

Seeing the grin that forms on Reese face, Ryan doesn't quit understand as she moves to one of the chairs next to Reese. First he didn't yell at them, or drag Alec away, and now he was grinning? The people here at the Elite were confusing for sure. But no matter that grin seemed to put Ryan at ease if only a little bit, it was something.

Just sitting in the chair and not saying anything Ryan listens. Now was her time to stay quiet, just listen to what Reese had to say. Some of what was coming from his mouth was a little surprising, but it was good to hear it. It was intresting in this short time the changes that were already being put into affect. Now she hoped this would help Alex gain his freedom faster.

As Reese makes his comment about the hour and a half Ryan can't help the grin the formed on her face. Turning her head to look into Alec's eyes for a moment she gives a little nod of her head. What he was doing, taking the step in the right direction. This was defiantly a good thing.

The finalization of the deal rang and hung in the air. Ryan couldn't hold the grin back as it grew even more. Knowing she did in fact have to get back to work Ryan stands. Looking to Reese she gives a nod before turning to head out of the office with Alec.

Stopping outside the office with Alec Ryan looks up into his eyes. The grin still played on her lips as she looked back at him searching his expression. Bringing a hand to the side of his face Ryan runs her thumb over his cheek just continuing to look up into his eyes.

"I have a feeling you will. That is, if your not sick of me yet."

Your way

Reese doesn't interrupt Ryan, willing to listen and maybe even a little intrigued. His eyes travel between her and Alec, studying the young man as well, and taking into consideration that he seemed much more calm than he had just a week ago.

Focusing on Ryan's point, Reese remains standing, rocking on his heels a little as his mind wraps around what she's saying. A long pause begins, tense enough that they could hear the buzzing of the florescent lights on the ceiling.

Alec can feel the heat on his neck. He'd figured out that Ryan had cared but had had no idea she was quite that passionate about it... about helping him. He'd never liked thinking he needed anyone else in his life, let alone needing the help of someone else. But... for some unexplainable reason... Ryan's words did not irritate him. If they would have come from anyone else, he would have growled a response that he didn't need anyone to defend him, let alone a woman. But right now it just... didn't seem to... matter. The feeling baffled him, but he didn't have much time to think about it. So instead, he simply stood next to her, looking at Reese with his hands hanging from his jeans pockets as if to say, "yeah, what she said." A cool ember burned in his eyes, but it was more one of hate towards being locked up, not hate towards the Elite as a whole anymore.

Reese studies Alec, then Ryan, then Alec again. Oddly enough, a grin makes its way to his face and he shakes his head, almost amused. "Leave it to a woman," he muses wryly. "Miss McKade, I couldn't agree with you more. Why do you think I've been fighting to keep this guy out of prison?"

He backs up a step to his chair, easing down and motioning for the other two to sit as well.

Alec hesitates, wondering what the trap was. He'd rather be standing in case he needed to bolt. But glancing at Ryan, he figures he's come this far... he might as well play along. So he sits in a chair, but only on the edge in case he wants to get up quickly.

Reese leans forward on his desk, folding his hands. "Alec, I want you to know that if it hadn't been for your bullheadedness and your temper, we would have let you out a whole lot sooner than this. I know you think Gage is a pushover, but at least he's free. Now you're the one in second place and it's going to be a much longer haul for you, I'll tell you that right now. But I do have one question for you. Why didn't you run when you had the chance today? You went to the work of slipping our spy, yet when alone, you still came back. What was your reason?"

Alec looks at Reese dully and shrugs. "Because I'm crazy?"

"Come on, Alec... tell me why you didn't run."

"I don't know. It felt stupid but I did it anyway and that's all I know."

"Did you come to try and take advantage of us, or because you're ready to get on your way to real freedom?"

Alec swallows hard and looks to Ryan. It was more than freedom he wanted. His eyes roam back to Reese. "Nothing's free, not even freedom. You're asking me to give up freedom in order to gain it. And... that didn't make much sense... until today."

"Praise be." Reese throws up his hands, raising his eyes to the ceiling. "He finally got it." Looking back to Alec, he shakes his head. "Whether you believe it or not, we're on your side here, fighting for what's right. Now I want you to know that one wrong move, and we'll turn on you as fast as you turn on us - then you'll have both us and the Agency after you. But stay on the right road, and we'll have your back. How many times have you heard that before?"

Never. Alec doesn't like the intimidated feelings creeping up on him, and his fingers pick at a tear in his jeans. "So what's your point?"

"My point is, how badly do you want long lunches with Miss McKade here?"

