
Better Idea

Giving a nod and a kiss to Ryder's lips Thirteen was almost hesitant to let go of his hand but finally did. As he leaves Thirteen goes to the door watching for several moments before closing the small curtain on the door. Going to lock the door she stops. Ryder said it was safe maybe if she wanted to get over being scared she should start here in some place she was safe.

Turning from the door Thirteen heads back to her bags and pulls out her clothing before heading into the bathroom. In no time she was changed and crawling under the covers.

Starring into the dark Thirteen listens to the noises around her for a long while. They were different but not nearly as scary as she thought. It was actually kind of soothing and in no time Thirteen was asleep.

Katie cant help the laugh that escape her lips as her own feelings pulled and drawed Jason's out. To laugh and not worry it felt so good, not to mention being around her dad was such a joy. She'd always been close to Jeff and than after the truth was out they had become closer.

"Mmm...Jason's isn't that bad if he is grilling. Actually he makes a mean steak. I don't know about leaving alone with breakfast though."

Laughing again Katie plays a few cards, than picks up some putting a few others down again. Than looking up and around the room she gives a smile and nods.

"How about for Christmas eve day we give Becky off from cooking and I will do it. Just who ever wins has to help me. Loser has to do the dishes."

Coming out of the bathroom Amanda catches sight of JT as he sinks down on the couch. She new he was worried it was written all over his face and to be honest she was too. Ambling over to one of the over stuffed chairs Amanda flops down letting out a sigh.

"Hows she holding up? Any better?"


Ryder smiles and nods. "You can keep the door unlocked. But if you feel better with it locked, you can do that too. You're safe either way, so it's your choice."

Bending to give Thirteen's lips a short but tender kiss, he brushes her cheek with the back of his hand. "Good night."

Turning, he exits and steps down off the porch to walk several feet to where his own door was. Though in a strange place, he was exhausted, and it doesn't take him long before he's sound asleep.

Jeff smirks as he straightens his chair at the table. "If the winner cooks breakfast, then we better keep Jason from winning."

"Hey." Jason throws him a withering but playful look. "I can cook... kind of."

"Uh-huh. That's what I'm afraid of."

Jason laughs and shakes his head. "You just better make sure I don't win then. Besides... even if I do, I'd recruit help anyway."

"That wouldn't be a problem. Becky's been doing a lot of it lately and I'm sure she'd rather not have a morning off than let you into the kitchen."

"Thanks a lot." Jason grabs his cards, laughter flowing through his emotions to Katie. Tired or not, this was the best part of being here.

Leaving Bree be, JT wanders from the small room, letting her fall asleep before he returned to his own bed near hers. Seeing people still up, he skirts around to the quiet living room area, sinking down on the couch and staring up at the ceiling. They had to be able to go home soon... they just had to.

Trent eventually rises and makes his way into his bunk. He'd thought about going to talk to Ryder tonight, but he would wait until tomorrow when he could get him alone. He had to know why they'd come.


Just continuing to look out the window Bree dosnt look back to her Uncle as he tried to reassure her, and said he would try to see what he could do with Gunner. Bree wanted to over come this, it was just so hard. Her only comfort was the starts she could look at, hoping Gunner would be looking too and was ok.

"Good Night Gunner."

Giving a little wave to the group as herself and Ryder were going to head out for the night Thirteen gave a small sigh. In the nice cool air the ranch seemed so quiet and calm. Much different from the noisy city.

Once inside Thirteen puts her bags down and just looks around the room. It was much different from home, but seemed cozy. Looking at Ryder Thirteen's eyes showed a little bit of worry, but she had to be brave she had to be.

"Its going to be strange trying to sleep here...Its...ok to keep the doors unlocked?"

It was easy to see in Thirteen's eyes it was an innocent honest question. She'd never been to a place like this before, and thought they said it was safe, did she still need too?

Looking over at her father Katie gives a smile and nods pulling a pack of cards from her pocket. It was one of the main things she always remembered to bring. It was tradition to play some late night card games.

"Winner makes breakfast in the morning for everyone? Best 3 out of 4?"

Starting to shuffle Katie moves from Jason's lap and gets into her own chair and passing the cards out. This was one tradition that she could never tire of this, and the camp fires.

Slowly making his exit Dan goes to his bunk house. Seeing everyone interact was nice, it was good to see such a close family but seeing it all reminded him of how much he has lost, and that Jade wasn't there for his first Christmas.

Grabbing his already packed bag Dan was ready to just leave the ranch for a few days. He had somethings he needed to do, and maybe some time alone would be nice too. Only one person new where he was going, and had pointed in the right direction.

Exiting the bunk and getting into his tuck Dan starts to make his way down the driveway. He'd be back in a few days but he couldn't help the feeling everything would be changing, for better, for worse he wasn't sure.

Finally turning again the gravel crackles under his truck tires. His destination in mind, and thinking he new how to get there Dan was off into the night.

Evening thoughts

JT felt like his heart would crumble right then and there. It had been a long time since he'd seen his niece in this state, and it hurt so much to see it now. She and Gunner had become attached to each other so fast and JT knew that Gunner was her best friend and more. And now, not knowing if he was going to get out of jail, and not even being able to talk to him or see him... it had to be terrible for her.

Though unsure, he nods. "I'll try to make it happen for you, okay? I don't know how, but there's some friends I can call who maybe can help."

He gives her arm a squeeze then rises from the bed. "Get some rest... Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we're gonna make it special even if things aren't straightened out yet."

Ryder chuckles and gets to his feet, offering Thirteen a hand. "Alright. Let's check out our new quarters."
Slapping his hat on and bidding everyone a good night, he heads for the door with Thirteen, having Jim lead the way to show them to the bunk houses. Once they're there and shown where everything was, Ryder stands with Thirteen in her bunkhouse. "Katie's in the main house with Rosetta and BJ and I'm right next door," he assures. "All you gotta do is holler if you need anything, okay?"

He cradles the side of her face, offering her reassurance. "Sleep well."

Still at his own bunkhouse, Trent looks down a ways to where Jasmine and Ryder were. He was glad at least that they were at a safe place. But why did they have to come here? Jasmine was just that much closer to the truth, and it was just that much harder to keep it hidden. Trent wanted it hidden. He didn't want her to know he was her father. He didn't deserve to be anybody's father, let alone of a young woman with such an innocent heart.

He watches for a few more moments, his mind oh-so far from the aches and stiffness in his body that the cold night air was bringing on.

Jeff watches Katie and Jason quietly as Ryder and Thirteen leave. He studies his daughter, pride showing in his eyes. He as glad to see her still with Jason. The young man still had a lot of life to live but it was obvious he cared deeply for Katie.

Jeff clears his throat. "You two gonna hit the hay?"

Jason had just been responding silently to Katie and he raises his eyes to Jeff. "You kidding me? We got a card game to play."

Jeff laughs and shakes his head. "I'll regret it, but count me in."

Eric stares out the truck stop window, watching the howling snow. "Doggone it." Shaking his head, he moves back to the little table and his hot drink that tasted more like flavored water than brewed coffee.

Easing down, he sighs, rubbing his tired eyes. Engine trouble. More snow. At this rate, he'd make it back to Texas in time to turn right back around to haul the other load he was scheduled for.