he blinks, trying to lift the fog from his brain. "I guess I... fell asleep," he mumbles. "I was gonna leave but... I don't know." He shrugs and follows Dalton to the apartment, Domino tagging along behind them. Shoulders slouched and gaze down, Scott looked much like he did months ago before taking his life back. These nightmares... these thoughts... these fears... they were dragging him down again and he didn't know how to pull himself back up.

Getting inside, he tells Domino to settle down right by the door, not wanting her to run all over Dalton's apartment. "Um... thank you... thanks, Dalton. I really haven't been... I mean, I just didn't wanna go home yet."

At Cassy's invitation, Leo looks to her a little too quickly, question in his eye as to what her intentions were. He didn't mean to think anything of it, but the way it was asked, and coming from the bar... it did make him wonder.

Hearing her backtrack makes him realize that what was going through his mind must have been pretty evident, and he can't help a little wry grin. "Coffee or tea, huh?"

Biting his lip, he looks around outside for a moment, weighing his options. "I, um..." He turns back to Cassy, his expression one that said he wasn't looking forward to this night either. "Why not? I guess I don't wanna be alone yet either. But only for a little while, okay?"

Shutting off the car, he pulls out his keys. At least this way he could make sure she got inside and sobered up before leaving her. He'd feel better about it that way. Getting out, he waits for Cassy to lead the way.

"Aw for - " Dylan curses as his annoyance rises when BJ approaches him. "Look, it's 'game' not 'dame,' and I don't play kid games, alright? I thought you'd quit trying to bug me."

While he remained silent with the adults, that method wouldn't work with a kid, so best to just get him out of his way. "Go pick on somebody else," he growls.

Play with me

Giving Jade another squeeze Dan looks down at her and nods. He new it was rough for her to deal with everything and there was a good chance he wouldn't approve. Him being upset on top of it would do no good. So Dan kept his cool for Jade's sake and they would just have to wait and see how things went.

"Hey if I can you help with one out of these twenty thats a big help."

Just smile Dan tried his best to made Jade laugh before she went to help Becky. He didn't want her to worry to much, and continued to try and reassure here everything would be ok.

Having searched for most of the day BJ little legs grew tired. He had done his best to try and find Dylan to see if maybe he wanted to play the new game of Mouse Trap he had just got. But to no avail BJ was going to give up.

Giving one more glance around the ranch the little boy's eyes find Dan and Jade, they looked to be working. Having a nice time but working he didn't want to bother them even though he new there would be no objection from them to his company.

Continuing to look his eyes finally spot the figure sliding down by the tree. A wide grin forms he found Dylan finally. Jumping off the pouch once again BJ's little gets run fast across the yard finally getting to Dylan he was out of breath. Just standing there a moment to catch the air in his lungs again. Finally though his face beams at he looks at Dylan.

"Dylan, Dylan I got a new dame, and I though you would wike to play it with me. It's a fun one mom got me."

BJ holds up the instruction booklet he had been carrying around trying to read while he had been looking for Dylan.

As the car starts forward and the silence just rules out Cassy gaze it out the window. Her own mind seeming to be heavy with what had driven her to the bar today and though silence gave time to think, silence shared with other just seemed comforting.

It didn't take to long to get to her apartment complex. Stopped outside her hand goes for the handle but she stops. Turning a little to Leo some of the alcohol had warn off. Enough to be thinking straight. Looking back at her apartment where the windows were all dark Cassy lets out a long sigh. It would be strange going home, and not having anyone there.

"I...I think so, just don't feel like being alone I guess."

Looking back to Leo again she gives a small smile.

"Leo would you like to come up for some tea or coffee?"

Pausing Cassy quickly see the look that pass through Leo's eyes that this might not be a good idea with her tips. Giving another smile and a shake of her head Cassy continues.

"Only coffee or tea, no other intention crossed my mind. Just two friends having a cup of coffee or tea."

And she meant it. No other thoughts passed through her mind about Leo coming up. The company would be nice, and catching up with an old friend would be even better.

Pulling into his driveway Dalton gets out of his car. Going over to the passenger door to pull out the two pizza he had ordered for dinner. Turning he catches sight of a familiar car sitting across the street. Setting the pizza on top of the car Dalton looks a little harder realizing who's car it was.

Crossing the street he approached with caution not wanting to startle Scott at all. Hope had been worryed about him all day, and Dalton had become a little concerned himself. So now hopefully everything with Scott was ok and he had just been waiting.

Bending down to be eye level with the window Dalton gives a light tap and a friendly smile to his little buddy. Raising his voice a little so it could be heard through the glass.

"Hey you should of told me you would be waiting outside I would of come home sooner. I've got enough pizza to feed an army, and mountain dew to go around. Interested in joining me?"


Jade sniffs and nods to Dan, thankful that he wasn't upset like she was. Maybe he was right... maybe her dad wasn't totally against it and was just too surprised was all.

Wiping her eyes with her sleeve, she joins Dan back where the ropes were. "Okay. I gotta go help Becky in a while but for now I'll stay out here with you."

Looking up at Dan again, she musters up a smile. "Thank you for..." She shrugs. "Just being you."

Mick walks slowly from the scene, his mind reeling. Dan and Jade were engaged. First they'd gone against his will to date at all and now Dan hadn't even waited for him to ask his permission. He didn't know if he would have granted it anyway but it would have been nice to know this was coming.

Reaching the corner of the barn, he stops and stares out into one of the pastures. He wasn't really... angry. Just... upset. Turning around, he heads out back behind the main house where the wood pile was. He had other work to do, but right now, he needed to release some of this energy before his mouth got the best of him.

Taking off his jacket, he rolls up his sleeves, knowing that though it was chilly now, he was going to get warmed up. Grabbing the axe, he checks to make sure it's still sharp, then goes to work on the wood. Each swing was represented by his frustration. Every crack of the wood was his emotions driven out through the physical activity. Each bead of sweat was a sign of hard inner turmoil.

Dylan wanders around the perimeter of the ranch, having been hiding out the last couple days. He knew his sister was back but he hadn't even seen her yet, avoiding everyone. So far his dad hadn't made him come be sociable, and thankfully BJ hadn't found him yet either.

Leaning against one of the large oak trees, he eyes the ranch, his gaze finding Dan and Jade not all that far away. Boyfriend? He didn't know. He looked nice enough. They looked like they were having a good time together at least.

He sighs and kicks at the ground, his hands stuffed in his pockets. Why was it him that had to be miserable? He hated this place and just wanted to be freed. Lack of motivation keeps him under the tree and he finally slides down to sit on the cold ground, finding a twig to pick at.

"Alright. Come on." Leo walks with Cassy to the door. If he hadn't known her from the studio, he probably wouldn't have offered to be a ride, but she was a nice young woman and he didn't want her going and getting herself hurt, taxi or not.

"Car's over here," he directs, pointing her to his car. Getting in, he pulls out and makes sure Cassy's buckled up before heading to Lincoln street. He's quiet during the ride, still uptight from the day's events.

Arriving at the apartment complex, he stops on the street curb, putting his car in park. "Well..." He turns his head to Cassy. "You gonna be alright?"

Scott still sat in his car. Domino was asleep in his lap and he didn't even know how long he'd been dozing. His head rested against his window and it was quite uncomfortable, but he'd been so exhausted that he'd simply drifted off.

It was getting to be evening though, and he was still parked outside Dalton's apartments. He'd planned on leaving before Dalton got back, having decided he wouldn't stay, but having been sleeping now, he had no sense of time.