

Thirteen continued to smile as her just hugs the man she believed was her father. Feeling Ryder's hand on her shoulder Thirteen looks up a little not sure why it seemed like everyone else wasn't as excited as she was. Everything was so quiet, like everyone was waiting to see what would happen next.

Being pulled away from Eric and still smile Thirteen looks into his eyes, trying to soak what she could in. Letting her sudden second guess not pry its way in. This was her dad, it had to be, everything fit, and the feelings where there, they just had to be.

Listing to the words between Trent and Eric Thirteen became confused. She didn't understand what they were talking about, or even what there words meant. Continuing to look at them her eyes finally fall back to Eric again. She was more nervous now than before.

Hearing Eric's words Thirteen's heart sunk, he....wasn't her father? Than why the connections, why did she feel comfortable with him. She didn't understand and it made herself sad. She felt like an idiot now, making a fool of herself, but worse she hadn't found anyone. But as she is turned to look at Trent and hears Eric's words it seemed like as though Thirteen's heart stopped once again. She talked to him, he'd seen her, he new how much she wanted to know her father and yet...he was silent. Looking to Ryder Thirteen's eyes filled with tears, but reaching down she found her strength to take a few steps closer to Trent.

"You new how much I wanted to see you, You new how much I wanted dad and yet, you denied me of that? Why? I dont have a past besides a cold dark cell, because watching people die in front of me, there family begging to see there child again yet they never do. I have to live with those memories, with the dark pictures that run through my mind when I close my eyes. Hate anger, thats what my life was filled with. I should hate you because thats what I was trained to do, but I don't. Even if I don't understand I still love you and..."

Thirteen takes in a deep breath trying to control her emotions. She finally met her dad, she new who he was and she loved him. But still she didn't understand any of this.

"I wanted my own memories, my own family to push those out of my head. Its hard to answer questions truthful when people ask me at work about myself, I wanted to have stores like everyone else. But you denied me of that....Why? Were you ashamed of me? Didn't you love me?"

I'm not

Ryder tries to get a word in, but it just doesn't work. Thirteen was too excited and believed whole-heartedly that this was her father. Ryder's eyes drift to Trent, who wasn't making a move, and a slow anger burned deep down. This whole thing never would have gotten this far had Trent just told the truth.

Once Thirteen's announcement hits the air, eyes turn to the direction of the little group. Many knew that Trent was her father, but some had not been told yet, so the confusion was doubled.

Stunned, Eric doesn't know what to do as Thirteen leans down to hug him. The only thing he could feel was his heart being ripped in two. This was his niece and he knew it - and he hadn't been allowed to say so. Trent was standing not five feet away with his lips sealed against a truth he'd hidden all his life. And this poor girl thought she'd discovered a dream.

Gritting his teeth, Eric closes his eyes and slips his arms around Thirteen warmly. How could he give her such a shock as telling her she was wrong? She would heart broken and probably horribly embarrassed. If Eric could, he'd take her as his own right now just so he wouldn't have to break the truth to her.

Ryder opens his mouth to speak, but no words seem to be good enough. He looks to Rosetta helplessly, then Trent, then back down to Eric. Gently, he sets his hands down on Thirteen's shoulders. "Thirteen," he prompts quietly. "Come here, babe..."

Eric looks up at him and knows that the hard truth needed to be told. As gently as he could, he pries Thirteen away far enough he can see her face and he lifts his palm to wipe away some of her tears. So much life sparkled in her eyes.... so much hope... so much excitement at finding the one man she'd sought after. Eric's heart ached like nothing else.

Swallowing hard, he looks to his silent brother. "Well? You gonna just stand there, or are you going to help me out, brother?"

Trent takes a step backward, heat rising to his face. He could feel eyes on him from all directions. One could hear a pin drop. His mouth opens and closes again, the words stuck somewhere in his throat. His eyes drift to the floor.

Eric looks back to Thirteen, trying to shove aside the anger towards his brother so she didn't think he was mad at her too. "Thirteen... hon..." Though painful, he gets to his feet, sliding his arm around her shoulders and bending his neck to be close to her. If his brother didn't have the guts enough to admit he was her father, then he'd step up to the plate himself. Someone had to - it might as well be him.

"I need you to be really brave for me," he encourages. "'Cause sometimes in life... we don't always get what we want... and sometimes what we believe winds up not being quite what we thought it was. But lemme tell you something... It doesn't matter whose blood you have running through your veins. It's your heart that makes you you, and you can't ever let go of it."

Stepping back a little, he turns Thirteen to look her straight on, a hand on each of her shoulders. "I'm sorry... but I'm-."

"Stop," Trent interrupts. "Can you not-"

"What? Mind my own business?" Eric frowns at him. "Like that's easy at this point. You have robbed your family the joy of another member. You have stolen a relationship from the rest of us because you've been too scared or prideful to admit what you should have years ago. It's over, Trent."

He turns back to Thirteen. Emotions rise in his eyes as he looks into hers. This was his family... his niece. "I'm not your father, Thirteen." He shifts her to face Trent, and points to him. "He is."

Meet Dad

Thirteen couldn't even hear Ryder trying to stop her. She was to excited, and happy, everything else running through her mind. Everything she wanted to talk to Eric about, everything she wanted to ask and share. She couldn't help but shake just a little bit from excitement.

Coming in front of Eric again and smile down at him a little color coming to here cheeks. She was so excited and scared at the same time.

"Hi again. I wanted you to meet a very important person to me. This is my boyfriend Ryder."

Thirteen steps to the side for a moment so Eric could see Ryder better.

"Ryder, after all the searching this is my Dad."

Looking to Eric again Thirteen beams and nods to him.

