

Giving a rather large yawn and than taking the last sip of his Moutain Dew Dalton stands. He hadn't realized how stiff his legs had gotten sitting in one spot for almost twenty four hours.

"Yeah, I could go for something to eat. Need something to soak up all the DM we drank. I am starting to feel like a fish."

Fishing some change out of one of the desk draws Scott and himself always though the loss change in He starts to head for the door. But hearing Scott's phone go off Dalton stop's leaning aganst the wall. It could be JT, and something important he didn't want to miss.

Heading out of the interrogation room Hope finds her way to where Reese was still holding onto her files. Giving a serous look to Reese she nods.

"He wasn't trying to kill himself Reese, so you have nothing to worry about there. He wont talk to me, so...I better get back to work."

Leaving that room and than the building Hope makes her way to her own car. Getting in and starting it up she lets it run for a long moment. Taking out her phone Hope dials Scott's number and waits. Hearing him pick up on the other line Hope starts with a little cheery greeting.

"Good Morning loving boyfriend of mine. I need you to do something for me. I need you and Dalton to meet me at Mom and Pop's and dont let anyone on to where your going. I am heading over there now, we need to talk."

Keeping the conversation light, and a little informative Hope didn't want anyone to overhear the wrong thing on the phone and new Mom and Pop's was probably one of the safest places to go.

Looking up at Sparky as he steps a little close Faith can feel a jump in her heart that turns into a soft pitter patter. Looking up into Sparky's blue eyes Faith can't help the smile that spread across her lips.

Taking her fingers she brings it to the brim of Sparky's hat and pushes up a little to reveal his face a little more. Just continuing to look into his eyes Faith gives a small chuckle keeping him from going after the hay for a moment.

"But what if insane is fun, Maybe I'd like that."

Nice Blouse

JT looks back to Bree too, then slowly shakes his head. "I'm sorry... but I don't feel safe taking any extra time. Once we get to the ranch, we can stretch our legs all we want but... if we don't keep moving, they're gonna catch up to us... and then we're all in trouble."

Sparky's eyes twinkle as he grins. "Oh, I'll feel up to it tomorrow. You keep me in that bunkhouse any longer, I'll go insane."

He takes one step closer to Faith, looking down at her from under the brim of his hat. "And you do not want to see me insane."

An anxious horse's nicker interrupts and Sparky throws a smirk in its direction. "Yeah, I know you're hungry. Alright."

He motions for Faith to follow him. "To the hay."

Gunner leans back, his eyes following Hope as she stands and prepares to leave. The corner of his mouth twitches. "Yeah, sure, doc. Don't call me, I'll call you. Oh, and by the way, nice blouse."

He gives her a thumbs up to accompany his wink and click of his tongue. "If you find out where another pretty one is hiding so I can see my girl in one too, you let me know, ait?"

Reese has his hands on his hips as he watches and listens behind the two way mirror, and he rolls his eyes. "He's lost it," he mutters. "If he wasn't so good at his job, I'd fire his tail right now and get it over with."

Scott erases the last file he's got that could connect his computer with Crescentview and he lets out a long sigh. He gives Dalton a sidelong glance. The night had been awfully long. And they had heard nothing. All they knew was that Gunner was in jail. But so far there had been no word of any other arrest or the return of the patient to Crescentview, so that could only mean that JT and Bree were still safe. Scott could only hope they were still on their way to Texas.

Standing up, he stretches. "I'm gonna go grab a sandwich for lunch from the break room. Want anything?"

Though a little surprised as Libby takes his arm, Ty doesn't mind, and he walks alongside her. "Hey, don't thank me. You kept me out of trouble. I think that means we're even."

Chuckling a little, he shrugs. "You can give me a ride if you want, but either way, I'm fine. I'm used to walking it, remember?"


"Well once I teach you how to read than you wont have to worry about not being able to fine something better."

Knowing the conversation had moved on, and that there time together was drawing to an end Libby let out a sigh. Standing and putting her jacket on once again Libby gives a smile at Ty.

