
It's ok

Searching Scott's eyes for a long moment Rosetta does not say anything. Her eyes roaming his face as she continues her silence. JT had told her they were hiding, and what the reason was for. Rosetta couldnt help but be leery just for a moment on Scott showing up here.

Finally finding what she was looking for in Scott's eye, Rosetta's talent for seeing into the soul plays out. His intentions were pure and good. They were here to help, Rosetta could see that much and for a moment felt bad that she even questions Scott's motives.

Giving a small nod and handing out the coffee to Hope and to Scott Rosetta joins them at the table with a cup of her own.

"They have, safe and sounds. Its ok to talk about them here Scott. Everyone knows, and they are safe no one is going to harm them or even try. Bree is in pretty rough shape and been sleeping a lot, asking about Gunner and JT has just been trying to hold off telling her anything that cought cause more harm. Drink you tea and relax for just a little than I can take you to them."

Taking a sip of the hot liquid Rosetta lets it slide down her throat falling silent again for a moment before striking up a more light conversation.

"How are things in Nevada going?"

Listing to Alec once again, Ryan takes in the words he spoke just letting them soak in as he spoke. Ryan couldn't help but be surprised how easy the words rolled off Alec's toung. If he said them from memories, or if he made them up both were amazing.

"Its not always smart but whats life if you cant take a chance once and a while."

Ryan lets out a sigh sticking her hands in her pocket again. Thinking for a long moment as she stood there a few feet from Alec. The ever so small smile that wanted to form on his life made her wondered where along the road, this man had turned so cold. He couldnt have always been like this right? Ryan wasnt going to ask that personal of a question though now on her first visit back. Instead she would tell a truth again...

"That was amazing Alec, I don't think I have ever had a poem read to me before. Thank you for shearing. Did you write it yourself?"

Out of the ordinary

JT gives Bree a slight nod. "Soon... soon we'll go out for a walk." He didn't want to go just yet - not before he knew who had arrived.

Scott returns Rosetta's hug warmly. "It's good to see you too." While maybe he wasn't going to be a part of this family like once thought... he was still treated as such, and knew that he had a place here, regardless.

Smiling at the reunion of the two women, he follows to the kitchen, taking a seat with Hope at the little table. Chuckling, he shakes his head at Rosetta. "I called and talked to Jeff... he must not have passed the message along that I needed to come and pick up that equipment I set up for Mick a while back."

He looks up to meet Rosetta's eyes. "But... what I didn't tell him over the phone that we haven't come just to see you... we have a couple very special friends who... might have arrived?" His stare is one that conveys much more than he is saying. "At least we're hoping they have."

"Out of the ordinary..." Alec repeats the end of Ryan's statement, still staring her in the eye. "Out of the ordinary she was born, a myth some like to say. Her eyes like fire, a heart ablaze, A treasure not to scorn."

Leaning back, he puts his hands behind his head, still looking up at her. His gaze was one that spoke of pain under the ice. He was lonely, but too proud to ever admit it. Even for him, as hard as the outer shell was, eventually, time spent here and time alone would seep through the smallest cracks, creating a longing for interaction and a longing to be free. He doesn't smile, though something pulls at one corner of his mouth.

"She rode a steed of mighty heart, Her soul spread on the wind. Battles raged across the land, But she would not depart. Her bravery was that of sacred trust, All eyes to her did stare. And when it came for time to die, The forests silenced, hushed. For it was her, the legends say, That conquered pride of man. Twas she who took the thorn of love, The price all men would pay. For she... not one, but all embraced, Symbolized her kind. The kind which men are cursed to seek, but never find her face."

Alec's eyes roam Ryan's face. He wasn't even drunk and he was running off at the mouth, reciting a poem he hadn't read in years. Maybe it really was a curse... to seek other people, let alone a woman. For in the search, all it did was produce loneliness and bitterness to keep him company, stuck in this prison.

He shakes his head and once more throws the tennis ball. "Out of the ordinary isn't always smart," he concludes dryly.


Laying in the bed ever so still Bree just stairs at the wall. Holding the blanket that had been wrapped around her ever so close. The faint smell of Gunner was still there, and it was her comfort right now, the closest thing she had to him.