"Its ok, no one told me...I guess it on my own that this was your gift to me. Thank you so much."

Letting go of Ryder's hand Thirteen wraps her arms gently around Eric in a loving embrace, a few tears roll from her eyes she was so happy.

Bringing Eric his coffee and seeing what was going on Rosetta's own heart sunk. Looking to Eric and than to Trent there was pain in her eyes. The young woman wanted to know her dad so bad, and now she thought she found him. What would it do to her heart when she found out it was not true.

Not sure

Ryder's eyes widen as he hears the conclusion that Thirteen had come to. Eric? She thought it was Eric? Given, she looked more like her uncle than her father, but how had she come to this? Just the ring and the timing? Ryder's heart sinks.

"Wait... just... slow down..." He's pulled up from his chair and across the room to Eric before he can stop her. "Thirteen, wait a second... he..." Brought to Eric, he looks helplessly at the man he didn't know. He looks to Trent who was still nearby, but receives no help.

Eric looks up from his table, a little surprised at the enthusiasm with which Ryder had been brought to him. At least he assumed the young man was the Ryder he'd been told about. "Hello again." He gives Thirteen a crooked grin. "You look better without those crocodile tears." Not really sure why she'd come back to him, he waits. "What's up?"

All the time

Thirteen smiles looking up at Ryder. He didn't know ether so of course he would be confused. After wanting to know him for so long, and coming up with dead ends Ryder would like to meet her dad as well, and she wanted to introduce Ryder to him.

"It's Eric. I know it is!! The ring, him showing up shortly after. He waited to tell me not because he is ashamed of me but because he wanted to give me an even bigger gift on this special day. Katie and Jason must have known and thats why they invite us."

A sudden light bulb goes off in her head as she looks around the room. She'd been with family this how time and didn't even know it. They were good at keeping secrets.

"Come on, I was to introduce you to him."

Taking Ryder's hand in her own he pulls him over to Eric a big smile on her face still waiting for him to finish talking so she didn't want to interrupt him.


"Mmm... hey, I'm okay." Eric returns Rosetta's hug warmly but carefully. He chuckles. "Yeah, two weeks minimum if you can put up with me for that long."

He nods gratefully. "Yeah, I haven't eaten all day... some coffee sounds mighty good."

Moving to the table, he bites his lip, limping to the nearest chair, not bothering to try and make it all the way to the group around the fire place. He waves to a few of the others and makes eye contact with Angel once, throwing her a look that says, I'll need to see you later.

Easing down in the seat, he takes his hat off and runs his fingers through his hair, glad to be home.

Ryder takes Thirteen's hand, a little confused at her change in attitude, though it was nice to see her smile after she'd been so down just a few minutes prior. Hearing her words though, his eyes flicker with even more confusion.

"What?" His eyes glance to Eric, then Trent, then back to Thirteen. "Well um..." Had Eric really told her? In a matter of seconds from seeing her for the first time? "Well who is it, hon?"

It's Ok

Looking up as the door opens Rosetta doesn't wast time getting to her brother. Throwing her arms gently around his neck as she didn't know him over she buried her face into his shoulder. She felt like it had been an eternity since she last saw him even if he had been gone longer before, but being so worried he was dieing somewhere was enough stress to make the time seem longer.

"Eric, I was so worried...I though...Oh Eric."

Burying her face a little bit more into Eric's shoulder Rosetta's worry is clear. She had been worried sick no matter how well she had it hiding. She was now happy her brother was home, and if he stayed around longer.

"You sticking around longer this time is definitely something I don't mind at all. Come on, sit down and let me get you something to eat."

Watching Rosetta and Eric walk off, Thirteen looks down to the ring she had on her finger giving an even bigger smile. She'd have to remember to thank Eric when she got a chance again.

Looking up again and finding Ryder's eyes Thirteen's own twinkle with life, and love. Her heart bubbling she had to go tell him. Things would be ok now. Giving his hand a gentil squeeze as she looks up at him Thirteen couldnt help her smile.

"Its ok now Ryder. I know who my dad is."


Eric smiles as Thirteen gets up. "Aw, you don't thank me for nothin'."

He still holds her hand as they walk up the steps, him careful not to move too quickly. "There we go." Letting her go, he opens the door for her, glad to at least have gotten her out of the cold. He sensed immediately her sweet disposition and could feel the pain she had in her heart. Hearing about her before, he hadn't felt too much, but seeing her now, he wondered how Trent could ever keep silent. To not be able to embrace such a beautiful young woman as his own... it had to be torture.

Seeing the door open again and feeling the cold draft, several eyes look up from the group, Trent's included. "Eric!" He's on his feet in an instant, going to his brother. "Holy cow, you had us worried sick!"

Having his brother's hearty welcome, Eric teeters a little. "Easy, easy."

Trent's eyes were filled with worry and he looks over his shoulder to make sure Rosetta knew he was here too. Looking back to Eric, he then notices the bandage on his head. "You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, we've been looking for your everywhere! I saw the accident on the tv and recognized your truck."

"Oh." Eric's eyes widen. "I didn't know that. My phone didn't make it and I didn't think anyone would know so I just came on in."

"So you're okay?"

"Uh, a little sore." Eric pats his tender leg that he didn't want anyone to see lest they demand he go back to the hospital. "Doctor said as long as I promised not to drive for two weeks and was assured that there was a doctor here, I could go."

He finds Rosetta, a crooked grin forming. "Guess you'll have me around a little longer this time."

Ryder sees Thirteen return and is relieved that she hadn't stayed outside too long. Seeing Eric too, he knew it had to be the missing brother - the resemblance was obvious and the reception gave it away. Catching Thirteen's eye, he cocks his head, giving her a gentle look that asked if she was okay.