Alec's eyebrows rise a little. He didn't get it. He wanted to get mad, but at this point, he was too baffled. "I don't know. I guess..." He looks at Ryan again, then back to Reese. "...pretty badly."

"Then you're gonna earn it," Reese states flatly. "As much as I want to say you're free, it just doesn't work that way. So you're going to stay here - but you're going to give us something we want, in order to get what you want."

"Such as?"

"This was a good start." Reese holds up the notebook that Alec had written in. "But we want more. That's your bargaining chip and it's the only one you got because other than information about the Agency, you're worth nothing to the legal system. And you know we have a man who can tell us if you're telling us the truth."

Alec frowns. "Yeah, he almost killed me."

"He probably should have," Reese reminds. Scott had been defending his home, plain and simple. "But call this a second chance. If you're finally willing to stop bucking the system, I can pull strings and get you out of here. But if you remain stubborn, the Chief of Police is ready to get you on trial and thrown into prison for life. You don't want that, I don't want that, and Miss McKade doesn't want that. So why not take the better route?"

Alec grits his teeth, fighting against his own nature... his want for control. He didn't like being in this position. He hated having the short end of the stick and he hated being vulnerable. This is why he hadn't wanted to give in before this. But... he can feel the chain beneath his shirt. Maybe... there was something... worth... making a compromise. His shoulders drop slightly. And though the fire was still in his gaze, it was a glowing ember, safer than the raging flames that had been present before. "How long will I have to stay here?"

"Don't know. Could be as short as three weeks. Could be as long as six months. Though we have a lot of our own rules, we're still under some regulations that we have to abide by. The duration won't be decided just by me - I can only recommend a time frame."

"And what would you recommend?"

"Probably a month... to see if you're actually gonna turn around."

Alec thinks for several long moments. Freedom today meant being hunted by the Elite and the Agency. Freedom in the future meant having the Elite as a friend despite being sought after by the Agency. And whether any Agency scum would admit it or not, the Elite was the only adversary they really worried about. "I'll stay," he finally answers. "One two conditions."

"And they are?"

"One - you don't lock me in and you don't keep an ankle bracelet on me. If I have to trust you not to shoot me in the back, then you gotta trust me too."

Reese thinks for a moment, then nods. They could lock certain doors at night so Alec couldn't have access to anything important if he did decide to turn on them. "Alright. And two?"

"Free lunch hours."

Reese furrows his brow, confused. "I don't follow."

"If I wanna leave over lunch, eat by myself, go to the park or sit in the bathroom, the hour is mine."

Reese purses his lips in thought, looking to Ryan a moment. His expression remains serious, despite the humor in his eye. "We better make it an hour and a half," he muses. "Deal. Are you in?"

Alec can feel the inner war again and wished it were easier than this. He didn't like this place, he didn't like the lack of freedom or control. But unfortunately... it appeared it would be better than the alternative. Turning his head, he stares at Ryan, not looking back at Reese when he answers. "Deal."

"Good." Reese stands up again, setting aside the notebook. "You and I have a lot to talk about then, and I'm sure Miss McKade needs to get back to work by now. I'll still be here waiting for you."

Alec knows that's the cue to leave, so he stands up, wandering from the office with Ryan. Susanne was away from her desk, so the two were alone in this corner when Alec stops and looks down at Ryan's eyes. He didn't wear a smile, but there was something different about his countenance that only few would notice. "Now that you got your way, am I gonna see you again?"

Sit...and listen?

Following Ty inside Libby felt a little strange being here, not because it was with Ty but because it wasn't often if ever she went to someone else house. So it was a tiny bit of excitement, and not sure what the rules where such as taking off ones shoes and what not there were to follow. But making a quick desition for herself Libby removes her shows and enters a little father into Ty's home.

Looking around the room Libby takes in everything making sure not to miss all the details in the rooms. For two guys living here, it was strangely clean but Libby liked that, knowing they took pride in where the lived.

Turning her head quickly to look at Ty again Libby walks over into the kitchen coming up behind him and looking into the fridge.

"Lets see what ya go here. How about some orange juice?"

Libby gives a smile to Ty still looking over his shoulder. It was strange as soon as she stepped into this house she felt comfortable and at ease. It had been so long since she had felt like that, it was so strange, but it was welcomed, the calm, the peace...it was welcomed.

Stepping back from Ty Libby looks at him giving a smile.

"You get the liquid, and if you point me in the right direction I can get the cups."

Smiling up at Ryder Thirteen gives a little nod. Her head felt so light and fluttery like it was going to float away that at the moment nothing else seemed to hurt.