Feeling her Uncle sit down next to her on the bed Bree shifts her head down a little bit to look at JT. Trying to let a smile slip on her face, the corners of her mouth upturn very slightly just trying her best.

"I'm...doing ok."

Bree's voice came out in a soft whisper. Words were not high on her list of things to do right now and talking just seemed useless. But she did want some fresh air, maybe she could go for a walk.

"Can I go for a walk outside?"

Amanda sat comfortably over on the bed  her back aganst the wall. She'd already called work and let them know she had a family matter she was taking care of. They were instructed to call only if there was an emergency. A book in her hands now she was noise deep in reading it.

Hearing the door open Rosetta looks up from the book she was reading with BJ. Seeing Scott step into the dinning hall a smile forms on her face even bigger than before. Shifting a little bit she tells BJ to run along and play, they would finish the book later.

Standing Rosetta makes her way over to Scott and gives him a big smile. She didnt get to see him last time he was here, so it had been a little longer for her.

"Scott....its so good to see you again."

Giving him a hug Rosetta wasnt shy and she felt like Scott belonged here just as much as the next person. As the movement catches her eyes Rosetta looks to the smiling woman that stood next to him.That smile, thoughs eyes it reminded her oh.....Rosetta looks to Hope with surprise on her face. It had been a long time since she actually saw Hope face to face.

"Hope Garrison...Oh my goodness its been a long time. You looks so different, yet the same all at once. Wow...what do I owe the plesent suprise of both of you?"

Rosetta leads them to the kitchen offering the little table and for both the visitors to sit while she brewed a pot of coffee.

Hearing Alec's comment Ryan takes a few steps back only to see him better. She wasn't nervous anymore but she new she still had to be careful. In an instint she could be blindsided, or even twisted to Alec's will if she let her own guard totally down. Though something told her he wouldnt try that this time for fear of the only really human comtact not coming back again. Still she needed to tread lightly.

"I've come to find out in the weeks that have pasted, there is more than just racing in the world. Doesn't hurt to change things up once and a while, going on a new bizarre mission, helps keep life interesting. Doing something new, out of the ordinary.."

Her face continued to hold its soft smile as she looks at Alec, searching his eyes Ryan catchs the new looks, with the tint of a softness behind it. Ryan new it was there still...somewhere.

Bizarre mission

JT takes the leftover dishes into the kitchen from the spare room. Lunch was long over, but most of the day had been spent by Bree, just being quiet, or talking a little. She wasn't conversing much though, and JT feared a cloud of depression was descending.

On his way back to the room, his eye spots movement outside and he pauses a moment to see an unfamiliar car pulling into the driveway. Immediately on guard, he moves from the window and backs to the hallway before going to the room again and shutting the door, locking it.

He walks to Bree's bed again to sit down, looking at her with as much worry as an hour before, he forces a smile, not wanting to tell her that strangers were here. "How ya doing? Did your food settle with you alright?"

The corner of his eye sees that Hope is here as well, and he wonders how long they will have to stay until they get word from Nevada.

Scott gets out of the Elite car and grabs his bag, waiting for Hope to join him. He takes her free hand with a smile and heads to the dining hall. Opening the door, he doesn't bother knocking, know that in the afternoons, there were people coming and going.

Once inside, he glances around, looking for any familiar faces.

Trent glances up from from the table he'd been sitting at for hours, his eyes tired, his head weary and his hand cramped from writing and throwing away pages. He spies Scott and a little smile appears on his face, ever so faint. He didn't recognize the woman though, but he leaves that to Rosetta, who was nearby. He'd let her welcome visitors.

Alec is silent as Ryan talks, trying to decide if she was really telling the truth or not. Any woman he'd ever dealt with could twist men around their fingers whichever way they wanted. He'd been twisted enough to know that. But Ryan didn't have that evil glint in her eye.

She didn't even know why she was here. It wasn't normal. There was something else about her... something deeper. Whether Alec wanted it to or not, there was a small piece of her that was fascinated. Ryan was different.

Seeing the ball being handed back to him, Alec hesitates. His coolness wanted to snatch it out of her hand harshly. But for some reason, he didn't. Accepting it more gently, his fingers brush hers.

Holding the ball, he twirls it in his fingers, then finally looks back up at Ryan. The cold had turned to something different, almost sly. "Magazine... good deeds... what next?"