"An escort back to my care would be nice, and than maybe I can drive you to work. Its pretty cold out."

Zipping up her jacket, throwing there trash away and heading for the door Libby turns making sure Ty was close behind before starting to walk. Gently linking arms with him in a friendly manner.

"Thanks for spending time with me today, I really did have a nice time."

Just sitting and looking back at Gunner Hope lets out a long sigh. She wanted to tell but if no one told her anything than she couldnt.

"Actually He hasn't, it seems Scott and Dalton have been busy the last few days. Knock on the door and Dalton says they are busy."

Leaning forward in the chair Hope puts her arms on the desk. Just thinking for a long moment on how to go about things.

"Gunner, I want to help here but I cant assume things. I need you to talk to me, like you need to talk to Angelica because I might be Bree's only hope. I know you think you cant because the more I know, the more they could find out but thats not true."

Standing Hope gathers her papers up, and notes putting them in the file again. She had a hunch that maybe, just maybe she new where to go now.

"I am you ally, I am you friend...when your willing to talk to me more maybe I can help you."

Hope's eyes glisten for a moment that maybe only someone looking for it could see that in her mind things were working and a plan was being formed a hidden truth behind her eyes.

"When your ready to talk..."

Hope gives a small slow nod. Her next stop would be back to see Dalton, and Scott.

"...let me know. I'll help all I can. You have a good heart Gunner."

Faith can't help the giggle that escaped her lips at Sparky's comment about Angel, and the friendly teasing they shared. Hearing that tomorrow she would be on a horse Faith couldnt help but let her eyes light up.

"Tomorrow? Really? Are you sure your feeling up to that?"

She was excited, oh how excited she would but she didn't want Sparky to over work himself eather.

"If we do, only for a little while so you dont over do it ok? And yes I would love to help you in the bank today. Than I can keep an eye on you."

Looking over to JT Amanda was thankful for him saying it was all on him. He was kind and considerate, and she could argue but what would be the point. She new he would insist and she might as well just let him have this ok.

"Thank you JT. "

Pulling into a little fast food place Amanda takes a moment. Glancing into the back seat as Bree just stared out the window the blanket still wrapped around her and than looking to JT.

"We are pretty far from home, and we have a little time. Maybe we could go in and stretch a little?"


Ty shrugs. "There are worse things than smelling like moldy paper but I doubt you smell that bad."

He manages to quirk a grin. "Yeah... I get a spiffy badge. I guess I always wondered if I'd actually get to use it sometime, but as it sits... I don't have much authority. I could make an arrest if I needed to, but I'm not allowed to carry a gun, and I better be a hundred percent sure about the arrest or I could get the whole Elite into trouble. I usually keep pretty quiet about where I work for that reason."

Slipping the badge back in his pocket, he works on finishing his food. "Someday..." His tone becomes wishful. "Someday I'll be able to say hey, I made something of myself. My brother... he's a mechanic. I think he might even be part owner of an auto garage now. My sister... she works at this ranch with my mom, taking care of housekeeping, some chores, a bit of bookwork - already had college and business experience with a lawyer. My dad... he's a vet. Just seems there's something better than a janitor, ya know?"

He pauses, the dream fading from his eyes. "But who am I kidding? Anybody who can't read ought to be lucky to be a janitor at all."

Glancing at his watch, Ty quickly and noticeably changes subjects. "Well, I got time to walk you back to the arcade, then get on over to headquarters. If I'm there early, maybe I'll get a few brownie points with the chief."

Gunner looks Hope square in the eye as she talks, never breaking his gaze. She'd been there for him in his darkest time... she had helped him, right alongside Bree, to make sure he knew he was worth something in this world. Could he trust her with that? Yes. He had no doubt that her intentions were pure and that she would do all she could.

"...but the less you know, the less they can extract from you." He blinks. "I can't tell you what's going on, Hope. I'm sorry. You're smart enough to figure out why I'd break someone out of Crescentview. And if you want to know where Bree is - I do not know."