"A walk sounds good. I'd like that, and if its with you thats even better."

Moving away from Ryder Thirteen slides out of the booth. Grabbing her jacket she puts it again again. Making sure the money was all on the table and they didn't leave to big of a mess she waits patiently for Ryder.

Getting out of the car Ryan follows Alec inside, millions of eyes watching Alec and herself. Though she wouldn't say it, right now she was pretty scared on what was going to happen, but she held her head high just the same. Determined not to let her fear show through.

Moving through the lobby and into Reese office Ryan stands next to Alec her eyes still having the fire in them they had before. It covered how shaky she felt inside, as her head was high but still held a tone of respect for Reese.

"Mr. Reese!"

Ryan gave a nod back to him. For sure she though he would be yelling, or having someone yank Alec off alright but it didn't come and is surprised her. Hearing his next question Ryan took in a deep breath before looking to Alec and than looking back to Reese.

"Some things can't be rushed, and though sometimes rules are broken, it can be for a good thing. I wont say I am sorry, because I am not. The little extra time I think did some good. Excuses...I dont have any. But...I feel what I did was right. Do what you want to me, I wont take anything back, and I wont regret my desition."

Taking in a deep breath Ryan is quiet for a moment catching her breath from the long ramble she had, but picking up where she left off, she continued.

"One thing I ask of you is don't give up on Alec, he deserves better than that because...well...You might think its been all kiss but I hasn't. I took the time to get to know Alec, and I saw the side of him non of you have. You threw Dr. in his face, and pushed him for information but did you take the time to just sit...and listen? I did...He's got a soul like anyone else than wants to be free of his torment."

Looking to Alec again Ryan smiles. Where her words came from she didn't know but that were what she felt. Only after a few meetings it felt like she new him from they day she was born. And the fluttering in her stomach continued as she looked back to Reese.

Her own words had held so much meaning, though she was respectful, they were strong only to prove she meant them with every inch of who she was.


Such a simple thing as giving his hand a squeeze, but in that small gesture, Alec felt a warmth that penetrated his soul - a soul so barricaded that it took the strongest of emotions to unlock any part of it. With all the time he'd been with other women for the fun of it, never had one simply gripped his hand. It was a sign reserved for someone who actually... cared.

Ryan's sweet kiss brings him from his stare and seems to snap him from a trance. Why it was important to him that she did not forget him, he didn't know. But for some reason, it's what he wanted. Anybody in the past, he didn't care whether they remembered him or not, and more than likely, it would be good if they didn't. But Ryan... this beauty before him... to have her remember him was worth tucking away into his heart.

He wanted to stay. He wanted to find that freedom he was looking for. He wanted to take Ryan with him. But maybe giving up that freedom was the only way to find it.

Before he could change his mind, he turns from her to exit the car. Waiting for her, he walks to the building, waving at the security camera as they entered. Once inside and down to the main floor, there were more eyes on them this time - apparently Reese wasn't the only one who knew they were late. Alec ignores them though, and heads straight for Reese's office with Ryan behind him.

He walks past Susanne, not bothering to ask her if it was okay to enter the office, and he doesn't knock, but pushes the door open and stands inside as if saying "here I am."

Reese looks up quickly and gets to his feet, seeing both Alec and Ryan. He studies them each for a moment, wondering at their lateness. Con had told him enough, and Reese had had a fear that Alec would simply take off with or without Ryan. He was actually surprised that Alec was back here now. "Mr. Banks... Miss McKade." He folds his arms across his chest. "Glad you made it back." He eyes Alec, then moves his gaze to Ryan. "What happened to the hour?"

Seeing the look on Thirteen's face and hearing her words, Ryder feels a little lurch in his heart - one that awakened feelings he hadn't felt in a long time. He did love Thirteen and would always be there for her unless there came a day when she didn't want him, and he hoped that day never came.

Receiving her kiss, he returns it gently, his hand going to cradle the side of her face, his thumb tracing her cheek and jawline. So tender and sweet was his expression of love, even remaining in his eyes as he drew away again. A smile was on his face.

"You wanna go for a short walk? Get some fresh air? Then we can meet Trent back here."

"Eh... don't thank me." Ty shakes his head and steps out of the truck, shrugging off Libby's thanks. This is what friends did... they had each other's back no matter what.

Leading the way to the porch, Ty fishes for his keys and then lets them inside. For being a house of two bachelors, it was well-kept and clean. Heading to the kitchen, Ty sheds his jacket and throws it over the chair, going for the refrigerator. Looking inside, he pauses with the door open. "Want anything to drink?"