Tossing the ball it bounces off the wall again for him to catch in one hand. "You fascinate me, Ryan. Someone who comes without knowing why... being nice to someone who doesn't deserve it... being the only visitor on record, other than an ignorant sister... Tell me - do you often escape the dangers of the raceway to go on bizarre missions?"

And I

Ryan gives a small laugh as she leans against the wall on the opposite side of the room. Her one leg bent under her as she leaned. Of course it wouldn't be easy for Alec to just accept the magazine, and be grateful she had expected it. Let alone let her be in the room this long with him and now throw her out. But he hadn't, and she was still there, not even sure herself why when she new Alec was cold as ice, and probley would never let her in again.

"There is no catch to why I am here, other than maybe curing a little bit of your boredom. As for wanting something from you...I don't want anything."

Leaning her head agent the wall Ryan collects her thoughts for a long moment. What would be the point of pulling a fast one over Alec he would see right thought her. He was smart and he wasnt a kid so why treat him like one?

Looking at Alec again Ryan gives a small smile and shakes her head.

"Alec, I don't know why I am here, and I don't know why I told you about my brother. I just...felt right to come. I guess we all need someone once and a while even if we don't want the company. Maybe I just wanted to be nice to you as well because when I met you for the first time, you seemed different to me and I liked it, but my own cockiness stood in the way."

Pushing off the wall Ryan stands there her hands in her jacket pockets playing with her keys for a moment. Her nerves seemed to calm, thought now she didnt know what would happen next.

"Anyways, I do hope you enjoy the magazean and I have more I can bring you at a later time. There are even some puzzles in the back that could keep you busy. I never was smart enough for those Sudoku and what not."

Going over to where Alec's ball had landed Ryan retrieves it holding it for a long moment. Finally standing by Alec she holds it out to him, giving it back.


Ryan's apology catches Alec enough off guard that he misses his next catch and the ball bounces through his fingers, hitting the edge of the cot and rolling into the corner under a table. She was sorry? What game was she playing here?

He finally turns his head to look up at her, his eyes narrowing as he studies her. She seemed genuine... she didn't look like she was lying. Her body language was more nervous than anything else. And why not? She was alone with a criminal.

A brother in jail was interesting. But why she liked Alec, he had no idea, unless she liked drunks. What was with the magazine? For him? He didn't get it.

Curiosity gets the best of him, and he reaches for the magazine, studying the cover for a moment, then thumbing through a few pages. There was a lot of information with a lot of neat pictures of cars in here. Ryan must not be too bad a racer to get on the cover. Alec hadn't had any reading material since he got here... some of that had to do with the fact that he always refused the offers. But still, this was quite different. The questions still nagged at him though.

Letting the pages fall shut, Alec looks up at Ryan again. His eyes were so cold... so hard. Windows to the soul, they showed a lack of life and a heart encased in an iron shell. "So what's the catch?" he asks. "People just don't waltz in to see me and act all nice and give me something for no reason. There's always a catch. But if you're not smart enough to see that I don't got nothin' to give, it's your own fault."

Races Paradise

Seeing how cold Alec was not it seemed to kill Ryan on the inside though on the outside she wouldnt let it show. She had seen the good in Alec once, he was drunk...but she had seen the good there anyways. Now to see him like this though...it was sad.

"No, I didn't I just same to see you. I got a brother thats in jail and I don't get to see him than I got to thinking about you, and I didnt know if anyone came to see you or not. So I figured why not come and see you.  I liked you from the moment I met you, we just didnt start out on the right foot and that was my own fault. So sorry about that."

Ryan stops for a moment holding the book in her hand. She didn't even know why she was here competely, but yet she stood in front of the door talking to Alec. Even saying she was sorry to him.

"I guess all in all I thought maybe you could use a friend even if you didnt want one. Oh and I brought this for you too."

Ryan takes a few steps twords Alec and sets the book down next to him.. On the cover were 3 different colored cars. It seemed the pictures were taken from a race about 3 months past. Ryan sat on the bright red car, and two others on the other ones. Under them were different adds for car parts, and car assessories, and in big words it read: "Races Paradise.

"You seemed interested in cars and I though you might to look through that to pass the time. I have so many different ones of those its not funny. So if you end up liking it, I'll bring the others for you too."