It was the truth. After hearing JT's car had been abandoned, Gunner had no idea where they were or if they'd even stuck with their original plan.

"This is bigger than a temper tantrum. This is bigger than insanity. And you're right... I wasn't going to pull the trigger. Seems someone convinced me that was a bad idea once." He searches Hope's eyes. He needed an ally, and he needed one badly. But he couldn't give up his comrades... at least not openly. Every word he said could be heard by anyone outside this room. He would simply give Hope the chance to investigate, and if a particular someone decided to tell her what had happened, then it was their own choice. Gunner knew they would make the right decision based on whatever was going on outside these walls.

Leaning back in his chair casually, he sighs. "So how're things at the office today?" Making small talk was an easy tactic to distract anyone from the issues at hand... or at least make it look as though that's what he was doing. "Did your boyfriend manage to fix the coffee maker for Susanne or is he still busy playing with computers?"

"Mmm..." Sparky thinks as he approaches Faith, stepping up beside her to greet the horse as well. "I'm feeling better than yesterday. "If Angel doesn't catch me out here, I should be doing pretty well."

He chuckles softly. "I mean, any guy likes attention, but having her after you is like running from a yellow jacket - you just can't get away."

His eyes sparkle with a teasing glint. He loved Angel as much as anybody and her doctoring nature was truly appreciated. But it didn't mean that teasing was eliminated. "And don't you tell her I said that either or I'll be in even more hot water."

Checking the time, Sparky glances down the aisles. Chores were just starting. "If... you want to accompany me and give me a hand here so I don't keel over from overexertion, I'll introduce you to who you'll be getting on tomorrow, weather permitting."

The night had been way too long. But JT had managed to squeeze in a couple hours worth of sleep, then had insisted he drive for a while so Amanda could rest as well. Thankfully, the traffic wasn't bad, and back roads proved to not slow them down too much. He was amazed that they had not encountered any police yet. But perhaps it was taking the investigators longer to connect him to Amanda than he'd thought.

"We need to pick up something to eat," he mentions, glancing ahead at some of the signs. They would need lunch later as well, and probably supper since they wouldn't arrive to the ranch until that night. It wasn't a short jaunt, for sure, but it was the safest method at this point.

Sighing, he spies a sign for some fast food. "I want you to know that the expense of this whole thing is on me... You've risked a lot and it's taking up a lot of your time so... I want to make sure you're compensated."

"He's not talking. He's not eating. He's a tough case."

Adam sighs and nods to his wife. "I wish Dylan was under a legal requirement or had come here on his own. But maybe Mick's right... maybe going to his and Rosetta's ranch will be good for him."

"I don't know." Brenda sits in silent thought for several moments. "I thought there in the beginning that he'd started opening up. At least when he was shouting at Mick he was expressing himself."

"Yeah. They had a couple talks. Dylan wasn't cooperative but Mick was doing a good job with him."

"Right. He even talked back to me constantly at first. But now... he won't even say "hi" or "go away." He just sits and stares at the floor like all the life has gone out of him."

"Do you think he's a suicide risk?"

"No... no I don't think so. I think there's a whole lot more going on in that head of his than we can even see. He's determined... bull-headed just like his father. He wants to win, no doubt. And I think that's what's keeping him alive. But if he doesn't start eating, he's going to get sick. He's already lost weight since he's been here and he was thin to begin with."

"By next week, we'll have to let him go unless there are any more developments."

"Agreed. As far as the drugs go, he's come through this decently. Not the easiest case but not the hardest either. It's just his attitude that's trouble."

Adam gives her a wry grin. "At least when he's silent, he's not swearing."

Brenda chuckles. "This is true. I just can't help but wonder why he won't talk. Especially because he was talking in the beginning, then just shut down. Usually that would mean he's protecting someone or is scared. But there's no one to protect, and he's not the type to be scared."

"Well... I don't know, Hon. Sometimes we see people come and go and we just have to pray that they make it, even when we never see them again."


Wiping her own mouth with a napkin and than taking a sip of her drink Libby smiles giving a nod as she see the Elite badge. She had heard of them before, and new there were a branch of the police but anything else from there she really didnt know.

"Hey a job is a job you know. As long as your making money to pay the bills who cares what it is your doing. And at least you get a spiffy badge."

Finishing off the last bite of her wrap Libby pops an onion ring into her mouth.

"I work at a library part time and I don't get a badge to wave around. Well actually I get to work in the basment working with the microfilm, and taking care of old books and papers. Meet me a day after that and I smell like moldy paper."

Once left alone with Gunner Hope's mouth turns up in a small grin. Taking the chain out from under the table she sits down putting the folder down in front of them.

"Do I think your crazy..? Crazy in love to have broken into a mental hospital to get your girlfriend out...than yes."

Opening the folder with the pictures in it Hope lays them out in front of Gunner. Studying them again for a moment before she talked Hope looked making sure she really saw what she had earlyer.

"Do I think you would of pulled the trigger on the gun? No, I honestly don't think you would of. Your body language here, and your eyes in this pictures tell me so. You went through all that trouble to get your girlfriend out, I don't think you would of left her alone like that."

Leaning back in her chair again Hope cocks her head a little to catch Gunner's eyes. Her own relaying her emotions and showing how serous she was.

"I know you asked for Angelica to help you Gunner, and I know I am not her. But I might be able to help Bree by proving she is not crazy. If you tell me where she is, I can get in contract with her, or go to where she is and do an evaluation on her. If you tell me what happened I can help. Gunner, you can trust me you know that."

Not hearing Sparky come in Faith gives a jump to his voice before turning around a smile forming on her own face. Scratching the horses face again Faith gives it a side long glance.

"And why didn't you tell me he was behind me? Selling me out huh?"

Stepping away from the horse and a little closer to Sparky Faith smiles. It was good to see him up and moving around on his own. The smile in his eyes that had returned like a spring rain to weary eyes.

"I wasn't sure if you would be up and about today, though I have to say its good seeing you standing. How are you feeling?"


Ty lets the subject of reading drop for now. Libby seemed pretty determined, and while he himself was determined he couldn't read, there was still a buried desire to learn. He would deal with the issue if it came up again.

Her question of his job brings a wry grin. Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he leans back and reaches into his pocket to pull out an Elite badge. Turning it around to Libby, he shakes his head. "Don't get exited... I'm just a night janitor. I was the only one that could crack our own security system and... I'm a janitor."

Reese quirks an eyebrow, not completely convinced about Gunner, but he shrugs. "Yeah, keep 'em. Let me go make a few phone calls and I'm sure I'll be back so we can go pay this rascal a visit."

Sure enough, it wasn't forty-five minutes later that Reese was back and ready to take Hope down to the station where he could get her cleared to see Gunner. The drive doesn't take long and they're being let in by an officer.

Gunner still sits at the empty table, his hands cuffed in front of him, though he's managed to turn his chair around and straddle it. He's been offered water to drink a time or two, but he's still in his same grimy clothes and has not yet had a chance to clean his face. He was exhausted without sleep for the night, and still running on adrenaline.

Hearing the door click open, he looks up quickly, seeing Reese and Hope. He smirks a little and shakes his head. "I ask for a lawyer and I get the counselor again. Guess I shouldn't be surprised."

Reese rolls his eyes and gestures to a chair for Hope. "I'll be right outside. Let us know when you're done or if you need anything."

Left alone with Hope, Gunner folds his hands, squaring his shoulders. "Well now... what do you think, doc? Am I crazy yet?"

Entering the quiet barn, Sparky immediately hears Faith's voice and follows it until he spies her giving a treat to one of the horses. He just stands and watches her for a moment, a grin forming on his face, creating faint crow's feet at the corners of his eyes.

"Keep giving him goodies and I might get jealous," he teases.